Chapter 931: Beyond Dream 1 Takes Off

This time the situation is special. "
Looking at the girls in front of her, Fang looked serious.
"I think you already know from Yinglili. The boss rank is sixty. The attributes are unknown. The physical defense is ridiculously high. To put it simply, this is a boss that we cannot resist at this stage anyway. This time we The goal is to save people, so the goal is simple, just attract the boss's hatred and let it leave the central square for thirty seconds. "
"So let me ..."
After hearing Founder's words, Yuna hurriedly raised her hand. As the only player in the team with "taunt" skills, this time was when she was on the court, but Founder shook her head.
"No, don't worry first. The opponent's form is a centaur. From this we can see that it is a speed-type boss and also holds a spear. If you don't hold the hate, you will be charged by the opponent for a second ... ... Shinono. "
Hearing Founder calling his name, Shi Nong came out. Fang Zheng hesitated, and finally sighed, then beckoned and called her aside.
"Is this for you, will it work?"
"this is………"
Looking at the weapon that Founder had traded, Shi Nong could not help but hesitate, not because of anything else, but because of the weapon that Founder had handed over ... she couldn't be more familiar with it.
She often sees this on TV. Isn't this a gun?
And it looks like a ... sniper rifle?
"With a silencer, the range is 500 meters. Don't show it to other people. Hidden in the woods over there. Remember, you can hold the boss without hurting."
Although Founder has always believed that it is not necessary to actually make a firearm, for the sake of insurance, he still made several guns in case of emergency. Anyway, these guns are all made up of Founder's parts. Perhaps Liz, who made the parts, can guess what Founder wants to do, but she should not talk about it everywhere.
When it is not necessary, Fang will never reveal that the Darkmoon Sword can make a gun. It is because in this game, the role of the firearm is not great, but it can easily bring a false sense of security. . In fact, it ’s generally not necessary to hit a boss. Take this sniper rifle, its range of 500 meters sounds great, but where does the average boss room give you a distance of 500 meters?
Therefore, once this incident is exposed, it is impossible to talk about it, and it is easy to get into a show, so Founder basically keeps hiding from others.
But now that it's a matter of life, he doesn't need to hesitate anymore. He is not the animated actor. How many people are unwilling to use their power when they die. They have to wait for their girlfriends to die before they can use the power of the seal... That is silly, pure.
"Everyone else withdrew from this area and went outside to perform the blockade. Don't let anyone in or out."
Having said that, Founder paused and stared at the others.
After hearing this, Asuna and the Black Cat's more thoughtful people changed their faces slightly. Obviously, they understood the meaning of the Founder. As for some people who did not understand the meaning, it didn't matter. Anyway, they knew that as long as they found out Just do it.
After confirming that the others had left, Founder sent a message to Esther and Restia to protect them. This is not because Founder is not assured of Shi Nong, but to avoid someone accidentally approaching, and finding that Shi Nong and her sniper rifle, with Esther and Restia on guard, should not cause problems.
The place where the centaur boss appeared was the central square of the abandoned city, surrounded by low houses and collapsed walls, and ruins everywhere, giving people a feeling of passing the world war. This is also the place where many collection players will come, because in the ruins here, you can collect some steel and ore and other things, but now, the entire square is empty.
Maybe this is a benefit of the game, after all, you don't have to look at the corpses on the ground.
"How are we going?"
Leaning against a half-collapsed wall, Yinglili leaned out and looked at the centaur on the square in the distance. I didn't think it looked like it was far away, but now I'm getting closer, even Yingli Li feels a little frightened. This boss is made of machinery. It seems to be as tall as a building. Such a big boss has never been seen by Yinglili before. Not to mention its terrible level, if you rub it on, you may die.
In the face of such a boss, Ying Lili was also at a loss.
"Bring what I gave you before."
After hearing Founder's words, Yinglili quickly traded, and then Founder took the things and equipped them. Soon, two strange things appeared on the sides of Founder's thigh.
They consist of a cylinder and a rectangular parallelepiped, the rectangular box is flat and long, and the cylinder mounted on the box looks a bit like the exhaust pipe of a motorcycle.
"This thing is really interesting."
Seeing this, Yinglili also remembered the feeling when she tried it a few days ago, and her eyes suddenly brightened.
"Mr. Founder, don't you plan to match one to the other?"
"Depending on the situation, it is only an experiment at present. If the space for boss battles expands later, I will send it to others as standard equipment."
As he said, Founder checked the device on his thigh, then looked at Ying Lili.
"Well, come on, I'll carry you."
"it is good."
Before the change, or in the public, Ying Lili may be somewhat shy. But now she and Fang Zheng are both here, and what they should or shouldn't do, so Ying Lili no longer holds back, and smiles on Fang Zheng's back, holding him tightly.
The Founder stood up, took a few cautiously forward steps, and reached the entrance to the edge of the square, staring at the behemoth.
"— !!!!"
And not long after, I saw the Centaur boss trembling suddenly, then it turned around and looked at the other side. Then at the next moment, the Centaur boss raised the spear in his hand like this, his limbs rushed and whistled, and rushed in the direction of the attack!
Under the attention of Founder and Yinglili, the centaur boss waved the spear in his hand vigorously, and the violent air flow erupted instantly, covering everything within a hundred meters ahead, as if swept by an invisible blade.
Seeing this scene, Yinglili took a cold breath, and Fangzheng was relieved. Before, he was a bit worried, but now it seems that this boss really has a distance limit. Shi Nong's range is about 500 meters, which is enough to avoid the attack of this boss.
But don't expect to kill it.
Thinking of this, Fang Zheng glanced at the blood mark on the boss' head. Just now Shiyin's shot killed 50 points of his blood, almost only a trace, and then he was full again in an instant. To cause damage to the boss. In this case, Shiyin's kite flying the boss for one year is useless.
But at least, it's enough to attract boss attention.
The Centaur boss shook his body again ~ ~ Apparently Shiyin launched another attack. This time the centaur boss was obviously agitated, but it was indeed restricted to the square. Founder saw the centaur boss walked to the edge of the ruins of the city of iron and steel, and then stopped again. As if blocked by a transparent wall.
"Let's go!"
As he said, Fang Zheng grasped the blade in his hand, then he grasped the button between his hands and pressed it hard.
"Uh --- !!!!"
The next moment, I saw two steel cables suddenly shooting out of the rectangular box equipped in the leg of Founder's thigh, and quickly pierced the wall of a semi-collapsed tower dozens of meters away, followed by a weak machine. With the sound, Founder quickly jumped up with Yinglili on his back, like a bird, spreading his wings to heaven! ./11_11604/
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