Chapter 966: Use of airship

Unable to launch satellites, then it means that communication in the world of the undead will become troublesome.
Xue Yang, director of the Space-Time Administration Bureau, is very concerned about this matter. The development of the Undead World has been put on the agenda. The plan of words and deeds to awaken the undead will make the Undead World a huge market.
As at the beginning of the journey to the flat world, although there were no satellites, Xue Yang arranged the communication airship and signal tower.
However, the cost of the signal tower is much higher than that of the airship, so the communication in the undead world mainly depends on the airship.
The emerging domestic airship industry has been developing vigorously since it crossed over. Whether it is military or civilian, the orders that fly in like snowflakes make airship manufacturers close to ears.
At present, China Airship is divided into two categories, military and civilian.
Military airships are mainly three groups of drones, artillery, and arsenal, drone swarm airships, floating gunboats, and arsenal boats.
In this world where air supremacy is almost firmly in the hands of modern military forces, Feitian has almost no natural enemies to speak of.
Coupled with the fact that it is completely uncontrolled, even if it is lost during war or other times, it will not feel distressed.
The second category is civilian use.
There are a lot of civilian airships, one of which is scientific research airship.
It is divided into unmanned and manned. On the continent of Aghanim, many places that are more difficult to reach by land are relying on airships.
Or carrying scientific researchers, equipped with a laboratory, and some self-defense weapons.
Or it can directly carry detection scientific research equipment, and then through remote analysis and experiment.
In addition to scientific research, airships are also widely used in the field of transportation.
Take Huaxia and the Dark Iron Kingdom, the Dragon Region, and the Arabas Empire, such remote and inconvenient international Ahe regions.
Although the Dark Iron Kingdom has built a road from China to the Dark Iron Kingdom, the roads are low in grade and small in number, which cannot fully meet the needs of freight and passenger transportation.
In addition, the Dark Iron Kingdom is located on the Dark Iron Plateau, with snow and ice all the year round, even if it is an infrastructure madman like Huaxia, it is very troublesome to build.
Therefore, the first batch of fast-moving hub stations in the Black Iron Kingdom were not airports, but boat yards.
Compared with the professionalism of the employees required by the airport, the Dark Iron Kingdom, which will not be able to train qualified Dark Iron Dwarf employees for a while, directly builds a large number of airship fields under the advice and investment of China.
The dispatch of some personnel from Huaxia, plus a group of personnel trained by the Black Iron Dwarves, can meet the operational needs of the airship taking off and landing.
Moreover, the Black Iron Dwarf itself is the civilization on the steam technology tree. Although it is difficult to command aircraft to take off and land and operate the aircraft, the airship is different.
It's easy to get started, and you can learn it almost as soon as you learn it. Moreover, the airship produced by Huaxia is a "fool system", and with switchable unmanned operation, many dark iron dwarves have become airship pilots.
Engaged in freight and passenger routes from the Dark Iron Kingdom to China.
A ship of minerals was dug up from the Dark Iron Kingdom and shipped to China.
A ship of daily necessities, luxury goods, alcohol, and fuel are produced from China and shipped to Black Iron.
A ship of Black Iron dwarves traveled to China, and a ship of Chinese people came to Black Iron to experience the kingdom of ice and snow.
Because of the emergence of airship routes, the economy of the Dark Iron Kingdom has also begun to grow rapidly.
In addition to the Dark Iron Kingdom, the same is true of the Dragon Region.
Imported sea stones from Xiguo, the underwater world, and modified the Huaxia ships at the bottom of the ship, although they are not afraid of the monsters that inhabit the Dragon Sleeping Sea, but there are not many aircraft routes from Huaxia to the Dragon Region.
It is estimated that the large-scale construction of the airport will take a few years, and now several airports are mainly used for the undead war zone.
However, the administration intends to connect all markets in the mainland of Aghanim, so although the airport does not need to be built for the time being, the airship field is essential.
The Longmianhai route from Longyu to China is mainly through the Western Regions and South Central Provinces. If you go to other places, you may need to transfer cars, trains or planes.
In the case of an airship, although the speed is not as fast as an airplane, it can fly directly from Longyu to other western provinces in China, which saves a lot of time compared to transferring by ship.
Like the countries in the south protected by the Dragon Region, and the countries in the Western Regions in the north, these places have backward transportation facilities.
For things like airships that don't require so harsh take-off and landing platforms, a simple airship field can allow humans and subspecies on the north and south sides of the Dragon Realm to take long and safe journeys.
As for the Alabas Empire and the southern countries, because the sea and land are too far away, China's merchant ships are mostly cargo ships, and it takes more time to travel.
The direct flight of airships has also become the main means of transportation for Alabas and the southern countries to China.
In addition, the "fool-style" airship is also the main civilian product that China sells to the Aghanim continent.
In order to speed up the development of the Aghanim market, let the entire Aghanim become more dynamic.
Since his words and deeds became the director of the administration, until now, the restrictions on the sale of goods in the Aghanim countries have been gradually and accelerated.
Various countries buy airships as a means of transportation, in addition to providing a large amount of business for domestic airship manufacturers.
After buying an airship, you must hire a team to teach you how to drive. This is another sum of money and provides a lot of employment in China.
At the same time, for the construction of the airship field, professionals also need the guidance of the construction team from China.
After all, the export of airships has contributed a lot to China's GDP growth.
In addition to transportation, airships are also used in agriculture.
Although several provinces such as Mobei, Monan, Moxi, Modong, Xing'an, and Western Regions were developed, the application of airships to agriculture has also become widespread.
The unmanned airship sprays pesticides, the unmanned airship sows seeds in the air, the unmanned airship explores the exploitable area, the unmanned airship grazes, and the unmanned airship monitors wild monsters.
The large-scale manufacturing of airships means a drop in costs. Small aircraft cannot be bought, but the gradual decline in prices of small agricultural unmanned airships in recent years is still acceptable to Huaxia.
In many unfamiliar lands, farmers directly use unmanned airships to explore and paint to see where is suitable for farming and where is suitable for grazing.
Even if it is grazing, since many tamed monsters are now added to the Huaxia Animal Husbandry species, the supervision of unmanned airships has also become an important measure.
Although the CPA and the military police have cleared up these new provinces many times, the ferocious wild beasts have been shot to death, and most of the mild wild beasts have been thrown into the wild beast zoos everywhere for people to visit.
Or draw protection areas for them to avoid contact with humans and cause unnecessary casualties.
But even so, many monsters accidentally broke into human society and caused trouble.
The unmanned airship has done a very good job of monitoring these monsters.
In addition to achieving good results in transportation and agriculture, unmanned airships are also the first time in communications.
However, the unmanned airship used for communication this time was not deployed on the continent of Aghanim.
Since many satellites have been launched on the mainland, communication is basically no problem except for special areas like Shandora that cannot be explained by science.
But the world of the undead cannot launch satellites on it to provide factual communication for everyone, Xue Yang had to retreat and move the airship to the world of the undead.
In Xue Yang's plan, communication airships will be spread throughout China's sphere of influence in the world of the undead, as well as the kingdoms of the undead connected with China.
Today’s airships have connected the communications of China’s Tai Chi City, a special administrative city in the world of the dead, the development of China to the south of the Spring of Eternal Life, the death of a friendly country to the west of Qin, and the communication of the Skuding River Defense Line to the north. .
A large number of airships almost covered the entire area covered by China in the Undead World.
As for the portal to the underground world, the diplomats of the Empire of Light and Shadow can also run directly to the portal and start real-time contact with China through the unmanned communication airship.
Even the Light and Shadow Empire hopes to purchase a lot of airships from China for real-time communication.
Although money can be bought, operators still need training.
Azhisha and Shirley, the two succubuses, have already taken the task arranged by His Royal Highness Lance on the road to China to learn airship operation and official skills.
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