Chapter 343: Conditions of Baguio Island (below)

Chapter 343—The Conditions of Baguio Island (Part 2)
"What is the difficulty of this!" Yang Chen took the two faces and the one directly, in front of the faces of the Huantai Island and Shi Shanshan. One person was placed in front of the two: "Taste, the demon Taste, tastes good. The latest chapter of the"
When I spoke it out, I directly let the owner of the island of Fujian and Taiwan and Shi Shanshan smile. This is where to taste the medicinal herbs. It is clearly what it is like a local snack. It makes people laugh.
However, both women know that this is not a very precious thing, and no one cares. A very casual person picks up one and sends it into the mouth.
The owner of the Fujian-Taiwan Island is okay. She is already a master of the Yuan Ying period. The effect of Nei Chadan on her is not so significant. But Shi Shanshan is completely different.
Shi Shanshan was trapped in the middle of Jindan's bottleneck and could not break through for a long time. Before a musk, she was able to figure out something under the combination of Yang Chen’s questioning and drinking. It was a faint overcoming of her own demons. Now I immediately took a Nei Chadan, and I entered the realm of observing myself.
The whole body's qi and blood powerful operation suddenly appeared in Shi Shanshan's mind. She has never experienced this kind of internal investigation of her own internal situation. A medicinal drug goes down, and the advantages and disadvantages of her own practice suddenly become clear. Chu. 《》网.com
"It turns out!" After Shi Shanshan's long time, she recovered to normal, but she couldn't help but recollect the clear feeling. From time to time, she looked at the changes in her body and gained a lot.

It’s the same!
The owner of the Taiwanese island was also the first to eat the inner morning of Yang Chen’s refining system. Although it was of little use to her, but what effect does Nechadan have on the masters below Yuan Ying, she is immediately Have an intuitive understanding.
Although Baguio Xiandao has already obtained the Danfang of Neichadan, after all, not every alchemy teacher is Yang Chen. The new immortality of this demon family not only requires hundreds of years of medicinal materials, but also refining. It is also related to some of the practice habits of the Yaozu, and it will not be refined in a moment.
Even if it is refining, it can only be regarded as a semi-finished product. It is completely incomparable with Yang Chen, a perfect one. The Inner Mongolian who tried the refining of the Zongmen Alchemist in Fujian and Taiwan, compared with Yang Chen’s effect, is simply heaven and earth. It seems that Zongmen wants to successfully refine it into Nei Chadan, and there is still a long way to go.
"A turn of Nei Chadan has such a effect, and how about the second transfer to Nachadan?" The leader of the Taiwanese island immediately realized the greatness of the second transfer to Nachadan. A lot of things, if you don't experience it yourself, you can't understand the real thing by legend alone. 《》网.com
Although I have already heard that Xu Chengxin relied on the second turn to check out Dan to break through the peak of Jindan, but the mainland of Fujian and Taiwan is still going to make a discount on this rumor. Moreover, the Tangyao Baguio Island cannot be held by a second-rate sect, and it is better to be self-sufficient.
But now the main person of the Fujian-Taiwan Island is stunned by the medicinal herbs made by Yang Chen. The same Dan Fang, the same medicinal materials, is different from the alchemy division, and the effect of the remedy is so much worse. This is only a turn to Nei Chadan, who wants to refine the second turn to Nasdaqan, but I don’t know how long it will take.
It seems that on the way to the medicinal herbs, the Pure Yang Palace is always leading from time to time. Every time it is faster than a few large doors, but several major sects have to follow behind them.
This feeling is very flamboyant. In the end, is Baguio Xiandao Qingyun Zong Taitianmen Wuxing Zong a first-class martial art or pure Yanggong? But my disciples can't force them, but they can't be left behind.
"Maybe, this inside Chaddan, we can also cooperate again." The mainland of Fujian and Taiwan immediately made a decision. Since it is now an ally with Pure Yang Palace, it is necessary to play the greatest value of allies. If there is such a good thing, it cannot be cheaper.
"The younger generation has no problem, the island owner can discuss with the head of the palace at any time." Yang Chen certainly will not refuse, this is one of the uses he took out these medicinal herbs, for the pure Yang Palace Dora ally, while consolidating the present Some alliances.
Yang Bin’s attitude was very satisfying to the mainland’s attitude. After tasting a cup of tea, he asked Yang Chen’s intentions.

Want to know about the elixir in the sea?
The mainland’s owner heard this request and couldn’t help but secretly nod.
It’s no wonder that Yang Chen’s alchemy is so outstanding. There are not many people studying in the ocean. Even Baguio Xiandao has been sitting on the sea, really studying the elixir in the ocean, but it’s dozens of that area. Only people. Most people are still in the process of inheriting the ready-made alchemy and strive for breakthroughs.
Yang Chen is still in the realm of Jin Dan, and he has already begun to study the elixir in the ocean. This kind of vision is much higher than many people.
However, even if many people understand that the elixir in the ocean has a lot of research space, compared with the dangers in the ocean, most people choose to give up when they face it.
After all, most alchemists are the spiritual roots of fire attributes, and looking for elixir in the ocean is not what they are good at. Although the water-characteristic monks are relatively free in the ocean, they cannot refine the medicinal herbs, which is one of the reasons for the lack of research on marine elixir.
But no matter what, Yang Chen’s small request can still be satisfied. Although there are not many people studying in Baguio Xiandao, there have been deep researches after years of accumulation.
"These things are my esoteric secrets." Although the mainland of the Taiwanese island is not so difficult to make Yang Chen, but some words still have to be said in front: "You can see, but can not bring out the sect."
"The younger generation is obeying!" This request is too reasonable. Yang Chen did not intend to take away the information of others. But as long as you let him see it, you can remember it, and it doesn't matter where you look.
"If in the future my sects need to ask for your own efforts, you can't refuse too fast." The Taiwanese leader followed the second request.
In fact, this can not be a requirement. It is quite normal to hire a senior alchemist. As long as the price of the two sides is close together, there is no question of refusing to refuse. Unless there is a big enemy of life and death, like Yang Chen and Tai Tianmen, it is impossible to promise. The relationship between Baguio Xiandao and Yang Chen is irrelevant. There should be no such problem.
"There is a lot of information. If you are happy, I will wait here at Shanshan. I will send someone to send you things." The Taiwanese leader smiled and got up and said the last request: "If there is time My ancestral disciples came to ask for advice. If you don't violate the rules of the Pure Palace, you should try to give pointers!"

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