Chapter 1233: , Bow down

"Looking at so many players waiting to be fed, don't the two masters have any feelings?" Liu Wei'an withdrew his gaze from the outside, his tone was very casual, chatting.
With three cups of hot tea, the white steam rises, and the fragrance of tea floats in the air. Tea is the leaf of a plant called ‘Tsubaki’ in "World of Warcraft". It is loved by players because of its fragrance like tea.
Refreshing, refreshing, and promoting digestion, for players, the actual effect is much more important than cultivating sentiment. Therefore, ‘Tsubaki Tea’ is a very popular plant drink in World of Warcraft.
Ji Yuechang had a stern face and did not speak. Chao Bujin glanced at Liu Wei'an, and found that he was just looking at the rising tea air, without looking at himself. He coughed softly and said, "For everyone’s difficulties, the two of us are actually very anxious. However, everyone is now an adult and has the ability to solve problems on our own. After all, we are not their parents, and it is not easy to comment too much. Moreover, our abilities are limited. Even if we have any ideas, we are still powerless."
"How does Mr. Chao feel about this tea?" Liu Wei'an held up the rough cup. The martial arts in "World of Warcraft" is very good, but the craftsmanship can only be said to be average. Like the level of craftsmanship of Jingdezhen porcelain, "World of Warcraft" is invisible, and most of them are still pottery. Many crafts are brought in from the real world, but due to the limitations of technology and environment, the gap is still very large.
The smoothness of the tea cup in front of me is still at the level of the early days of the founding of China on the earth. The spots on it are not a problem of how many, but the size. From Liu Wei'an's eyes, it is easy to see that the mouth of the cup is not perfectly round, but a little elliptical. As for the uniformity of the thickness of the cup wall, it is best to treat it as missing.
"...Not bad!" Chao Bujin's smile was a little reluctant, and he was not used to Liu Wei'an's jumping thinking.
Liu Weian took out a small porcelain bottle from the space ring, put it on the table, smiled and said to the two people: "Someone suggested to me that those who obey will live, and those who rebel die--" Seeing anger on Ji Yuechang's face, he immediately stood up. He got up, pressed his shoulders by Chao Bujin, and continued: "This is the poison offered by the people below. It is aimed at the nerves. If you are caught by this poison, you can't die, but it will cause nerve exhaustion and eventually become a vegetative person. The same existence. The most terrifying thing is that this poison not only works in "World of Warcraft", but also follows the reality. Some people have done experiments. In reality, three people have become vegetative. One ordinary person, one black Whether an evolutionary in the iron realm, a late-stage silver evolutionary, can work on gold masters is not known for the time being, because no experiment has been done yet, but most guesses are okay."
Chao Bujin and Ji Yuechang changed colors at the same time.
The door has not been passed through. The two were tense, watching the small porcelain bottle on the table warily.
"But—" Liu Weian took a sip of tea unhurriedly, put down the cup, put the small porcelain bottle back into the space ring, and said calmly: "I rejected such an offer. Although I am not a good person, I only kill you. Hostile people, the two gentlemen and I just have different positions. There is no need to fight and kill. I think another way is more suitable for us to get along."
"In fact, we have always admired the city lord!" Chao Bujin wouldn't fail down the stairs.
"The two may not be clear. I was not in "Black and White City" during this period. I went to "Swamp City", "Dream City" and "Volcano City". Now Donghuai Road is plugged in except for "Tongzhou City". With the banner of my Ping An Army, do you two know what this means?" Liu Wei'an asked.
Chao Bujin and Ji Yuechang took a breath and were speechless. There have been rumors in "Black and White City" about the Ping An Army going out to fight, but they are all intermittent news, incomplete, and everyone hears fragments of news. Because it is too shocking and horrifying, everyone is half-believing. There are also many players who believe that it is the deliberate noise of the Ping An Army to increase the prestige in "Black and White City". When such news came out of Liu Wei'an, and in that casual tone, the hearts of the two of them were extremely shocked.
The two of them didn't suspect that Liu Wei'an's words were deceiving, and Liu Wei'an's demeanor disdain to lie. Liu Wei'an has the advantage and initiative, and there is no need to lie.
"Except for "Dream City", both "Volcano City" and "Swamp City" do not have a spellmaster. If the two can cooperate with each other, these markets will be divided equally." Liu Weian stared at the two with a slight expression on his face. Can't hide it from his eyes.
Chao Bujin's joy was followed by worry, and Ji Yuechang was half-trusted, but the ecstasy at that moment exposed his inner thoughts. When the two were thinking about it, the stairs sounded footsteps, and the other person in "Black and White City" thought that the master of spell Bu Tu Amu came up. The two looked at it reflexively. Suddenly, both of them changed their colors at the same time. They couldn't help but stand up without noticing them. They looked at Bu Tu Amu incredulously.
"Master Chao, Master Ji, long time no see, don't come here without problems!" Butu Amu first saluted Liu Wei'an, and then greeted the two of them. There is an obvious difference in attitude. When saluting Liu Wei'an, he is respectful and respectful from the heart, but greetings to the two of them are just like the same and more casual.
"What are you..." There seemed to be something stuck in Ji Yuechang's throat, and he couldn't say anything behind.
"Amu, how can your cultivation level improve so quickly?" Chao Bujin is more flexible and speaks more relaxedly.
Butu Amu's previous cultivation base was not as good as theirs. It was only in the late silver stage, but now Butu Amu has exuded the aura of the golden realm. Although he has not broken through, half of his foot has already entered. In less than a month, they couldn't believe why Butu Amu had such a big change.
"The two masters, look at the differences in this talisman." Butu Amu smiled slightly, and two talismans appeared, floating lightly on the desktops of Chao Bujin and Ji Yuechang. Fulu is an ordinary gold-stone talisman. The two recognized them at a glance. When they saw the second glance, their eyes shrank, and a terrible light was emitted.
"This is..." Ji Yuechang was surprised and delighted.
"Blood, this is the blood of Warcraft, how is it possible? How can it be done?" Chao Bujin grabbed the Fuluo, touched it with his fingers as if he didn't believe it, and then put it on the tip of his nose and smelled it. The faint blood and cinnabar were completely clear. different.
"All this is brought to us by the city lord!" Butu Amu's tone was full of gratitude.
"Two masters, during this time, I believe that both of you have a certain understanding of the working style of the Ping An Army. I dare not say that the Ping An Army is a righteous division, but it will not be worse than others. I hope that the two can join. Ping An Army, do something for ourselves and everyone. We humans are still too weak in "World of Warcraft". We need to unite all the strengths of unity to avoid being bullied. We need to develop, but Warcraft will not give us progress slowly. If a powerful monster appears one day, one slap will wipe out "Black and White City". We have no time to waste, so we have made the best plan to invite both of you to come here. I hope you two will understand!" Liu Wei'an Picked up the teacup.
"It is our honor to be able to do things with people like the city lord! UU reading is our honor!" Chao Bujin and Ji Yuechang raised the cups, not to mention Butu Amu's progress and Fu Lu's temptation, just Liu Wei'an's. Strong and threatening, they have no bargaining position. Liu Wei'an gave them down the steps. If they don't know what is good or bad, there will be two more vegetatives.
They believed that Liu Wei'an would have no hesitation or ambiguity to deal with them. Chao Bujin had already surrendered in his heart. Although Ji Yuechang was a little uncomfortable, he also knew that he would advance and retreat. After living at such a young age, he would have gone for good and avoided evil. No need to teach.
"It's done!" Liu Wei'an smiled slightly, and drank it all, followed by Chao Bujin and Ji Yuechang.
"For the next thing, Butu Amu will help the two of you." Liu Wei'an left. He was very busy and was able to take time to win over Ji Yuechang and Chao Bujin. It was also because there were too few Master Fulu, so he turned around. Circle, not finding a few, the importance of Chao Bujin and Ji Yuechang vomited out. When Liu Weian left "Black and White City" with people, a team of more than two hundred appeared in "Swamp City"...
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