Chapter 603: [Put the entire data center into a few bottles of DNA]

In a university dormitory in China, a group of junior students sat together and they were watching the launching of the Cote d'Azur.
Obviously, these college students are fans of Luo Sheng.
A junior student named Yang Hongkuang said happily: "It's more exciting to watch a press conference than to open a black one, and there is no such thing as a boost to the five kills."
The roommate named He Wei who was standing next to him also said: "Tannima is relieved, and is worthy of my idol. After graduation, I want to work on the Cote d'Azur, which is my dream."
Yang Hongkuang said: "Then prepare for the postgraduates honestly, unless you are a genius, otherwise it will be difficult for fresh graduates to enter the Cote d'Azur."
Another roommate named Yan Kangping said: "Hey, how much black technology do you still have on the Côte d'Azur? It seems that the Archbishop said that two products will be announced today, LiFi is only one, I do n’t know if the second one will What a fairy product. "
Azure Coast, Bluestar Technology, Luo Sheng ... These names are just today, in a sense, they carry the pride and pride of too many people in the country. Because of these names, many overseas students are asked if they have any in your country. A great company and great technology can finally give each other a beautiful reply with confidence.
In the past, when there was no Côte d'Azur or Blue Star Technology, it was really hard to speak. It was inevitable that it was frustrating and it also hurt self-confidence.
But it is different now.
He Wei guessed curiously: "Look, the first product LiFi disclosed by the Archbishop is the WiFi. This conference is clearly aimed at the recent global SD card association and the WiFi alliance, so is the second product related to storage? Relevant? "
Yang Hongkuang said quickly: "Don't say it, it's coming, it's starting, and the second product should be disclosed."
Suddenly, several roommates stopped communicating, all staring at the live broadcast of the conference, all looking forward to the amazing technology products once again on the Cote d'Azur.
At the same time, the conference site of the headquarters of the Cote d'Azur company.
The disclosure of the LiFi technology is over, but today ’s press conference is only halfway through, and there is a product that has not yet been announced.
On the stage, Luo Sheng fiddled with body language and walked aimlessly on the stage. His eyes were also aimlessly scattered in the audience. At the same time, his voice quickly resounded through the audience.
"Since the twentieth century, our human data storage methods have evolved from media such as magnetic tapes, floppy disks, and CDs to precision semiconductor memory chips capable of storing data in countless micro-transistors."
"However, the increasing data of human beings is putting new pressure on storage methods, so this will also promote further changes in storage methods."
"Haha, guessed, it really has something to do with storage." He Wei patted his legs excitedly, as if the whole thing was more relevant to him.
"This is a real hammer. If today's press conference has nothing to do with the matter of the Global SD Card Association and the WiFi Alliance the day before yesterday, I don't believe it. This is already targeted by Chiguoguo. Respond. "Yang Hongkuang said excitedly.
"Haha, the presence of LiFi in front of the audience has shocked the audience. The SD card association people estimated that the chrysanthemums began to tighten when they heard the archbishop. But the goose is too late. The SD card association people ’s mentality is estimated to be like It's a hook in the toilet, waiting for death (shi). "He Wei said endlessly.
"Things have come to an end, they are also very helpless, like a rooster laying eggs, useless eggs." Yan Kangping's helpless expression spread his hands, but how to look is one or two dark.
Yang Hongkang glanced at the two of them, and couldn't help but spit out: "The two of you are really shouting, why don't you choose a liberal arts?"
Several college students tweeted excitedly in the bedroom, all curious about what kind of storage solutions the Côte d'Azur would come up with, but it is definitely a big move and will not be weaker than LiFi's impact on WiFi.
And people have long discovered a rule, as long as the new products launched by Luo Sheng are all products of black technology.
The conference site.
Luo Sheng took out the small remote control, and the barrage in the live broadcast room immediately swiped, and the real main character Archbishop's small remote control finally appeared.
Luo Sheng on the stage looked back at the big screen and pressed a small remote control. The giant screen immediately listed a group of image statistics data panels, including three groups of linear statistics, bar statistics and fan statistics. data.
Luo Sheng raised his head and looked at the giant screen calmly and stated: "Before introducing our latest breakthrough products in the Côte d'Azur laboratory, let's take a look at a few sets of data. Under Moore's Law, we have seen the storage capacity of silicon chips It is growing exponentially. At the same time, the speed of digital information generated by our humans is also showing an explosive growth. "
"Looking at the second set of data, as of 2015, data users generate more than 44 billion GB of data per day. According to IDC's forecast, this number will exceed 460 billion GB by 2025, and the total amount of data generated by the world that year It will reach 160ZB, or 160 trillion GB. "
"The third set of data, this is the prediction of Bluestar Technology, by 2020 there may be more than 4.5 billion to 5 billion global population access to the Internet, the data generated by these new Internet users will also face large-scale increase."
As the world's largest Internet technology company, Bluestar Technology Group has the slogan of connecting all human beings as its mission, and its data is also one of the authority.
Luo Sheng withdrew his gaze and turned to look at the auditorium again.
"In short, we will soon produce more data than our existing storage capacity. Although the current network service providers and major Internet companies are benefiting from the new data nodes and traffic, but This will also bring significant pressure to the construction of data centers with hundreds of millions or even hundreds of millions of dollars. "
"Taking Bluestar Technology as an example last year, it spent more than US $ 15 billion for new data center construction. In the same year, North America spent US $ 80 billion to build a new data center, making the capital of the data center construction more than that of 2014. More than three times, nearly four times. "
Network service providers and cloud computing companies in North America saw this and were immediately ashamed.
What do you mean?
Suddenly they felt that what Luo Sheng was elaborating at the moment was suggesting that these investments might be drifting, losing competitiveness, and becoming a backward elimination product?
If this is really the case, it's like a flooded artillery battle, you can't shoot it at all, then you have to suffocate the rhythm?
Last year, Eagle Sauce did not hesitate to invest so much money in the capital, the purpose is to get rid of Bluestar Technology's data monopoly and strong position on the Internet, and finally hoped a bit, or you can get Bluestar Technology out of the North American market. This one?
If these network service providers in North America can't survive, the loss can far exceed the internal estimation line they set before.
Luo Sheng did not know the expressions and reactions of the "international friends and business partners", and his humorous voice still came from the press conference.
"Another element that cannot be ignored is that there are very few pure memory-grade silicon elements in nature, and researchers predict that it will be exhausted around 2040. Then we have to find new solutions. DNA may be perfectly competent, making human storage crisis a thing of the past. "
Speaking of which, a new demo screen appears on the big screen behind Luo Sheng, and the striking double helix structure is something that everyone knows is related to biology.
There was an uproar in the audience. In fact, many people in the industry knew that the Côte d'Azur was working on DNA storage technology. News had been heard six or seven years ago, but this thing was too magical, and it has not been for many years. In any news, people do n’t think that this kind of black technology can make a name for it. How it looks can only be found in science fiction movies.
But at this moment, Luo Sheng told everyone that the Côte d'Azur has even made a breakthrough in this black technology? .
Luo Sheng said with a big smile: "By coding data into tiny molecules of DNA, we can put the entire data center in a few bottles of DNA in the foreseeable future."
While everyone was shocked to listen, Luo Sheng emphasized again: "The entire data center is put in a few bottles of small DNA. This sounds like a fantasy, but in fact it is feasible. This is not magic. This is science, technology changes lives, and innovation changes the world. The most important thing is that this technology was born in the Cote d'Azur laboratory. "
Is this the counterattack of the French Riviera?
Some of the foreign media reporters below the audience at the press conference fell into stagnation, and even doubted life. Is the technology of the Côte d'Azur a bit excessive?
In fact, they also know that the Cote d'Azur, as the global R & D investment scale, has been ranked first for five consecutive years, and it is really excessive if it does not produce results.
All of this looks both envious and sour.
And after the WiFi Alliance people fell into autism ~ ~ Card Association people also panicked into autism, textbook-style lifted stones and smashed their feet, regret it.
As I know it, the day before yesterday, I said that I will not announce that Luo Sheng will be kicked out of the group. After ASML, the WiFi Alliance and the SD Card Association successfully contracted the industry ’s laughing stock in the new year, providing after-tea meal to the world. Talks.
However, other international friends and businessmen are not imaginary at this moment. They are hesitant to follow up and have to re-evaluate the future trend of this technological battle.
God knows how many big tricks are still hidden in Luo Sheng's pocket? Will it be like the WiFi Alliance and the SD Card Association at this moment, waiting for you to shoot and then bring back the black technology?
Other international manufacturers are becoming more and more convinced that Luo Sheng must have sufficient back-up plans, just waiting for them to take action, but see the tricks as today.
No one is afraid of changing.
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