Chapter 870: I am fish (medium)

At the banquet, the rice was full. Special staff pushed rice up with a cart, one barrel per barrel, endless. There are many kinds of dishes on the table. Laoganma, dried radish, sauerkraut, mustard, pickled pepper claws, broad beans, mold tofu, tempeh, dried fish ... As for the abundance, it is the benevolent.
很多 For many people who can't eat for a long time, they have enough food to eat. Not to mention there are side dishes, one by one, gobbling one by one, like starving to death. When the staff of the rice cooker has almost no hands to rest, the process continues for twenty minutes. After that is soup, it is impossible for fruit to have fruit.
I just poured the seasoning of instant noodles in boiling water. Before the end of the day, no one would take a look at this kind of soup, but now, one by one, I brush the pot of water as an amaranth immortal, and my expression on the face is satisfied.
危 Liu Wei'an put down his chopsticks. This seemed to be a signal. The hot hall was frozen for a while and quickly quieted down. Everyone looked at Liu Wei'an, and his heartbeat accelerated involuntarily.
危 Liu Weian glanced down the hall, including all the expressions into his eyes, and said, "I came from Tianfeng Province, and my current status is the Governor of Tianfeng Province."
This is nonsense. No one who comes here knows who he is, but no one shows an impatient expression.
"But immediately I will have another identity, that is, Governor of Xiangshui Province."
Liu Wei'an's words made some changes in the hall. No one still spoke, and they remained sane. This is also a foreseeable thing, the Ping An Army came here not to swim.
"Before the first battle, everyone knew everything from strangeness to understanding. They survived the siege of the zombies, and everyone who sat there was very successful. Here, on behalf of the citizens of Binzhou Road, I thank you for your contributions." Liu Wei An stood up and bowed.
For a moment, the people below couldn't calm down, and they saluted one after another, even saying they didn't dare. It took a while for me to let him fall back, and watching Liu Wei'an courteous and courteous, the atmosphere was much more relaxed.
"In this world today, singles alone cannot survive, and everyone must cooperate in order to survive this troubled time. Regarding this, I believe no one will object?" Liu Wei'an had a calm tone, but made people feel a little uneasy.
"I don't know how Governor Liu intends to cooperate?" Ji Feixiang made a sudden noise, which was surprising.
"Military management." Liu Wei'an seemed to have known that Ji Feixiang asked this question, without any surprise on his face.
Many people with four words shocked their hearts.
那么 "So how does Governor Liu plan to arrange for me to wait?" Ji Feixiang waited for Liu Weian to speak, and then said, "Divided by pro-sparseness or military achievements?"
危 Liu Wei'an did not answer, but asked a question: "You are Ji Feixiang. Since you raised this question, it means that you must have thought about it in your heart. What position do you think you deserve?"
"The leader of a regiment." Ji Feixiang really thought about this question and didn't want to answer it.
"Crazy!" Many people couldn't bear the noise.
"I am now in the late gold class, with a thousand soldiers and horses, and my masters are like a cloud. Can I not be a leader?" Ji Feixiang's sharp eyes glanced at those who said he was arrogant, with a cold tone: "I am still modest If you go elsewhere, you need a teacher. "
As soon as this remark was made, many people's expressions were rather unsightly, because there were few people under their hands. Someone wants to open
Sighing, I accidentally glanced at the weird expressions on the faces of Yang Zhangmen and others. When he moved his heart, he suddenly suppressed the thought of the opening and watched its changes.
"It's no wonder that he can make a breakthrough in Baimao District with this ambition." Liu Weian smiled at the corner of the mouth, praised, but the expression on his face did not have the corresponding appreciation. He pointed at the elephant standing on the side and asked: "How do you think he is better than him?"
"Slightly worse." Ji Feixiang looked stiff and somewhat ugly. Even if he was arrogant, he knew that he was far less than an elephant. Otherwise, he will not surrender under the hands of Grandpa Xue, the elephant defeated Grandpa Xue, the gap between him and the elephant cannot be estimated.
Zhang Zhangzi's eyes show contempt, flying this season is really shameless, is it slightly worse? He didn't dare to say that. However, he didn't say anything and looked at how Liu Weian responded.
"His name is an elephant. Because of his fierce combat and accumulated military achievements, there are now 50,000 men. Do you know that he holds any position in Tianfeng Province?" Liu Wei'an looked at Ji Feixiang.
"I don't know!" Ji Feixiang suddenly felt bad, but had to answer.
"Head of the group." Liu Wei'an did not let everyone guess for too long, he said it himself. As soon as this remark was made, Ji Feixiang was as uncomfortable as swallowing a fly, only to feel that his eyes were scornful and ridiculed.
The strength is not as good as the elephant. The number of people follows the difference between the sky and the sky. It is no longer a matter of arrogance to contemplate the position of head of the regime.
"Province Liu must have arranged for me, let me say it, so that I can have a clear understanding of myself." Ji Feixiang said with a cold face.
"According to my original plan, there is only one regiment for each Tao" Liu Wei'an said here, and saw many people change their faces. If they say that they have no ambition, they will not go to the banquet. It shows ambition. So many people grab a spot, but it's awful.

Liu Weian naturally knew the reason for the changes in the expressions of the people below, but he did n’t point it out. The words turned,
After all, Binzhou Road is special. No one expected to encounter the zombie pressure, and wanted to break through other Locally, Binzhou Road is equivalent to a springboard. It is equivalent to a base, and the foundation must be solid, so I made adjustments and set up two regiments on Binzhou Road. "
After hearing this, many people felt a little relieved, but their expressions were still not optimistic. In both positions, competition is still high.
"I have a list here, everyone to see if there is any opinion, if there is no opinion, it will be settled." Liu Wei'an said again.
Everyone was nervous, watching Jia Ning stand up and suddenly became nervous.
"Chun'an, Deputy platoon leader, Xiao Jiehui, Deputy platoon leader, Lang Xianneng, Deputy platoon leader ... Ji Feixiang, Deputy company commander-"
I was just a deputy company commander. Everyone looked at Ji Feixiang, and saw that he had a black face, his eyes flashing with anger, but he couldn't bear it. "Qin Shide, deputy company commander, Jiang Wuwei, deputy battalion commander ... Zhang Quanshen, battalion commander, Zhang Mazi, battalion commander, regiment leader, undead cat!"
There are not many names in the list, and there are only more than 50 people in total. Soon after reading, the people in the hall have different expressions and mixed emotions. The head of the team turned out to be an undead cat, which was a surprise to many people, but after a careful consideration, I took it for granted. Such an important position is naturally seated by the family. Liu Wei'an does not tolerate others. But soon, some people found it wrong and missed several people's names. The names of Zheng Li, Li Eshui, and Ye Xue didn't come across.
Sure enough, Li Eshui Ren
Can't help but stand up: "Province, me, why did you miss me?"
"Besides the military, there are two independent departments, one is the End of the World Cabinet, only the Golden Peak is eligible to enter. I plan to invite three to enter the End of the World Cabinet. Of course, this requires the consent of the three, if there are other opinions , Can also be raised. "Liu Weian smiled.
"I have no opinion." Ye Xue said without thinking. The word Gold Pinnacle attracted him at once.
"No opinion." Zheng Li was separated from the others, and she was wary of precaution.
"I have no opinion." Li Eshui originally wanted to ask what the Tianya Haige Ministry was doing, but he didn't mention it when he saw Liu Wei'an. He realized that this issue should not be like an announcement, so he restrained his mind.
"I don't know what the second independent department is?" Qin Shide started, and he was the old Qin in everyone's mouth. As soon as he made a noise, he immediately turned everyone's attention away.
"The second department is the Law Enforcement Department. For the time being, only one deputy minister, Zhang Zhiliang, the son of Zhang District Chief, should be familiar." Liu Wei'an intentionally or unintentionally swept Jiang Wuwei when he spoke, but this person His expression was sturdy, his eyes were low, and he didn't know what he was thinking.
Law enforcement!
The word law enforcement has always been associated with blood, many people were shocked in their hearts, their expressions changed, and they suddenly realized that Liu Wei'an might not be as good as the one shown. Zhang Mazi glanced at Zhang Quanshen. Zhang Zhiliang was still eating while he was gone, but he was gone for a reason. Just thinking, Ji Feixiang suddenly stood up.
"I don't agree!"
Ji Feixiang suppressed his anger and cried out loudly: "I waited to come here. In order to protect the countless dead and injured men on Binzhou Road, I was also injured many times, but I only had the position of deputy company commander. Governor Liu was not afraid of those present. Why is it that the undead cat will be able to get the title of head ~ ~ My strength is not necessarily weaker than him, because he is your man? "
"I don't agree with it." Qin Shide stood up, his voice indifferent: "The governor of Liu is only a relative. If you feel we are useless, I think I should leave here early, why bother me with some small posts?"
"Who else is not convinced?" Liu Wei'an glanced at Jiang Wuwei, but found that he was still indifferent, but someone stood up beside him.
"There is me." Zhang Langzhou stood up, he was not too young, with gray hair, but full of redness and spirit. Jiongjiong's eyes were extremely sharp, and his loud voice penetrated the whole hall.
"My Zhang family has been an official for generations, and I have summed up an experience. The way to be an official must be fair and just, otherwise it will not last. Thanks to the love of Governor Liu, he won the position of deputy battalion commander. In his post, Governor Liu invited others. "
Whispers rang out in the hall. The Zhang family is a branch of the Zhang family on the earth. It has already been out of the five services, but because of the talented people, it still keeps in touch with the main family of the earth. Zhang Langzhou did not lie. In each generation, there were people in the middle of the DPRK. The highest official went to the governor. At the lowest level, at least one was also the mayor. The government is the power, the business is the money, and the Zhang family is also very successful in doing business. The family business is well-known in the entire Xiangshui province. Decades of experience have extended its tentacles to all walks of life, with profound heritage. The Zhang family also married a sergeant in the army and had considerable strength in the military, political, and business circles.
朗 Zhang Langzhou is the uncle of the contemporary Zhang family. He has a strong right to speak. His clear-cut stance makes many people sway.
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