Vol 2 Chapter 619: Alien Legion VS Robot Legion (8)

619、Vs Robot Corps of Alien Corps (8)
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhs With with with with with a red energy body, ZeRo screamed and swooped past. The scary scarlet magic power condensed on her, and even a pair of red translucent dragon wings appeared behind her! !
Uh! ! ! ZeRo's long claws swayed in Song Ji mode, with a bright red magic power, wherever he passed, extinction was extinct, the grass withered animals died, and instantly turned into fly ash! The powerful magic has destroyed a long ravine even on the ground!
boom! ! ! This terrifying blow hit the dragon aliens! It didn't seem to dodge at all, just lowered his head and used his forehead to endure the terrifying power! boom! ! A powerful magic burst, the center of the two collided bursts of a terrifying force, suddenly around the sand and rocks!
"His~~~~" Alien Dragon was actually repelled by ZeRo in two steps! Only saw dense cracks on the carapace of its head!
"Go to die! Go to die! Give me Mihail back!!" ZeRo shouted wildly, attacking the dragon aliens desperately! The dragon alien shape seems to be completely suppressed, and is beaten back and forth by ZeRo who only reaches his thigh! Its body was also bruised with scars, broken bone spurs, cracked carapace, and a large amount of green acidic blood spilled on the ground, which also corroded the ground. The August 1st Chinese Language and Culture Network? W?W㈠W?. ?8㈧1?Z?W㈠. COM
However, Bernard was just standing behind the dragon alien, with a nonchalant smile on the corner of his mouth. But ZeRo, who is angry now, didn't care about it at all. There was only one thought in her mind, kill! !
"Let me die!!" The bright red dragon wing behind her jumped up with ZeRo. She clenched her fists in both hands, and a powerful magic force condensed into a huge light group in her hand. "Dead!!!"
ZeRo swooped down sharply, and his fists smashed towards the dragon like a heavy hammer! The dragon abnormity is not to be outdone. !
boom! ! ! ! ! !
With the dragon alien as the center, everything within ten meters of the surrounding area is turned into fly ash by the terrible blow of ZeRo! A huge deep hole was formed on the ground! !
"His~~~~~" The dragon abnormically groaned, only to see that it had bruises all over the body, and the carapace on his body was almost completely crushed and fell off! The muscle structure under the body is undoubtedly revealed! A lot of strong acid blood spilled on the ground like rain! !
ZeRo landed on the ground, the magic power was too much, she had to show the prototype. With a snap, she pulled out her silver dagger and pointed to Bernard coldly, "How long do you have to hide behind this waste?"
"Ha ha ha ha! Enough ZeRo, you are doing well!" Bernard burst into a burst of laughter, "Don't you ever think about it, since your magic and Mihail come from the same source because of the contract, then from Mi What is the magic of the dragon alien born in Haier?"
"You..." ZeRo suddenly had a bad hunch. She suddenly felt that Dragon Alien has been beaten from the beginning to the present, and has not returned! !
"Hahahaha!!! So, when the dragon alien evolved into the dragon alien queen, it was the last step-your magic! Hahahaha!!!" Bernard laughed wildly.
"Bai~~~~~!!!" At this time, the dragon abdomen covered with wounds suddenly looked up at the sky! ! Then its body began to change! ! Originally three or four meters high and seven or eight meters long, the body suddenly began to swell, and the carapace that had been smashed by ZeRo just now broke apart!
"You bastard!!" ZeRo rushed up as soon as he saw it! However, the dragon abnormity once again screamed in the sky, rumbling ~~~~~ a more powerful bright red magic power exploded from the dragon alien body, and the powerful magic power suddenly blown away all around! !
Among the billowing smoke, an incomparably huge figure appeared! ! !
At the same time as the magic of the dragon abnormity exploded, an invisible small spaceship was flying in low-Earth orbit. In the helmet of the Jagged Warrior, this burst of energy was immediately detected, the Jagged Warrior immediately operated on the dashboard of the spaceship, and the screen at the moment of the burst of energy was immediately transmitted.
Looking at the huge, terrifying, and obviously alien monster in the picture, the iron-blooded warriors burst into angry howling! !
Bang~~~ A rescue capsule was ejected from the spacecraft. After accurate calculations by the computer, the rescue capsule accurately landed in the northwestern Colorado state, Morft County.
"Well, the boss, Major General Rod of the National Guard wants to talk to you." Lei Fan said to Tang Yu through the video, he is still not used to the boss's name.
"Come on," Tang Yu said.
"Hello, here is the 131st Infantry Division of the National Guard of the United States of America in Colorado. Major General Rod Powell is talking to you." A voice came with some dialects and some low voices.
"I am the president of the Guardian Group, Tang Yu." Tang Yu introduced himself.
"Before I came here, I did some investigations on you. I beg you to take the liberty. I have considerable reservations about you, a company and a person who has mastered extremely advanced technology but has no signs of suddenly appearing." Luo De said.
"You don't need to check my past, you can't find it." Tang Yu said with a smile. "But now that I'm there, it shows that when we deal with it in the future, there are still many."
"Well, as long as it is not something that jeopardizes our American interests, I will not pursue it." Rod said.
"Humanity! Benefits!" Tang Yu bit the word human very hard.
"You mean, that kind of alien monster?" Rod asked.
"There is another kind of highly civilized alien. I don't believe your government has no information at all." Tang Yu said.
Rodton paused and diverged from the topic and said: "Talking about what is happening in Murvert County, the 131 infantry division is now stationed outside the city. We are evacuating the residents outside the town as much as possible, and we have also carried out the entire town. blockade."
"I don’t have a large number of robot corps~EbookFREE.me~ There are only more than a thousand low-level robots and more than 400 high-level robots. So I first occupied five factories in the city and transformed the production lines of these factories. Let more robots be produced here. Now we are sending a team of robots to gradually expand the control area outwards and save more survivors, but the number of robots is still the biggest problem that troubles me." Tang Yu answered .
"How many survivors are contained in the five factories you occupied?" Rhode asked.
"There are about two thousand people," Tang Yu answered.
"So what do you want to suggest about the current situation?" Rod asked.
"First of all, in terms of the capabilities of human soldiers, you must avoid fighting at night, otherwise you will be slaughtered like a chicken by this alien monster. Secondly, their breeding methods are parasitic from the human body, and large animals are also possible. Therefore, there is an upper limit for the number of aliens that appear in the city. But the premise is that they must not be allowed to spread!! All survivors must be isolated and checked to ensure that they are not parasitized before they can be released. In addition, there is a possibility that aliens exist in the collar. A large monster should be able to fly, so be prepared with enough heavy firepower. Finally, I need weapons! A lot of weapons!!!" Tang Yu said.
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