Chapter 965: The true face of the world

Tai Chi City, Taiyin City Diocese.
"Command Song, Commander Yan, everything is ready, ready to launch!"
A soldier in the Undead World Exploration Rocket Launch Command reported.
With words and deeds, he looked at Guomin Song, who was next to him, and asked, "Old Song, you can launch."
Song Guomin was the first person to propose the concept of parallel universes. After the first contact of the five countries, each of them indicated the time of crossing. Song Guomin determined that the five passes came from at least five parallel universes.
Otherwise, the five on the same earth cannot pass through at the same time node.
China, France, and Britain are a little better. They all come from the same universe. Milliken and Lucia have traversed part of each of several universes, and then formed these two complete nations.
Above the ground world is the dome, and above the dome is the universe.
Although according to the inference, except for the ground world, sky world, and underwater world at the same level, other worlds are likely to belong to the independent space inside the spacecraft of the flat world.
Of course, it may also exist directly in the world of other planets or the universe.
Therefore, for the exploration of the undead world, research scholars like Song Guomin have no plans to initiate.
Whether it exists in an independent space inside the spacecraft on the horizon, or the world of other planets or the universe, as long as the probe rocket launches into the air, everything can be known.
As the Undead Warzone entered the Undead World, Song Guomin brought his team to here for the first time.
Observing the starry sky and calculating data, the starry sky here seems like the universe, which can break through the "atmosphere" of the undead world and reach space.
However, the existence of Mingyue, according to calculations, made Song Guomin's team believe that this Mingyue is still a virtual projection like the sun and moon in the ground world.
So it's not so sure, after passing through the "atmosphere", it will really be the universe.
In the headquarters, Song Guomin looked at the rocket launch vehicle with the detection rocket erected on the screen, nodded and said: "Old Yan, launch the rocket, we are ready to record and calculate."
Speaking, a voice came from the command center: "The rocket launch starts, the countdown begins, 10..."
Song Guomin arranged for the researchers: "Pay close attention to the data returned by the rocket. We will discover the truth of the world."
"Yes, Commander Song!"
"Puff hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo..."
On the rocket launch vehicle, a raging flame burst out from the tail of that not too big rocket.
The flames sprayed out like roaring, and he finally got rid of the rocket launcher that had imprisoned him, and he was free.
The dark sky of the Undead World was lit up by the tail flame of the rocket.
The quiet starry sky was completely broken by the noise of the rocket.
The descendants of Taiyin City looked up at the rocket that flew into the sky and illuminated everything, and they were also extremely surprised.
They had never imagined that anything other than the gods could fly at such a speed and at such a height.
The homes of the descendants in Taiyin City are all equipped with TV sets.
Not only can the rocket lift off from the balcony, but the anchor of the CCTV Descendants Channel on the TV is also reporting the rocket lift off in the world of the undead in Nantomir.
Although it is not as formal and spectacular as the rocket lift off from the ground world, in the world of the undead, this military rocket is enough to shock the hearts of the descendants.
Among the agricultural cooperatives in the suburbs, the descendants who were performing purification techniques for the land in the suburbs of Taiyin City also stopped in place.
"Oh my God, what is that Chinese stuff?"
"Did you not watch the news?
It's the rocket, not only of Huaxia, but also our rocket! "
"Huh? Ours?"
"Look at what your ID card says, Chinese citizens, humans, descendants."
The rocket's liftoff made the descendants of Taiyin City cheer, as if they were celebrating the New Year.
In the headquarters, everyone was not as relaxed as the residents of Taiyin City. Song Guomin stared closely at the screen and the various data sent back by the rocket.
"The height is 15103 meters..."
"everything is normal."
Song Guomin prayed in his heart, hoping that nothing strange would happen.
"The height is 23541 meters..."
But as the Rockets kept rising, strange things happened after all.
When the rocket climbed to 27564 meters, the monitor suddenly shouted: "The rocket is abnormal! The speed drops!"
Song Guomin stared at the screen with words and deeds about the speed of the rocket.
Song Guomin ordered: "Check whether the engine is abnormal."
"The rocket lift-off speed is still declining!"
"The engine is normal!"
This makes people feel weird. The rocket engine is obviously normal, but why does the speed of the launch drop?
When the rocket flies to an altitude of 30,000 meters, the speed of the entire rocket has dropped significantly.
As the monitors reported, the rocket's speed finally fell below 250, and he exhaled: "This speed is similar to that of a high-speed rail."
A simulated picture on the screen clearly marked the rocket's flight trajectory. Due to the reduced speed, the entire rocket looked like it was standing high.
Song Guomin said: "Check the condition of the rocket!"
Although the rocket climb is abnormal, according to the data obtained by various monitors, the rocket is still in normal working condition.
However, after the altitude of 30,000 meters, the rocket's climb speed has dropped significantly.
Even at the high-speed rail speed of 240kmh, the speed of the rocket is still falling.
After more than ten minutes, although the tail of the rocket is still spraying tail flames, the speed of the entire rocket has become zero, and it is completely forbidden to be in the high altitude.
"Report, the rocket is hovering at 37,865 meters!"
Song Guomin frowned. Was it a gravity problem that prevented the rocket from rushing out?
But it’s not right. The undead world has the same coefficient of gravity as the earth world and the earth.
When the rocket reaches 37,000 meters, it is like something blocking the rocket from continuing to fly.
Song Guomin asked, "How long can the rocket fly with the current fuel?"
"Command Song, I can fly for 4 minutes."
Song Guomin nodded. The rocket's fuel is only to send a small military satellite to the orbit of the Undead World, but unfortunately, it can't get up.
Song Guomin said slowly, "Give up launching satellites."
He looked at Song Guomin and said: "Huh?"
At this time, Guo Guoming said to his team of researchers, words and deeds: "Follow me."
Everyone came to a research room again, Song Guomin turned on the holographic projection, with equipment in both hands, and began to make a model for the flight just now.
The rocket hovered at a height of 37,865 meters, and Song Guomin pulled a red line at this height, and then said: "The critical value of 37,865 meters, we may not be able to exceed the limit."
Words and deeds asked: "What do you mean, the current technology, rocket power is not enough?"
The other researchers in the research group lit up at this moment: "Commander Song, you mean, this might be another hypothesis we made before?"
Song Guomin looked at the scientific researcher with a little excitement on his face and nodded: "Well, this possibility is very likely."
The words and deeds sounded confused, and the scientific researcher explained for the words and deeds: "We have made a hypothesis before, if the world is a closed space.
Then its top, bottom, left, right, front and back are all limited, and the entire space is so big, it can't be as infinite as the universe.
If we want to go farther, it means breaking through the limitations of space, which is obviously impossible.
Therefore, one of our assumptions is that the small independent space of the undead world created by the Naga will be like the towering annular Antarctic iceberg in the ground world, preventing people from exploring the outside world.
Because of the information currently fed back by the rocket, whether it is the body of the rocket or other, all data is normal, except that it cannot continue to fly up.
In other words, this hypothesis is very possible, and something is preventing us from going up. "
Song Guomin took over and said at this time: "That is to say, the world of the undead is not a world of other universes or planets that pass through a portal, but an independent existence, located in a narrow space inside the flat world spacecraft.
And what we see above our heads are all Naga's "film".
This place is not like the earth. With the development of science, human beings explore the unknown, and the mystery of the universe is constantly being unveiled. God has to expand the "film" into a 3D scene, and follow the sight of human beings and discover where it is. Stopped expansion.
However, in this small space, it is impossible to expand the capacity.
The Moon and Pluto in the sky are all virtual projections, the creator's "film".
And in this space, we have no way to launch satellites. "
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