Chapter 602: [Technical details of the Cote d’ Azur

Luo Sheng demonstrated for about three minutes, the staff took the laptop from his hand and left the stage, and he stood alone on the stage again.
There was a clatter.
Thunderous applause resounded throughout the audience. Most of the reporters present today are domestic media, and most of the media people have a very high feeling of home country. In this case, they do n’t hesitate to offer their own. applause.
Have mastered another commanding heights of science and technology.
The Côte d'Azur has mastered a new black technology, the more advanced the technology, the more advanced, and the Côte d'Azur once again proved itself to be a leader in cutting-edge technology.
Some foreign media people clapped feebly, especially European media people now do not know how to describe the complicated mood at this moment. Luo Sheng made it clear that this technology was invented by Europeans, and he did not know whether he was praising or mocking himself I don't know if I should be happy or depressed.
No, for Europeans, it's like a white blade poked in the chest, deep in people's hearts.
LiFi technology is now on the Côte d'Azur. Even if Hiland Haas is dug away, LiFi technology cannot be taken away because PureLiFi is already on the Côte d'Azur.
What's more, Hyland Haas may not appreciate it. If it wasn't for the shortsightedness of European capital, how could it be so cheap for the Côte d'Azur?
It is worth mentioning that now the attention of the outside world is focused on the Côte d’ Azur, and almost no one pays attention to another technology giant in China. Almost in the same year, a professor from Turkey named Eldor received income. Under his command, his technology theory played a crucial role in the development of 5G technology, and everyone did not pay attention to this unusually low-key but equally powerful technology company.
"What is the difference between LiFi and WiFi? In addition to providing the advantage of lighting, what other role does it have?"
Luo Sheng looked back at the data on the big screen and added:
"There are five major advantages. First, the emergence of LiFi can solve the problem of network congestion. The development of WiFi is limited by radio frequency technology. Computers, laptops, printers, smart TVs, smart phones, tablets and other electrical products are competing for bandwidth. With smart home devices, refrigerators, cameras, and even watches and other devices that can use WiFi, one after another, coupled with the data distribution of mobile networks, the traffic jam will become more serious, and the quality of information transmission will also be affected. LiFi uses light wave frequencies , Its bandwidth is more than 10,000 times the radio frequency bandwidth, and does not conflict with WiFi. "
"The second is the protection of data. Radio waves can penetrate walls and ceilings, but light has no such ability. This can reflect the difference in data protection between LiFi and WiFi. Hackers or intruders outside the building can penetrate An indoor computer with WiFi transmission, but the information transmitted through LiFi can only be accessed within the lighting range such as LEDs. "
"The third is application security. WiFi will generate electromagnetic interference, affecting aircraft equipment and medical instruments. Power plants, oil and gas drilling are potentially dangerous, and LiFi, as mentioned above, is safe and will not bring Electromagnetic interference. "
"The fourth is speed. WiFi, which is an 802.11a / g wireless protocol standard, can provide a data communication rate of 54Mbps, and there is currently a technology that can bring speed to 1Gbps. However, PureLiFi ’s laboratory data shows that the father of LiFi, Hiland Ha Professor Si's team has realized the speed of 3Gbps using a monochromatic light source. Using full color, that is, red, blue and green LED lights can be improved to 9Gbps. I am looking forward to the day when I will go out of the laboratory. "
"Finally, throughput. LiFi's throughput far exceeds WiFi. Now the 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands are saturated with existing devices such as wireless phones, Bluetooth, and WiFi, not to mention augmented reality, virtual reality, and driverless driving. New things like cars and billions of IoT devices. "
LiFi technology is considered to be a niche technology in the industry. People can be said to be a household name for WiFi, but few people know about LiFi, only insiders know it.
Now Luo Sheng personally came out to promote this technology, and suddenly became a hot topic in the industry. The attention received has skyrocketed, and Hiland Haas behind the scenes is also happy to see the current situation.
The outside world basically made a simple summary from Luo Sheng's introduction: LiFi is a visible light wireless communication technology equivalent to WiFi, that is, VLC, which can use light waves of light-emitting diodes, that is, LED bulbs to transmit data, which can provide both lighting services and wireless. Connected to the network, and will not produce electromagnetic interference, can better protect data security, and help alleviate the congestion problems caused by the explosion of network traffic today.
From these perspectives, LiFi's development prospects do have great imagination.
Coupled with the support of the Cote d’ Azur and the entire Greater China market, it is not a castle in the air that shakes WiFi ’s dominance. No wonder people in the WiFi Alliance will think they are watching a horror story.
Is there less that Luo Sheng has disrupted the industry through technological innovation?
On the stage, Luo Sheng smiled with a kind face: "WiFi has a huge impact on the application of mobile computing. People can access the Internet from anywhere, and even coffee shops can become an independent working day office, which is not very safe. Reliable, it can be seen that WiFi also has its shortcomings, so a new standard was born: the listing of Fi products will fill the technical gap of WiFi, but LiFi is not to replace WiFi, but as a supplement. "
Friends really want to follow the network cable in the past to beat Luo Sheng, especially the people of the WiFi Alliance.
I have never seen such a shameless person. On the one hand, I emphasized that I did not intend to replace WiFi, but on the other hand, I did not leave WiFi, secretly in Diss pain.
You really can't believe a punctuation mark.
What friends are thinking Luo Sheng does n’t know, he still smiles, saying:
Whether we use smartphones, tablets or laptops, the biggest vision of the Côte d’ Azur is that WiFi and LiFi can exist at the same time. A special transceiver is needed to gradually send and receive signals, and a special encoder and decoder chip is needed to convert the optical signal into data, allowing users to choose to switch between WiFi and LiFi instead of forcing the user to choose one. "
Technology is not difficult, difficult people's hearts.
Obviously, this is for competitors and the WiFi Alliance, especially the WiFi Alliance. The meaning of Luo Sheng's words is obvious. Without you, I still have LiFi as a substitute solution.
There are various indications that the WiFi Alliance has regretted its own operation. If you do it, you will create a terminator to end yourself. This operation is just like a test dumbbell, who can stand it.
Luo Sheng on the stage said eloquently: "Compared with the existing WiFi, LiFi is safe and economical in visible light communication. WiFi relies on invisible radio wave transmission, and the power of the equipment is getting larger and larger. The local electromagnetic radiation is bound to continue to increase. , And the wireless signal passes through the wall, the network information is not safe. These security risks will be 'swept away' in visible light communication. "
During the speech, Luo Sheng looked back at the large screen behind his eyes, and the four big characters "sweep away" were put in quotation marks, the charm of Chinese.
"The spectrum is more than 10,000 times larger than the radio spectrum, which means greater bandwidth and higher speed, and the network setup hardly requires any new infrastructure. The results of the current research and development stage show that the LED single lamp The maximum rate of visible light communication can reach 15Gb / s, it is only a matter of time to get out of the laboratory. "
"In order to achieve high rates, the Côte d’ Azur will professionally optimize the current LEDs and introduce special digital signal algorithms. Of course, small-scale commercial landings can be achieved in the short term, but large-scale commercial promotion is not yet possible, but in the future It is obvious that visible light communication can become a major way of high-speed communication. "
After a round of applause, the middle stage entered a period of time for reporters to ask questions. This was not the same as the usual press conference, but this was originally a temporary press conference.
"Thanks to the spokesperson," BBC "reporter Lawrence asked, hello, the BBC just contacted Professor Andrew of the School of Communication at the University of Edinburgh to ask about the LiFi technology, and Professor Andrew also raised five major questions."
This is the rhythm of direct "Middle Road to Line".
Luo Sheng's wait-and-see attitude reveals unparalleled confidence. There is a kind of posture that you can ask me if you ask.
The off-site BBC correspondent stood standing, looked at Luo Sheng on the stage with a microphone, and then explained one by one according to the manuscript information just recorded:
"Question one. At present, both visible light communication and LED lamps are single-chip, and the LED bandwidth is narrow."
"Question two. At present, silicon-based detectors in visible light communication are mainly sensitive to infrared waves, and blue light efficiency is low."
"Question 3. At present, there is a separation between the transmitting and receiving circuits, and there is a lack of dedicated chips."
"Question four. LEDs and detection chips are currently inefficient."
"Question 5. At present, visible light communication needs to mention huge lenses in both transmission and reception."
"In summary, Professor Andrew believes that the LiFi concept is not optimistic, and it has too many shortcomings. What is your response? Thank you!"
It's really the rhythm of "Middle Road".
Most people were stunned. There will be a translator at the press conference. The netizens who watched the live broadcast also felt a sense of unconsciousness when listening to it. There is reason and evidence. Professor Andrew seems to be a professional and logically organized. Very clear.
It's not easy for everyone to jump out and question the rebuttal.
On the stage, Luo Sheng grunted and nodded after listening to it, and responded after a while:
"OK, Professor Andrew's five major questions really highlight his professional ability. First of all, I agree with his point of view. In fact, LiFi technology currently faces more technical pain points. Professor Andrew has said three fewer, but we have all sought It ’s a reliable solution. "
The BBC reporter was surprised, and the international friends and businessmen were also slightly stunned. Unexpectedly, Luo Sheng did not avoid it at all, and responded positively.
I saw him confidently saying: "The specific technical details are not understandable in a few words. Some of the content has also been designed to be commercial secrets, but I can still simply answer these five solutions that question ours."
"Question one. We will integrate LED chips compatible with encapsulated lighting communications, and use equalization technology to increase bandwidth."
"Question two, we will use AIGaAs material detectors to achieve improved blue light efficiency."
"Question 3. Our team is developing and designing a dedicated chip for visible light communication, and has made gratifying progress."
"Question 4. We will use LED arrays and detector arrays to solve this problem."
"Question five, we have two options for cash devices, such as the Finier lens and the blue light filter, to improve the integrated collection."
After he finished speaking, Luo Sheng turned to the BBC reporter with a smile, and he had to ridicule. Others did not jump out and questioned. The media people who were present could not answer. It's only necessary to come to the line, they can't judge whether Luo Sheng said it is true, but from past examples, this is definitely true.
"Thanks to the spokesperson," Global Times "reporter questions, I would like to ask Mr. Luo, LiFi visible light communication industrial application prospects are promising? Thank you."
Luo Sheng immediately replied:
"First of all, I want to emphasize that LiFi is not a competitor to WiFi, but a complement to each other and helps free up spectrum space."
A lot of people secretly slandered off the court: I believe you are a ghost, so can you not always emphasize WiFi?
Luo Sheng is methodical: "At present, visible light communication has broad application prospects. It is sure that there are no less than 50 scenarios that I can think of to achieve commercial landing. For example, it can be widely used in indoor communications and car lights. Communication, underwater communication, hospitals, nuclear power plants, and other special communication and positioning systems of special manufacturers. We expect that this will be an emerging market with an annual output value of 200 billion US dollars in five years, so we are very optimistic about the future growth of LiFi technology. prospect."
"In addition, what is certain is that the next-generation flagship products of Azure consumer smartphones and ieP tablets on the Côte d’ Azur will definitely integrate visible light detection transceiver modules into them. We hope to achieve a downlink of LiFi And the upstream uses the corresponding communication modes of existing WiFi and Bluetooth infrared for backhaul, so that LiFi visible light communication can be better integrated into our lives, and the real light can be connected to the Internet. "
After a moment, Luo Sheng added with a smile: "Of course, it depends on what the WiFi Alliance thinks, but it doesn't matter. Even without the cooperation of WiFi, LiFi can independently provide smooth and safe wireless data transmission."
It's really just intimidation and temptation in the words. It sounds very uncomfortable in the ears of people in the WiFi Alliance.
Who is the victim? I am afraid that WiFi is thinking about life now.
Luo Sheng has already spoken openly to this point. The next generation of Azure smartphones will be integrated with LiFi, a new Internet technology. It is definitely a black technology, and it is definitely a black technology. Other smartphone manufacturers are already competing. Lost a bit.
In fact, competitors also know that although LiFi technology still has some shortcomings, its superior transmission speed and safe and environmentally friendly performance cannot finally hide its charm. They can also foresee that the Côte d’ Azur dare to have this confidence to disclose publicly at this time. This shows that the commercial stage of this technology is already in place. With the R & D strength that the Côte d’ Azur has demonstrated over the past decade, it has overcome some of LiFi ’s current technical pain points. I am afraid that it is like an early morning sleeping naked. It is easy to go to ~ this year or The LiFi technology bottleneck will be broken next year, and the future commercial prospects are unstoppable.
Not to mention Azure mobile phones, the central buildings of major cities are potential business partners, bringing them new high-speed, stable, and safe network transmission solutions. Enterprise-level solutions will be commercialized and brought in the first time. considerable profit.
The technology of the Côte d'Azur, the Côte d'Azur Laboratory is known as the "Oriental Bell Lab" and the "Black Technology Lab", which are all manifestations of the brand effect and goodwill accumulated over the past ten years and are trustworthy.
Time flies, and the Côte d'Azur has also established its own strong heritage.
(Short talk, let ’s talk about it, it ’s dripping drunk, you know, even the 4K big chapters of the liver feel like a virgin attacking the widow village, as if the body was hollowed out. This is the state now, so, Recommend tickets, monthly tickets, rewards, etc. take a gang to help Wuba Bang Bang Bang Bang Bang ~~)
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