Vol 2 Chapter 2357: Sit on the sidelines

   2357, Stand by and watch
  Sauron thought for a while and said to himself: "But as an opponent, it is not a good habit to leave this stage at will, Tang Yu. You still come back first."
   said, he lifted his finger and flicked on the screen. With this action, a smile on the corner of his mouth became more intense.
Just as Zuolong’s fingertips swept across the screen, a commander in a gray military uniform picked up the communicator in the command center of the outer star orbital base of the planetary center of the Galactic Empire, and then immediately passed the communication. Qi Lizheng saluted and said aloud: "Yes!! The 7th Squadron immediately set off!!"
With that said, the commander took up his personal terminal, saw the marching route outlined in the combat plan, nodded, then turned around and said aloud: "Inform each ship, immediately start the warship engine and start warming up. After 2 hours, the whole army set off!"
  In the interstellar base, more than ten huge star destroyers docked in the base's berth. These star destroyers have a triangular shape, and the bow is very sharp, but they are very thick at the tail, which ensures that all levels of cabins up to dozens of floors have a good view, and the turrets installed on the battleship will not affect each other. Shooting range. The bridge of the battleship is very tall, and two galaxy-level detectors are erected on both sides of the bridge.
   Empire-class star destroyer! The pride of the Galactic Empire and a symbol of powerful force are also the highest masterpieces of Quart Power Dock and Lila Blissex, the designer of the genius battleship. With a total length of 1600 meters, it is twice the generous frigate of the former independent Confederacy Confederate battleship! The 60 ion guns installed on the battleship, 6 twin-mounted turbo laser guns, and 2 quadruple super-heavy turbo laser guns ensure extremely terrifying firepower, even if 3 triple-turbo laser guns are installed on the belly of the battleship. The two face-mounted turbo laser guns ensure that the firepower has no dead ends. At the same time, the 40-point defense turret can also form a dense air defense fire around the battleship.
  Not only that, the Imperial class destroyer also carried 27,850 crew members, including 9,700 well-equipped Imperial Stormtroopers and 72 various fighters. It can be said that even an empire-class star destroyer has terrifying firepower that can easily destroy a planet! Moreover, the flashy hangar of the Hunter-class cruiser was completely abandoned, which made the structure of the warship more stable, and there was more space to install a more powerful turbo laser gun, a more sufficient energy supply, and a larger engine thrust.
   At this time, a total of 12 Imperial-class cruisers were moored around the interstellar base, arranged in a circle. But as early as 24 hours ago, the fleet was ready to attack, and the supplies and energy supplies for combat readiness were all replenished, and only the order to attack was issued. On the platform of the interstellar base, the cloned soldiers in a neat square array began to board the battleship. It can be seen that the functions of the army among the emperors have been carefully divided. Different arms have different costumes. From this assembly, we can see more than 30 different types of arms. It is said that war is the best teacher. During the war, the entire galaxy also began to pick up the fangs called war that have been abandoned for thousands of years.
  Das Sidious also carried out a series of military reforms after the overthrow of the Republic and the establishment of the Galactic Empire. And after Zuolong joined, because he does not have the supreme power of the entire galaxy as the original plot, he has all kinds of doubts about Marshal Zuolong. On the contrary, because of the current enemy, Sidious still maintains a very sensitive political and military sense of smell. He has promoted Marshal Sorong and appointed him as an admiral of the Imperial Navy. He has 10 squadrons under his control, and he has already jumped. Become a real power within the empire.
   The current Galaxy Emperor Team has two major formations of storm troops and stormtroopers. Among them, the storm force, also known as the storm soldier, is mainly a natural person soldier recruited by the empire. The number is huge, reaching a terrible 2 billion! The Stormtroopers are all made up of cloned soldiers, which are more well-equipped and generally equipped with mechanized exoskeletons and heavy-duty explosive laser guns. However, the current total number of Stormtroopers is only about 40 million.
   What actually needs to be understood is that during the first civil war in the Milky Way, which was previously called the Clone Wars, in fact, neither the Galactic Republic nor the Independent Galaxy Confederation was in the state of general mobilization. Because after the Rusang reform, the entire galaxy was almost disarmed, so after the outbreak of war, the warring parties have not actually adjusted their industrial systems to the state of war. So in the Clone Wars, it is normal for single-digit battleships to strike around and fight, so super battleships such as Battleship Fangtooth can play single-ship assault tactics.
   But as the war progressed, the industries of the warring parties began to tilt toward the military side. Just two years later, the outbreak of the Corella large air warfare has been able to dispatch thousands of warships! And now, with the temporary truce, the Milky Way has entered a three-legged Cold War state. For a full five years, enough of the Galaxy Empire and PNSR will build themselves into a terrible war machine!
   The situation of the Galactic Republic fighting a war with 3 million clone soldiers is gone. Now, whether it is the Galactic Empire or the pnsr, the strength of the military is calculated in billions! With the completion of war mobilization on both sides, if the Milky Way's second civil war breaks out, the scale will be doomed! !
After joining the empire, Zuolong led his fleet to the south and north battle, easily extinguished countless resistance movements on the edge of the Central Star Zone, and repeatedly hit the pnsr fleet that harassed, winning the Das-Sidious Trust, so he also has very free power to dispatch troops.
   Watching the twelve Imperial-class star destroyers on the screen start to sail out of the interstellar base and enter the scheduled channel, Sorong smiled and shook his head, sitting back on the sofa, tasting the wine in the glass.
"Always, you have used the Zahn consortium and Hutt smuggling channels to obtain huge amounts of funds and various black market technologies, but have you ever thought about it? Tang Yu, this is also a double-edged sword. Smuggling channel You can use it, and I can use it naturally. You seem to believe that the empire will think that the galaxies around the smuggling channel have no strategic value, so that they will not risk sending the fleet into the hinterland of pnsr. However, I know that among these galaxies, there is A planet is something you value very much. Because... your partner is there... Ha ha ha ha..." Zuo Long took a sip of his wine and looked at the destination of the seventh squadron set on the star map Full of desert planets.
"Let me say hello to you, Your Excellency Tang Yu." Suo Long's right hand was gently placed on his chest, and he performed a classical noble ceremony, but the posture was very casual. Obviously he did not really want it. Go to this ceremony.
   At this moment, the door was suddenly opened, and came in alone.
   Suolong's face suddenly gloomy, "I have said it many times, Jane, don't interrupt me when I think!!!"
"嘁. Every time you hid in the office, the gods nagging the old lady will know that you are making a bad idea again! Where is the squadron sent?" The person coming was Jane Connor!
   She is still that short, petite figure, long blond hair and waist, and the largest size of the entire Lanxiang team. But now her outfit is not as casual as before, but she is wearing a lean black samurai costume, wearing a dark red cloak outside, and two lightsabers hanging around her waist.
   "Oh, of course, go and say hello to my new friend, Tang Yu." Sauron's expression calmed down instantly. He supported his cheek with his hand and looked at Jane Connor playfully.
"The old lady advises you not to play too much, otherwise, the old lady will really tear the face. At least fold you in half, and then put your head in the crotch is not a problem." Jane-Connor coldly Said.
   Suolong smiled faintly, "You should know that in my current status, if you kill me, you will definitely die?"
   "Kill you, then no one in this galaxy will be Tang Yu's opponent."
   "If so, this galaxy is too boring, right?"
   Jane-Connor raised her hand, and the annihilated giant hammer appeared in her hand suddenly, and threw it on the desk in front of Thrawn in a thunderous manner! Just seeing this precious table turned into countless dust at once. She glanced at Sorong. "The old lady came to you just by the letter you directed! Don't the old lady!"
"Your superficial irritability can't conceal your inner anxiety, Jane. You... are afraid of me, right." Soron faced Jane like Tyrannosaurus but was unmoved, even if his desk split into countless in front of him. Ashes, his face did not change.
"You should know that neither your mission nor the enemies identified by your Chis are Tang Yu!" Jane Conner said coldly, "So if you want to mess this up, the old lady must be Will clean you up!"
Suo Long smiled and said: "If Tang Yu can't even defeat me as a general empire, why can he prove that he can face the unknown threat? Instead of that, I might as well continue to follow the original plan. Sidious is better together. At least for now, he is still the most powerful and powerful in the entire galaxy, isn't he?"
He paused and said, "Do you think I am playing in a house? Jane. Do you think that although my goal does not conflict with Tang Yu, do I have to join forces with him? You are wrong. I am indeed playing Really. If Tang Yu can't win the war, then let him die."
   "You will not see that day." Jane Connor said coldly.
   "Hehehehe, don't forget our agreement. You need to help me with all your strength, otherwise, the agreement will be invalid." Soron said lightly.
  However, at this time, Jane Connor had already walked out of the door, and did not know if it was heard.
Looking at her back, the smile on Sorong's face was still, and he said to himself: "I know that things must be...it will be very interesting. Mysterious'l', mysterious multiverse, what is it? "
   "Terminator" world.
More than 50 fearless heavy cruisers of the Blade Blade fleet have flown into the atmosphere of the earth. Five of them hovered over the sky island, staring coldly at a chaotic city, but so far, these warships have not opened fire. Even the fighter did not take off, but just watched here.
London, New York, Tokyo, Washington, New Delhi, Berlin, Sydney... There are also fearless heavy cruisers over dozens of major cities. The cloud of war almost covers the world, and almost everyone can feel it That terrible sense of oppression from these warships!
  As long as they are willing, they can completely destroy these big cities within an hour, and at most three days, they can turn the whole earth into a sea of ​​fire. Under this ultimate power, everyone held their breath and all the global flights were cancelled in unison. Even the pedestrians on the road lowered their heads when they were walking, daring to raise their heads to look more, fearing that they would anger the warship. The existence above.
   Until now, these talents really understood the terrifying strength of the Guardian Empire, and they really understood that the reason why their country still exists is entirely the gift of the Empire, the gift of Tang Yu!
   The king was angry, and the world was shaking! Now everyone does not know what is happening inside the Guardian Empire, but the anger of the Empire Emperor has been very clearly communicated to everyone on earth!
   20 warships also flew over the lunar base, and 30 warships surrounded the guardian space fortress group. These warships also looked at the civil war of the guardian empire, to be precise, the civil war of the Holy Mountain. But so far, these warships have not made any moves, because their leader, Emperor Tang Yu, has not expressed any position.
  Holy Mountain is indeed divided~EbookFREE.me~ Tens of billions of mechanical life is divided into two camps of high God code and soul awakening. However, there is one exception!
   Mechanical life from the world of "Star Wars"! !
  The number of these mechanical lives is only billions, but Tang Yu directly took the "Star Wars" world, and also built a small sacred mountain power underground under the guardian planet. This part of mechanical life did not participate in this civil war, and the most important thing is that these mechanical lives are mainly military because of Tang Yu's needs. They are all Tang Yu's most loyal direct forces! They will not participate in the civil war, but the guardian empire's most powerful force space fleet is under their control!
The mechanical life of the "Star Wars" world has always been under the direct command of Tang Yu, and Tang Yu brought Remy, Christina, Cameron-Philips, etc. Personalized mechanical life, under their leadership, the mechanical life of the "Star Wars" world has not deviated from the path that Tang Yu expected.
   But Tang Yu never put this force into the civil war of the Holy Mountain. Because he knows very well that under such circumstances, it is wrong for him to help anyone. If he helps one of them to win this civil war, then his painstaking care of the holy mountain will become a bubble, because the holy mountain at this time will become his follower.
   The advent of the Blade Blade fleet conveyed a message from Tang Yu not to overdo it!
   And at this time, the fiercest struggle is erupting in the virtual world inside the Holy Mountain!
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