Chapter 652: [SpaceX engages in big news, when the space race goes on...

This incident did not cause much disturbance within the two companies. Why should it still remain unaffected.
So calm is that there is confidence.
If other companies, I am afraid that this time is already facing the enemy, and the Côte d'Azur and Blue Star Technology did not take this matter as the first priority at all.
However, the outside media takes this matter very seriously, and many people are enthusiastically worried for Luo Sheng, and there is also a lot of discussion (si) on (bi).
"The biggest technological monopoly may be the most common thing in the Internet experience nowadays, which is due to the nature of the industry."
"Afd browser is indeed a monopolistic product, and under the existing Bluestar technology product attributes, you can hardly explain whether it is a good thing or a bad thing. As an ordinary user, in addition to expecting these monopoly giants not to do evil, have I can’t do anything other than conscience. I feel helpless, but this is a fact."
"But having said that, we are still very confident in the Archbishop. At least during the time when the Archbishop and Blue Star Technology were at the helm of the Archbishop, we can rest assured that the Archbishop was in his early thirties, indicating that this issue is worry-free for 40 to 50 years. ."
"Fighting for a truly open Web? This is true Nima sounds magnificent."
"Then what to do, the competition can only be like this, to understand the difficulties of Google."
"Also, what is the so-called monopoly investigation? In fact, it is used to adjust opponents. So many companies in Silicon Valley have monopolized for decades, and they have not been seen to be split. Even the Microsoft monopoly that was in the past The case, Gates is out of class."
"Just kidding, in today's era, cross-country competition, don't expect small companies to take on this role, so even if you know it is an absolute monopoly, you will not split your own company. Fools will do this, which is equivalent to self-abuse. What will you do to compete with those multinational giants after the split? The result is to break one by one."
"It's just that some companies have grown bigger, but they have forgotten their responsibilities and missions to become bigger. The country wants you to grow bigger because you want to be able to compete with those multinational giants, but it turns out to be a good hand. It's hard not to be tough, not soft to the outside."

It’s only the Archbishop who feels the most reassuring when I look around. That’s why we support him. I have been fighting on the front line. Without him, I absorbed almost all the firepower in the front. ."
"So even if you don't support it, you must not defame it."
Just when the outside world's vision was attracted by the science and technology community and Wang Wang, a major event occurred in the aerospace community and quickly attracted the media's vision.
On January 29, the improved version of the "Falcon 9" rocket successfully put a $189 million satellite from Google into a predetermined orbit and achieved rocket recovery. SpaceX's success this time further won Market confidence.
The news has also drifted across the ocean and reached the mainland.
Star Arrow International Headquarters.
"The reason has been found out, it can be determined that the rocket liquid helium temperature is out of control, resulting in an explosion before launching on the launch platform."
The speaker is a scientist at the Star Arrow International Rocket Recovery Technology Development Department. At the moment, seven or eight technical experts in the aerospace field are discussing the findings. The chief scientist of the Rocket Recovery Technology Development Department is Yang Jianan, who is also the Star Arrow International Heavy Rocket." Chief designer of the Star Arrow series.
"The problem has been summarized. All the reasons for the failure have been found. The next launch mission in March must be foolproof. If I fail again this time, I will not only have no face to ask General Luo for money, and I can’t be the chief engineer. "Yang Jianan looked at everyone very solemnly and said.
Everyone feels the pressure, especially the news that SpaceX just across the ocean has just passed, and it also makes everyone in the "Star Arrow" project department stressed.
The failure of the launch experiment not only failed the rocket launch, but also lost a satellite with a value of up to US$210 million from Bluestar Technology, and the overall loss was as high as US$330 million.
Since the launch of the "Star Arrow" series of heavy rocket projects, 45.97 billion yuan has been burned in. This investment has far left the national aerospace behind. You must know that the national aerospace budget invested about 13 billion yuan last year. about.
Over the years, since the establishment of Star Arrow International, the lineup of its scientific research team has been no weaker than that of the national team. Adequate R&D funds and high treatment have attracted a large number of aerospace talents to join Star Arrow International.
As of today, Star Arrow International has not made a profit, and the word "profit" has never been thought of at all. Such a high amount of investment is completely caused by Luo Sheng's two group companies and family funds. As a result of the blood transfusion, this gave Yang Jianan and other scientists the capital to fancy rockets.
The "Star Arrow" series has been on the road of research and development for so many years. Every step is very difficult. No one can help. You can only rely on your perseverance and advance little by little.
Behind SpaceX, there is NASA technical support, and behind Star Arrow International, apart from Luo Sheng, the gold master dad, technically the National Space Administration can’t help much, because the entire China is behind North America in the field of space science and technology. The team also faced this gap.
Luo Sheng specializes in the field of artificial intelligence. Aerospace is not his strong point, so he can't help much in technology. He can't be too busy, so he can only rely on "money capabilities" to pile up.
Large-scale and continuous burning of money, while intensifying the cultivation of talents, encouraging excellent students to devote themselves to basic scientific research, rather than squeezing into economic management and finance.
Then it is necessary to improve the treatment of scientific researchers. Fortunately, Luo Sheng has money and invests in Star Arrow International. The outstanding talents of colleges and universities, people with lofty ideals, do not have to be forced to choose more "money paths" for Sandou rice. "Professional.
The "Star Arrow" project entered the experimental phase in July 2012. It took nearly a year to conduct 10 experiments to verify whether the code-named "YF-127" engine has been able to meet the recovery in terms of thrust adjustment function and landing support. condition.
In July 2013, the first soft landing attempt was carried out. Although the rocket successfully completed the ignition deceleration during the recovery process, because of the failure to control the attitude of the rocket, it eventually exploded and recovered a pile of scrap copper. The first attempt failed. end.
After learning the lessons of this failure, the second soft landing attempt began in March 2014. This time, the rocket attitude-controlled spacecraft was perfect, and a series of actions such as scheduled U-turn, entry into the atmosphere, and soft landing were realized. .
Afterwards, the momentum was tested twice in July and September to further improve the accuracy of the soft landing, which laid the foundation for the subsequent recovery plan.
In early 2015, after the Yang Jianan team determined to have accumulated some experience, "Star Arrow" finally began to try to recover the rocket on the offshore platform, but because the rocket did not control the speed before landing, the first recovery was directly hit on the Explosion on a barge at sea.
The team is more pleased that the SpaceX company next door is also conducting the launch experiment of the rocket recovery on the offshore platform during this time. Seeing that they also failed, they suddenly balanced a lot.
In April, the second experiment was carried out. This time, because of the failure to control the landing posture, a pair of scrap copper and rotten iron were harvested again.
Fortunately, rockets are much cheaper than traditional rockets. There are several traditional rockets on top of one. Luo Sheng said that he can accept it. Brother has the money to blow you up.
After two consecutive failures, the Yang Jianan team improved and optimized the rocket's connection device, and the third experiment started as scheduled in July 2015.
The third launch attempt, which thought it would create history, disappeared because the rocket exploded unexpectedly in less than three minutes of launch. This time it directly lost more than $78 million.
Three consecutive failures made Luo Sheng feel depressed, and the Yang Jian'an team also had low morale. They had to appease and encourage them.
After experiencing successive failures, the Yang Jianan team did not immediately launch the fourth experiment, but issued a death order. It was necessary to thoroughly investigate the cause of the explosion accident, and do not carry out any launch experiment plan without understanding the cause, which also led to All subsequent launch plans were put on hold.
In the first place, I couldn’t bring the problem to heaven. In the second place, General Director Yang Jian’an was very distressed about the funds. Although Luo Sheng at Star Arrow International guaranteed that they had the money to burn, the bombing was a direct loss of hundreds of millions of dollars, not to mention other sunk. Cost and time cost.
During the six-month accident investigation, good news came from the peers. Blue Origin, founded by Jeff Bezos, announced in November 2015 that it successfully recovered its own "NewShepard" rocket on the offshore platform, and The video footage was announced.
This feat directly surpassed both Luo Sheng's Star Arrow International and Elon Musk's SapceX. Bald Bezos became the first person to recover rockets.
This was not expected by everyone. I thought it was SpaceX that got the title. As a result, Bezos made a big news silently.
At the same time, the pressure on the Yang Jian'an team in charge of the "Star Arrow" project can be imagined, including SpaceX, which also felt the pressure caused by the origin of blue.
However, during this half-year investigation period, Star Arrow International did not remain idle.
In response to the problems exposed during the explosion, the Yang Jianan team comprehensively improved the "Star Arrow" heavy rocket, greatly improved the reasoning of the rocket, and used a series of plug-in devices required for recovery as the standard configuration of the new rocket. The brand new version of "Star Arrow" finally achieved land recycling again in December 2015.
However, this is just a hands-on approach. Being able to recover on land does not mean that recovery can be achieved even on unstable seas, and being able to recover on the sea is of greater significance.
After the team regrouped again, Yang Jian'an decided to continue to try to recover rockets on the offshore platform, which could not be avoided in any case.
However, with a lot of fate, in the following 2016, he experienced two more failures, and the spaceX company next door has received good news, which makes the Yang Jianan team feel even more pressure to breathe.
In the second half of the year, Xingjian International finally passed this hurdle, and finally realized the first time to recover rockets at sea.
Although the rocket was successfully recovered at sea this time, it does not mean that the technology has matured.
At the same time, SpaceX also completed its own launch mission, and this private space race is also intensifying. Star Arrow International, Blue Origin and SpaceX all desperately either chase their opponents or continue to lead their opponents.
In January of this year, just after SpaceX's launch was successful, Elon Musk once again announced to the world that SpaceX is the king in this field.
The next 2017 will be the real highlight, UU Reading Starship International and SpaceX will both compete for an important "first" title in "History of Human Rocket Launch" in March.
That is, use "second-hand rocket" to launch again, and to be successfully recovered again.
The previous rocket recovery was successful, but it was not reused. This time it was completely different.
The launch mission of Star Arrow International in March is to reuse the rocket recovered from the sea last year. It has undergone nine months of renovation, inspection and testing and passed these procedures. Next Will be launched again in March.
And if the success of the launch mission of Star Arrow International in the following March is the ninth successful recovery of the 16th rocket recovery plan since the company’s establishment, if it is successfully launched before SpaceX, it means that it is For the first time in the history of human rocket launches, second-hand rockets were successfully recovered.
This is not just a question of winning a jackpot. The meaning behind it is to compete for talents. The more the company's honor is a manifestation of strength, the more talents it can attract.
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