Chapter 1756: Sister Ruth: In love, I'm as good as Andy Niang.

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After planning the future of his two senior Ma Zai in three words, Li Mo motioned to the two to resign, not to disturb the narrative between him and his old friend. On the contrary, Bai Qinger stayed cheeky, served tea and poured water, and waited aside.
At the same time, the small earth, which is responsible for taking care of the little fart, once again released his ‘luxury children ’s wooden three-wheeled scooter’, invited Qi No. 1 and successfully abducted it. The two men, big and small mentally impaired, rode a creaking little broken car, and left the room with a twisted look under the envious gaze of Tong En, who had no childhood.
Expired Luo heart sighed with regret. (I really want to ride a human to ride a tricycle!)

At this time, Li Mo turned to look at Sister Ruth, and after greeting, he asked, "When did you return? How did the trial gain?"
"We have come back long ago, just in time to catch up with the big brother you participated in the" Dragon Ball Carnival ". My mom and I watched all the games together at home and made a lot of pocket money." Tong Enxi flaunted.
Li Mo listened to Tong En's narration and kept nodding, understanding their experience in the examination room. Each of these teammates is not a fuel-efficient lamp. After earning a point, they can organize a group to go to the "Westward Journey".
So, he asked again: "Where's Antini? Why didn't she come?" Li Mo still had some awe in regard to Andy Niang, after all, it was a ruthless man who wielded a sword.
At this time Ruth replied: "Her report is in the middle of the old astral zone, in a medium-sized plane, performing the mission of" upgrading and maintaining the belief network ", and the deity has returned to the sanctuary."
Andy Niang is different from the other three teammates. She is still a ‘temple saint’ and she still reports her ambition to climb up. She has no idea of ​​self-supporting in a short period of time, so her deity had to be mixed in the system.
Unlike Tong En as a ' N generation', there are fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters who are not worried about the future, free and carefree; and Sister Ruth is a purely evil camp freelance self-employed, reluctant to buy a furnace Livelihood looks like; Li Mo is already an entrepreneur with multiple cross-plane companies.

Thinking of Kou Zhong who had just left, Li Mo suddenly asked: "Yeah, what about Xu Ziling? I was sealed in the examination room. I was too late to remind you that this son and Kou Zhong are also called" Shuanglong ". Among the many children of luck, it is also a hidden protagonist's life, which is expensive to sell. Haven't you missed him? "
Li Mo now recalls the content of the test room. Although the world line has been changed beyond recognition, countless children of luck have appeared one after another, and even Newton has emerged, but the background template of the world is still based on the "Datang Shuanglong". Therefore, even if the scene of Ssangyong is cut even more ruthlessly, and then mixed, then their gold content is not low.
If you compare the game, they are like "dark gold suits" whose specific attributes are rotten. Although it is the worst one of its kind, it is still dark gold quality, and it is completely bright gold, blue, green ...
Hearing Li Mo ’s words, Tong En ’s expression remained unchanged, but Sister Ruth ’s face was black, and she thought of ‘Xu Ziling’ who had been squeezed into herself, and quickly asked,
That guy is really extraordinary?

"Sister, do you think I will lie to you?" Li Mo looked wrong, "You saw that Kou Zhong just now, he and Xu Ziling are a pair, and their value is up or down. I only pick one of them, just It ’s going to be used to fill the pit of the Lord of the Day Sun Nuclear Sect. Do you think this kind of position can be taken by an ordinary devil casually? Is the crystal wall heaven allowed? "
Li Mo explained this, and Ruth immediately understood the gold content of 'Xu Ziling'. Perhaps the value was not obvious and could not be seen in the examination room at the beginning; but after being sold to the main world, this kind of "children of luck" has a huge appreciation space. Whether it is used to carry the pot, prevent disasters, and respond to robbery, it is the best. Choice, you deserve it.
Of course, it is more valuable than ‘children of luck, protagonist template’, but it ’s a real ‘boss template’. This kind of self-improvement, being madly suppressed by the will of Heavenly Dao, still able to face adversity and the ‘protagonist’ who is madly opened by the will of the world, the big brothers who have to be killed by the plot are the real diamonds.
But where can ‘boss templates’ be easily sold?
Once they have access to the information of the main world, about 50% can sneak into Hittarheim by their own ability, about 30% are attracted by the reincarnation, and sign an employment contract with the major forces; there are still 20% of bad luck, or they are blinded by the reincarnation, and sign Under the unequal abduction treaty, or simply be sold.

Sister Ruth felt a pain in her heart, and the more sour she felt, the more she missed one billion. Subconsciously, he squeezed the glass in his palm and froze for a long time: "If I knew that it was a golden stone, I wouldn't drain him! Instead, I chose to use it for my own use."
When Sister Ruth met Xu Ziling, she had a complete opportunity to surrender it to become a minister under the skirt, and then take it back to Hittarheim. It is a pity that the memory is also closed, and the testimony is soaring, seeing people attracting people, seeing monsters attracting demons, seeing demons attracting demons ... Yang Tianmo and Li Tianyao have not missed either.
"Sister, do n’t panic. There is also the beauty of squeezing out. At least they got their gas in the examination room and got a" test score. "It ’s important to know that this score is the most precious. Closed-ticket 'Ah! "
Li Mo quickly exclaimed comfort. Compared with the "score" in the internal test of the Westward Journey, Xu Ziling is nothing but nothing. You can buy money for a better one.
"I know that Xu Ziling, and finally was picked up by Antine and became her new boyfriend. It was already a medicine residue, but accidentally fell to the cliff and killed a 'Xian shrimp not dead grass', after eating it clean , And then broke up and condensed into heaven. "Tong En recalled that these were all anecdotes before she ascended.
"How do I not know?" Sister Ruth surprised. Xu Ziling disappeared long ago when her elderly people were crossing the rivers and lakes. Only the "New Flame Demon-Kou Zhong" story had been heard on the rivers and lakes. (Old Xuanbi Bixuan was refined into a magic species and implanted in Kou Zhong's body.)
"That Xu Ziling seemed to be cleaned of six roots. He followed Andini's side, became a monk, and lived in the woods. A heavenly monk (natural monk), and one of the earth's monks, aren't loving, you certainly don't know." Sister Xiang Ruth, although she is slightly better at hooking men, but in terms of watching men choose men, Andy Niang is stronger!
"Yes, that Xu Ziling is now reclusive in Xiaodianyin Temple, but he never came out of the meditation room, and was shielded by Antini's body. You didn't find it." Xiaotongen, who is well informed, continued to break the news.
"It's really abominable to steal my leftovers!" Sister Ruth whispered angrily, expressing her disdain for Andy's digging.
After listening to Li Mo, he was also surprised: "Andy Niang has found a new boyfriend again? This vision is really good!"
"What's more, she's still in love with Li Er. She rides on two boats and is a ginseng prostitute. This time, she brought two boyfriends back, hid in a small electronic music, and successfully cut out two reports ... The sun is inseparable, and Eun loves and love, and love is the right way. "
A new round of well-informed pupil Eun broke the news, and then looked at Sister Ruth with some pity. Who is the joyous Zen patriarch of the "Yoga Sect"?
"Li Er? Li Shimin was also accepted? Andini really looked good!" Li Mo praised with high-five.
Li Mo had very few intersections with Xu Ziling at first, but he was very familiar with Li Er. This son was reliant and practiced the Six Gods' tactics. Before he ascended, he had already realized that he would be like a palm. Now the soaring Dianyin Temple and the addition of Andy Niang's "Sarijong" really add to the wings, and the two Buddha positions cannot run away.
"Then Li Er is brave? What about his elder brother Li Da? This time I returned, I also brought out two people: a fat Yang and a big Li." Sister Ruth saw Li Mo and Tong En so respected Andy Niang's eyes, the thought of climbing the comparison could not help but quickly asked.
"You brought Yang Tianmo and Li Tianya out?" Li Mo was surprised.
"Hmm!" Sister Ruth nodded, and she realized Wu Hui before she soared. In the end, pick and choose, and chose the two strong and sturdy heads that fit your heart, and don't pay much attention to this aspect.
Xiao Tongen looked into her eyes, and once again appeared the color of pity: "Sister Ruth, I suggest you don't ask any more. If you read this history book here, you will understand Yang Er, Li Da and Li Which one is more valuable! "
Tong En said on his mouth, but sighed in his heart: No wonder Andy Niang and Sister Ruth, one is a mixed system, and the other is a self-employed small merchant in the evil camp. Don't look at Sister Ruth's long-sleeved dance, she is more than capable of walking in various demons, but her vision is too bad, high emotional intelligence and low IQ. Although there are many boyfriends, they are all scum!
Let's take a look at other people, Antini, the boyfriend's top quality, what is 'small tube wood spot proud,' 'Liu Shen Ju Li Erlang', 'Xian shrimp will not die Xu Ziling' ............
"Cut, what's the point of losing her? She relied on the hook man to prove it, but my foundation is 'egg'! My boyfriend is only a disposable item to adjust the life, squeezing out and throwing away, without harm. When I am in a good mood one day , Dig her corner, break her foundation! "Sister Ruth reluctantly admit defeat.
Li Mo and Tong En said repeatedly that they did not expose her guilty conscience.

Although later, the three exchanged the status of other members of the last trial.
Among them, another named disciple of Li Moshou, Hong Xiuquan, who was named "Second Brother Su", after the ascension of the second ancestor of the nuclear sect, he died from the martial arts in the Central Plains and was forced to go east to preach. The technique of the "Cross Gang" realized "the true meaning of Holy Light".
Eventually, when he was ascending the platform of the Temple of War, he was bewitched by the "Tao Da Tuo Tuo", he betrayed the teacher's door, sold his master to seek prosperity, and jumped to join the church. Divided by the Holy Church, the "Holy Light Nuclear Sect" will be lucky in the Western world in the future, intercepting him a lot of points.
Li Mowen frowned, and the enrollment propaganda of the Sanctuary was 100 times stronger than Xiaodian. After all, he did n’t work the named disciple, lacking fire prevention procedures, and was cracked by the bald donkeys of the Sanctuary. Too.
I will find it sooner or later! (Temple: Bah! Shameless things, how many corners did you dig us?)
"Let's talk about other people ..." Li Mo asked again.
Well-informed Xiao Tongen nodded, and continued the fancy news:
What really big boss ‘Quantum Evil King’ brought his ‘Shi Jingfen’ into the main world, whereabouts are unknown ...
What "Sky Sword Guess" also brought his family's "Little Sky Sword" into the main world, and joined a super force called "Wu Dian".
This force, Li Mo, is also pervasive. It is not a large and similarly structured force like the "Temple, the Radiant Legion", but a loose alliance of martial arts, all over the major space planes of Hittarheim, as long as it is the martial arts "Line" can be added to it, mutual benefit and mutual assistance, a hundred schools of contention + a hundred flowers bloom together.
No matter whether it is right or evil, it can be added to it. Some of the "mercenary organization" taste is probably a collection of all "small and medium-sized martial art martial arts + wild martial arts scattered repair" in Hitaheim. Those non-legion members who practiced "Abyssal Radiation" are also mixed in this force, forming a variety of martial arts, which has a high taste of devil warrior.
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