Chapter 381: Asking Xin Dan’s sensation again (on)

Yang Chen’s mind is still hesitant. At first, he felt that accepting Gong Sunling was already unfair to Master. Secondly, Yang Chen has never figured out whether he wants to accept Shi Shanshan and Sun Qingxue. This is not a wish that comes from his heart.
That is to say, while apologizing to Master, the feelings of Yang Chen and Shi Shanshan Sun Qingxue have not yet reached the point where they can smash together. This is not surprising. They have not been together for a long time. Although they are very happy to meet each other, they have not reached the point where they are not married or married.
But now Gao Yue once again takes Yang Chen as the master of the master's body, and Yang Chen is not good to object. Gao Yue’s body is very special now, not only Yang Chen’s master, but also Yang Chen’s wife. Whether it’s Gong Sunling or Shi Shanshan’s Sun Qingxue, he’s going to Yang’s door. Even if he is high, he has to bow his head. Gao Yue is a sister.
In the end, Yang Chen still did not object to Gao Yue, long sighed, and nodded his mouth, since it was received, simply accept it! Yang Chen also did not want to destroy the cooperation between Chunyang Palace and Baguio Xiandao Qingyunzong.
The problem now is that there is no problem in Chunyang Palace. Gao Yuegong Sun Ling is no problem. Yang Chen has no problem. I just don’t know what Shi Shanshan and Sun Qingxue mean. They are willing to work with Gao Yuegong Sun Ling. Yang Chen.
In Yang Chen's opinion, Sun Guangxiang may not have too much objection, but Shi Shanshan is hard to say. With the arrogant temperament of Shi Shanshan, maybe it will not be considered at all.
"Good!" The teacher of the palace said that Yang Chen also nodded, and the time was happy. Other elders were also happy. This is the ideal situation for everyone who is happy to see it.
"Zongmen immediately chose to go to Baguio Xiandao and Qingyunzong to raise relatives." When the head of the palace was happy, he immediately made a decision: "The pure Yang Palace is rare to have such a happy event, and the Zongmen must be a big beggar!"
The master of the palace has made a decision, and everyone naturally does not object. The teacher of the palace wants to be a grand servant once, but with this as a scorpion, the relationship between Chunyang Palace and Baguio Xiandao Qingyunzong is once again close to 10%, which is very meaningful.
The next thing, I don't need Yang Chen to intervene again. The master of the palace even decided to personally go to the two masters to raise relatives. As for the dowry, there is no such thing as the pure Yang Palace. The second turn to the inside of the check and the second turn to ask the heart, is definitely a big hand of other sects.
Of course, the second transfer to Nei Chadan can prepare a few more, and the second turn to ask Xin Dan can only be two, not more. But even so, there are rare hòu rituals that will definitely satisfy Baguio Xiandao and Qingyunzong.
The marriage of Zongmen’s office, Yang Chen, naturally takes Yang Chen’s birthday with the sons of the sons to calculate the good day. I think this time will not be very short, taking advantage of this opportunity, Yang Chen can just go out.
Determined the relationship with Yang Chen, Gao Yue and Gong Sunling naturally moved to Yang Chen. Originally, Gao Yue also wanted to travel with Yang Chen, but she had to temper the dragon horn, and she could not go out for the time being. She could only be accompanied by Gong Sunling.
This time, Yang Chen is planning to collect a medicine gourd left by a fairy in Sendai. This gourd Yang Chen has been a long time, but he has always felt that the strength is not enough to collect. Now the full-featured spirit is condensed, and there are a large number of Jiamuling liquid and Gengjinling liquid as the foundation. Yang Chen asked himself to have the qualification to collect this medicine gourd.
The medicinal gourd left by the immortal, originally belonged to a master of alchemy. After careful refining of the medicine gourd, the medicinal herbs put into it will be slowly warmed, purified and enhanced by the cucurbit. Similar to the question of Dan, such as Tiandan, such as the anti-Tiandan medicine, placed in the gourd, do not need to cover the lock drug, it is definitely a good thing that the alchemy teacher dreams of.
Gong Sunling's geographical map of the mountains and rivers is the more places that are drawn, the more complete the geography, the greater the power of the array.
As long as there is an opportunity, Gong Sunling will go out and now can travel with Yang Chen again. Gong Sunling naturally wants it.
The place where the medicine hoist is located is within the site of the gate. As long as it is slightly careful, there is not much crisis. However, Yang Chen is now a special person. Tai Tianmen deliberately wants Yang Chen’s life. In any case, he is careful.
Before going out, Yang Chen went to Qianqiefangfang again. Before the reward of Yang Lan, Yang Chen also had to learn from Shangguanfeng here.
Not as Yang Chen expected, with Yang Chen once again increasing the reward of the spiritual stone, Yang Lan, the guy who built the base period, even in the Taitianmen, is still in the middle of the day, for fear that there will be people around him. Assassination of your own mouth, be careful every day, let alone leave the Tiantianmen, even the outer gates of Taitianmen, do not dare to pass easily.
This is exactly the effect that Yang Chen needs. Although Yang Chen did not have the fear of him like this, he has been escaping for a hundred years in the shadow of being chased. Relatively speaking, Yang Hao’s suffering is only a few days, not enough to pay off the interest of Yang Chen’s past life.
"The reward is raised to ten pounds of Shangpin Lingshi." Yang Chen once again raised the reward. For a guy who built the base period, this is already a sky-high price, and even more than enough to deal with a monk in the early days of Jindan. Don't look at it, it's just a little bit of a stone. I am willing to change it with the head of another monk. There are many people.
Yang Chen is going to raise the rewards from time to time, so that Yang Lan has been living in fear. Yang Lan is no better than Yang Chen. In his previous life, he relied on the big tree of Taitianmen. He relied on the drill camp to make a living, but his achievements were not high. At least Yang Chen had never seen the shadow of this guy in the spiritual world for many years.
I believe that when Yang Chen’s reward is high enough, Yang Lan will be betrayed by the people in his ancestral hall, holding his head to reward Yang Chen. This is Yang Chen’s planned life track for Yang Lan, and there will be no bias.
Even Yang Chen hopes that Yang Lan will be tougher and more slick, and will be able to support the final time. As Yang Chen said, a question-minded Dan, there will definitely be a elder-level figure of Taitianmen, who personally solved the problem with Yang Lan.
To find Shangguanfeng, Yang Chen also has a purpose, to let Shangguanfeng inquire about it, is there someone who offers a high price to reward himself. According to the truth, the general reward will never provoke the dozen or so killers to go out, but the master of the Yuan Ying class, the worst is also the peak of Jin Dan, how can run for some spiritual stones in the district.
Shangguanfeng is now also cooperating with Jixianju, and it is naturally easy to find out the news. Shangguanfeng patted his chest to ensure that the next time Yang Chen came, he would definitely give him a satisfactory answer. (To be continued)
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