Chapter 82: Underground prison

Zhou Qingfeng lit a torch again, lighting up the prison hall.
Under the light of fire, the white ghost seemed to be dim and dull, and no longer looked like the wickedness. It was greatly reduced by the archer Golem's critical strike, and offering a soul contract made it lose its resistance.
But Zhou Qingfeng had no plans to sign a soul contract with a half demon. Although after signing, he will get no small benefit. But the person with the devil will not have any good results, even if the other party is a half demon, it is very dangerous.
The most common thing a demon slave does is to bite the Lord.
According to the description of the abyss demon horse, its condition is close to that of Cyric guess. The elves of Silver Leaf City captured a large number of demon servants during the war against the demons. Most of these servants were directly executed, and a small number were detained for research.
"Research?" Zhou Qingfeng held a torch and asked curiously.
The Abyss Demon hummed, "Study how to fight against the demon. Our captives are experimental products used to train a new generation of elf warriors. As a result, they retreat when they find they can't win, but they leave us in prison alive.
In the past few decades, I have prayed countless times for someone to come and save me. I'm just a demon. I didn't do anything bad. The war is over, why ca n’t you let me go?
But my prayer did not get any response, so I was angry, angry, and irritable, and I vowed that if anyone dares to save me, I must swallow him.
Master, you fell through the hole above, and I noticed that I was waiting for you to come down. But I didn't expect that you even brought an elf golem, this thing is quite awesome. So I am willing to serve you. "
When the abyss demon horse finished talking, he scratched his head, lost his temper, and looked very obedient.
Zhou Qingfeng now seriously suspects that Ciric is pitting himself, but there is nothing he can do. He and Mad God originally use each other. They can't be blamed if they are not pitted. They can only write a few more in the small book.
What about contractable things?
"I won't sign a soul contract with you." Zhou Qingfeng modified the contract offered by Abyss Demon Horse, "but I can sign a contract with you for employment."
"Employment contract?" The ghost ghost took back the shard of the soul he sent out, and carefully read the revised clause above. It was surprised to find that Zhou Qingfeng gave up being his absolute master and instead hired the owner fairly.
The advantage of this modification is that the relationship between the master and the servant is not so close, and Zhou Qingfeng reserves the right to fire the other party at any time.
"But you can't enjoy the enhancement brought by the soul contract, Master," said the ghost horse ghost. Its blood comes from the abyss 'Nightmare', and its shape is a huge and strong dark black horse.
The flame encircled the iron hooves of 'Nightmare', negative energy spurted from its nostrils, and the aura of fear surrounded it. Any enemies who face it will be subject to mental shock, and once it cannot be resisted, it will erode the soul.
This scary monster is rarely allowed to be mounted, and only the most powerful evil can make it a mount.
As a descendant of 'Nightmare', signing a soul contract with the abyss demon horse is an attribute bonus that can be enjoyed in strength, allowing Zhou Qingfeng to rub his wrists with barbarians. But he refused without hesitation. "Will you sign?"
The employment contract stipulated that the demon horse could not attack Zhou Qingfeng and his allies, and could not betray and obey orders. As for powers and obligations, the contractual provisions are quite detailed. The benefit is to escape from the elven prison, don't even think about flesh and soul.
The employment period is only two years, and whether the contract is renewed or not shall be renewed by both parties.
The abyss demon horse did not expect Zhou Qingfeng to be so alert. But it had no choice but to accept the contract and hand in his soul fragment again.
"Since you are a horse, the blood is from 'Nightmare'. Those who want to run should run very fast. I will call you 'Shengying' in the future."
The abyss demon horse has no comment on this.
The contract was established, and Zhou Qingfeng immediately sensed his control over the semi-devil. He breathed a sigh of relief, raised his torch, and returned to the entrance to the dungeon.
The rusty bronze prison door was still blocked there, and there was no way to open it by normal means. However, a burst arrow of the archer's golem still played a role, directly blasting the door frame, making it crumbling.
Zhou Qingfeng banged at the prison door until he knocked him down.
Behind the jail door was an obliquely dark aisle. Narrow, dry and extremely rough. ‘Sheng Ying’ wanted to lead the way, but Zhou Qingfeng let the archer golem go down first, and with any instructions he encountered any malicious target, and he was welcome.
"Besides me, there are only some bones left. There is no danger." ‘Shengying’ muttered.
"What bones?"
"My bones, as well as the bodies of other demonic servants. Many of my kind were imprisoned at that time, and only one of them was successfully transformed into a ghost. The others have disappeared. The master will understand when he looks down.
The archer's golem went down a circle, and returned unharmed. So Zhou Qingfeng held the torch down, stepped on the stone steps, listened to the monotonous echo, and reached the underground prison along the spiral walkway.
This underground space is full of free negative energy, which makes it even more dreary. Zhou Qingfeng held up the torch and moved his steps carefully. In front of him were seven or eight gloomy prison cells, and behind the iron fences with thick arms were monsters behind them.
"This is a hunting spider." "Shengying" introduced in front of a cell. "It is a scout of the demon army, good at sneaking, hiding, and assassination. The elf hates it very much, and has tested many ways to deal with it And finally dismembered. "
Inside the first cell was a giant spider that had been unloaded eight blocks. Its remaining bones were covered with marks from weapon chopping and arcane bombardment. Every part of it was dismantled and studied, and it was completely destroyed.
"Is its remains useful?" Zhou Qingfeng only cared about this.
"Its bones can still sell for a bit of money," ‘Shadow’ said.
Maybe wizards may be interested.

Looking at the spider skeleton that had been dismantled, Zhou Qingfeng said a few times, "Wizard? I know a wizard apprentice. Maybe I can knock him."
A minotaur was held in the second cell, and its skeleton was soft and ash. "Shengying" said that this thing was the main force of infantry in the devil's minions, fearless life and death, not afraid of injuries, and easier to command.
The elven wizard experimented with a large number of arcane spells on the minotaur, causing his soul to dissipate directly after death, and even the bones could not be retained. Uncle Zhou pointed at the fly ash across the fence of the cell and asked, "Is the ashes of the minotaur useless?"
"Maybe the witch doctor would like it." "Shadow Shadow" shook his head. "Actually, I don't quite understand."
The third and fourth cells are vacant, and the fifth is closed to 'Shadow'. Zhou Qingfeng saw the bones left after his death, which was an extremely tall horse-shaped monster.
It is one person tall, with strong bones and spurs all over it. The ‘shadow’ turned into a ghost returned to his bones, his hollow eyes glowed red, his jaws opened, his teeth were exposed, and his head was especially emaciated.
"Master, please remove the shackles that bound me. I can go with you." "Shadow Shadow" lifted up its hoof, leaving only the bones of its thighs bound by four thick chains, limiting its movement. Because of this, it has been held here for more than fifty years.
The four chains are not ordinary. They are specially made by the elves to imprison demons. 'Shengying' has nothing to do with them.
Zhou Qingfeng stood outside the prison and expressed satisfaction with the shape of his new mount. He directed the archer's golem to blast open the iron fence of the cell, and then blast the chains off the cell wall.
As for the chain itself, for the time being, it can only be wrapped around the bones and legs of 'Shadow Shadow'. However, after the chain was broken, a certain kind of prohibition imposed on it was also broken, and the negative energy scattered in the entire dungeon was converging toward the 'shadow shadow'.
The free abyss demon horse roared immediately, and the accumulated negative energy tumbled from its body. It stepped on the ground with four hoofs, rattling the cymbals on the floor of the cell, followed by a low head, and slammed into the cell's iron fence.
The thick iron fence of the child's arms couldn't help it to hit it with force and quickly bent. One of them was pierced directly by the sharp spike on its forehead. It bumped a few more times, rattling the whole dungeon, and shaking it slightly.
This abyss demon horse has only a skeleton, but after it gets out of trouble, it absorbs a large amount of negative energy in the prison, quickly recovers its strength, and faintly loses control. "Stop, do you want to rebel?" Zhou Qingfeng controlled the Shard of the Soul, forcing ‘Sheng Ying’ to calm down.
The red light in the eyes of ‘Shengying’ was full of glory, staring at Zhou Qingfeng with extremely hateful eyes. It kept stepping on the ground with hoofs, a strong stream of negative energy sprayed from the nostrils, and the spikes on the head shone with black light, and it seemed to rush over to hit the owner.
"I asked you to stop." Zhou Qingfeng quickly parsed the soul fragment of 'Shadow Shadow' in his mind and seized the highest control authority. After a few breaths, the skeletal warhorse suddenly wailed, his forefoot was weak, and he knelt directly.
"Stow away your negative energy and not allow it to me in the future." Zhou Qingfeng ordered.
‘Shadow’ is using negative energy to refine the chains that bind its four hoofs. Those chains have some arcane pattern attached to them, and they have been resisting the erosion of negative energy.
However, these bans that control 'Shengying' were destroyed by Zhou Qingfeng's integrity. Under the erosion of negative energy, they became like waste iron in a steelmaking furnace, gradually became hot and even liquefied.
'Shadow Shadow' controls these liquefied metals to cover their bones, and strengthens defenses on several key points. After more than a dozen breaths, its body became a mixed state of metal and bones, and its appearance was even more brutal and scary.
After completing self-evolution, this abyss demon horse became a little more honest. It walked to Zhou Qingfeng next to each other and pleased the owner.
Zhou Qingfeng was also too lazy to talk nonsense, he continued to walk to the back of the cell. Some are empty, some are holding a skeleton. In the last room, it was a little different. A translucent water droplet was suspended in the cell.
"what is this?"
"There was originally a demon-elves imprisoned. After the elves evacuated the Black Forest, I could only chat with it every day. But chatting, it suddenly blew up and left this thing. I don't know what it is, anyway Useless to me. "
When Zhou Qingfeng looked at the translucent waterdrop, the waterdrop floated over and approached him. A virtual panel popped up, showing a sentence that found the essence of life, which can be used for upgrading.
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