Chapter 375: Killing the Blood River (1/5)

Chapter 375:
In the dim night, red-eyed people from all tribes returned home to rest.
The blood moon totem hanging in the sky, the moonlight shed will cause burning pain to the red-eyed people. They were originally born to sacrifice to the special flesh and blood puppets of the totem spirit, and they were born with the blood moon totem from their origin. God's restraint.
But that night, the villages and even tribes of the Red Eyes had some strange changes.
Usually the red-eyed people who hate the blood moon the most, but they walked out of the house in the middle of the night. Every red-eyed person who left the room bowed under the blood moon to the direction of the nearby altar, chanting one by one with the mysterious sacrifice spells. The explosion turned into blood mist and rushed towards the altar.
One by one the altars seemed to be greatly repaired, and the totem spirits in them were simply crazy.
According to the rules set by the demigod mage Tarotao, totem spirits can only swallow red-eyed people when they die of old age or accidentally, and cannot actively consume them as food.
On the contrary, it was the red-eyed man himself, and the rest of the population took the initiative to sacrifice his life in exchange for blood essence.
At this time, 700 million red-eyed people below Tier 6 who accounted for ninety-nine percent of the total, sacrificed their lives to the altar in an instant, causing these totem spirits to survive and resurrect one by one, and massive blood essence penetrated into the ground and was early There is a waiting soul tree stolen.
Only a small part of them, the seal amulet that went deep into the ground, eventually gave back to the mage tower and the blood moon totem god.
The soaring blood stained the whole world blood red, and the pungent blood smell was ten times stronger than usual. The remaining red-eyed people walked out of the house and looked at the empty tribe. They simply could not understand the weird changes that took place tonight. .
The blood in the altar dissipated, but the blood moon in the sky brightened several times.
In this situation, you can see that the blood moon totem has eaten too much and can’t control the energy dissipation in the body, and the source of these energy is naturally the red-eyed man who died inexplicably, a feeling of hatred and despair instantly enveloped the remnants. Red-eyed man.
They had no idea whether they would be suddenly eaten by the Blood Moon Totem God.
This kind of fear made the red-eyed man who was easily angry and irrational under the influence of God's evil completely violent, and at the same time a more serious problem appeared. Totem spirits are not without loss when they are resurrected after death. They are also damaged by too much blood essence.
Once the damage is excessive, the Totem Spirit cannot continue to deter the transformed monsters around the Red Eye Tribe.
Although these transformed animals are slaves of gods. But their nature is to evolve in the killing, unless the gods personally issue an order to suppress their nature, even if the red-eyed people appear in front of them, they can't kill them.
The most important point is that red-eyed people with special physique can produce blood essence, which is a delicacy for transforming alien animals.
If the gods have wisdom. This time it will definitely come forward to stop it immediately.
But as a chaotic monster by nature, seeing that the killing of the gods will not stop it, but will add fuel to it. Even if the existence of the high wisdom in the slaves finds something wrong and wants to stop them, they can only plead for the gods and cannot order him to do it right. Things.
When the first transformed monster rushed to the red-eyed man frantically, the endless killing on the entire plane could not be ended.
The initially weak wooden wall in the center of the plane collapsed, and the red-eyed man directly engaged in a close battle with the transformed alien beast.
If you are facing a foreign race in the underground world or even a fierce beast, the bloodline talent of the red-eyed person is definitely first-class, but facing these modified beasts who are also flesh and blood puppets, ten percent powerful spells are thrown over. Ten percent has no effect.
On the contrary, it is to transform the fangs and claws that the alien beast has, as long as it gets close, it can easily shred the red-eyed people.
"Block it. Everyone, with their backs on the quagmire of flesh and blood, hide in at any time for treatment..."
The red-eyed high priest stood on the wooden wall and screamed wildly.
Inside the city wall in the center of the plane is the most elite tribe among the blood gods. Even they are now shaky to resist the impact of the transformation of the alien beasts, let alone the other tribes scattered throughout the plane, it is impossible to resist tens of thousands of times of transformation. The alien beast impacted.
Following the order issued by the Red-Eyed High Priest, the casualties of the Red-Eyed Man dropped sharply.
Both sides rolled down in the quagmire of flesh and blood at the same time, enjoying the effect of the quagmire of flesh and blood to restore their injuries. With the stalemate, the casualties were reduced, but the power of the quagmire of flesh and blood was over-absorbed to replenish themselves.
The normal means of slavery are often the spirit of slavery. Enslaving the body is only incidental.
But the infinite snake is completely the opposite. It specifically transforms and enslaves all the cells and nerves in a living body, and the second thing is to enslaves the soul of the living body. This super-powerful transformation ability will face the soulless flesh and blood puppet like the red-eyed man. There is no difficulty at all.
To some extent, the infinite snake is the best nemesis of all flesh and blood puppets.
The earth rushes, and the mage tower in the center of the plane teleports again and again.
A large number of modified monsters of Tier 7 have awakened from the ice on the subsidiary plane of the Mage Tower. These modified monsters that were originally used as a thousand eyes to fight the underground world after getting out of trouble, had to lift the seal in advance to deal with this sudden riot.
For a whole night, the whole world of puppets flowed into rivers and corpses.
In the daytime, it was hard to kill all the transformed monsters that hit the city wall. The Red-Eyed High Priest trembled and walked towards the Mage Tower. He had to confirm how many red-eyed people were still alive, and more importantly, to understand what happened last night...
"How about the loss?"
The red-eyed high priest stood on the top of the mage tower and looked down and trembled.
"There are less than one hundred thousand blood gods around, and only seven lucky ones are still alive outside."
The third tower spirit gave the answer instantly.
"Seven... one hundred thousand..."
The red-eyed high priest smiled nervously.
The accumulation of hundreds of thousands of years was ruined overnight, and more importantly, ninety-nine percent of them turned out to be ridiculous suicides.
"Preliminary inferences have two possibilities."
The third tower explained,
The first kind of former master created the blood race and left some dark hands. The second kind of blood moon totem god’s real power is more than that. Maybe he is not without wisdom, but just restocking the blood race to increase A certain amount is harvested at once."
"No matter what kind, the blood moon totem or the first tower spirit, all will die."
The red-eyed high priest lined an angry palm on the wall, and was surprised to find that there was a little breakthrough in the power that was impossible to continue to and there is only one possibility for this to happen, sealing the entire world. The power of the law began to break.
The third tower spirit instantly projected a light curtain, among which the Lantern Festival had awakened and was refining the first tower spirit.
"Could he do it."
The red-eyed high priest said coldly.
"Absolutely not, he never broke through my illusion."
The third tower spirit shook the tip of the sword and replied, "Don't say it's a Tier 4 wizard, even if it is the demon hunter king, it is easy to destroy the puppet world, but it is so simple to control the flesh and blood puppet that the previous master could not do. "
"That's true, anyway, he will become his own in three hours."
The red-eyed high priest left the mage tower with a cold snort. It is very important to reassure the remaining clansmen in time. He is already considering whether to leave half of the clansmen to be placed on the sub-planes of the mage tower, where is the pure land of the puppet world. Only there is no danger. .
……(To be continued.)
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