Chapter 227: Eat fruit


    E Mei

  •   E Mei
  •   1446 characters
  •   2021-02-26 05:34:29

Wutai Wuchi has been alarmed, and will be here in no time. You must evacuate here immediately, or you will have to wait for the other party to catch you.
The two masked monks glanced at each other. The consciousness attached to the spirit fruit could not be removed for a while, and they took the spirit fruit away. Tai Wuchi would easily catch up and kill them. The two bit their teeth. When he immediately gave up the spiritual fruit at his fingertips, he turned his head and ran towards the treasure house gate.
No matter how precious the spiritual fruit is, it is not as important as his own life. He lost his life, and it is just as if he got a hundred spiritual fruit.
I watched as the two turned and left, Ji Yougu's thoughts turned and jumped to take off the keel star compass on the top of the stone room.
In the eyes of the Thai family, the only use of this star compass is to absorb the light of the accumulated moon and moon for the growth of the Sanqingling Pearl Fruit Tree. Although it is known that there must be something extraordinary, no one can penetrate it, and in order to let it absorb Xingyue Guanghua, you must always take it outside the treasure house, so there is no movement on it.
Next is the five Sanqing Lingzhu fruit, Ji Yougu has not yet determined how to start, Yin Zizhang has already stepped forward and took off the five Linggu one by one with a thunderbolt, and in Jiyougu's unbelieving eyes All stuffed into the pig's mouth.
I actually took five precious Sanqing Lingzhu fruit to feed the pig.
Xi Jiyou couldn't help but whisper calmly, almost vomiting blood on the spot.
究竟 What kind of deep hatred does this Thai family have with the four mentors? Without these five spiritual fruits, they cannot afford to waste them by feeding them pigs.
Yin Zizhang has his own reason for doing this, only he knows that the pig is simply a fiery one. Since the combination of pig and Zhu Zhu can give Zhu Zhu the power of a monk in the late Yuan infant moment, its own mana is also Most of the time, it will not be lower than the late Yuan Infant. The sky fire carried in its body is definitely enough to quickly wipe away the wisps of consciousness attached to Sanqing Lingzhu.
At the same time that Linguo was swallowed by the piglet, a yell came from Tai Wuchi in the distance, and the roar was full of pain and suffering. He was full of feeling for the five that he had given out for fear of losing Sanqing Lingzhu. The ray of consciousness, as a result, caught up with the piglet to make spiritual fruit with the internal fire of the body, and suddenly a severe pain burned by the fire was directly transmitted to his Yuan Shen consciousness sea. Even if he was a grand monk in the late Yuan infant period, he was almost sad. Fall to the ground.
When Yun Zizhang heard this roar, he was more sure that he had made the right bet. He looked up to Ji Yougu and said, "The gods' knowledge on the Sanqing Lingzhu fruit has been erased. Is it right to leave?"
Ji Yougu responded very quickly. Although he didn't know the details of the piglet, he also guessed that he walked under the Sanqing Lingzhu fruit tree, and as Zhu Zhu said, this fruit tree likes water very much, and it is usually born underground. Above the water veins of the river, the mind whispered: "Hidden!"
The two did not hesitate, and according to the prior discussions, they threw a few destructive runes such as the Nine Turns and the Thunder Curse, which blew the entire treasure house into chaos. Yin Zizhang looked at the Sanqing Lingzhu fruit tree and confirmed it. There is no sign of consciousness, just dig it up and down and put it in a special storage box.
The two quickly destroyed it, and finally found a hidden corner in the treasure house to hide.
They carry the magical spirit stone sent by the demon fox, and they can hide their breath at will. According to the demon fox, unless they have special abilities or magic weapons to deal with illusions, they cannot be discovered by the sense of consciousness. They exist.
They have never tested the power of the Phantom Spirit Stone in front of a monk in the late Yuanying period, so they do n’t know if the fox's statement has an exaggerated element. So far, they can only fight it.
The sound came from outside the treasure house. They rushed out and they were afraid they would run into Tai Wuchi head-on. It happened that the two masked monks ran away to draw the attention of the Thai family. They just waited for the wind to pass. Tai Wu Chi waited for the main force to go after the robbers, and then dug open an underground river to run away.
推 From the thinking of normal people, no one would think that a thief would stay at the crime scene instead of running after he succeeded.
Soon after the two of them hid, they felt a powerful consciousness swept in from outside the treasure house. Then he heard Tai Wuchi's voice resentful: "The thief has already run away, others are guarding the treasure house, no one is allowed to wait in and out. Everyone in the banquet hall, please don't leave, otherwise the old man is not polite!" By the time the last word was spoken, the voice had gone towards the east feast hall.
It seems that the two masked monks ran up to the banquet hall, and yes, there are many guests there, and the atmosphere is mixed. As long as their hands and feet are fast enough to mix with the crowd, even if the power of Tai Wuchi is high, it will be difficult for a while. Divide me.
Several powerful and very strong breaths quickly appeared at the entrance of the Treasure Treasury. It is estimated that the elder Jiedan who came to the banquet from Fan Jianzong arrived in person.
There are many treasures of the Tai family in the treasure house, and the news that Tai Wuchi is unwilling to report that something has happened with the fruit of the tree and fruit, so everyone just stayed outside the treasure house and did not enter it to search.
Yanji Yougu determined that Tai Wuchi had gone, and immediately took out a bucket of cold pond water soaked with ice deciduous stones, and intensified the water mist to form a circle of several feet in the place where Sanqing Lingzhu fruit tree was originally grown.
This kind of water mist can also isolate the spiritual exploration, but it is not stable. It is easy to see through the masters who met the Infanthood. At this time, there are only Danish monks left outside the cave.
Yin Zizhang put the pig in the water mist, pointed to the ground, and whispered: "Set fire to burn!"
The piglet obediently obeyed and spouted a fire dragon to the ground under his feet. The ground about one foot thick and the protective array arranged underground were completely burned and burned through.
Xiao Piggy's feet were empty, and he fell down first. Fortunately, Yin Zizhang hugged it quickly.
The protection in this cave is only for monks below the Dandan period. Most of the monks in the Yuan infant period were wealthy and self-identified. They would not be doing rat theft for the Thai family's things. Who would have expected a thief? Bring a "soul beast" with more destructive power than Yuan Yuan monk to carry on the crime?
He then Yin Zizhang and Ji Yougu sneaked into the underground river smoothly through the ground.
The two of them were very proficient in water system spells. While sneaking, they explored the direction of the underground river. They soon dived out of the river in a cave ten miles away south of the manor.
Tai Wuchi is leading most of the monks in the Thai family to besiege the banquet hall on the east side. To find out the evil thief who stole the Sanqing Lingzhu fruit, plus Di Zen Shang is making a ghost in it. Most of the Thai family's attention is up and down, but there is not much attention on the guest house side.
Yun Yinzhang and Ji Yougu quickly changed their clothes and sneaked back into the courtyard where they lived. Zhu Zhu and Shi Yinglu saw that they had returned safely and could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.
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