Chapter 1670: The instinct of intelligent life

"For life, especially intelligent life, he has instinctual respect for wisdom."
"This is also the root of intelligent life. If the intelligent life does not care about the life and death of the intelligent life, perhaps the intelligent life does not exist at all or stays in the instinctual world."
"In a world like that, only cold, data-like information is constantly interacting, and its existence is meaningless."
"Any life will maintain its home, whether it is a lower life or a higher life."
"In theory, life is not divided into high and low, but wisdom is divided into high and low, and the formation of high-level intelligent life is based on the fusion of multiple low-level intelligent life."
"This also results in higher-level beings having a natural right to dominate lower-level beings, which is a matter of law."
"All life has an instinct. This instinct is just like the instinct of heaven and earth. It will run automatically, and it will repeat itself."
"But a world is not only instinctual, the formation of intelligence is to control instincts and transform instincts."
"It can be said that instinct was born for intelligent services. After the formation of intelligence, its existence value is used to control and integrate more instincts and intelligence."
"With the integration to a certain degree, intelligent life will also be born, and as time goes by, lower intelligent life will evolve towards higher intelligent life."
"At this time, human beings can control more instincts and intelligence, but instinct is the energy source of intelligence, so maintaining intelligence must maintain instinct, which is also the most fundamental instinct."
"In a sense, intelligence is high-level rules, and instinct is low-level rules."
"The formation of high-level rules is the aggregation of countless low-level rules."
"Minglei, I see that many people are unable to control their instincts?"
"Yes, it does, but how to look at it, it is not as good as physical instincts, such as arm fingers, etc. It is generally easy to grasp, and the difficult one is mental instinct."
"Human being is a high-level intelligent life, he will march towards higher intelligence, and this marching process has new requirements for intelligence."
"What is this requirement?" Xiao Yi was curious.
"Deity, nature is energy, sufficient energy. With energy, intelligence will continue to evolve. Once the energy is terminated, this higher level of intelligence will disappear."
"What is this higher wisdom? Why is it so difficult to maintain?"
"Master, this is high latitude thinking, you can understand it as inspiration."
"The laws of human operation are mainly composed of instinct and intelligence. Generally, instinct provides energy to drive intelligence."
"But the formation of this energy is influenced by the harmony of the times and the people."
"What do these differences mean?"
"Natural time naturally refers to the change of time and environment, while geographical advantage refers to the change of geographical environment, and human and nature refer to the social environment."
"To be more specific, the element density between heaven and earth is different in different times, which also results in different electromagnetic field densities, and these have a certain time law, so this is called heavenly time."
"And geography is a relatively special area where elements are gathered. Because of the concentration of certain elements, these regions have a special geographical environment. Naturally, this is geography. It can also be affected by the time, but it is generally not very large. Because of the aggregation of some elements, it forms a specific electromagnetic field wave. "
"And man and nature naturally refers to the energy field between people. In fact, man and person are the most complicated. Huge energy can be born between people and change the world. This is where the intelligent life is powerful. . "
但 "However, as a smart life, how to grasp the energy field between heaven and earth and achieve high-efficiency frequency control, this is what smart life needs to explore."
"What does this efficient frequency mean?" Xiao Yi was curious.
"The non-stop energy field is also common in nature, so it has universal significance."
"In some special circumstances, human beings can concentrate on doing things, but in some special circumstances, it is not possible. Many things can attract your attention."
"And what attracts attention is also the instinct of higher levels of energy to your instinct, which is determined by the law of energy."
"So, isn't that the frequency of human failure is actually very low?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.
"Yes, so the quieter you rest, the lower the magnetic field fluctuation you get."
"It's like an empty bottle that can hold a bottle of water. If there is a half bottle of water in the bottle, it can only hold half a bottle of water."
"The reflection between humans and the electromagnetic field of the environment is, the stronger the better, or the weaker the better?"
"The deity, in terms of sensitivity to things, naturally the calmer the better."
"The mind is still water, so you can get sharper perception."
"And in this case, the intelligence that was born was very well controlled and stable."
"There is less interference." Xiao Yi said.
"That's right," Ming Lei said.
"But the environment will change, and the magnetic field will change. The stability of this electromagnetic field has a great impact on human beings." Lu Xuexin said aside.
"Yeah, Ming Lei, is there any means to regulate human beings?"
"For the deity, for human beings, the change of the electromagnetic field is mainly reflected in the control of energy by instinct."
"A change in the environmental electromagnetic field will also increase the electromagnetic field of human beings."
"Of course this does not happen overnight, but a slow continuous charging process."
"If these energies do not belong to the frequency of energy that humans can control themselves, there will be strong electromagnetic interference in human behavior."
"How to solve this problem?" Xiao Yi was a little curious.
"Holy deity, if it is charged during the day, then it releases energy at night. This behavior is generally called relaxation by humans."
以 "Take the battery as an example. When there is electricity in the battery, the hardness of the battery will increase, but when it is discharged, the hardness of the battery will also decrease."
"It's actually the same for humans. To use the electromagnetic field in nature requires some skills. The battery is full, and if it continues to charge, it will explode."
"This explosion should be a metaphor, what will happen in reality?" Xiao Yi asked curiously.
"The deity, let's talk about the composition of matter, which is composed of atoms, and there are electrons and protons and neutrons in the atoms."
"The human body is like a container. In the general sense of carbon-based life, its metabolic level is generally maintained at the molecular level."
"The stress in the human body is mainly due to the electromagnetic field, and it can also be said to be the surrounding environment, which is the recharge of the human body's electromagnetic field."
"Isn't that saying that as long as there is no magnetic field around, or that the magnetic field can be controlled artificially, humans will not feel tired?"
"No, it can only delay the time of fatigue, no matter how the cells still need to rest, cells serve as the source of instinctual energy."
"Minglei, I'm a little curious. When humans are sleeping, since their instincts have rested, what is the effect in the dream?"
"Respect, one of human field energy is instinctual field energy, and the other is intelligent field energy."
"The biggest difference between intelligent field energy and instinct field energy is that one is composed of cells, while the other is composed of conscious information flow, which flows in the human body."
"Simply put, it is the difference between a magnetic field and an electric field. The electric field is definitely divided by the magnetic field. The space of human consciousness is like a huge capacitor."
"All the electric fields will converge there into a dark space."
"Once the energy is converged, light and color will appear in that space."
"Ming Lei, will this capacitor be full?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.
"Of course it will be full. Once full, you need to vent your energy."
"What are the ways to release the energy?"
"We just talked about relaxation. In addition to relaxation, we also have catharsis."
"What do you mean by venting?"
"The deity, such as physical exercise, can also achieve the corresponding effect."
运动 "Exercise can transfer the electric field, reduce the frequency of the electric field, and also properly adjust the frequency of the magnetic field in the body."
"At this time, human beings are like a battery in use. From the bulging of the whole body to the weakness of the whole body, isn't it a little lighted up and used up."
"Cough, that's true." Xiao Yi looked at Lu Xuexin in surprise.
"In addition to this, there is actually the release of emotions, and it can also produce the corresponding electromagnetic field pressure release effect."
"But emotional mastery, this is a spiritual level compared to the body, and the relative difficulty is much higher."
"To fully grasp the emotion, you need to know what the emotion is."
"Is there any special statement about that emotion from the perspective just now?" Xiao Yi asked curiously.
"Respect, emotions represent electromagnetic fields of different frequencies. When you are at high frequencies, it is difficult to achieve the emotions that are only found in low-frequency electromagnetic fields."
"And the electromagnetic field of this emotion is a superposition relationship, which is produced by the superposition of magnetic fields with different frequencies."
"For example, as we just said, these five kinds of heaven and earth, people and things are electromagnetic fields that can be superimposed."
"Speaking of it, it can also be explained using memory pointers."
比如 "Someone is angry, and then someone gives another step down, and natural anger is lifted."
这 "This is the emotion you created when different frequencies are superimposed?"
"Yes, Xuexin, but also the emotions of time and space."
"How do you explain the loss of emotion?" Xiao Yi asked curiously.
"The deity, emotional time and space is also called energy time and space. The leakage caused by energy overflow causes the human body to be extremely excited."
"Any mental signal will be amplified several times, and then the person's state will become a strong man."
但 "But this kind of sexual damage to the body is also quite scary."
"What about the downstairs that Minglei said just now?"
"The five factors of deity, heaven, earth, people, and things, can actually explain it all."
"As long as you stay away from the abnormal energy areas of these five things, naturally they will not be affected by them."
"You can also reduce the frequency of emotions by something that can transfer the energy field."
"Is there any one who can control the release of emotions autonomously?" Xiao Yi asked suddenly, confused.
"Nature, there is nature, electric and magnetic fields, one as a carrier of intelligence, and one as a carrier of instinct."
只要 "As long as you learn to manipulate memory, you have mastered the method of controlling electric and magnetic fields."
记忆 "Memory includes instinctual memory and intelligent memory."
"Instinctive memory directly affects the body. Only memory directly affects the mind and influences the dominance of instinctual memory."
"Relative control of human instinct is relatively young."
"Intelligent memory is learned through inheritance. Relatively speaking, the cultivation of instinct is more difficult than the cultivation of intelligence."
"The formation of some advanced intelligence actually requires instinct."
"There is no way to reach the point of instinct, many skills are easily forgotten, but once reached the point of instinct, after decades, it is still in memory."
"In the process of mastering instinct, you must understand the relationship between supply and demand of cells, otherwise if the memory energy is interrupted, you may lose the memory results, or be trapped somewhere in memory space."
"How do you awaken such memories again?"
"The deity, it depends on the memory pointer. When you make the memory pointer in advance, you can make humans enter an intelligent association state again, and then find the nodes that instinctively and intelligently connect to memory and continue the memory writing work Now. "
"It sounds so easy to think."
"Yes ~ ~ deity, human beings have two big spaces, one is the space of consciousness, and the other is the space of memory."
"The space of consciousness is the environment of the electric field, but the space of memory is the environment of the magnetic field."
"However, it is mainly the space of consciousness that is affected by the environment of heaven and earth."
"Here is the command center, but if there is an abnormal electromagnetic field, the energy transmission may be wrong."
"It's like being drunk and having a big tongue when talking."
"Is the energy shifted?" Xiao Yi asked in surprise.
"Yes, some strong magnetic fields can directly cause human memory shifts, memory interruptions, and even memory errors."
"Oh, how can I avoid it?"
"The deity, energy and energy are different. Some are macroscopic and some are microscopic. When there are some microscopic memories that form macroscopic memory energy, but you do n’t realize the problem, it will be in consciousness. Adding extra memory coverage in the space, or extra memory reading, can also cause memory confusion. "
"In general, the initial operation of consciousness space and memory space, it is recommended to use the perspective of touching scenes and touching things, rather than blindly using direct integration of conscious energy."
"Based on instinct, human's approach is to mirror the world, and it is exactly the way humans manipulate the space of consciousness and memory based on instinct."
"You can understand this before you can try more advanced methods without affecting your own memory."
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