Chapter 21: Genius Zhu Zhu


    E Mei

  •   E Mei
  •   1324 characters
  •   2021-02-26 05:31:44

Pei Gugan laughed and said in two voices: "Little girl is so good at craftsmanship, I can't help it for a while, hey! The real person doesn't show up, little girl, have you used silver mouse to cook before?"
Zhu Zhu shook her head and said, "For the first time, I have never seen a silver rat before."
"How do you judge the heat, how many ingredients, etc.? I don't mention half a word in the Baiwei article?" Pei Gu was surprised.
的 The recipes he wrote on the Baiwei chapter were only based on his own experience and personal judgments. His personal practice was repeated defeats. Naturally, it is impossible to describe the key details.
When Zhu Zhuzhu made this dish, it was flowing, there was no hesitation in the middle, and she had this level for the first time. How did she do it? !!
"I can feel it." Zhu Zhu finds it difficult to express. She can easily distinguish the subtle state of flowers and even some living creatures since she has memories. So she and her grandmother learn to cook and cook. Before she was young, her grandmother seemed to think that this was normal, and she never expressed any opinions on it.
Peigu scratched his head in a strange expression, grabbed a handful of Wusu fruit, put it on a cutting board and asked Zhu Zhu, "Which one do you think is the best here?"
Zhu Zhuzhu took one of the less eye-catching hands and handed it to Pei Gu. Pei Gu squeezed the dried fruits aside and crushed the rest. After careful comparison, it turned out that Zhu Zhu picked out the most plump and fresh meat.
Pei Gu watched Zhu Zhu's eyes light up, and raised his thumb and said, "Genius! Genius! I said how did Elder Zheng choose a young girl who had no spiritual roots but was a wasteful disciple to be a disciple. It really has unique eyesight! "
Zhu Zhu Zhu vaguely felt that the reason behind Zheng Quan's desire to be his disciple was not simple, but he was still very happy with Pei Gu's sincere praise, and smiled, "I also think he has vision!"
Although many people like to look at her with scorn and disgust, Zhu Zhu never inferiority and self-pity because of this. Grandma used to tell her that I was born to be useful, but what everyone is good at is different. If you do what you are good at and try to do it well, you won't be left alone.
People like Liao Yongqi and Su Ling, if you compare the mana, she will definitely lose, but if they compare to cooking and cooking, they can't even match her with a finger.
Pei Gu listened to her words, and then laughed again, rubbing his hands and saying, "Sister, you just made another pot for that dish, right?"
"You haven't eaten enough yet!" Zhu Zhu was shocked. He was so hungry for several years before he could eat so much!
Pei Gu shook his head and said, "I do n’t want to eat. I want to give it to the brothers in the wall of mercy. Master Baofahu and insight, hum! This joke has laughed at me for decades, and said that my whimsical articles are boring and boring. I Let him eat it back today! "
壁 Wall of mercy? Bao Fahu? Isn't that Fu Yu's head who mentioned it? It seems that he asked Yin Zizhang to ask him if he had any questions. She cooked this Bao Fahu. He should have been more devoted to Yin Zizhang? !!
Zhu Zhu remembered that Yin Zizhang was going to retreat today. He had been instructed not to prepare lunch for him, so it doesn't matter to stay here for a while. When Pei Gu saw her nodded and promised, she happily grabbed another silver rat to prepare.
There is no shortage of cooperation between the old and the young, but in a while, the second pot of Wusu fruit stewed silver rat is ready.
The wall of mercy is west of the Yuanshi Valley, and the cave house of Bao Fahu is under the wall of mercy. There is a glance of Lingquan in front of the cave, which can be regarded as the most powerful place in this valley.
Pei Gu and Zhu Zhu walked to the Dongfu and suddenly heard a yell inside: "Go!" Then they saw two inner disciples in white clothes falling from the inside with a horrified expression.
Inner disciples wear white clothes during the qi refining period, while blue clothes wear the base period. Zhu Zhu is only a rookie. It is not yet possible to tell which peak the two men came from, but soon they reported themselves .
The two did not find Zhu Zhu and Pei Gu for a while. One of them got up and shouted in the hole: "Uncle Bao, the ancestor and his elders, regardless of their previous suspicion, invited you to join the Yuanyuan Peak. Is it necessary to toast and not drink?
"Go back and say to Su Jing's old man, even if I can't make a life, I will never associate with such an ungrateful villain, telling him to die early!" With strong coercion, the flowers and trees outside the Dongfu shuddered, and the two disciples in blue feared, stomped, and turned away.
一 As soon as they turned around, they saw Pei Gu and Zhu Zhu standing under the shade of the tree, their faces were embarrassed and embarrassed, and they hurried away by forcing a ceremony.
Xi Peigu took Zhu Zhu to step into Bao Fahu's cave house, and laughed aloud, "Brother Bao is so angry, come try the recipe of the old man, and make sure you eat it, and all the anger is vented."
"Eh! It ’s true that you make my intestines diarrhea and eat them. Lao Tzu is bothering. Do n’t mess with me ... hey? What is so fragrant?" This Bao Fahu's voice was so loud that it shook his ears. He was numb, but apparently he was not infused with mana coercion this time, it was just a louder voice.
Zhu Zhu felt that he was not malicious to them, and even rejoiced in their appearance.
法 Bao Fahu's cave house is very rude. It is covered with relatively flat masonry on all sides, and several semi-bright moonlight stones are embedded on the top. It looks better than the grave.
Since Zhu Zhu came to the Sage School, everything I saw was paved with white jade and jade as tiles. It was the first time I saw such a shady place.
Bao Fahu was sitting at the only stone table in the middle of the hall. He was tall and born as strong as an iron tower. Even sitting on a chair was a lot taller than Zhu Zhu. He had a face with thick brows and eyes, like There are more heroes in the small books than like a fairy.
Pei Gu proudly walked to the table and lifted the lid of the pot: "Usu fruit stewed silver rat, the most suitable for people like you who have water and roots, you know that I am so good after you eat it, do n’t worship too much I ’m fine. Wow ha ha ha ha! "
"Usu fruit stewed silver rat? How did you grow like this? You made it ?!" Bao Fahu was drooling with the scent, but was poisoned by Pei Gu for many years. With a squinting eyes, he looked at Pei Gu in doubt.
Pei Gu was angered by him, and he didn't know where to put a pair of chopsticks into his hand, saying, "Eat and eat! Ask so much?"
Bao Fahu took a piece of silver rat meat carefully and put it under his nose, sniffed, made sure that the aroma was not an illusion, then slowly opened his mouth and licked it with the tip of his tongue to make sure there was no weird taste. Chew slowly.
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