Chapter 1773: Under the leadership of an idiot hawker, my family dumplings went to the next movie universe?

Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the magic race!
On the tenth day of Marvel, Victor, who failed to find a girl, finally tried her best to gain the trust of the "Artifact Green Man" . Romanov '.
"I haven't seen it in a few years. Your style is not diminished! Was this cloak very personal, was it Dr. Circle?"
There is a red ‘cloak’ floating on the side of Natasha, who has a good look. She stared at Victor for a long time with dignified eyes, and there were both distant memories and vigilance to strangers: "Exotic people, what are you doing for our world this time?"

Today ’s widowed sister is not what it used to be. When he returned to the main world, no matter today ’s 'rose demon king', 'sponge body deity' or 'artifact green man', they are still weak slag, no It ’s worth mentioning that even the
native products
used for purchasing across the crystal walls are unworthy!
High-quality goods with great potentials, such as the Hulk and Spider-Man, have long been abducted and sacrificed by groups of reincarnations. The rest of them are all third-line defective.
But today's "Green Widow Sister" is so strong that Victor can't easily see through it. The other party has condensed the ‘Private Law’ and has a place in the ‘colonial heaven’.
Even if Victor is a big man from the main world, he is now subject to various kinds of repression and restraint when he is fighting away on earth. For now, the power he can mobilize is not as good as the 'Green Widow Sister'.

According to the information collected by him, Marvel Earth's ability can be divided into two categories: the "protagonist template" that is loved by the will of the planet, and everyone else.
After the reincarnation of the reincarnation colony, the planet struggled violently, and the shameless double standard was opened. Those 'protagonists' who are favored by the will of the planet have a surge of luck behind them, just like the editor is open and the author is not brain-cooled, and the bottleneck is ignored regardless of the bottleneck.
Regardless of ‘Demon King, Demon Venerable, or Female Hero’, they are representatives of the indigenous forces, so in a round of timeline reset, the incarnation is shameless ‘hanging B’, not only does it not affect itself, but suffers a little damage. On the contrary, he has grown madly in level-by-week ‘games’.
To be reasonable, from the day when Professor Li left 'Marvel Earth' and then to today, it has only been more than ten years before and after. Even if Steve, Nick, and Natasha are crazy, it will be difficult to grow into this world. "God level" is right.
However, they did it!
The time for them to start leveling is not ten years, but one after another, the 'decades' are superimposed. They miraculously engulfed, occupied, and divided up the 'colonial heaven'. They do whatever they want on the earth today!
On the contrary, it is the investors of the main world colonial company such as the "big and small dumplings", and the villainous forces of the local "Hydra", lacking the "planet will plug-in" blessing, and somehow the "time reset" is suppressed and weakened, Eventually fancy bankruptcy.
Not to mention Li Mo's 'little dumplings'. The once-large-scale once-dominated 'Hydra' was also weakened by the official round of timeline, and it shrunk to become a 'weak chicken power'. Dissolve completely.

Sister Green Widow saw her former creator at this moment, also in a trance, after more than a hundred years of time, finally in the corner of memory, turned out a piece of footage belonging to ‘Victor Lee’.
As for the cloak floating next to the ‘widow’, it ’s also a big deal! It is the ‘one of the top ten artifacts’ that is now famous on Earth.
The Lich King's "Osuya Masaaki Resonance Gold Sound Absorption Nirvana Sword", and the "quantum bracelet" of the radiating sponge body deity, and the "evil-steel armor" of the death knight "Tie Ni Ni" , Then occupy the top three of the "artifact list".
In a certain section of the world line in the past, ‘Fantastic Green Man’ and ‘Dr. Strange’, as leaders of the rebels, tried to restore the depraved black of the ‘Rosy Demon King’, which resulted in a frustration during the fleeing defeat. At the critical moment, Dr. Strange came forward and saved the life of the 'widow sister'.
In order to protect the ‘widow’ from being successful, he did not hesitate to sacrifice himself. He even injected his ‘soul’ into this cloak and turned it into an instrumental spirit.
Since then, this cloak has inherited some of the capabilities of Dr. Strange, with its own space defense, imprisonment, portal, and other capabilities, which is equivalent to the low-profile version of the space gem of the next-door "Marvel Cinematic Universe."
With the help of this artifact, the widow's comprehensive ability surged, and he was never caught by the two giants. This time when she met with Victor and negotiated, she was a daring artist. She used her cloak to draw circles and jumped into space to negotiate. Once she found something wrong, she jumped and evacuated at any time, and no one could catch her.

Negotiations continue, and for Victor, and even all the strangers, the widowed sister is hostile and vigilant. However, on this basis, if the benefits outweigh the disadvantages, she does n’t mind using them together with the enemy ’s virtual and enemies.
Coincidentally, Victor, who had achieved their three giants, was about a big plan in her hand that was in a dead end. If you can get help from each other, you may really be able to save everything and save the planet!
Victor also didn't care about being exploited, he just needed to find the little dumplings and pale, and dig a batch of Zhenjin by the way. Therefore, during the conversation, he came straight to the point and bluntly wanted to find the two 'little dumplings' he had left in this world.
"You are talking about SBP and BSN? You don't know their whereabouts ?!" The widow stared at her eyes, her voice unpleasant.
"SBP, SSN, what's this? Why should I know?" Victor was stunned. This has something to do with the little dumplings?
Seeing his performance, the widowed sister's eyes became weird, and asked, "You really don't know how they changed their name last time?"
"this one?"
"This is just an abbreviation, which means Sweetened_bean_paste and Black_sesami_nigrum." In the past timeline, widowed sisters often dealt with two groups of people, and they knew even better than the two giants.
"Finished, I will give myself an English name!" Victor suddenly had a kind of melancholy change in the hukou of unfilial daughters. "If you have their information, can you elaborate."
After seeing this, the widowed sister thought about it and then said: "If you tell you, it is not impossible."
Next, the widowed sister outlined the course of things from her perspective:
From the beginning, the two dumplings were not good birds in the eyes of Marvel's aborigines. Since Li Mo left, the two of them inherited the "big lobster" and the one inherited the "crayfish". They developed in the fields of "genetic engineering" and "mechanical manufacturing" respectively. Eventually, the business was booming in the week Like those villains and colonial forces, ambitions have stirred the earth in peace.
Finally, after the end of the week on the earth, the two of them, as representatives of fat sheep without roots, suffered liquidation. After all, the superheroes have reversed the future, and the robbery itself is rich in Hydra. Where is the addiction to beating the unfounded lobster?
Moreover, the superhero also found that after reversing back to the second week, the key character of 'Large Lobster', 'Professor Victor Lee', somehow evaporated from the historical track! This also revealed his true identity as a 'foreign intruder', and since then, big and small dumplings have become the main targets of beatings.
However, although the "two small dumplings" have repeatedly gone bankrupt, and even passively involved in the "time reset", like most civilians, even memories will be washed away to a certain extent. But the two of them have something special. As Li Momo's avatar, they inherited a special 'data structure'.
Although Tuanzi's memory is modified by the world line, the ‘data’ in the body will not be modified. With this advantage, they do not count the deletion and refining, but retain the ‘skill level’ of each week ’s purpose, and can re-read the memory from the data.
As the time protagonists of the ‘planet protagonist’ continue to escalate their time, they are also lascivious. After ‘Amnesia, Reset’ again and again, with excellent scientific literacy, he was mixed into the Hydra and X plans, stealing various techniques. Frequent appearances as decent, villain, neutral forces, etc., fighting with all forces for wisdom and courage.
However, with the rise of the "Lich King" and "Radiation Demon Venerable", the earth that had originally segregated the males also became more and more unitary, and eventually evolved into a bipolar opposition. In addition to these two forces, the rest are brothers. Despite their hard work, the regiments continue to decline in grades, and they are no longer qualified to fight against ‘Demon King and Demon Venerable’. They can only occasionally mix in with their forces to work and switch jobs next week.
On the contrary, the 'Rebel Army (widowed sister)', who is also not qualified to fight against the two major forces, often appears as an enemy or ally of the regiment's working forces. The widowed sister thought they had no memory and understood nothing. But she was attacked fancy all the year round, but she was very impressed.

Around the last week, when the "causal line and the time line" collapsed, the two regiments played the role of the villain and confronted the "new women's federation" led by the widowed sister.
In today ’s world, the ‘colonial heaven’ has been completely controlled by the aborigines. Although the signs of samsara invasion are very obvious, it is a victory to some extent. However, the widowed sister was not satisfied with this, and she hoped to reset the earth before the ‘Reincarnation Invasion’, but this was obviously impossible.
But the accident happened three years ago!
The Ant-Man, who was killed early, suddenly appeared in this world, and ignorantly looked for the "Avengers" for help, and was eventually arrested and detained by Nick's men.
The 'widow sister' who was unexpectedly given this information was surprised! Because countless time and space resets have fully proved that the heroes who fell on the timeline have completely collapsed their cause and effect, which is irreversible.
This is also the reason why the number of "old heroes" used to be scarce in today's era. Those who were sold for sacrifices, and the heroes who fell against the colonial rule and competed in the colonial heaven, could never be resurrected after they died. Ant-Man is one of them!
However, the "ant man" that appeared this time broke the law and let the "widow sister" see a hope!
That is the "time and space line" that has completely collapsed and locked up and can no longer be reset. In fact, there are still some loopholes? The "ant man" who has completely died from the future to the past and can't deceive the corpse properly has found a new bug. This universe is once again shamelessly eating books, it has overturned the rules set by itself!
To this end, the widowed sister desperately rescued the "fraud ant man". It happened that at that time, the two forces of ice and fire were also competing for the future ownership of the earth. Today, this world of "time and space line" is completely locked up, in theory, it is the last week. Which side wins will win eternal victory! Can no longer be changed.
Therefore, the fight between "The Lich King" and "Radiation Demon Venerable" is extremely serious, and there is no time to even consider a "ant man"? Eventually, the widowed sister found an opportunity to save the people.

After rescuing this ‘framing ant man’ and simply communicating, both the ‘green widow sister’ and the ‘fraud ant’ were both in incredible shock!
To express it in a language that the readers can understand, that is, the
ant man
of the four beginnings of the
Marvel Cinematic Universe
reunification. After just breaking away from the quantum field, it unexpectedly entered the
Magic Warrior Universe
’s Ice and Fire "Song", also immersed in the timeline of "Baba Baba" did not invade the earth, and looked at the unrecognized doomsday version of the high demon earth with a look of disbelief, and returned home in horror, and found that he had no home! Even the community where he lives does not exist!
(After all, the timeline has been reset countless times, the butterfly effect is nth power, everything has changed!)
In desperation, the frightened ant-man chose to seek the help of the 'Women's Federation', and was then arrested and jailed ...
The next thing is better understood.
Asked about the "green widow sister" before the Qing Dynasty, I was surprised to find that the "ant-man" in front of me was completely strange, from another independent "parallel universe" earth, that world also has a women's federation, but there is no mutant. It's incredible! Such a thing as infinite gems, their world is unheard of!
In the end, the widowed sister had a bold idea, that is, follow the "ant-man" to cross the quantum realm, enter the parallel universe, recruit the "real couples", return to the present "dooming earth", defeat the sponge body deity and rose witch Demon king.
Because in the world she lives in, there was such a weird prediction:
‘Only Captain Rose can beat Nick Fury! ’
‘And the only team that can beat the US team is the US team itself!
This prophecy comes from the one-week goal of the "Magic Warrior Universe". At that time, the timeline had not yet collapsed. An alien creature named Mud Bodhisattva was brought to this world by the adventors to make various professional investment predictions. As a result, after frequent leaks of the heavenly machine and before death, both strength and character broke out, leaving this inexplicable language of life at its peak.
Subsequently, Director Nick cast a vote in the Radiation Corps and became the No. 1 villain of Tianzi, and then blackened and washed away. In order to fight against him, the heroes continue to invest in the cultivation of the American team ... Finally, after the "timeline" game was discovered, it was a round of counterattack against Nick. However, the American team did not defeat Nick as predicted, but blackened himself!
In that era, the timeline was still tough, and the heroes were able to show their past pk and their future before their 'cause and effect collapse'. Therefore, many battles of 'American Team vs. Demon King' were staged, but due to various factors, he never washed himself.
But after encountering the Ant-Man this time, the widowed sister in the dark received the enlightenment from heaven, and finally realized the true meaning of this prophecy!
It is not that the prophecy itself is wrong, everything is just the time has not come!
If you want to defeat the "Lich King", you must shoot the "American Team" in parallel universe! And when the American team defeated the Lich King and washed themselves, it was time to counterattack Nick Fury. The numerous failures of them in the past are not that they have not worked hard enough, but that the time has not yet come!
Mud Bodhisattva, you are really a bunker!

After realizing the true meaning of the prophecy, the widowed sister launched her final struggle in a desperate world where the time was already locked and the future was destined. Want to combine the technology of Ant-Man to develop a method that can travel through parallel universes, and then go to another unpolluted earth for help.
It was at this time that the pale hawker came to Marvel. He, who had successfully contacted the two dumplings, was already able to return. However, the small groups played the role of villains this week, constantly fighting with the ‘women ’s federation’, and the undercover sent back information about the ‘ant-man’.
A pale look, instantly excited!
The psionic warrior universe has long been destroyed by the two camps of "ice and fire". This ghost place is worthless, and all that can be developed is exhausted. However, the ‘Earth’ in that ant population is the movie universe with ‘infinite gems’ in the memory of the deity, and it ’s an undeveloped X female land.
The thought of a brand-new, resource-filled "Marvel Earth" that has never been polluted and developed has been heart-warming for years!
"So ... my family's dumplings weren't trapped in a certain 'death cycle' timeline, but under the leadership of another big idiot, they robbed Ant-Man's equipment and ran to the next parallel universe? Ke Duo asked dumbfounded.
"It's basically like this!" The widow nodded, but also very helpless.
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