Chapter 918: Appropriate reminder (below)

Everyone here has seen this gourd. Seeing that Yang Chen actually used this gourd with a dragon costume to motivate him to be so active, he couldn’t help but laugh.
However, this also makes everyone have a layer of curiosity. What kind of good thing is this gourd? How can it make such a move?
Roaring has also seen this gourd, but it is obvious that he is only interested in the ambergris in the gourd, even the Dragon Yuan does not care. Could it be that the sky is also gone?
Yang Chen’s knowledge has quickly established a connection with the roaring sky and asked him with his thoughts. The results obtained made Yang Chen laugh and cry.
Things are not such a surprisingly good thing. Basically, as long as the dragons reach the standard of the heavens, they can refine themselves. The only difficulty may be that there is some trouble in finding the material and the refining time is longer. The function of the gourd is to store some things of the dragon itself, similar to the dragon dragon and musk.
For the original fire dragon, he will not put this gourd in his eyes. But for the sake of enthusiasm, that is the two completely different concepts.
It is important to know that the ardent consciousness itself is still in the mortal world, and at most it is the level of the Mahayana period. Suddenly accepting the body of a fairy peak, whether it is knowledge or wealth, can not be compared with the real fairy level of the dragon. This gourd can help him save hundreds of years of refining time. Of course, there is such a reaction.
What makes Yang Chen even more surprised is that Wu Tian is not interested in the gourd that can be refining this heavenly level. He answers the unusual clarity of the understatement expressed by Yang Chen. This only shows that at least this gourd is not in the eyes of the roaring eye.
Looks so far. It is a happy situation. The next day, Gongsun Ling is driving the geographical map of the mountains and rivers. All the aborigines in this area were immersed in the illusion of the geographical map of the mountains and rivers.
Said to be a fantasy. However, the refining and smelting of the well has a vast real space and there is no problem in living. Yang Chen even spared no expense to take out a few gardens of space, so that Gong Sunling will refine and refine, just waiting to find more space in the future, and then merge.
In fact, deep in the heart, Yang Chen is very hopeful that Gong Sunling will refine the demon world and the monster space, but unfortunately, now Gong Sunling obviously does not have this ability. Even Yang Chen wants to give. She can't afford it, she can only wait for the future to be upgraded before planning.
There are monks here, but they are not the gathering place of the monks. The disciples of Dan Dingmen, if they did not come out to collect medicine, they would not come to this place. Therefore, after the full release of the atmosphere of the heavenly peaks, almost all the monks were consciously leaving, and Gong Sunling’s collection process was not disturbed.
Soon, it took no more than a few months for this aboriginal people to reach billions of tens of thousands of miles to be collected by Gong Sunling. Originally filled with huge areas of human activity. The entire ground was scraped off and turned into a bare wasteland. Perhaps in the years to come, it will slowly restore the lushness of the past, but that is also a matter of many years.
"Go home!" Yang Chen waved his hand, and the squeaky voices of the women all agreed. Driven by fierceness, Xuan Tian Ming Haisuo flew back to the Pure Yang Palace.
It took more than three years from the departure of Chunyang Palace to the revolving. The outbreak of the trial land. There are still a few years.
"The time is almost up, you should go back and say hello to Zongmen." Chunyang Palace has been prepared three years ahead of schedule. At this time, I don’t want to remind other sects, it’s really time for the outbreak. Those Zongmen must have suffered heavy losses. At that time, the Pure Yang Palace will be a target of public criticism, and even become the eye of all major gates.
Of course, there are also good reasons to say hello. This is very easy. It is that the Murong sisters found the same seal pattern in the periphery and the others before, and all others did not mention it. As for the deeper things, why is this seal array and the women found in other places exactly the same, that is, the secrets that need to be dig deep into the major gates.
In order to win the trust of the major gates, Yang Chen even spared the nine guqin to bring the ladies back together. Everyone has their own piece, the keel string and the dragon string have been taken, and the parts of the martial arts are still kept, so that the people of each sect can explore for themselves.
The five major gates of Daomen informed that the Demon Gate and the Yaozu are no exception. However, they are not as simple as letting their wives and wives return to the Zongmen. They can only release the news through the elders of Sunset Rock Wanbaolou. Let them send representatives to the Chunyang Palace to have something to tell.
In fact, the Daemon Gates have almost always resident masters in Sunset Rock. Upon receiving the notice, they rushed to the Pure Yang Palace without stopping. At this time, the girls did not even leave.
There are nine guqin testimonies, and there are witnesses from the Taishang Xuanxian masters around the women. The seal array of the trial land is almost accepted by the major gates without any twists and turns. It is related to the safety of tens of thousands of disciples in the trial sites, and the representatives of the major sects did not dare to neglect. They immediately rushed back to Zongmen as soon as possible to discuss countermeasures.
Yang Chen did not give the exact time, and did not even give an accurate inference. He only told the representatives of the parties that he felt that there must be problems in this and everyone should pay attention to it. The latter things are solved by the major sects themselves.
It is conceivable that the land of trials will surely usher in a small peak of great sectarian exploration. For these super sects, although the core of the trial is very dangerous, it is not the point where no one can enter or leave.
In the past, it was just to avoid sacrifices in vain, so I didn’t send people to the core to explore. Now I have such a thing, and I have to send a few more masters to investigate. Anyway, there are already a large number of sacred jade, and those masters will be able to find some dangerous clues.
At this point, the Pure Yang Palace has already done its best, and if there are any changes in the trial land, the disciples of the major sects have suffered casualties, then it is no wonder that the Pure Palace. On the contrary, once all the disciples have survived this reminder, it is a solid relationship.
The human condition has been sold out, and the layout of the Zhao family has been destroyed. Maybe when the major gates launch all the forces to explore, they can also find some traces of the Zhao family. A simple notice has an indescribable benefit.
After sending away representatives from all sides, Yang Chen also took a long breath. The seeds have been planted, just waiting for the flowering results, and now, finally, they can be retrained without interference. (To be continued.)
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