Vol 2 Chapter 1144: I'll get a courier

1144. I'm going to receive a courier
The war entered into January 10, 2047.
The city of steel is in a battle, and almost every second a fresh life dies. The army of the surrounded Guardian Group is almost using their lives to delay the battle. Now there is no so-called front line in the entire steel city, and every building has repeatedly fought and changed hands.
Kang Hao's command center was even attacked three times by a commando of the Grey Army in one day, and some staff members even carried guns to command the battle.
Luo Cheng was also seriously wounded in the non-stop battle. Under the self-healing effect of the strengthening agent, he was treated slightly, and he went back to the battlefield without waiting for the injury. Those sniper teams composed of fanatic soldiers and T-800, after causing huge casualties to the grass-roots officers of the Grey Army, Ruan Qingshui will send more than 4,000 sniper teams to deal with them, the number of them is more than ten times that of them! Although these sniper teams are not as good, but after all, there are many people, and the casualties of the fanatic soldiers are also very heavy.
Christina's energy also began to bottom out. She had to reduce the use of ion cannons, incarnate assassins in the shadows, and use liquid metal to change the long sword to kill the enemy. But even so, the grey soldiers who died under her were calculated at least in thousands!
However, the loss of the Grey Army is even more amazing! The 4th Infantry Division of the Fifth Army, the 1st Infantry Division of the Second Army, and the additional 2 infantry divisions, plus the 4 tank regiments of the First Armoured Army, totaled nearly 200,000 troops. By this time, the number of casualties Reached more than 60,000 people in horror! The designations of almost all the troops were readjusted, and later the troops were almost intertwined.
Although Ruan Qingshui and Watujing were surprised by the stubborn resistance of the Guardian Group, they still clenched their teeth and continued to attack. The Grey Soldiers don’t care even if the battle loss ratio with the Guardian Group reaches 4:1 or even 5:1. What they want is to consume the vitality of the Guardian Group.
And the city of steel has been isolated, and the third robot army in the manufacturing center does not have enough strength to break through the outer defense line set by the second army. That is to say, once the war situation breaks through a critical point, the defenders of the Iron City will be drowned! By that time, the battle loss ratio will become very good-looking, as has always been the case in urban offensive and defensive battles.
On the front line between New Lanzhou and New Lhasa, more than 80,000 Terminators in this direction launched a crazy attack again due to the withdrawal of the Tombkeeper Corps. According to the instructions of General Beria, they divided their troops into two groups, attacking New Lhasa all the way, and inserting them directly into New Chengdu.
Although the guardian group of the new Chengdu side defended the army with space for time, it continued to delay the offensive of the Terminator Legion, but in the other direction, the war has burned into the city of New Lhasa. Seeing another tragic street battle is slowly kicking off. To this end, Furan also rushed from New Chengdu to New Lhasa to join the battle here.
But the Terminator Legion's assault is destined to be the last flashback, because on their flank in the other direction, the third group army directly under General Beria collapsed!
After more than 20,000 garbage guards of the Guardian Legion broke away from the front line with the Terminator, they directly attacked the third army that was defending hard from the side and rear! General Belia fully understood why this pre-war military meeting, General Vatuktin said that the presence of this junk army would cause the morale of ordinary soldiers to collapse, because this legion of tomb-keepers, It's simply a legion from hell! !
The third legionary soldier fled the wind in the robot legion that used the gray army prisoners as a meat shield. The frontal guardian group army followed, and the back corner dragon tank troops raged everywhere like a sharp blade. The entire third The more than 100,000 army of the group army suddenly fell into collapse across the board!
The mountains and the wild are full of defeated soldiers of the gray army, leaving only the terminators of the troops still fighting, but their battles seem to be the best way for these gray soldiers to escape. The formation of the Grey Army troops fled, or simply laid down their weapons and surrendered, plus the pursuit of the Guardian Group soldiers. When the Third Army regained its footing, the front line had returned to the position before the attack began on December 23. .
General Beria was so desperate that he ordered the troops to stop retreating. However, this was a retreat rather than a retreat, which could not be stopped. He was furious again and did not act according to his plan, insisting on attacking Admiral Ruan Qing and Admiral Watujing, who attacked the city of steel, but the two of them are now completely ignoring Beria.
General Belia scolded the eighteen generations of the two ancestors one by one in anger, and asked Skynet’s front line commander AI Tiantian to immediately arrest Ruan Qingshui and Watujing for defying the military order. But to his anxiety, Tianyan clearly rejected this request! What made him even more scared was that I didn't know when to start, and the number of T-900 Terminators guarding him beside him increased to 8! ! Is this or surveillance? !
The defeat of the Third Army made Tang Yu immediately available in this direction. The Horned Dragon Tank Corps and the Gravekeeper Legion immediately regrouped and attacked the Terminator Legion again! After the follow-up troops arrived, together with the defenders of New Lhasa, they closed the rear front and surrounded the entire Terminator Legion and more than 80,000 Terminators!
At this time, ~EbookFREE.me~ behind the Third Army’s front line, and in the entire southeast A Group Army Command Center, the pale-faced General Belia received a direct order from Marshal Artuzov: The three armies, piercing the defense line of the guardian group, and converging with the surrounded terminator army! If you can't do it, you won't be used to see me."
This meaning is very obvious! This was the last chance Marshal Altuzov and Skynet gave him! General Beria looked at the empty command center. The wounds of the former senior generals were killed, and some people saw the battle situation eroded, and they did not come over. The old General in Grey who gave him advice before was hit by a stray bullet in the back when his authority retreated, and died on the spot.
In the current command center, in addition to Beria alone, there are only 8 T-900 Terminators left! The Terminators said nothing, but stared at Beria coldly with red eyes.
However, at this time when the battle was in full swing, Tang Yu did not lead the Horned Dragon Tank Force to the left and right, as before, but returned to New Chengdu very early, and then left. So where is he? In fact, he just left a word to General Chen Fei and Furan in the command center and left.
"I'm going to receive a courier, you are here, don't move around."
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