Chapter 310: Miraculous blood

Chapter 310:
A beam of light that exceeded the speed of sound flashed through the air, and the five diamond men were dismembered a little bit.
There are only five diamond men left, even if there are damage-sharing spells, and even if they can get power from the earth to recover their injuries, their speed of injury has exceeded the speed of recovery, not to mention that they only need to be hit by Dong Xiang’s thought power. Defensive power will appear flaws.
In less than twenty seconds, the last five diamond men had been torn to pieces by Yuanxiao and Mikasa.
When smashing the last diamond priest, Yuanxiao almost habitually used the talented spell of shadow killing, and the already tired mental power suddenly felt a lot of sobriety.
"The shadow killing still has this effect..."
Lantern Festival was surprised.
In the previous experiments, he killed the target body, most of the soul was collected as precious materials, and the target of the killing was not a powerful existence such as a fifth-order diamond priest.
Unexpectedly, in addition to plundering a little power to sublimate the blood, but also plundering a little soul power to complement oneself.
It's just that this is only the imaginary world, and what comes in is the player's mental power. How can the virtual target be killed to restore the mental power, unless these diamond people are also mentally transformed into the imaginary world.
If this is the case, you need to be extra careful in chaotic challenges in the imaginary world.
If you encounter a powerful opponent who is good at destroying souls, it is very likely that you will be seriously injured or even killed in reality.
"Disorder challenges the first victory, whether to receive the blood of the miracle...yes/no!"
The golden font appeared in the air.
The Lantern Festival was naturally ordered. A drop of golden blood fell on the palm of the hand and turned into a gem. This thing can obviously be brought to the real world, but I don't know the specific function. It seems that it is more than just a ticket.
"The blood of miracles..."
Returning to the Wizard Tower of the Demon Hunter King, the Demon Hunter King, who was busy fighting the abyss, received this news and sent it back to the projection again, which shows the importance of the blood of miracles.
"You really surprised me."
The Demon Hunter King said with a complicated expression. He knew that Yuanxiao could get this ticket, but he didn't expect to get it so early and so quickly.
"It's all cultivated by mentors."
Lantern Festival said seriously. How can he easily obtain the various resources to build the Wizard Tower.
"You mix the blood of the miracle with your own blood and spot it on your forehead."
The Demon Hunter motioned.
Yuanxiao nodded and did what he said. Originally, there was only a pair of demon wings on his forehead, but now there was a mysterious golden symbol in the middle. He had a feeling that if this symbol was detonated, it was many times stronger than his bronze-level thought power.
Except for the power inherent in the symbol. Another role is the role of tickets.
As long as the power of this symbol is sent to a certain battlefield on January 1st every year before the age of thirty, you can reach the legendary school of miracles through that battlefield. If you don’t go there before the age of thirty, this symbol will be Will disappear at the age of thirty-one.
"Remember that the miracle brand can only work on the surface of the Golden Continent. It can only defend but not attack."
The Demon Hunting King solemnly reminded.
"Tutor, what should I do in four years?"
Yuanxiao asked seriously.
"For the first two years, I suggest you stay in the Dark City."
The Demon Hunter thought for a while and suggested, "You can look at the magic information of the Wizard Tower during the day, and at night you can enter the first six rings of the dark city to verify what you have learned. In the next two years, you must play what you have learned between life and death. I used prophecy to calculate you, the answer is vague, but your chance lies with Andel."
"The disciple understands."
Yuanxiao watched the Demon Hunter disappear and turned back to the bedroom.
In a blink of an eye, a year passed, and a legendary three-person team of one man and two women appeared in the entire Devil City. They are all Tier 4 professionals, but from the very beginning, Tier 3 professionals haunted the city were wiped out.
The third rank is the fourth rank, and for a while, even these two rank murderers in the city dare not show up at night.
It was not until the three-person team broke into the sixth ring to hunt down Tier 5 professionals before a few people could escape.
In the end, even if it is a Tier 6 professional facing the 7th ring in the city, this squad that no one knows can achieve its own victory or defeat, even if the three-person team retreats for the first time and comes back again, without exception. Kill the opponent.
It doesn't count to kill the opponent, as long as it is possible, it is mind control to plunder all the net worth.
This cruel and cruel approach was directly given the title of gluttonous by the professionals in the city, which meant that the squad was greedy to the limit. To kill people, they had to squeeze their wealth first, then extract their souls and explode the last drop of oil. In the end, not even a corpse was left behind and swallowed.
This situation will not end until a Tier 7 professional can't help but appear in the seventh ring.
The gluttonous squad was defeated and retreated, but the Tier 7 professionals did not leave any life in the squad.
From this day on, the gluttonous squad of the dark city disappeared. In the imaginary world, there is an extra powerful team.
Only two short years passed quickly. During the Lantern Festival, he experienced tens of thousands of battles. There were countless professionals who died in his hands. It was with this speed of plunder that he accumulated a fortune after two years. Enough wealth.
In the early morning, Yuanxiao sat by the window of the Wizard Tower. Enjoy the breakfast while looking down at the Devil City from a height.
As early as a year ago, the Demon Hunter took his Wizard Tower to formally battle the abyss.
From that day on, the entire city entered a state of lockdown, and all the powers were given to the Olympian lives all over the city to rely on rules to manage. From that time on, he had to rely on himself to find an energy node in the city and drop his wizard tower.
Someone contacted him by video call, and a light curtain was opened under the control of the smart housekeeper in the room.
What appeared in the light curtain was a bearded dwarf, not a real dwarf, but the owner of the bloodline of the King of the Hill in Warcraft. In a chaotic challenge, the two were surprised to find that they were both in the Devil City. Have a lot of contacts.
"Ogle, you better pray that there is an important thing to find me at this time."
At the Lantern Festival, he ate the food prepared by Nakiri Erina casually.
"I found that thing."
Bearded Ogle sipped a large barrel of ale and his thumb points back to a dug mound behind.
Yuan Xiao suddenly raised his head, grabbed a paper towel on one side and wiped off the oil stains. Under Ultrain's control, the entire wizard tower began to separate from the Demon City Earth Vein energy node. After two years, it was as if the Demon Hunter King said he was leaving the Demon City.
After these two years, he was not just fighting at night.
Every day during the day, he splits the golden shadow clones ranging from thousands to tens of thousands and soaks them in a sea of ​​books. In just two years, he has absorbed an unimaginable stock of knowledge, looking for clues hidden behind history from these books. .
One of the most important things is to forget that period of history before and after the closed world.
The volcano of the Forgotten World, there are ninety-nine seal pillars here, each of which is a legendary magical item left behind during the War of Extermination. Ansel, the wizarding civilization who knows this, will never let go of the Forgotten World , They will regain control of this shadow gap sooner or later.
If he does not want to lose everything that the Forgotten World has, he must make some special preparations in advance. (To be continued.)
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