Vol 2 Chapter 1004: [The first batch of helium-three resources shipped back to the earth]

With the arrival of the new year, 2O23 is ushered in.
In the Hongwan area of ​​the moon, mankind’s first permanent base on the surface of the moon has been scaled up. Today, in the early morning of the East Eighth District, a supply ship launched from the earth landed near the Moon Palace base.
This is not only the first permanent extraterrestrial base for mankind, but also the first mining base on an extraterrestrial world. The scale is relatively small compared to the mines on the earth, but it has far-reaching significance and great influence.
Today's Yuegong base has expanded to 6000 square meters. More than half of the area is vegetable greenhouses. It is a seed industry area. The most planted is mushroom food, because this kind of food grows faster than vegetables.
However, the current scale of the seed industry in Yuegong Base still cannot meet the daily needs of all the base staff, but the quality of life has undoubtedly been greatly improved.
In the future, the scale of the seed industry will be further expanded. Even if the current scale is not able to obtain supplies from the earth in an unexpected situation, self-sufficiency can support one or two months without much pressure.
This time, not only supplies were sent, but also five Bionic Battle Angels came. In the future, they will continue to send more as the base expands.
The fighting angels also have to eat and drink to maintain the metabolism of the organism's modules. They can eat the food that humans eat, but Yuechuang Technology has prepared a dedicated bio-energy intake for them to maintain the metabolism of the organism.
In the area of ​​Hongwan District, there is a huge photovoltaic power generation center more than ten kilometers away from the Moon Palace base, and the moon surface is covered with photovoltaic panels.
The energy consumption of the base comes from solar power, and it also includes seven lunar rover. The energy consumption of these vehicles is batteries instead of gasoline. In addition, each wheel of these lunar rover is equipped with a separate engine, and each tire can withstand below zero. Low temperature of more than 100 degrees Celsius.
It is worth mentioning that the current transportation between the earth and the moon is still a traditional transport spacecraft, and the planned "Moonship 1" has not yet started, and we have to wait until the construction of the space dock of the "Forerunner 2" space station is completed. In order to build the "Moonboat No. 1", this is a big guy, with a quality of up to 12,000 tons.
It uses the fission core power system, once built, it will be the first space transport ship in human history.
In a sense, this is no less than a symbol that truly opened the era of human cosmic navigation.
Such a huge ship can only be anchored in the orbit of the planet with current human technology, and it is not yet capable of landing on the planet as a whole and returning to space, even if the gravity of the moon is much lower than that of the earth, the current technical conditions are unrealistic.
The moon still needs special transportation vehicles to and from the lunar surface and orbit to transport the goods from the lunar surface to the lunar orbit, and then transport them back to the earth with a full load through the future "Lunar Ship 1".
It's the same on the earth now, and it will be a ladder from now on.
Following the smooth delivery of the supplies to the Moon Palace base, they did not return empty-handed. The transport spacecraft brought back 8 cans full of helium-3 gas from the Moon Palace base, a total of 8.31 tons.
There are three lunar rover at work every day near the Moon Palace base. These lunar rover are like vacuum cleaners, sucking and heating the helium-3 gas all the way. In addition to collecting this gas that can change the world, there are other gains. For example, the oxide is very important to the Moon Palace base, and there is a special cabin inside the base that uses resources from the lunar surface to make chemical water.
There are other related rare metals. The valuable and useful for base expansion will be left behind, and the useless will be discharged with the dirt.
The operation of the entire Moon Palace base can be described as busy and thriving.
A week later, eight tons of helium-3 gas was successfully delivered from the moon to the "Forerunner 2" space station, and was successfully delivered to the earth's surface through the return module three times the next day.
When the third batch of helium-3 gas tanks were successfully delivered to the headquarters, Star Arrow International held a press conference in the afternoon. At the same time, the eight tanks of helium-3 gas were side-by-side separated by a transparent wall and delivered to the press conference. It made a public appearance at the scene and announced the achievement of this great cross-planet mining mining in a high profile.
The reporters from various media who came to the scene frantically photographed the eight cans of helium-3 gas brought back from the moon, and they became the headlines of the major media on the day without any suspense.
It caused a sensation in all walks of life around the world, such as capital, science and technology, academia, and so on.
In a trance, the era of controllable fusion that mankind has been thinking about for a long time seems to be near.
Stimulated by this news, the global capital market has also entered a carnival. Crude oil futures plunged first. The price of oil plunged all the way. Petroleum can only be used as a chemical raw material in the future, and its energy status has been greatly reduced.
The local tyrants in the Middle East are not arrogant anymore. Fortunately, the big dog owners also have a 3% share of Shengfeng Capital. They are now going to be "heirlooms" without moving.
Big dog owners realized that it is impossible to live a prosperous life forever by oil more than ten years ago, so they have been investing in the technology industry.
It is the Russians who really have a hard time. As a traditional energy country, the economic ups and downs of the entire country almost fluctuate with the price of traditional energy. Oil plummets like this, and life is good.
On the contrary, the global new energy has entered a new (high) tide. The concept of new energy began to blow 20 years ago. I thought that the solar storm would hammer it heavily, but I never expected to fly higher. .
"Well, do you want new energy to be so rigid? The blue pure electric car broke the 1500 mark, and Nima can't afford it with one hand, it costs 150,000 yuan!"
"No way, the helium-3 shipped back by Star Arrow International is an epic benefit."
"The photovoltaic sector is also taking off."
"The total market value of blue pure electric vehicles is 32.85 trillion. Nima is outrageous. The global market value is a stable batch. The former king, Bluestar Technology, is now the younger brother."
"Institutions once again got together to upgrade the rating of the blue pure electric car, Morgan Stanley raised the target price from 1539.35 yuan/share to 2,170 yuan/share, which is too frustrating!"
"Good guy!"
"Unexpected and reasonable, domestic fuel vehicles will be suspended in two years. If the fuel vehicles are purchased, they will be scrapped. In the future, only new energy vehicles will be purchased. Next year, the nation’s power facilities will be restored to The level before the solar storm is the world of new energy in the future."
"Tesla has been topped for $1.88 trillion, and Elon Musk's worth of over $300 billion is second only to the archbishop."
"The SF main company that tracks Shengfeng Capital is an exaggeration. It just tops the off-market valuation of Shengfeng Capital to 165 trillion yuan. The annual GDP of our country is not so much."
"The Archbishop is invincible!"
"Although Shengfeng Capital is not listed, it is equivalent to the'market dream rate'. It is really crazy. How big a bubble is there? Are you afraid of a collapse?"
"No way, the universe is so hot, no matter how big the bubble is, it can hold it."
"The ladder hasn't been built yet. The first batch of helium-3 resources from outside the ground has already been shipped back. If the ladder is good, how about it?"
Nowadays, almost all projects related to the ladder project and Shengfeng Capital have been well-capitalized, stocks are skyrocketing, related projects are favored, and massive amounts of funds are pouring in. It is the first to start the gold rush in the era of cosmic navigation in the capital industry. .
After colonizing outer space, the demand for new energy will surely soar upwards, so the photovoltaic industry soars, orders explode, and the upstream and downstream industrial chains take off.
After colonizing outer space, building extraterrestrial research bases, permanent bases, scientific research stations, etc., UU reading www.uukanshu.com's demand for inflatable space capsules is also clear, so the industry is also skyrocketing. Startups are also emerging, headed by Bigelow Aerospace, headed straight for the trillion-dollar market value.
In the future, the colonization of outer space requires strong expectations for all the emerging technologies needed. The aerospace field is well-established, and the related industry chains are favored by straight-forward. The upstream and downstream related companies are either the secondary market whose stock prices have skyrocketed, or the capital is in the primary market. The market is aggressively investing in venture capital.
Once the door to the great nautical era is opened, the market share of all walks of life will open up unprecedented incremental space. In an incremental era, it will never be too late to intervene. The difference is that those who intervene early make more money, A little person earns less.
Nowadays, if you want to start a technology company, if you want to be favored by capital, and get venture capital, you just look up at the stars.
As long as the start-up companies associated with space exploration and the future of space colonization, the current capital is willing to give a sum of money to invest, this track is almost a bright card.
Even real estate is not impossible, but it must be space real estate, otherwise capital birds will not be birds.
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