Chapter 604: [This good is not metaphysics, but science (Four K

The audience at the press conference focused their eyes on the demo screen on the big screen, and Luo Sheng's voice also passed into their ears.
"Coding songs into NDA and copying your favorite albums, a brand-new artificial DNA storage technology under study in the" Blue Biosynthesis Technology Project Department "of the Cote d'Azur Laboratory has achieved a milestone breakthrough."
"It can compile songs that users love into DNA, which sounds incredible, but it is indeed feasible, and this technology can not only be compiled into music, including pictures, animations and even movie fragments can be stored. Into the DNA. "
Luo Sheng looked at the expressions on the face of many domestic reporters who worshiped, and he was naturally extremely satisfied. The media people in Europe and America were on the sidelines of a spectator. He was joyless and envious.
If this conference is in Europe or North America, these foreigners are estimated to have been crazy and want to blow the rhythm.
Luo Sheng ’s confident smile still said, "In fact, since the 1990s, biologists have begun to try to manually edit DNA bases to store data. The reason why the Côte d’ Azur is optimistic about the prospects of this technology The reason for this research is that DNA's ultra-high capacity at the same volume and weight is inherently suitable for storing data. "
During the speech, the large screen behind him jumped to another set of slides. On the left is the total amount of data of Bluestar Technology and the Cote d'Azur, and on the right is a pill breakthrough.
Luo Sheng said: "One gram of DNA can store hundreds of millions of GB of data, and a pill-sized DNA can effortlessly store all the data in the current Côte d'Azur and Bluestar technology databases."
The audience did not have any concept of how powerful the DNA storage technology was before. When he gave this example, it attracted the audience to scream. How big is the azure coast and blue star technology? Conceptual, imaginable.
The barrage in the live broadcast room is also hot and interactive.
"Let me go, this technology is a bit dark."
"A pill-sized volume can store the entire Bluestar technology data? This ..."
"Great archbishop."
"Good magic technology, like magic."
"I don't know if you have a feeling that every time you watch the product launch of the Cote d'Azur, there is a feeling of being in the future world."
"Ran Goose, this is reality, this is the most bursting place."
"Looking at the Archbishop's press conference is really a spiritual enjoyment and comfortable."
"Wo's horse duck, isn't this the rhythm of a kilogram of DNA storing global information?"
"I cracked."
"In the field of biosynthetic coding DNA, we are confident that the Cote d'Azur is the leader in this field, and we are the strongest."
Suddenly there was applause.
At the press conference, Luo Sheng's self-confident words also made many domestic media reporters and Chinese people feel very excited. This is the reason why everyone likes to watch the press conference and the Côte d'Azur press conference always gets super high attention.
After applause receded, Luo Sheng went on to say: "The Blue Coast Laboratory 'DNA Biosynthesis Technology Project Department' has successfully developed the first DNA biosynthesis instrument code-named" ABM394 ". The working principle is similar to inkjet printers. "
The large screen behind him published a picture of the synthesizer, and the core researchers were still mosaicized, or could not see the face with their backs facing the camera.
Luo Sheng glanced back and said: "The nano-scale nozzle can accurately spray the base into the designated silicon wafer to realize the on-demand printing of DNA. At present, the NDA molecular chain of this device is The output has expanded from the first 4 to the 30 million last test. "
"And not long ago, our development team completed a new study on DNA storage, which made DNA record 0 errors in recording data, and our research direction is to further optimize the DNA manufacturing equipment and Once the technology is integrated into it, then perhaps a preliminary commercial landing plan may be considered. "
After talking, Luo Sheng smiled and opened his hands, and the scene suddenly gave warm applause and excited shouts again.
Every sentence of Luo Sheng is exciting news for the Chinese people. Today's global technology leader is truly worthy of the name, and the Côte d'Azur Laboratory is worthy of the existence of the "black technology laboratory".
Luo Sheng and the Cote d'Azur have led the trend of innovative technology time and time again to change the world.
With the further development of computer technology, semiconductor-related technologies and industries are constantly being improved. At present, the semiconductor industry in the world has formed a complete global ecological chain, which is basically composed of North America, Japan, South Korea, and the Netherlands. Lift the control of the accumulation of electricity.
From the beginning of Bell Labs in the last century, until today's semiconductor pattern, the entire industry has not changed and developed in decades.
Luo Sheng wants to enter the group to play with them, but they haven't played with the Cote d'Azur company. In fact, this situation has already been expected, so they simply create a new independent ecological chain and go their own way. The other party has no way to go.
To this end, ten years of hard work has invested endless financial, human and material resources to kill the technical pain points.
With the increasing demand for hardware from smart devices, coupled with the high demand for storage in various artificial intelligence products and big data, the current development speed of semiconductors has been difficult to meet the development speed of the Internet.
In addition to its own development speed, the gradual failure of Moore's Law will also make this form more severe. Although the recent extreme ultraviolet lithography has already given Moore's Law another wave, but five years and ten years later?
Moore's Law will one day fail.
Even now, it cannot cover up the trend of its gradual slowing down, and may reach a bottleneck in the future.
And biological storage may take over the task of computer storage and begin to transform the era.
The big screen at the conference site once again rotated a slide show. Luo Sheng looked at the content on the screen and introduced it to the outsider: "By using DNA, amino acids and other biological molecules are very complex and can also support programmable features. To develop the corresponding software, that is, the interpreter for the content of DNA storage. By converting the binary codes of 0 and 1 in our computer language into A, G, C, T corresponding to the bases in DNA, it is equivalent to An interpreter for stored procedures. "
"In this way, DNA molecules can be made to function like semiconductor transistors. We all know a common sense problem, which is the basis of the development of computer technology."
"Converting digital codes into chemical codes is the core secret of DNA data storage. Once coded, information can be stored by synthetic DNA with a specific base pattern, and the final encoded sequence can be stored in a long shelf life In a small bottle for thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years. According to the theoretical limit obtained by the Cote d’ Azur Laboratory, 1 gram of DNA can store 215 million GB of data. Compared with the size and capacity of current hard drives, biological The storage efficiency of the molecule is undoubtedly far beyond the current, and its future prospects have an unparalleled phenomenon space. "
The media people who have nothing to do with the scene can't help but hear this: this is an unparalleled imagination space for you, but for some manufacturers, especially international manufacturers, is that a horror story?
Luo Sheng looked back and added to the audience: "The interpreter has achieved the function of reading the interpretation. How should the data be read in?"
I asked myself a quick answer: "Simple, this is actually much easier than developing the corresponding algorithms and software. My half-hanger in the field of life sciences can do it."
Look, this is what is easy in the eyes of the gangster.
Is this a modest man, or a show of modesty?
The psychological activities of the audience are very rich, but Luo Sheng does not know. He said to himself: "The automatic editing and generation technology of DNA is already mature, and the cost is low. It is not too difficult to read the data."
When talking about this, Luo Sheng suddenly showed a bright smile.
"But after all, the semiconductor industry need not worry too much. The technology is still a long way from the commercialization stage of universalization, and the semiconductor industry has not really arrived yet. The development of biosemiconductors must also integrate with the traditional semiconductor industry. Just like LiFi as a supplement to WiFi, it further reduces the cost of the industry chain and improves related application scenarios, so as to enter the homes of ordinary people. "
"We have no intention of replacing or subverting who."
This brilliant smile, combined with the content of the elaboration, some manufacturers feel creepy.
The scene again gave warm applause, at the same time, international semiconductor manufacturers have held emergency meetings overnight, and this night in the Western Hemisphere, semiconductor industry practitioners are destined to spend a sleepless night.
The changes of the times and the wave of new technology have hit, and even the greetings are not greeted with you. When you say it, it is like a girlfriend angry, with no signs.
On the stage, Luo Sheng suddenly smiled mysteriously and immediately said: "We actually still have a lot of secret technologies. The Côte d'Azur Laboratory is also working closely with the Life Science Fund. The development of DNA storage technology is actually my life science fund Also contributed their strength, otherwise it will not go so smoothly. "
"Our researchers have long been studying the potential of molecular computers. Researchers at the Côte d'Azur Laboratory envisage capturing data directly in DNA. We are very interested in manufacturing bio-cameras without any electronic or mechanical parts. This research can give information This leads directly to DNA. "
"The DNA recorder automatically captures the audiovisual data. You can draw it on the wall. If something fun happens, you just need to scrape a little bit and read it. I do n’t think it will be too far away this day. Every audience present here can become a witness in his lifetime. "
When the audience silently bowed and shocked the knee, Luo Sheng released his self-seeking: "One day, we can even record some biological events in the body. To achieve this goal, the team of the Blue Coast Laboratory is Work hard to develop a DNA recorder for nerve activity in the body that does not require electrodes at all. "
"Once this technology is breakthrough and applied, it will bring a new revolutionary solution in medical diagnosis, any illness can be evaded in the first place, thereby saving thousands of lives. Of course, This is not the subject of today, so I wo n’t elaborate more.

Suddenly, the people who were eating melon were collectively excited.
"I'm going. Isn't that the" insight "written in the fantasy? Can you understand the microscopic information of your body, there is internal taste and internal taste."
"Fighter: Introspection, gathering qi into a cyclone, horror like horror ... [manual funny]."
"Hahaha, it turns out that the author of the web is the leading ghost in the world."
"Is the end of science really theology?"
"I get it. It's not metaphysics, it's science."
"You are Liu Chuang, a serious and funny, do not perform the task free to see the Archbishop's press conference?"
"North of the Galaxy, Wu Yan is the most beautiful."
"Hey, hello, where does this all go? Can't tell the difference between anime and reality?"
This year, whoever has eaten melons hasn't read a few online articles.
However, Luo Sheng also broke the news of the new black technology research progress at this moment. This is really the fact that Chiguo shows off the strength of the Azure Coast Laboratory.
Although it is not explicitly stated, it is also crazy to say: we have many secret weapons, do you panic?
Everyone is not a person on the first day, this subtext can still be heard.
Azure Coast, Blue Star Technology, Life Science Fund, Star Arrow International, Shengfeng Capital ... Some people listed the companies or institutions created by Luo Sheng one by one, and suddenly felt a tingling rhythm.
These are all created by Luo Sheng ~ ~ As a leading company, there are thousands of companies related to the technology industry, including subsidiaries, investment companies, equity participation, and holdings. All over the world, there are listed, not listed, and some are in the incubation stage.
Looking at the whole world, as long as it is not a war zone, you can always find some industry that is more or less related to Luo Sheng. When I think of this terrible commercial technology empire, it has almost penetrated into every corner of the world, except for the scalp There is no other nerve reflex.
Netizens who eat melons suddenly understand why Eagle Sauce will go crazy against Luo Sheng, put aside the problem of ass, and indeed it should be targeted.
To use the words in the fantasy: This child is too evil, and it can't stay for a long time. If it is not removed today, it will become a serious problem in the future.
No, it's actually a serious problem.
Today ’s temporary launch on the Cote d’ Azur is the beginning of a preliminary exposure of its ten years of hard work.
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