Vol 2 Chapter 2236: 5 Star Alliance (Part 2)

2229, Five Star Alliance (Part 2)
   Galaxy Republic, core circle, planet Coruscant.
Mas-Ameda is walking in the corridors of the wide galactic parliament office. He is a Chaglia, with light blue skin, long thin horns on his head, and two horns on both sides of his head. Come down, plus he is tall and holding a scepter, so looks majestic.
  As the deputy speaker of the Galaxy Council, Mas-Ameda always seemed to be calm, he experienced the former speaker Valoren period, but also bowed down under the current speaker Palpatine. He holds the deepest and darkest secret in this galaxy, and even knows the other side of Palpatine, and because of this, his work is more relaxed.
Many times, when Palpatine is busy with government affairs, it is Mas-Ameda who is helping him deal with the quarrels in the parliament. In many cases, he often only needs to stand there, and he can generate an immense momentum. The quarrel disappeared.
But now, the calmness on Mas-Ameda's face disappeared, replaced by a trace of panic, even a drop of cold sweat hung on his forehead, his footsteps were disordered, and he heard a bang, and he fell continuously The band rushed into Palpatine's office.
Shiv Palpatine, who was sitting at his desk, raised his head and looked at his deputy speaker with unyielding face. "What is it that makes you so scared?"
  Mas-Ameda said breathlessly: "His Speaker, Corella galaxy has changed! They suddenly detained all ships in the territory, no one is allowed to enter or leave the Corella galaxy!"
  Palpatine suddenly changed his face when he heard this, and suddenly stood up and asked, "What about Mr. Iblis and Merri Cope? Ask them to come and explain!!"
   Corella Galaxy is the largest commercial trading galaxy in the Milky Way, equivalent to the California of the United States in California, or the Yangtze River Delta and the Pearl River Delta in China. Every day, countless spaceships enter and exit the Corella galaxy, transporting trillions of tons of cargo to every corner of the galaxy, and will eat in and out of trillions of tons of various goods. And now, Corella suddenly detains all transport ships, even if only one day, it is also a very heavy blow to the Republic! !
Mas-Ameda wiped his sweat and shook his head, saying: "Iblis returned to the Corella galaxy a month ago. His statement is to go back to mediate the racial contradictions in the galaxy. And Merico Pu left four days ago. She said that her mother had passed away and went back to take care of the housework. She would be back at most a week."
"So it was at this point in time that neither Corella's two MPs were in Coruscant, hehe." Palpatine's complexion began to get more ugly, "If I guess well, Corella Those remaining in Coruscant, don’t know what happened to the Corella galaxy?"
"It's true, we asked several senior Corella officials in Coruscant, and they didn't know what happened." Mas-Ameda replied, taking a deep breath and saying, "Corella The galaxies have long been isolationist. Iblis had proposed to neutralize the Corella galaxy when the war broke out, but it was rejected. But this time they suddenly detained all transport ships. Too tough, I worry..."
Palpatine knocked on the table and said: "Correlians said that they are a group of businessmen, they will not do meaningless things. Once they do, then there must be a reason, and there must be them. Reliance. Corella is now completely under our control. Coruscant’s fleet will respond in up to three days, arriving in the planet of Corella. Where do they have the courage to do so?"
   "So..." Mas-Ameda still wanted to speak, but Palpatine raised his hand to interrupt it, and then he connected the communication of Congressman Iblis.
  The holographic image of Iblis appeared in the front, only to see him wearing a purple robe and a big red cape on his right shoulder, which looked classic and majestic. He bowed slightly to Palpatine and said, "I haven't seen you for a long time, Your Excellency Speaker."
There was a fierce light in Palpatine's eyes, but he was still very conservative and said: "I remember we met just a month ago, Congressman Iblis. I haven't seen you in a month. Did I say that?"
   "Ah, please forgive me that my business has been busy recently, and I haven't had time to notify. Now that I am no longer a member of Corella, I have officially sworn in as the first CEO of the Five Star Alliance." Iblis said very politely.
  Palpatine's fists under the table squeezed sharply, and the surrounding table and chair equipment shook violently, and a very precious painting instantly turned into countless fragments under the tear of invisible power! But his expression was very calm, and he smiled slightly and said, "Then I have to congratulate you, Chief Executive. The five-star alliance, a very good name, is very consistent with your Corella galaxy. And you started as a trade, galaxy With countless wealth in it, you must have enough ability to protect yourself... You see, now that separatism is so rampant, I really don’t know what will happen..."
"Thank you for your concern, Your Excellency Speaker. We have blocked the entire Corella galaxy with a blocking field, and we want to sail to the main planet of our galaxy at sub-light speed. It is estimated that it will take several years. During this time, we still Can make enough response." Iblis said.
   "Stop the field? This technique is not so reliable..." Palpatine said coldly.
"Actually, I think so too, but there is no way, because of snobbery, huh..." Iblispi smiled, showing a mocking expression, "Oh yes, Your Excellency, as the first CEO, I 'S work is very busy, so I won't chat with you anymore. Well... we stumbled upon the galaxy td-10036-em-1271 with a very spectacular space beauty, I believe you will be very interested."
  After he finished speaking, he shut down the communication without hesitation.
Shiv Palpatine's face was blue, he punched the desk, then took a deep breath to calm down, opened his personal terminal and searched for a while, "td-10036-em-1271 galaxy, it is Central An unmanned galaxy in the expanded area, located in the j-15 galaxy, contains two rocky planets and a very small star. This galaxy used to have some minerals, but they were all mined thousands of years ago. There is no one there now."
   He said a little and clicked on the desk, a holographic star appeared in the middle of the office. This galaxy is really barren, a small star and two planets, and there are countless holes in the potholes. This is all the td-10036-em-1271 galaxy, not even a superfluous asteroid.
   "Since there is nothing, he shows us what to do there?" Mas-Ameda said strangely while looking at the star chart.
   "He asked us to see the beauty of this galaxy, so let's go to see it. Where is the closest unit to the j-15 star zone?" Palpatine asked.
  Mas-Ameda opened his terminal and looked up and answered, "The eighth army's jurisdiction is the closest to it."
   Palpatine nodded, "Send the coordinates to the Vanko of the Eighth Army, and ask him to immediately send a spaceship to check it! Fast! I want to know the result in the shortest time!!"
   "Yes!" Mas-Ameda immediately began sending messages to Fan Kou.
   Palpatine sat down again, crossed his hands to support his chin, and looked gloomy. He didn't say a word. He didn't move like a sculpture, and didn't know what he was thinking.
Time passed by one minute and one second, and three hours passed. Mas-Ameda raised his hand, took a light ball from the communicator, floated in his hand, and came over and said to Palpatine: " The Eighth Army happened to have a geological exploration spaceship near the j-15 star zone, and they immediately went to the td-10036-em-1271 galaxy to scan. The result is here."
   Palpatine's posture did not change, but nodded slightly. Mas-Ameda put the sphere of light on the desk, this data was immediately read out, and then the hologram star projected in the center of the office changed again.
   A small star hovered solitary in the center of the galaxy, and there were countless debris and asteroids scattered around. The two rocky planets that should have been there were nowhere to be seen! !
  Mas-Ameda took a breath, "How is this possible!!! This...this... this... Van Kou is looking for the wrong coordinates? What about the planet? What about the planet?"
   "Hehehehehe...hehehehehe..." Palpatine was very calm, but a burst of low and twisted laughter broke out, which was his original voice, the voice of Darth-Sidious! !
"Okay!!! Very good! Ha ha ha ha... Very good..." Palpatine said, his eyes turned into a terrible golden color, and his pupils shrank as if the needle tip, "They destroyed These two planets, and it is really something that happened recently! Because if the time is stretched for a long time, these fragments will form an asteroid belt under the gravitational force of the stars... They have already mastered that they can destroy one instantly. Things on the planet!!! Ha ha ha ha... very good! very good!!!"
Mas-Ameda looked dignified, "This is not good news! If they have this ability, then Coruscant is not safe! They can use this thing to threaten us, and if we do not agree, they Can even destroy Coruscant!!!"
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." Palpatine was still chuckling, "I said, Corellas are always businessmen, they will not do unprofitable things. Destroying Coruscant, only Let them be public enemies of the entire galaxy, and they will not do any good to them! They will not even destroy any planet with a little economic value. They choose this unmanned galaxy, on the one hand, they can deter us and tell us that this thing can be arbitrary Used many times, so it will be used first on a worthless galaxy. On the other hand, this goal is also low-key and secret enough, indicating that they do not want to make things big..." Palpatine's face emerged Greedy look.
   "You mean, Corella is using this thing to force us to recognize their independence!!" Mas-Ameda said.
"Yes! The only anomalous thing in the Corella galaxy is only the midpoint of the pile of broken copper 100,000 years ago. It seems that this thing should not be a broken copper, but a piece of power. Huge weapon! Yes...weapon!!! The weapon that can make the war end instantly!!! The weapon that can make the whole galaxy bow to me!! This is... God’s weapon!!!" Palpatine shouted with some nervousness When he got up, his hands were facing up to the sky, and his thin hands grabbed the sky like claws, as if he wanted to hold something firmly in his hand. "Yes! I want this thing! I want this thing! At all costs! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha..."
  The Milky Way, outer ring, the 4th star of Lasax.
   Tang Yu was almost brought to the office by Earl Ducour in his hand. In the absence of deliberate resistance, Tang Yu, who is only 1.72 meters tall, is indeed petite in front of Count Duku, who is 1.93 meters tall.
"The Corella galaxy is independent!!! They formed a five-star alliance~EbookFREE.me~ out of the Galactic Republic!!" Earl Ducuk almost snarled at Tang Yu with a mouthful of water star, "Do you know What!!! Did you say this before?"
   "I think you should let me go first." Tang Yu sighed and said helplessly.
  Duke Count beckoned, the sofa next to him flew over under the force of the original force, and then he threw Tang Yu on the sofa, said coldly: "Speak!"
  Tang Yu took control of the butler robot next to it, and then took a washcloth from his hand to wipe his face clean. Afterward, he threw away the towel. He was not interested in an old man's saliva star. Then he slowly said: "In fact, this matter is just an accident. In the Corella galaxy, at the Lagrange point between the twin planets Talus and Tralus, there was a creation 100,000 years ago. Midpoint Station. And I accidentally got the way to start this great creation..."
   "I saw it in the fragments of fate again?" Count Duku asked sarcastically.
"Whether you believe it or not, but I do know the secret that this Corella scientist hasn't been able to find out for thousands of thousands of years, what can it be except destiny? You should also know that the Force, Omnipotent! Countless Jedi and Sith from ancient times to the present day have failed to thoroughly study the Force, let alone us?" Tang Yu looked like a believer.
   "So, you chose to tell the Correlians this secret!! Do you not know if the midpoint station can be captured, then the war will end soon?" Count Ducout roared.
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