Chapter 433: A family of five retreats at the same time (below)

Chapter 433, a family of five at the same time retreat (below)
It is a very extravagant thing to retreat with Yang Chen. It is to let outsiders know what they can do with their eyes and red eyes. (--network.)
The second turn to ask Xin Dan, I don’t know how many big gates and Yuan Yingfeng’s Mahayana masters are dreaming of things outside. It’s like not waiting for money. It’s not unusual for each person to come first.
In the days that followed, Yang Chen spent the day and one of the four women in the process of meditation. This kind of day lasted for more than a year, and it stopped.
More than a year of practice has completely consolidated the four women's realm of consciousness, and even vaguely has signs of impact on higher realms. Even if there is any major change in the future, the realm of the four women's gods will not be easily affected.
Until this point, Yang Chen stopped and let the four women practice themselves. And Yang Chen himself began to carry out his unfinished work, using the Yunling furnace to absorb the fire.
There are several kinds of fires in the five products, and there are several kinds of fires. In addition, there are several kinds of fires of the six products. In addition, Yang Chen has been hiding in the pure palace of the palace, and the seven products are pure fire.
For the time being, there is no problem with the five-product fire, and the Yunling furnace has absorbed more than one. (--Net.) Six kinds of fires will not have big problems, but the seven products of pure Yang are really hot, but the Yunling furnace is not necessarily able to withstand. It is necessary to absorb a few kinds of six kinds of fires in order to upgrade the Yunling furnace to a point enough to withstand the pure fire.
The Yunling furnace absorbs the fire is only the first step. Yang Chen absorbs the fire from the Yunling furnace and integrates it into the yin and yang to burn the skyfire. This is the most fundamental purpose. It is only compared to the absorption progress of the Yunling furnace. Yang Chen is currently speaking that the yin and yang burning fire is only absorbed to the level of the three-product fire, and it is still far away.
The process of absorption, that is, the process of Yang Chen’s fire attribute spiritual growth, is also the process of stimulating other spiritual powers. If you don't count the remaining practice of the big yin and yang five elements, then Yang Chen will sneak into the baby, and all of them will fall on the opportunity to absorb the fire. This is a process that needs to be carried out for a long time, even if it is absorbed by the Yunling furnace.
The absorption of five kinds of fires, even if it is a Yunling furnace, it takes at least half a year. After every five kinds of fires are absorbed in the Yunling furnace, Yang Chen will fuse a three-product fire and keep the relative repairs average. Several kinds of five kinds of fires have been absorbed, and several years have passed.
It seems that at this time, the soul furnace in the memory of the past life was acquired by its real master, and it began to become famous. It was after the spiritual world.
The change of the Yunling furnace made Yang Chen have no idea how to describe it. The addition of several kinds of five-product fires is almost a qualitative change. The whole body is more crystal clear and begins to change in a transparent direction. I believe that if the kung fu is deep in the future, the changes in the medicinal materials in the furnace can be seen outside the furnace.
It is easier to upgrade the grade of the medicine. Before Yang Chen refining five turns of Lingzhi Yuludan must also be refining until after four revolutions, but now it is estimated that as long as the refining to four turns, Yunling furnace will automatically upgrade a grade.
The biggest change is, if Yang Chen uses the Yunling furnace to refine the mortal medicinal herbs, no matter how Yang Chen controls it, the medicinal herbs coming out of the Yunling furnace are at least two products, even if Yang Chen deliberately lowers the grades. Not enough.
Later, if Yang Chen wants to perfuse other Zongmen a product to ask Xin Dan, it seems that he can only give up the Yunling furnace and use the ordinary Dan furnace. The Dan furnace that the Taitianmen sent was used for this purpose.
It is also a luxury for the girls to practice themselves. Sihai Xuanshan liquid will drink a large cup almost every other year, completely draining the impurities in the body. The second turn to ask the heart of the second to turn to the inside of the intruder will take one, and the abundant spiritual power of the Dragon Palace is even more intense than the spirits of Baguio Xiandao and Qingyunzong.
In this environment, even if everyone breathes casually, it is several times stronger than practicing outside, not to mention the deep practice after taking the second turn to ask the heart, the four women’s repairs, In the leaps and bounds.
Shi Shanshan was the first to enter the bottleneck period. In the year when Yang Chen was reborn as a hangman, Shi Shanshan had already begun to condense, and it has been 170 years since then. Before Shi Shanshan was already the peak of Jin Dan's late stage, now completely entered the apex of Jin Dan's peak, only the last step, you can robbery the baby.
But this step is the most difficult and most crucial. At this moment, Shi Shanshan has no effect on taking Dan Xin and Necha Dan again, even though her spiritual strength has surpassed most of the early Yuan Ying masters. In the middle of the baby, but because there is no thunder, after the thunder baptism, the realm still stays at the peak of the Golden Year.
However, Shi Shanshan’s opportunity to robbery the baby is already ready. Geng Jinzheng and enough Gengjinzhengyuan will definitely enable Shi Shanshan to successfully complete the robbery. However, before this, Shi Shanshan and Zongmen would like to know about the concerns that Yang Chen said before.
Although Gao Yue was almost the same as Shi Shanshan, he later re-started the spirituality of water property under the advice of Yang Chen. Before the retreat, the water and fire spirits were balanced in the middle of Jindan. The realm of Gong Sunling and Sun Qingxue is also in this realm.
After ten years of retreat, the three women's repairs are straight into the late Jin Dan. I believe that for decades, the same will reach the realm of Shi Shanshan.
In the same way, everyone’s opportunity to attack the Yuan Ying’s realm of robbing Yang Chen is prepared, just waiting for the opportunity to arrive, is the time to robbery.
As for Yang Chen himself, with the help of Long Yuan, he has already entered the late Jin Dan. In addition to the fusion of fire, this time is to consolidate and balance the spiritual power of other attributes, and at the right time, let the small gates of Taitianmen Li Liheng feels that his strange disease has slowly healed.
Yang Chen gave hundreds of condensed gods to Taitianmen. Every half a month, Li Liheng will take one. And this condensed Dan did indeed make Li Liheng have a significant change.
What Li Liheng felt first was the conciseness of the gods. Soon after taking the remedy, you can clearly feel this.
Of course, the most crucial change is that the time interval in which Li Liheng inexplicably fainted began to grow longer.
After the first one, it took about twenty days to start fainting. Normally, this interval was only ten days.
As more and more condensed gods are taken, the interval of fainting changes from twenty days to thirty days, forty days, two months, four months, six months, and one year. So far, the last syncope was twenty months ago.
This phenomenon fully illustrates the effect of Yang Chen Dan medicine.
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