Chapter 229: Can't wait


    E Mei

  •   E Mei
  •   1412 characters
  •   2021-02-26 05:34:35

Broken Fairy Valley is the place where the disciples in the southwestern region conduct trials. There are a lot of fierce monsters below level four. Everyone always thinks that the ancestor of the four factions chose this place because they were in the middle of the four factions. Not so simple, it is very likely that the site of Sipai Shanmen was originally selected for this Broken Fairy Valley.
The original ancestors of the four factions were settled on the southwestern border against the treasure of the King of Ice and Fire. The four faction's mountain gates broke the Xiangu arch in the middle. If anyone interrupted Xiangu's idea, the four factions joined forces to expel.
In the name of a disciple, he blocked the Xianxian Valley, and held the so-called Xianxian Valley meeting at regular intervals.
At first, the righteousness banned others from entering the valley. Secondly, once the specific location of the treasure entrance was found in the future and the five treasures to open the treasure were found, it would not be a problem to mobilize a large number of disciples into the valley.
Di Chanshang waited for a few people to be too impressed with this place. Last time, because of the poison of the Zen School, they almost explained in the valley. Fortunately, Ji Yougu came up with a solution. Individuals cooperate to kill a way out.
Nowadays, several people ’s cultivation is incomparable to the original, and there are many attacks on their hands. Even if they fight the fifth-ranked spider king again, they have a fight against them. It is not much to kill them together. Impossible.
Although knowing that most of the spider king has already lost his house and escaped from the Broken Fairy Valley, most of the other five-level monsters in the valley exist. They want to enter the valley to search for the treasure of the Ice and Fire God King, and can't help but confront these monsters.
"Head, the last time I broke the Fairy Valley meeting, later someone can send someone into the valley to see what exactly caused the sudden appearance of the fifth-order monster?" Ji Yougu asked.
"We speculate that this is related to the treasure of the King of Ice and Fire, and more specifically, it may be related to the heavenly fire immortal fire in the treasure. Although the other three factions are also confused, the ban on the Xianxian Valley is quite strong, and only allows The monks moved in below the base period, and they sent people to investigate inside. Every time they were near the center lake, they would find the trace of the fifth-order monster and had to turn back, so there is no conclusion yet. "Fu Yu said.
"It ’s a coincidence that the fifth-order monsters appeared in the valley last time, because they are the organizers of the Broken Fairy Valley Association, so they sent their disciples into the valley to test their hands in advance. As a result, they discovered the existence of the fifth-order monsters. . "
In fact, Broken Fairy Valley is open for use by disciples of the Four Schools at any time, but it is too dangerous and expensive to make a rune. Therefore, few disciples enter into it except during the Broken Fairy Valley meeting.
Yanji Yougu's eyes brightened: "The organizer of the next Broken Fairy Valley Meeting is the united faction."
Fu Yu laughed: "Yeah, so I plan to propose a few days to work together to solve the problem in the Broken Fairy Valley. How can the disciples left by the ancestors to be tried out, especially in the hands of us? The monsters occupy the territory of the four factions in the southwest. What face do we have to continue to be based in the southwest? We must ask the united faction to take the lead in solving this. "His smile looked at how insidious and cunning.
As soon as this proposal came out, it can be imagined that the remaining factions will be considered to be deliberately difficult for the sectarians to blame, and finally the sectarians could take the opportunity to ask the remaining three factions for sufficient benefits, and then led by Di Chanshang and others Into the valley, the benefits of the face are exhausted, and at the same time, no one will doubt their reasons for entering the Broken Fairy Valley.
Most importantly, even if the remaining three factions discover the secrets in the future, there is no way to make any demands.
Zhu Zhuzhu thought secretly: The second brother and the head of the staff are just like a shilling, and both of them seem to be very good-speaking, but they are actually the same sinister! Taking advantage of it is an outright virtue that offends no one.
You Qianyi said: "Now the five treasures are already in our hands, Fu Yu, you can start to promote this matter. You do n’t have to rush to achieve Zen Chan, and your own safety is the most important. Go and see the situation in the valley first. When you open a treasure, save yourself and come back first. Anyway, neither Broken Fairy Valley nor the treasure will run away. You are still young and you must not act recklessly. "
The treasure of the King of Ice and Fire God is very important. The sages have spent countless manpower and material resources on it. You Qianyu and Fu Yu want to open the treasure than anyone, but they undoubtedly value the latter more than the safety of several disciples.
The Sages managed to discover and train these elite disciples. They are the future of Sages. They cannot afford to lose any of them.
Zhu Zhuzhu kept talking several times and finally couldn't help but whispered: "Can you ... wait for my master to leave the customs, and let us discuss it?"
Chi You Qianyi now has a more kind and amiable attitude towards Zhu Zhu than her own disciple. After listening to her proposal, she said to Yan Yue: "Are you worried about immortal fire?"
Zhu Zhuxu nodded unceasingly. No one knows the power of the sky fire better than her. According to Chi Kuoyao ’s words before her death that day, the flame from the piglet was one of the sky fires, Xuyang Minghuo, and she later verified it with her teacher.
Think about this fire, the two yuan infant monks burned to the ash on the spot, one of them is the seven-pin alchemy master of outstanding fire control ability, how can people not be afraid?
Chi You Qianyi and Fu Yu glanced at each other. Zhu Zhu's proposal really made sense. Skyfire was not a trivial matter. Although Zheng Quan had explained to them long-lived immortal fire before, they always had him sitting, and everyone can rest assured.
Longevity fairy fire is said to be a less threatening type of sky fire. As the name implies, it contains a very powerful vitality. The reason why the monsters in Broken Fairy Valley suddenly broke through the prohibition and was promoted to the fifth stage. According to Zheng Quan, it is very likely that Nine is related to this immortal fire.
No matter what, there is no need to take risks before the situation is completely clear.
Yun Yinzhang suddenly said, "If the negotiations with the other three factions have been completed, and the second master has not yet left the customs, we can also go and see, as Master said, it is really impossible, and we will return first."
Monks are usually born at least a year and a half, and occasionally have a genius to complete in a month or two, but this is only a very small number, most of them have been in retreat for ten, twenty or more years. No one knows when Zheng Quan will be out of customs. Yin Zizhang couldn't wait.
His enemies may be able to wait, but Zhu Zhu ’s enemies do not know when he will come to his door. His current strength is too small compared to the other party. Even if he is desperate, it is difficult to protect Zhu Zhu ’s safety, so he must break through and improve as soon as possible. Repair for.
For the average person, he became a monk in the late period of building before the age of 25, which is an appalling miracle, but this is far from enough for him. Dan ’s strength is too terrible. Just look at Zhu Zhu. Yuanyuan monks who were less than 20 years old would know.
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