Chapter 964: farewell

The phoenix egg is naturally the phoenix country that lives in the central area of ​​the Warcraft Forest in the southern part of the Dragon Sleeping Sea, and the phoenixes of Phoenix that have not established diplomatic relations with China.
What kind of fire phoenix, ice phoenix, etc.
Dong Wen, the commander of the joint base, stayed with Yang Zhi and others to fetch the eggs, and began to do popular science for Yang Zhi and others: "Like the dragons you saw before, the phoenix here is also a primitive phoenix.
They may lose so many magics, but they are also limited to that kind of magic.
They don't have such a high IQ, and they can't be transformed into human form, even Warcraft can't match it.
They are all beasts, and we also call these ancient dragons and ancient phoenix primitive beasts.
Shandora is an island that we haven't discovered yet. They are all creatures from the ancient times of the earth. Of course, there are some strange creatures. Our understanding comes from the plane of the ‘fantasy’ world. "
Dong Wen pointed to the hill in front of him and said, "I see, there is a cave on the hill in front.
According to the information recorded by the cameras we set up nearby, there is a fire phoenix living in this cave. "
Yang Zhi was taken aback, then looked back at the weapons in the hands of himself and others. Although the security personnel sent by the Space-Time Administration Bureau would be grudges, these people were not Phoenix's opponents either.
"Shall we go in and steal eggs?"
Dong Wen stretched out his finger and swayed: "Where, let's call it an honest egg picking."
At this time, I saw a fire phoenix flying from a distance in the sky, and it should be home.
With a huge body carrying a raging flame, Yang Zhiming asked himself, the weapon in his hand was that there was nothing to do with the phoenix.
However, at this moment, an ancient giant dragon jumped directly out of the forest, and flew towards the phoenix in the air with a sound of "whoop", and the two sides immediately fought and formed a ball.
Yang Zhi and the others looked at the sky in the bushes. Yang Zhi curiously asked, "How do you know that there is a dragon here fighting with a phoenix?"
Dong Wen pointed to the giant dragon in the sky and said: "We used a gun to mark this giant dragon before. Through trackers and monitoring equipment, we have grasped the trajectory of this giant dragon.
This carnivorous primitive beast likes to capture these powerful creatures the most.
Like the ancient phoenix, not only can it provide a large amount of meat, but also a certain amount of magic. "
However, Phoenix is ​​not friendly, and both sides have similar strengths.
In addition, this is a fire phoenix with flames burning all over the body.
The dragon that had originally wanted to sneak attack failed to make a sneak attack. After a fight, he fluttered his wings and fled.
Looking at the dragon going away, Dong Wenyixi: "Go, pick the peaches."
Wait, the dragon has all flown away, how can you steal the egg? Will be found! "
Yang Zhi hurriedly warned that he thought he was going to the Phoenix’s old nest and stole the Phoenix’s newly laid eggs, but Dong Wen hurried directly under the Phoenix.
Look at the scarred Phoenix in the sky, licking his wounds.
When the dragon completely disappeared in front of his eyes, the phoenix spread its wings and screamed, and immediately hugged and formed a ball, transforming into a phoenix egg with flames all over its body. It fell directly from the sky and began Nirvana rebirth.
Dong Wenxi said: "The egg is here! The egg is here!"
Yang Zhi and the others were surprised. You are not stealing a cub, but an adult Phoenix?
Looking at the cheerful Dong Wen, Yang Zhi and others could only follow.
When he arrived in front of the egg, looking at the flames around him, Dong Wenlian took out the super fire extinguisher behind him and pointed the nozzle at the phoenix egg. With a "pouch," the flame went out immediately.
Immediately afterwards, Dong Wen quickly took out the fire blanket, and in order to prevent the phoenix egg from re-igniting, he directly covered it and hugged the whole egg in his arms.
Dong Wen, who was holding a phoenix egg wrapped in a fire blanket, said with a smile: "Fire phoenix eggs are the best to deal with, just put out the fire.
But it will burn inside, just wrap it with a fire blanket to isolate the outside air, and he will be smothered to death. "
Yang Zhi also has a fire blanket at home, which is made of fiberglass, so it doesn't burn.
The phoenix egg, completely cut off from the air, swelled in Dong Wen's arms, as if trying to break free.
But now the Phoenix Egg has no hands, feet, or mouth. Apart from the flames that have been extinguished, it has no other means of resistance.
More than ten minutes later, the movement in Dong Wen's arms disappeared.
Yang Zhi asked, "Tired of struggling with the Phoenix Egg?"
Dong Wen shook his head and said with a smile: "Where is it?"
"Ah what, the flame of the phoenix egg is consuming the vitality in the body.
Once the vitality is exhausted, then the flame is extinguished.
When Nirvana is reborn, that is, when the phoenixes are most vulnerable, anyone may kill them.
But primitive beasts like the Ice Phoenix are more troublesome to deal with. "
After returning to the base, everyone began to get busy, celebrating the arrival of the 8th joint scientific expedition team.
The meat has dinosaur meat, the egg has phoenix egg, and the vegetables have their own vegetables, but they are rich in ingredients.
In addition, half of the base is from China's scientific expedition team, and everyone is not skilled.
Stir-fried phoenix eggs with tomato, white sliced ​​Velociraptor, pickled pepper dragon mixed, seaweed egg soup, grilled dragon tail, sizzling dipterocarp...
The dragon and phoenix set meal was not happy for everyone, coupled with the self-brewed Chandola, wiped out the exhaustion accumulated by Yang Zhi and the eighth batch of scientific expedition team members.
After the welcome meeting, each returned to their boat to rest.
The joint base did not move the dormitories and laboratories to land. Considering safety issues, they have always been set up on ships.
As for the islands, they are all defensive buildings, such as watchtowers, walls, and grids.
Of course, there are also many functional buildings, such as generators and pumping stations.
Vegetable gardens are the most common inside and outside the base, as well as breeding farms of various ancient animals for research and food.
The next day, Yang Zhi and others did not immediately go to work after getting up. Instead, under the leadership of Dong Wen, they went to pay tribute to the 13 people who died in the fifth batch of scientific expedition team.
Passing through a forest, arrived at a lake not too far from the base.
I saw 13 tree roots twisted together, composed of wooden pestles of various shapes.
Dong Wen walked over with everyone, and saw that everyone's name and information were engraved on the stone below the wood carving.
Yang Zhi asked: "The fifth batch of victims are buried by the lake?"
Dong Wen stared down at the stone in front of his feet. It was his wife's name engraved on the stone.
Dong Wen gently shook his head, wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes, stretched out his hand, holding the statue of the wooden roots entangled in front of the stone, and said: "It's not buried, these 13 warriors are all standing here now. "
Dong Wen said: "Shandora is not as safe as it seems. Even when it comes to the island, it is dangerous.
My wife came to this lake with a team and didn’t know what happened, but in the end she said on the channel
‘Old...Old Wen, it’s not good, we encountered a group of ‘flower fairies’ and we were wooded...
Sorry, old man, I can’t accompany you to the end, I...ha...
Lower body...
Turned into wood...
forever and always……
While speaking, Dong Wen choked for a while: "She didn't even finish her love for me, so it was gone."
Yang Zhi and the others stared at Yan Jiaming. The wood sculpture twisted by 4 roots in front of Dong Wen looked like a team member carrying a communication device and carrying a bag.
This is Dong Wen's wife?
Has it been turned into a tree eagle?
Take a look at the 12 tree sculptures next to each other. Everyone has a different shape.
There was a on the ground, crawling backward in horror.
There are also those who are ready to run, but are turned into tree carvings.
There are also guns, ready to attack.
Dong Wen sniffed and said helplessly: "I don't know what the'Flower Fairy' in her mouth is.
When I explored the lake in front of me, I found nothing. "
Dong Wen sorted out the fallen leaves and weeds on his feet for the wife in front of him, and then said: "I will take you to see these 13 team members who were killed. In addition to the memorial ceremony, it is also to tell you, Shandora, It's not safe."
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