Chapter 294: Silgay and ...

The content on the paper group came to an abrupt halt. The writing was messy and short. It could be seen that the person who wrote these things was holding a purely ventilating idea, and later felt that it was inappropriate. Then he just tore it off from the diary and threw it away. Go to the bottom of the drawer.
"Oh ~"
Li Yan repeatedly read the words on the paper group three or four times, but did not feel suddenly open, but even more headache.
The main idea in the paper group's words should be this "Big Ben Laboratory" or "that man" who provoked various superpowers to carry out world wars. At the end of the war, leaders of various countries were aware of it, but in the end, nuclear winter still came. This is a shocking conspiracy that sweeps all humanity, Barabara ...
Unfortunately, Li Yan has no interest in these things.
One thing, Li Yan was very clear from beginning to end. He obeyed Yu Shu's words and came to this wasteland through the key. In the end, he could not get too much oil and water, but he could not risk his life. It is laborious and unpleasant.
Winter is not a terrible time, Li Yan can't tell, but can go down to the speeding thugs in the dunes and deserts, go up to the iron fists to sweep the major companies in the last days, I am afraid there is not one, I hope Li Yan will do more business.
Not to mention, they have only been here for more than ten days, but they have lived in winter for decades. There is really a black hand that created the winter monsoon, but local giants such as "Pompeii" and "Black Star Chariot" know nothing about it, and this fruit really deserves to be destroyed.
Moreover, I don't know how, such a handwriting always makes Li Yan feel like he once knew each other.
Look, this is more like Yan Fu's walking style.
Too old, I am poor, strange, oh ...
If this is the case, the position that one should hold is even more ambiguous.
What Li Yan hated the most was that there was a pile of nonsense in the paper group, and he only avoided the "endless Jacques" and their research plan in this underground base. This part, however, is closely related to Li Yan's current situation.
Soon after Li Yan found the paper ball, he found a wheel-shaped navy blue alloy door, and the hydraulic machinery used for normal startup was blown up, but a crack of a height of one person cracked on the door, letting Li Yan It was worn directly without the effort of blowing dust.
Behind the gate is a relatively spacious room, about 200 square meters. The yellow and red alarm lights flash alternately, giving a different sense of urgency.
Li Yan looked around. In addition to some messy equipment and test tubes, there were scattered blood on the ground with smelly smell. There was no drying up, depending on the situation.
Stepping on the broken glass stubble on the ground, Li Yan crossed the dusty operating table and stood in front of a row of weird machines on display.
These are lined up, with a lot of strangely lined machines connected to them, two meters high, similar to a sterile culture glass dish for plants, full of age. But now only one place of glass seems to be broken.
Below each destroyed dish, there was a piece of a4 paper with a series of Russian words written on it. One of them was written as "Winter Jacques", with the word 017 beside it.
Below is a photo of a blonde girl with a series of textual information, with Vera on the name line, including the girl ’s name, parents, graduated college, and the platoon unit to which she belongs, and at the bottom is a Bright red fork ...
Looking at these glassware, except for the various "Jacques" names, there is a photo on the bottom of each of the dishes. It is for men and women, young, and his face is overflowing. It is the ideal glory of that era. .
And the end of these a4 papers, without exception, is painted with a red cross.
There is only one exception.
The other glassware was smashed, but this one was intact, of course, there was nothing in it.
Under the dish tank, there is a graffiti smiley, crooked, and writes "Hill cover".
Li Yan guessed, a rough outline of the event emerged in his mind.
In the nuclear war that made all mankind complete, the researchers who left the paper group have been in this underground base to study the so-called "endless Jacques" for their motherland.
These vessels were semi-finished "Jacques" soldiers. Later, for some reason, the military decided to abandon the plan. Even these inhumane semi-finished products were sealed here. After the nuclear bomb, these "Jacques" were removed from the glassware. Wake up and become infected with radiation ...
The room in front of you is also powered. In the center of the room, there are strings scrolling on the green screen of the huge black machine, but this thing looks like it has been broken by bullets, and the exposed wires are still sparkling.
On one side of the brown drawing table, the metal box was open and the inside was empty. Li Yan wiped a box. There was no dust on the inner edge of the box. This box was newly opened.
Li Yan patted his thigh at the moment, chasing out along the bloodstream without a word!
He sent Su Du Niao to chase for about five minutes. A loud noise came from Li Yan's ears. The whole base shook. After Li Yan arrived, there was a collapsed entrance. It was too late to chase after him. .
Anxious, Li Yan swears: "Fuck, this big wave of zombies is pretty smart. (Northern Chinese, pretty clever)"
Although this base has a generator, decades ago, someone must have operated it to get the power supply system of this abandoned base running. Li Yan walked around. There is no one in this base except the "Winter Jacques". The corpse wandered here for a long time.
"Winter Jacques" and Li Yan briefly confronted each other. After finding that they were not opponents, they ran directly to the navy blue gate that Li Yan had just found. Not only did they shoot the machine to break it, but they did not leave useful clues for Li Yan. She ran off with a certain "important" thing in the box and blasted the cave at the exit to prevent Li Yan from catching up with herself.
In this series of reactions, there is no difference between the clear and living people, even more decisive than ordinary people, and the execution is stronger!
Fortunately, Li Yan was attracted by a strong wind blowing from the cave, which originally showed that there was not only one exit from the base.
"Can't stay here."
Li Yan took the initiative and decided that Jacques had enough wisdom in the winter, so if he stayed there, it would be difficult to get key clues.
And Li Yan is now afraid that the "Jacques in Winter" will come and go, or that the base has a Roche child self-explosion device, so he will regret it late.
Of course, this is unlikely, and there are really such convenient things, and these researchers detonated when they retreated.
Li Yan bowed and walked, leaning against the steel plate on the edge of the base building.
He sent all the Sudu birds out and explored the dark forks around the base a little bit. He went wrong twice before and two Sudu birds died in the process of exploring the cave. One was flying too deep in the crypt, and Sudu bird lost his way, and eventually died of exhaustion in the dark cave. Another was killed by unknown animals like giant earthworms in the cave, and even Li Yan himself , And ashamed.
In the end, Li Yan successfully walked out of the intricate crypt with a little light. By this time, the sky was already bright.
Out of the cave, the mottled lead cloud in the sky is still the kind of iron gray that makes people feel depressed, mixed with a little rust-like dark red luster, which makes people look upset.
But in Li Yan's eyes, this is undoubtedly the beauty of Taoyuan.
He looked around, stepping on an endless black turf, with an unknown fluorescent water floating near his feet. Li Yan checked the map. Although he couldn't determine his position, there was no doubt that it was not his own place. Clear area. And deeper zones.
Li Yan had a hunch that in this big devil lake, he would also encounter the winter Jacques named "Weila".
Suddenly, Li Yan noticed that the back of his hand was itchy and opened his clothes for a look, but found some small red spots on the back of his hand.
The human fear comes from the unknown. If Li Yan's back is cut open to shocking wounds, he will not feel anything, but this area that Li Yan is not familiar with makes his scalp numb.
However, Li Yan can clearly feel that there is a burst of coolness around the back of the hand, it seems to be resisting something, this feeling persists, giving Li Yan a little peace of mind.
Li Yan glanced at his status bar. The original prompt for "contact with radioactive materials" was gone, and replaced with the words "radiation infection (Quan Lang Hai Ghost Resistance)".
He exhaled, took himself a carrot, rode a silver Dodge tomahawk, and dashed along the water ...
On the black steppe, there are still star-studded ruins and caves. In addition to the dry and ragged corpses, there are also various dangerous creatures.
As Li Yan sees now.
This is a dead building of a building after being burned by flames. Like all buildings that can block ultraviolet rays, there are a large number of living corpses. Today, these living corpses welcome a powerful uninvited guest.
Not Li Yan.
The corpses were holding various old-fashioned firearms, and the bullets in their hands poured onto a crooked deformed monster.
This monster is as tall as the floor shelf, and even the webbed feet can easily step on the scrapped jeep. It has human features, six limbs, and squirming lips. Half of the body of the living body is exposed. It is worth mentioning that its small head was blasted together with one eye, and the smelly black blood flowed into it, which caused it to go crazy.
[? ? ? 】
Status: Gene breakdown
Remarks: Once the Great Devil Lake was majestic and vast, with green mountains and green waters, and grasslands and glaciers, there were mane dogs, yaks, antelopes, pikas, antelope cranes, tiger leopards. The human body's foundation and intense radiation caused devastating blows to this land. After years of radiation, the genes of all living beings are no longer stable. It only takes a few months to evolve. Grass-eating hares may eat the carcass of a maned dog. , While the spotted leopard can walk upright ...
In such a fierce species evolution, animals often suffer from gene collapse because they can't withstand it, and horror creatures in a state of genetic collapse often quickly rot and die within a few days. This phenomenon is not uncommon in the extreme environment of winter.
It is worth mentioning that the Pompeii arms researcher sends researchers to record and observe this phenomenon. It is said that this can quickly promote the company's research progress on genetic modification agents. In recent years, the Black Star Chariot and Tan Ya Mining have also Start emulating.
Crowds of living corpses trapped this giant monster with genetic breakdown. The fire stream of machine guns and the fierce flames and shrapnel of grenade explosions all burned the monster's painful nerves. The tiny wounds left by gunpowder are far from a deadly threat to this monster. On the contrary, the monster's random rolling and tearing in the hysterics can cause heavy casualties to the living corpses.
Li Yan was behind an abandoned mossy bus, observing the battle through the window. He would rather face ten monsters with such genetic breakdown than face a fighter plane. The fire horror of the latter is difficult to target, while the former is slow and awkward in Li Yan's view and is restrained by blood-dipped blasting. But to be fair, the strength of this monster is by no means below the average fourth-tier unit. And the third-tier arms encountered the frontal, it is almost impossible to survive.
Unless he has a powerful sniper rifle that can be called an anti-tank missile.
Gradually, the group of living corpses could not resist the monster whose genes collapsed, and it was about to collapse.
The flames were intertwined with black smoke, happily rolling and rolling on this monster, and the monster wailed, suddenly weakening.
Li Yan's eyelids jumped, his eyes unconsciously exploring among the abandoned buildings that looked like primitive jungles.
With this shot, the atmosphere of the corpse was alive.
But only Li Yan who had witnessed the whole process knew that this monster was brought here by the owner of the sniper rifle, and the purpose was to destroy the monster and the dead body together here.
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