Chapter 228: Where the treasure is


    E Mei

  •   E Mei
  •   1373 characters
  •   2021-02-26 05:34:29

In the banquet hall on the east side, the atmosphere was tense, and most of the guests didn't figure out what happened. Tai Wuchi stood on the main seat, glanced coldly at the guests in the hall, his heart was depressed.
It's hard not to be depressed if someone changed a thief in his home on such a good day, and lost the most important thing.
Tai Wuchi carefully recalled the fact that he had just discovered that someone had sneaked into the treasure house and moved those Sanqing Lingzhu fruits. He issued a warning and hurried to the treasure house. On the way, he felt that someone was attaching him to the flames. The wisp of consciousness on the spirit fruit was completely erased, and he was almost unable to prevent the damage of the Yuanshen ... he couldn't remember when he was going to eat maggots.
When he set his mind and rushed out of the treasure house, he saw two black figures galloping towards the banquet hall in the distance. He didn't enter the hall building in a blink of an eye. It has been destroyed so much that even the Sanqing Lingzhu fruit tree has disappeared.
He determined that the two black figures were the thieves who stole his Thai family treasure, and uttered a command to the Thai family masters to besiege the banquet hall area. He was sure that the two thieves were now among the guests in the hall, but He always felt that something important was ignored by him.
He groaned a little and instructed Tai Daomei: "Go to the treasure house and see what the elders are like, check the treasure house to see how the losses are, but there are clues left by the thieves."
Tai Daomei took the lead, and Tai Wuchi raised his head to the guests in the hall and said, "It was a shame to say that only a thief sneaked into the place to make trouble. After being found, he ran to the banquet hall. Now I ask all of you to take turns to come and find someone to prove that you have never left this hall. If you can't prove ... then please stay in Xinzhuang for a few days and leave after the matter is identified. "
His mana cultivation is here, even if it is not the first or the top three, a powerful coercion spreads between the words, even if the guests in the hall are dissatisfied, they dare not refute it.
Several competent disciples at the Huataijiazhuang have already stepped forward, and the guests who have no doubts will be invited to take a rest first. Individual VIPs can also leave on their own, and the rest will take turns to prove each other's innocence.
Pu Di Chanshang deliberately sent a few disciples of Fan Jianzong to the test, and beat a few disciples of Fan Jianzong with high self-esteem. Everyone in the hall saw his violence. Although Fan Jianzong's face was dull, he was quite sure that he could not be the bandit described by the ancestors of Tai, especially because he was so special. .
Pu Di Chan Shang remembered how the master, brother and sister had gone on, and had a arrogant attitude towards the nostrils. If he hadn't dragged Fan Jianzong's disciples to a fight just now, forcing their teacher to stay in the hall to fight, Fan Jianzong's people would not be slow to respond, and the thieves could easily escape the treasure house and sneak into the guests.
After some investigation, more than 20 guests were left in the hall. Most of them were repairs during the foundation period. They were uneasy on their faces and sighed unfortunately in the heart. The rest of the guests who took off the suspect were free to leave or go to the hospital. rest.
Bian Tai Wuchi returned to the back, Tai Daomei had brought his wife and scared faceless Hanhua aside, and the unconscious white willow was lying on the stretcher on the ground.
The elders such as Bai Liu who had been stunned by the poisonous whale poisonous mist were killed by her accomplice when they escaped from the treasure house. However, it is not difficult to figure out things with the evidence of Chanhua and the bottle fragments found in the flowers. The key point is that Zuo Huaping has disappeared.
Bian Taidao eyebrows led people into the treasure house to search. Naturally, they saw a large hole on the ground that was burned by a pig, and it was almost certain that another group of thieves had escaped from the underground river.
Wu Tai Wuchi thought that he was a beauty first, then he was tricked by a thief, and let them escape from the ground safely, almost angry on the spot.
Judging from the obvious burn marks near the burrow in the treasure house, the stealing of Sanqing Lingzhu and fruit trees is definitely the group of thieves who ran away in the underground river. I hate that I have missed these little thieves in my spiritual inspection. He also tried to find thieves among the guests.
Even if found, they are just two insignificant accomplices, or even just a few small praying mantises that haven't caught cicadas. The real carduelis has been away.
At this point, Tai Wuchi can only explain to Tai Daomei that he can find the gang of thieves from the guests left as soon as possible, torture them and Bai Liu, to see who has eaten the bear heart leopard, and dare to move to their Taijiazhuang head .
A good event ended in a hurry, and the guests left that night. Yin Zizhang left the next day. Before the departure, Shi Yinglu came forward and asked the housekeeper Zhu Zhu and Cuihua for two maidservants on the road. No one in Taijiazhuang Psychologically, let them go.
A group of five people left Taijiazhuang for a long way, Zhu Zhu determined that no one was nearby, and gave the Cui a sum of money to send her away, and then they changed their appearances and hurried to a town thousands of miles away and agreed with Di Chanshang in advance Confluence.
From the beginning to the end, Liu Yuantong didn't know what good things they had done. Di Chanshang and others were the pride of the heavenly sages. The age of 50 is already in the late foundation period, and the future is limitless. He is also happy. Get in touch with them, especially Zhu Zhu. He is even more willing to pay. Not to mention that her master Zheng Quan has better strength than the seven-pin alchemy master, she alone can make the holy spirit alchemy. God is so skillful.
It is definitely a matter of great benefit to have a good relationship with such an alchemy genius.
Pu Di Chan Shang and others also felt that it was safer for the many elders around Jiedan, so they had an excuse to want to go back to the mountain to meet Master and embark on the return journey with Liu Yuantong.
After a month, they finally returned to the Sage. You Qianyou knew a few months ago that they had received the news of the Keel Star Compass. I did not expect them to return so soon, and they were overjoyed.
权 Zheng Quan was retreating to prepare for the baby. Several teachers and apprentices invited Fu Yu, the head of the group, to discuss the opening of the treasure of the Ice God.
Pu Di Chan Shang is the most anxious, and has long been accustomed by You Qianyi to be no big or small. Before everyone sits down and asks, "Master, where is the treasure of the Ice and Fire God?"
Fu Fuyu smiled, spread out a map of the southwest, and reached out with a finger: "It should be here."
Pu Di Chan Shang waited for a couple of eyes to stare at his fingers, even Zhu Zhu looked curiously.
The place pointed by Fu Fuyu turned out to be the Broken Fairy Valley that nearly killed them.
怎么 "How can this ghost place be?" Di Zen still couldn't help yelling.
Yan Ji Yougu waited to see the valley just in the middle of the four factions in the southwest, her face slowly revealing the color.
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