Chapter 977: Contact with heroic spirits

"Grand Archon! Be careful!"
The adjutant beside him directly threw Joan down to the ground. At the same time, the apertures lighted up, and the magical heroes also chanted magic.
"do not……"
Before Joan's voice had finished, the drone banged, brightened and blew up.
Joan pushed away the heroic spirit who was pressing on him, and frowned as he watched the strange thing falling into a ball of sparks, "Wait! Who let you do it?"
From the drone, Joan did not feel a wave of death.
Although I don't know what that thing is, but first rule out it as an undead.
And the undead leading to the ground world portal is being attacked by the dragon, and this thing that appears near him is related to the dragon in all likelihood.
Although I don't know why the dragon of the living world appeared here, she has also witnessed the power of the dragon.
The Holy Alliance once paid a heavy price to deal with the invasion of a skull dragon.
Although these dragons are not bone dragons, they are dragons stronger than bone dragons.
Moreover, there are at least dozens of dragons in the sky, and each of them is wearing various magic props.
Joan stared closely at the dragons in the sky. She had just destroyed Joan, which might be their magic item, and was very worried that these creatures would be hostile to them and attacked.
However, the dragons didn't seem to care too much about the heroic spirits outside the battlefield of Joan of Arc, but kept attacking the undead in the portal.
Perhaps the mana value is empty. After more than one hour, the dragons are no longer able to use their magic items to cause a "rumbling" attack on the undead.
At this time, it was the undead, as if they were breathing.
One after another came back from the Shiva portal, filling up the entire battlefield again.
Even a powerful creature like a dragon will feel very tired when facing a steady stream of undead.
At this moment, I saw those giant dragons flying around one after another, hovering high in the air, quietly staring at the undead below.
Joan looked at the group of giant dragons in the sky and asked suspiciously: "Does the dragon plan to use magic circle spells?"
No matter how strong the spells used by individuals are, they are not as strong as spells used collectively.
Otherwise, the magical posts in this world will not develop magic arrays, spell arrays, magical arrays, or even magical arrays such as magical arrays.
Like the magic array matrix of the underground world, it can even match the gods.
The two sisters of the double-headed dragon, Red Core and Lan Rui, flew in the sky, looking down at the scorched ground in the west. The cannon on the dragon's back had already burnt out the cannonballs, but the undead seemed to be unable to kill them.
"A lot of undead."
"Huh, undead."
At this time, Marin, the golden dragon next to him, cried out: "The rockets are washing the ground!!!"
The reason why the foreign legions disperse was that the 33rd Army’s artillery positions were once again ready. This time, the warhead was mixed with magic bombs to wash the ground.
A meteor from the sky flew over with a "swish", and in the blink of an eye, a fireball burst directly from the portal.
Even the dragons of the Chinese Foreign Legion flying high in the sky can feel the heat caused by the fireball rising.
In the distance, Joan looked at the fireball rising from the portal, feeling the tremor of the earth, and her body trembled slightly.
How is this going?
Is it afraid or excited?
After a few minutes, the rockets mixed with the magic bombs washed the ground, and there was nothing left beside the portal, except the scorched earth.
And the dragons in the sky began to hover, seeming to be afraid of some remaining things below, and it seems that they are keeping vigilance in the sky.
However, at this time, a powerful momentum came on, and Joan and the others were shocked, and saw a giant emerald dragon swooping down directly from the sky.
"'s a dragon!"
"We were found!"
"Ready to fight back!"
Although I don't know where these dragons came from, Joan knows that they will never come from the continent beyond the portal.
Otherwise, relying on the strength that these dragons showed in front of everyone, it would be impossible to leave the dead on the other side of the portal.
They are obviously creatures from other places in the undead world, and their target is this portal.
Is this to find the way home?
Or what?
Joan, who is not sure whether the dragon is hostile, dare not let the adjutants deal with the dragon like drones. After all, there are dozens of dragons hovering above his head.
Joan stopped quickly: "Don't do it! Listen to my orders!"
A six-pointed star formation and magic just appeared in front of him, but because of Joan's order, they stopped abruptly.
As the hero of the Holy League, as the highest administrative and military head of the Holy League, the heroes are also omnipotent to the orders of Joan of Arc.
The emerald dragon flew in front of everyone, flapping huge wings, and Longyan looked at these guys with disdain.
Joan and the heroic generals behind him were also nervous, and they were also looking at the emerald dragon with various vehicles on his body.
Although the emerald dragon showed natural domineering, it was the dragon's oppression of ordinary creatures and undead, but the dragon did not seem to show murderous aura.
I saw a flash of light, and the dragon turned into a small green-haired human loli wearing an undead camouflage uniform.
Just like the ship mother, except that the battleship has become a giant dragon, and the ship mother has become a dragon mother.
Bi Luo had a cannon strapped to his body and looked at the group of heroic spirits of Joan with a calm expression. He opened his mouth, and a hoarse and unpleasant undead language came out from his mouth: "We are the Chinese Foreign Legion, belonging to the Undead War Zone.
Our drone was destroyed by yours just now.
But it seems that you are not the same as the other undead, and report your situation. "
Bi Luo was originally a wild girl. After getting married, he was trained by Dragon Knight Wu Xinyi... Bah, after joining the bureau, he was trained by CPA, and she was very angry when she spoke. Resolutely.
Foreign Legion?
Undead war zone?
Although Joan can understand every word said by the little green-headed loli in front of her, when they are connected together, Joan is a little troublesome.
China, does it mean the power to which this group of giant dragons belong?
However, Joan understood what was happening behind the little loli dragon.
At present, the giant dragon in front of him is not hostile, and even plans to make contact.
Although they broke their "magic props" called drones, they didn't seem to find themselves to accompany them.
Joan said: "We are the holy alliance in the east of the Immortal Highlands. We have no malice against you. We don't know that the magic item called the ‘drone’ is yours.
My minister was too careful just now, thinking that it was something from the group of undead people over the portal, so he launched an attack.
But this friend of the foreign legion, don’t worry, we will compensate you. "
what? Compensation?
Bi Luo looked at Joan with a weird look. Even if she had lived in China for more than 10 years, she didn't know how to build a drone and how to compensate?
Looking at the "human" woman with a faint light glowing in front of her, her body is bulging and backward, and her face is also overwhelming. If she "grabbs" to work in China, she might be able to mix with a star or something.
There are now many movie stars, singers, and celebrities like Elves and Beast Ears in the music and entertainment circles of China Film and Television.
By then she will be a rich woman, and it is more than enough to lose a drone.
Little Bi Luo Li, facing the undead knight Ji with a holy light in front of her, curled her lips and pointed to the scorched earth beside the portal and said, "Isn't it a group?"
Joan shook her head quickly and explained, "Ah, no, no, we are heroic spirits, not undead.
Our group of heroic spirits from the Holy Alliance are enemies with them.
It is said that Udid Kuru, the of death, asked the undead lord to invade the ground world. In order to prevent the terrestrial world from being overwhelmed, our Holy Alliance is planning to enter the ground world to help the creatures destroy the undead. "
Bi Luo was curious. These heroes of the Holy Alliance were very enlightened. Then they threw out an apple-sized prototype flying projector, and saw a holographic projection suddenly appeared in front of Jeanne and the others.
Illusion? Mirroring?
But Joan did not feel any magical fluctuations from the human being projected by this hologram, nor did he feel the breath of life, let alone the breath of death.
I saw the projection salute and said: "Hello, I am the Chinese People's Army, the 33rd Army Commander Guang Shixin, I think we might be able to contact."
It was also a hoarse and unpleasant undead language, and this "human" who could not feel any breath was releasing goodwill to Jeanne.
Joan didn't know whether he was a human or a giant dragon. In short, he was in the same group as the group of giant dragons claiming to be a foreign legion, and belonged to the same force called "China".
Joan hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "I am the Archon of the Holy League, Joan. If you are kind, maybe we can meet."
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