Chapter 175:

, The latest chapter in the latest global monopoly of technology!
April 28.
Blue Star Group Headquarters.
"General Luo, Jack Stopperman reported to the parent company that our North American competitor MySpace is negotiating with Google, and the network transmission is a search-based cooperation to make full use of its growing users and influence At present, MySpace has reached 23 million users, with a North American market share of about 12%, while our BlueSpace market share is more than 85%. "
Group Chief Operating Officer Zhang Bowen came to Luo Sheng's office to report the incident.
At present, the international version of BlueSpace is fully under the control of Jack Stopperman. The parent company has basically not interfered too much, but the Bluestar Technology Group arranges on the board of supervisors of the subsidiary BlueSpace are people they can absolutely trust, and they are the mother The company sends people directly.
In overseas regions, the strength of the board of supervisors in the company is not like the display in the mainland, and it really has great power.
The CEO of Luo Sheng's subsidiaries in overseas business are foreign executives who are invited to better suit the local market, but he does not absolutely trust these foreigners.
For example, Jack Stopperman will be fired as soon as something goes wrong, or if necessary, and a CEO will be airdropped from the parent company to take over BlueSpace's affairs within 24 hours.
Luo Sheng has invested heavily in this area, and management's "spare tires" are also stepping up preparations, even if it increases operating costs.
No idea.
That's in the old land.
Luo Sheng did not forget how Americans played to kill Alstom in France through senior management. He also read the book "The American Trap" in the last life. This is a story about how North American authorities passed non-economic Means to disrupt the writings of business giants in other countries.
Therefore, once the Supervisory Board found that Jack Stoppurman had failed to execute the parent company's will, there was a place to go over, a reminder, a second warning, a third direct dismissal and an airdrop of a CEO to take over.
The same goes for executives in other parts of the company.
Luo Sheng does not expect the pioneering spirit of the head of the subsidiary, especially the CEO of the subsidiary in charge of the overseas business sector, really has the ability to come to the core layer of the parent company.
The head of the subsidiary he wants can perfectly execute the strategic will of the parent company, even if it is the wrong strategy.
Either you don't believe these foreign senior managers ... yes, you don't believe it.
Moreover, Luo Sheng is even less able to trust the North American authorities. Sharing benefits with Wall Street is a great guarantee, but it is not absolute. Therefore, from the perspective of absolute rationality, Luo Sheng cannot hold absolute trust in external senior managers.
They may not have thought about the pit company, but if the North American authorities trying to crack down on the company will give them a set, the result is the same.
Therefore, the investment of resources here is absolutely indispensable. This is a big strategy for group companies to take precautions.
Bowen Zhang continued: "Jack proposed to the parent company that we should step in and talk to News Corporation about the acquisition of MySpace to prevent a potential threat from Google to BlueSpace?"
"Acquisition of MySpace?" Luo Sheng immediately hesitated without hesitation of Jack Stopperman's suggestion, adding: "Now that BlueSpace has exceeded 100 million users in North America alone, let alone Speaking of the global scope, the user ecological chain has taken shape, and this first-mover advantage in the field of social networking has taken shape. Once it takes shape, as long as we don't commit ourselves, MySpace is basically impossible to stand up. "
Bowen Zhang said: "That being said, but letting Google ignite in our backyard always feels uncomfortable."
Luo Sheng laughed: "Click for it. We definitely can't buy MySpace. This move is worth the loss. Once we merge MySpace into its portfolio, it may cause an almost absolute natural monopoly situation, which will bring us huge trouble. Europeans and Americans will surely seize this opportunity to wave over the split stick. Keep it, raise pigs scientifically. "
Bowen Zhang: "Uh ..."
Scientific pig farming?
Zhang Bowen listened with joy, but it was really the case when he thought about it carefully.
MySpace does not pose a huge threat. The biggest value of MySpace is for Bluestar to avoid the trouble of antitrust investigations.
In this regard, Intel has done a very good job, you can easily kill AMD, but always leave some space for AMD, hungry but can't turn the sky.
According to foreign news reports, MySpace has been bought by News Corp. as a social networking site in the early years, and it is seeking search engine partners to provide it with search services and advertising services.
Obviously, this time Google ran over, Yahoo was obviously excluded.
Yahoo, a company that used to be brilliant, is now ... inexplicable.
Google ’s alliance with MySpace is a copy of last year ’s Google and Microsoft battle for AOL. After agreeing to invest $ 1 billion in AOL, Google beat Microsoft.
As for MySpace, I am afraid that it will be strongly supported by the North American authorities to try to catch up with Bluestar Technology. Anyone can acquire this company. Only Bluestar Technology cannot acquire it. North America does not allow it.
If the Americans knew that Luo Sheng could grow to the point where they are today, they would never have approved Bluestar Technology's entry into the North American market. Today, of course, Americans want to drive BlueStar Technology out of the North American market. .
But it is not as easy as before, because the water in Bluestar Technology Group has also become very deep, and Wall Street has a large interest in it.
The point is that Luo Sheng was very alert early on, so that North American authorities could not find too many excuses if there were no Wall Street interests in it.
The North American authorities definitely do not tell you the truth, they come straight, but the interests of Wall Street are not the same. Even if you want to achieve the purpose, you have to talk about the reason, or you will cause yourself trouble.
Zhang Bowen said: "But Google is not very good. What I get is that Microsoft also has a pole at this time, which makes Google very upset."
Luo Sheng nodded and laughed: "It's not too strange. The CEOs of Google and Microsoft have recently talked about the importance of social networking sites to the future of the Internet. Bluestar Technology has grown to today's size, even if It is Microsoft who dare not say that we despise us. "
Zhang Bowen said immediately: "From the perspective of the AOL battle between the two sides last year, it is difficult to imagine that the two giants, Google and Microsoft, will easily give up MySpace to rivals. Therefore, I personally think that MySpace is likely to gain a large amount of search advertising business. Part of the revenue may even be a prepayment or a partner promises a minimum payment. "
Luo Sheng nodded: "It makes sense that Google and Google are the key points. I'm afraid that Microsoft will lose again this time, and without Google being so motivated, we have put a lot of pressure on Google, but we haven't forged a beam with Microsoft. "
Zhang Bowen pondered for a moment, then immediately looked at Luo Sheng and said, "We can't just sit back and watch. MySpace is guilty of arguing with Google, and it must be less than a pot of urine with Yahoo. Oh, isn't Google trying to light the fire to our backyard? We are also courteous, and we also talk about cooperation with Yahoo. "
After hearing the words, Luo Shengyan said concisely: "Yes."
Come, hurt each other.
Although Yahoo is getting worse, it's easy to say that once it was also a king of the Internet ~ ~ When it comes to the Internet, Yahoo knows absolutely nothing about the Internet.
Even today, Yahoo's market value is still as high as $ 60 billion.
This matter is settled this way, the purpose is not to achieve any substantial results, but to wake up Peggy, do n’t care about your backyard when playing in the backyard of someone ’s home. Look at your old nest.
Playing with fire, you will, I will too.
But then again, Luo Sheng didn't have much hope for Yahoo. Google's position in the global search engine market can hardly be shaken. If you want to set fire in Page's backyard, it won't fundamentally Shake Google's foundations.
Luo Sheng instructed Zhang Bowen: "Compared to this, we should pay more attention to Google's actions in the field of cloud computing services. Google's current CEO Eric Schmidt has a long history with cloud computing. He once proposed ' Sun is the CTO of the computer's network. There is also Microsoft, and then Amazon. IBM should also note that these North American technology giants are likely to become our main competition in the field of cloud computing services in the future. opponent."
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