Chapter 197: Last 1 person

Chapter 197:
Mikasa held an umbrella cover in his hand and opened a ten-meter umbrella.
The handle of the umbrella is 20 meters high, and the mental fluctuations with hypnotic ability are condensed in a certain range along the crystal umbrella cover. As long as they are passing under the umbrella, they are ignored by the influence of the ability.
Do not force control, just affect their specific position in Ghoul perception.
It was like a pinhole. He was almost hit by Hezi dozens of times. After a distance of two kilometers, he finally rushed to the center of the city, only to find dozens of special blood cocoons in a tiankeng dug out here. .
These blood cocoons have no Hezi pipes, and it can be seen that the vital rc cells in the blood cocoons have not been lost.
The arrival of the three people seemed to have touched a mechanism, and dozens of blood cocoons shattered at the same time to reveal the figures inside.
Every Ghoul is a great one, most of them can’t see their faces, but a few of them can clearly distinguish their identities. These are all members of the Bronze Tree and other Tokyo Ghoul organizations, but at this time they appear one by one. The degree of variation here is quite high.
"Trouble, can't waste time with them."
Lantern Festival said coldly.
There is no energy in this world, and his strength※ is the most restricted. Originally, even he was only 20% sure that he could defeat Jin Muyan in the worst situation, but with the blood affinity talent, this success rate has risen to half.
The Shadow Cobweb was his first bloodline talent spell cured.
This talent can summon a spider web composed of shadows, and walking on it is like adding a spider movement technique to greatly increase the speed, and at the same time, it can perform a shadow shuttle similar to a teleport in the range of the spider web.
Bloodline affinity and fusion bloodline go further. The ability of this talent goes further.
When the shadow spider catches the creature. A cobweb is usually sprayed out. Dragging the prey into the shadows in the web to slurp into the shadows, in other words, the life body wrapped in the shadow cobweb is equivalent to the short-term shadows.
Limited by the strength of Tier 2, this blur time is very short, but it is enough to deal with the situation in front of him.
A two-hundred-meter-sized shadow cobweb was directly thrown from the hands of Yuanxiao to cover the bottom of the tiankeng.
Dozens of ghouls were directly wrapped in cobwebs and thrown toward the wall of the tiankeng.
This threw it straight out for several hundred meters. At this time, the shadow cobweb was torn apart by Kazuko, and the effect of shadow blur disappeared. Those who were thrown out in parallel in the shadow state were directly buried in the ground, and it was definitely not an easy task to return to the tiankeng.
The Lantern Festival was about to jump down, and suddenly stopped at the edge of the sinkhole.
In the bottomless big hole in the middle of the sinkhole, a petite figure walked out of the cluster. His red pupils were full of resentment. The white Kazuko whose back spread like butterfly wings touched the soil and directly pulverized the sand and stones inside.
"Hina... how could it be you."
Kirishima Dongxiang tremblingly said, why is it her little sister who can never start.
"Sister Dong Xiang."
Flute Hina's eyes flashed softly, but she was immediately occupied by helplessness and determination.
None of them said much, both of them fell into weird silence, if they could, they absolutely didn't want to do each other. But the reality is that their every move is not under their control, and a battle of life and death is inevitable.
"Mikasa. Please."
Two lines of blood and tears trembled in Kirishima's red eyes.
"I see, I won't make her feel pain."
Mikasa pulled out the crystal sword and nodded solemnly.
With a sudden leap, Mikasa jumped down into the tiankeng holding a long sword eagerly to cut.
The pupils of the flute mouth condensed, Kazuko directly inflated four Kazuko arms behind him and grabbed Mikasa over the sky.
"Half Moon Slash..."
Falling to a critical point, Mikasa accurately found the gap between Hina Flute and her sight.
The crystal long sword that was cut at high speed, the inner hollow shrank, and with the help of inertia, a slender waterline directly crossed hundreds of meters and pierced the eyebrows of the youngsters at the mouth of the flute. Even if it was a powerful body of a Ghoul species, the brain was still penetrated by this waterline.
If it is a general Ghoul, this kind of fatal injury is already dead.
But the realization of the flute mouth young bird is not the same. Not only is she already a master, but also after Jin Muyan's transformation, her resilience has been so strong that even if her brain is pierced, she can recover in just a few seconds.
Flute mouth young real whispered.
The four white arms merged directly in the air to wrap Mikasa in.
Kazuko shrank, and drops of blood squeezed out of it.
Curse of the Dead Soul!
At this moment, the infinite snake on Kirishima's wrist widened.
The soul and body are double instantaneous damage, even if the Ghoul species can bear it, they cannot be intact.
The moment when Kazuko wrapped Mikasa paused, the entire Kazuko sphere was exploded. The 20-meter-high crystal giant wielded a 10-meter-long crystal sword, and a super-giant half-moon slash was cut down in the air.
The high-strength rc inhibitor in the crystal sword, thousands of pores in the tip of the sword inertially throw out the waterline and tear the mouth of the flute through the whole body.
The fragmented limbs were constantly squirming on the ground, but the ground was already covered with rc cell inhibitors, and the limbs could not be resurrected inside. Dong Xiang Kirishima silently closed his eyes, and his back was spreading numerous Kazue feathers to make every limb Tear to pieces.
She couldn't save the flute mouth, the only thing she could do was to relieve her from the pain.
A black treasure chest fell to the ground, and when Yuanxiao opened it, it turned out to be a Ghoul bloodline item similar to giant serum.
The Lantern Festival will no longer stay, because at this time there are already a lot of cantonese scholars around, Kirishima Dong Xiang lined up in the first Lantern Festival and Mikasa followed closely, and the three jumped directly into the middle of the Tiankeng. The bottom of the cave.
The cave was vertical, and it took more than two hundred meters to reach an underground cave.
In a karst cave of one hundred and ten square meters, a beating heart of the size of a meter grows out of Jin Muyan's head, staring at the Lantern Festival, full of crazy killing intent and greed, a Hezi pipe flashes by the edge of the heart and plunges directly into the side of Yongjin Yingliang drained him from his body.
"Even him is going to be killed." Yuanxiao said in surprise.
"I didn't kill him, he just assimilated me into one." Jin Muyan hissed What do you want to do? "The Lantern Festival sighed.
"You said that the world has reincarnation, I believe it."
Jin Muyan said fanatically, "It's just you who rule the new world and change the new world. As long as I swallow you, you can become a part of me. Only I can bring new peace to the new world."
"Crazy..." Yuan disappeared with a smile.
Too much of the same kind of Hebao, each contains a different spiritual will, countless spiritual wills gathered together to accumulate little and more, even if Jin Muyan has been working hard to eliminate this influence, his personality has still been changed.
"Then let's see who has the last laugh." Jin Muyan said angrily.
"Sanli." Yuanxiao said flatly.
Mikasa nodded, and the ring of gourmet food flashed across her fingertips with a colorful brilliance. Nakiri Erina possessed Mikasa, and a strange fragrance floated in the underground cave in an instant. Kinkiken, who was about to attack, was attracted by this wonderful fragrance. Drool. (To be continued...)
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