Chapter 772: Di Qiang fierce

"There is a cavalry attacking our 400,000 army!"
"Mad, crazy!"
Zhang Dao had planned to engage in a tragic tug of war with Xie Ai, using a sea of ​​human tactics to drown the enemy, but the dire cavalry on the opposite side could not wait to attack.
15,000 Di Ren cavalry were separated from Xie Ai's army and attacked the 400,000 peasant army on the opposite side!
The peasant army on the opposite side is full of mountains and plains, backed by Longshan, with so many troops, it is desperate.
However, facing the endless peasant army, three fierce generals on the opposite side took the initiative to lead the cavalry into the battle!
If the opposite is high-ranking heavy infantry, they may not dare to be so arrogant, but the opposite is the peasant army, this group of dire cavalry despise the lack of armor of the peasant army, apart from anything else, immediately charge!
The Diren cavalry trot first, then charged with all strength, the horse galloped, and raised the dust!
"Li Zicheng, stop them!"
Li Zicheng received Zhang Dao's order and immediately led the cavalry to rush out to intercept the Diren cavalry.
Li Zicheng is still Zhang Dao's first general.
The peasant army obtained tens of thousands of war horses from Xiliang, Li Zicheng took 20,000 cavalry, and 30,000 infantry in the rear.
"Zhang Liang, lead five thousand cavalry and 70 thousand infantry to support Li Zicheng!"
Zhang Dao's advantage is the human sea tactics, so when 15,000 Diren cavalry attacked, Zhang Dao directly used 125,000 infantry to attack him!
125,000 foot cavalry is like a black wave, flooding the Diren cavalry!
"Zhang Bao, Chen Sheng, Wu Guang, and Yang Ren each command their troops."
Zhang Dao ordered the soldiers and horses of each battalion to prepare for battle, but Xie Ai still had tens of thousands of soldiers and horses unmoved.
The 15,000 Diren cavalry did not evade, and directly smashed into Li Zicheng's infantry. The galloping horse trampled the infantry and knocked the infantry in the front row or two into flight!
The spear in Deng Qiang's hand was pierced out, and he rushed across the 100,000 army. The oncoming peasant army was killed by him!
Lieutenant Xu Cheng followed Deng Qiang to share the pressure of Deng Qiang, and Chuangwangliu had to leave wherever he went.
"Can't stop!"
Ten thousand enemies Zhang Hao and Deng Qiang rushed together, he knew that the cavalry could only move forward.
The cavalry galloping on the flat ground can defeat ten times the infantry, and the stopped cavalry may not even be defeated by an infantry.
Three fierce generals and 15,000 dire cavalry rushed into Li Zicheng's 125,000 army, like a sharp blade to separate the waves, and one charge, thousands of infantry were killed!
Li Zicheng's cavalry arrived, and they were dissipated by the aggressive Di Ren cavalry. Li Zicheng looked around, and the Di Ren cavalry was like a broken bamboo!
"How powerful is the impact of this cavalry..."
Li Zicheng found that the Diren cavalry easily overwhelmed his cavalry, and his scalp was numb.
Deng Qiang, Zhang Hao, and Xu Cheng joined forces to take the lead and use them as a sharp edge to break the breakthrough!
"kill him!"
Deng Qiang, who has fallen into madness, kills Li Zicheng under the commander's side!
As the horse galloped, Deng Qiang held a spear and killed the cavalry beside Li Zicheng, breaking through to Li Zicheng all the way!
Li Zicheng held a shield to block, Deng Qiang pierced the shield with a spear, and almost swept past Li Zicheng's facade, almost killing Li Zicheng!
With just a spear, Li Zicheng knew that he was not Deng Qiang's opponent.
The cavalry around Li Zicheng stepped forward to support Li Zicheng. There were hundreds of low-level cavalry killed by Deng Qiang, and they fell under Li Zicheng's horse!
"You go up and kill them, and once they die, the morale of these divine cavalry will drop!"
Li Zicheng saw some problems.
The Di Ren cavalry rushed across the 125,000 army, not only because of the force of the three warriors Deng Qiang, Zhang Hao, and Xu Cheng, but also their bonus to the cavalry and the fear effect they brought.
Li Zicheng thought of the scene of being charged by Guan Yu and Zhang Fei when he was at war with Liu Beijun, and he couldn't help feeling scared. At that time, he was raided by Guan Yu's five-hundred swordsman and he was slashed by Guan Yu. The scene now is almost the same as at the time.
He ordered the army to step forward, wanting to kill these three fierce generals with human tactics, and he retreated backward.
The Diren cavalry is still running rampant, crushing tens of thousands of peasant army infantry, as if entering the land of no one!
"How could this be……"
Zhang Dao stood on a high place to watch the battle, and found that Li Zicheng's army was impacted by the Diren cavalry four times, morale dropped from 84 to 45, and it was about to collapse.
"Diren established Qianqin, and Qianqin seems to have several fierce generals."
Zhang Dao thought about the fierce generals of the former Qin Dynasty. The names of Deng Qiang and Zhang Hao, two 10,000-person enemies, appeared in Zhang Dao's mind.
These two men are fierce generals who dared to attack the enemy line alone.
Their cavalry is extremely capable of rushing into battle.
"Let the rebels go into a frenzy!"
Zhang Dao had to work with Zhang Jiao and others to give full play to the effects of characteristics.
"The sky is dead, and the yellow sky should stand!"
"Prince generals, I would rather have a kind!"
The commander value of the leader of the peasant army is not high, and the 400,000 army requires several peasant army leaders to provide bonuses at the same time to cover!
The 400,000 army went into a frenzy, and the peasant army, which was attacked by the Diren cavalry, temporarily recovered its morale!
The peasant army’s crowded tactics once again worked, and a 400,000 army surrounded Deng Qiang, Zhang Hao, Xu Cheng and their cavalry!
The charge speed of the Di Ren cavalry was affected, and gradually slowed down. Looking around, there were soldiers rushing into the Royal Army and the Yellow Turban Army. They brandished their swords and spears, and the mountains whispered and tsunami!
15,000 Di cavalry, thousands of people killed!
"Xiliang Iron Cavalry and Huang Zhongyi Conghu defeated the peasant army. At this time, even if Zhang Jiao still has some magic tricks and the two armies are fighting, he cannot win!"
Xie Ai dispatched Xiliang Iron Horse and Huang Zhongyi Conghu to attack the peasant army!
Two cavalry broke into the crazy peasant army, and the two sides broke out a tragic battle!
With iron cavalry in all directions, the fanatical peasant army wielded weapons in their hands, and the biggest battle in Xiliang broke out in the street pavilion!
After the two sides became a melee, one can only see the sharpness and morale of the soldiers on both sides!
The heavy rain in Qishan prevented the Xiliang cavalry from taking advantage of the iron cavalry. Now, the Xiliang cavalry can trample on the fanatical peasant army. The condescending Xiliang cavalry will use spears to provoke the weak yellow turban soldiers, and the galloping horse will bring the yellow turban. Soldiers fly!
The fanatical and yellow turban soldiers rushed forward, trying to block the Xiliang cavalry with flesh and blood.
The yellow turban warrior went into madness, his body soared, and killed the Xiliang cavalry with a hammer!
Only the yellow turban warriors belong to the same level of arms as the Xiliang Iron Cavalry.
The yellow turban warrior in a fanatical state can even crush the Xiliang cavalry, and the hammer is enough to fracture the Xiliang cavalry or war horse.
However, the number of yellow turban warriors is far from that of Xiliang cavalry. Xie Ai's Xiliang cavalry has thousands of cavalry, but the number of yellow turban warriors is less than 1,000!
The Qiang people of Huang Zhongyi Cong Hu, led by Yao Yizhong and Yao Xiang Qiang generals, stormed the peasant army of Chen Sheng and Wu Guang. The Qiang cavalry was powerful in combat. It was Huang Zhong Yi Cong Hu who provoked the Xiliang rebellion in the late Han Dynasty Representative of the Qiang people.
Chen Sheng and Wu Guang's infantry were assaulted and lost tens of thousands!
"Our army is in a frenzy and can block the 80,000 elites on the opposite side, but when the frenzy is over, our army will definitely be defeated. Arrange for each army to retreat to Shangyu City!"
Zhang Dao found that his 400,000 army couldn't compete with Xie Ai's 80,000 elite. If Xie Ai himself, Zhang Dao would not be afraid, but Xie Ai's use of the strength of Qiang and Di people has exceeded Zhang Dao's prediction.
A fanatic peasant army can temporarily increase the morale of more than 40 to 80 or even 90, but the fanatic state can only last for a period of time. When the fanatic state is over, the morale will drop to a lower level than before, maybe only 20 or 30. When the time comes, the peasant army will flee.
The leader of the peasant army is different from Wu Qi, who can maintain the morale of the army. The peasant army under their command will flee and rebel if the morale drops to a certain extent.
Zhang Dao was worried that his army would be annihilated, so he set about retreating.
He has already lost this battle.
As many as 70,000 peasant troops died under the attack of Xiliang iron cavalry, Qiang cavalry, and Di cavalry!
Street Pavilion bleeds for thousands of miles!
After Li Zicheng was responsible for the break, he stayed at the street pavilion and blocked Xie Ai for the defeated Zhang Dao. Xie Ai immediately attacked the street pavilion. Deng Qiang, Xu Cheng, and Zhang Hao, as the first military commanders, captured the street pavilion. Li Zicheng defeated again and again at the street pavilion. Another 20,000 peasant army was lost.
"They are really fierce generals, and only Lu Bu and Yang Dayan can defeat them. If they are only asking for high-ranking officials, then their bravery is completely acceptable."
Xie Ai knew that Deng Qiang and Zhang Hao were called enemies of ten thousand people, and they were indeed brave, second only to the top group of fierce generals, and not far behind.
"You have made great contributions to regain Xiliang. I will go to the court and ask for your credit. If nothing happens, we will repel Zhang Dao, and we will go to Mount Mang to participate in the battle. I need to use Deng Qiang, Zhang Hao and the others are brave. On the Manshan side, King Qin is under a lot of pressure, and King Xia has already arrived at Manshan."
Xie Ai wanted to make full use of the Qiang and Di to work for himself.
Using the Qiang and Di people not only can consume the Xia army, but also consume the youth and strength of the Qiang and Di people, reducing the threat of their future rebellion.
"The King Xia came to Mang Mountain?"
The leader of Di people, Fu Jian, has long heard of a big name. In the reckless Di people tribe, Fu Jian has a gentle personality and a calm demeanor.
"Zhang Dao was just buying time for King Xia and delaying our troops. He did it, but that's it."
Xie Ai looked in the direction of Mount Mang.
Zhang Dao retreated to Shangyu City and began to organize troops to withdraw to Hanzhong.
The 400,000 peasant army lost 90,000 in the battle of Jieting, and 40,000 fled in the middle of the retreat. The morale of the remaining peasant army was low and could no longer fight.
"Report, Xu Huang and Pound in Longxi County are back, and they want to besiege Shangyun City with Xie Ai!"
"Has Chu Zimou not broken the Mang Mountain yet? I have fought for a while, with all my benevolence and righteousness. We withdrew from Shangdu City, fixed Qishan Fort, and stood firm in Wudu County for a while. If Qishan Fort fell, we would fully return to Hanzhong."
Zhang Dao tried to attack Xiliang, but found that it was still unable to confront the Xiliang Army head-on. With the soldiers and horses of Hanzhong County, it was far worse than the entire Liangzhou.
But Zhang Dao is not a loss, at least he plundered part of the population and returned to Hanzhong.
"Lord, Liu Bei occupies Chengdu, claims to be Lord Shu, leads Yizhou, plans to attack Hanzhong!"
Zhang Dao learned another unfavorable news. UU reading www.uukanshu. com
"You can't let Liu Bei occupy Hanzhong!"
Zhang Dao has grievances against Liu Bei. Liu Bei prevented him from marching to Chengdu, and now he wants to take advantage of the emptiness to enter Hanzhong.
"I personally returned to Hanzhong to deal with Liu Bei, and Li Zicheng guarded Wudu County."
Zhang Dao was furious and directly used the teleportation formation in Shangju City and returned to Hanzhong.
In the Nanban area, Lord Mu Ke received the messenger of Liu Bei's forces. As Yizhou Mu, Liu Bei demanded the Nanban area to surrender and pay taxes and provide troops.
"Impossible, get out."
Mu Ke drove away Liu Bei's envoy directly.
The Liang King of the Han Empire and the Protector of the Western Regions are a steadfast alliance with her, and he is not afraid of Liu Bei at all. Remember the website of this site, www. biquxu. Com, easy to read next time, or enter "" on Baidu to enter this site
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