Chapter 664: Domestic situation (1)

For friendship and foreign exchange, Da Mao's education system still attaches great importance to the training needs of the'Holy Light'. It was learned that there were 5,000 first international students, and various universities even competed for training places.
When the alliance collapsed, a large number of government departments were destroyed, but it was difficult to rebuild. Other systems may be able to sell some money to make money. What can the education system sell?
Many veteran professors in Moscow are old and live in tattered apartment buildings. They teach students with very meager salaries. They can't even eat fresh fruit on weekdays.
After the disintegration of the alliance, the fruits of Moscow basically depend on imports, and the expensive ones will die.
Some students have to go home every week to bring potatoes to school, otherwise they will not be full. As for what comes out of female students, it is completely common.
Teacher Mao Zi will take the initiative to help introduce, hoping that foreign students can talk to a girlfriend of Mao sister. As long as they can communicate normally, this matter is even encouraged.
Some people inside Da Mao also have a whisper about ‘Holy Light’, but who will pay for this opinion immediately? In the winter in Moscow, hunger can be tolerated, and there will be no heating to show you immediately.
and so
The assistant tutor Xiao Jinlang and the student representatives turned around in ‘Gum’ but found that they didn’t buy anything, and they were very surprised.
The teaching assistant thought that all the students who came to study abroad were the "middle class" of flower growers. It was known that the students clenched their money one by one and did not let go.
The "Gum" market is dedicated to selling high-end luxury goods, and the price of the goods in the store makes Xiao Jinlang unaffordable. The students roughly converted, and all their faces were pale.
The first batch of "Holy Light" international students are mostly poor children. Even if the family is wealthy, they are at most dual parents. Many of them come from deep ravines and rarely enter the city. Their biggest dream is to eat and wear warm clothes.
Before coming to Moscow, these poor children did not even have good clothes. It was ‘Holy Light’ who gave them different sets of uniforms, otherwise the cold land must be frozen to death.
‘Holy Light’ gives each student US$50 per month for living expenses, excellent academic performance and scholarships. After realizing that this is foreign exchange, nine out of nine students are determined to save up.
This study abroad can still make money, you must send the money home. Anyway, it doesn't cost money to eat and drink in school, so I have to make my parents happy.
The representative student went back from ‘Gum’ and also told other students about how expensive the price of a piece of bread in Moscow is a few dollars, a can of candy costs more than ten dollars, and a set of clothes costs hundreds or thousands of dollars.
It's just robbery!
The students who did not go shopping were scared stupid one by one. Since then, they have not been out for a long time, and they all stayed in school to study. Instead, Teacher Mao Zi was extremely pleased, and felt that these students were too diligent.
Settling in a good student, Xiao Jinlang finally had time to find Zhou Qingfeng at the branch office of Holy Light in Moscow. When the two met, he had to report the latest domestic situation.
Just after the Spring Festival, av had a special program. The vocational education director of ‘Holy Light’, the German fat man Karl appeared on the show.
Karl appeared in a period of "Best Friends" for the country's blessings, as well as a collection of views on the current economic situation, but not specifically to promote the "Holy Light".
On the video, the identity of the German fat man is'foreign technical expert working in China'. I don’t know it was the inspiration of the director. I chose the perspective of ‘foreigners looking at the country’ to report.
But I have to say that this perspective is unique.
There are quite a few foreigners invited to the show.
Other foreign friends are singing "Fortune Password". Only the fat man told the truth and talked about what he said on Tianyang TV again.
"In the first week of my arrival in Tianyang, I felt that everything had been seen through. Tattered, old, numb, low energy, I was not optimistic about everything. I hate everyone I see.
Not surprisingly, many employees in the company feel inferior in front of me. They dare not look up at me in the face, but they like to watch secretly in the background.
People ask me, how can I go abroad? The girls came to me in the middle of the night, hoping to marry me. At first I thought I was charming, but I soon understood what reality is.
I said that Germany was also a very backward country, but no one believed that I was too humble. Everyone is proud to belittle themselves and curse society. This is crazy.
I advise the colleagues of the group that there is no need to be embarrassed by the backwardness of the status quo. Other people's ridicule and ridicule are merely stumbling blocks.
There are no marine nations in this world. All nations are the same. You are not talented and naturally inferior. You will succeed if you work hard, and slackness will lag behind.
At least we Prussians have been trapped on land.
But no one believed me. They thought I was afraid of being coerced and dared not tell the truth. But I tell the truth.
Many people think about how to become rich. They only believe in the news they are willing to believe, regardless of whether the news is true or false. But only idiots are so wishful thinking.
You are so lacking in self-confidence that you have no ability to judge right from wrong. I really look down on some of you, flattering flattery makes me sick. "
This is the content of Tianyang TV station's re-interview with Karl, and av edited part of it. At least the part of "100,000 monthly salary" is gone.
But a foreigner's criticism from his own standpoint is undoubtedly a huge impact on the current impetuous domestic trend of thought.
This is like ‘moving against the trend’ and hit many people in the face. It would be ridiculous to say something different for someone else. Not even Zhou Qingfeng, because he does not have a foreigner's face.
Xiao Jinlang sent a videotape to Zhou Qingfeng, and now he also feels that Karl's "100,000 monthly salary" is really worth it. As long as the German fat man doesn't get confused in the future, this life's meal tickets will be available.
"Just ask Karl and Watanabe to go on TV and have an exclusive interview. Let them talk about the history of economic development in Germany and Japan and compare our current situation. The ratings must explode!
It is very difficult for Chinese people to go abroad now, and they have a kind of illusory understanding abroad. Someone needs to explain the truth clearly.
The idiots have imagined a paradise-like world of Europe and America, but no one has ever stood up and said how to build their country into a real paradise.
Self-denying propaganda is too bad for us. It is necessary to let Karl, a foreigner, appear to break this illusion. What they say is worth 10,000. "
Zhou Qingfeng was happy and irritated. He complained: "Actually, I don't understand it. This public opinion-oriented approach is so simple. Just tell the truth. Why didn't anyone use it before?"
Xiao Jinlang rolled his eyes, "Do you think it's easy to tell the truth? On the contrary, it's easier to lie. Do you know that Karl's pictures in these few minutes have already exploded domestic public opinion.
Newspapers, magazines, TV broadcasts, all media are reporting. The public's enthusiasm for discussion was high. Those who wrote letters, made phone calls, and even went to the government department to ask for petitions.
Some people think that Karl is a loyal person, a real person and a good friend. There are also many people who are distressed and think Karl is a German spy. Those who scolded him, praised him, endlessly. "
The country is now lively.
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