Chapter 1797: Plan for the Cube of the Universe, let the younger brother switch jobs to cook for me!

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Now and now, whether you believe it or not? "Blade Devil Red" and "Widow Green" have clearly explained their respective origins and purposes, and as evidenced by a New York reporter, the three parties' confessions are connected in series to form a huge system.
It's just that the amount of information is too large, not only including the strange future of the current universe, but even interspersed with the twisted and twisted world line story of the next universe, which makes Tony, who has always been smart, self-proclaimed, feel overwhelmed.
The widow black fell into a deep inferiority complex. She understood every sentence, but she couldn't understand it at all. She was even ashamed of readers who read carefully.
(Widow sister: Science shows that the IQ of a character is often proportional to the author. I ’m so stupid, you know ...)

"Huh, I need to be quiet! Jarvis, organize these three oral materials for me, and then translate them into the best way I can read them. List a logical story."
"Okay, sir!"
Tony squeezed his eyes in one eye with one hand, trying to forget the psychological shadow of the previous "Dragon Headshot", while recalling the story told by the three Victors, while thinking that Jarvis, the artificial intelligence seems to have been distorted? Perhaps, as the New York reporter said, a gentle and caring daughter who likes to watch lace out?
"Let's talk, what are you going to do? Since you came to the door, you are naturally asking for me?" Tony is still full of confidence. The stranger Natasha and the strange Professor Li, tirelessly explain to themselves so much Information, there must be a place where you need yourself.
And he also wants to continue cooperation. On the one hand, he is interested in the concepts, quantum fields, and space-time shuttles proposed by the two people. These technologies are not like fake, so he is deeply attracted to him; on the other hand, he Also shocked by the end of the future described by a New York reporter, a sense of responsibility for 'salvation' springed out of my heart.
Tony is responsible for the rise and fall of the universe!

"I am very sorry to have you overestimate yourself by mistake. I have nothing to ask of you, and you have no help to me. I have spent so much, I just want to help this lady Natasha and gain your trust. . Since the initial trust has been reached, then there is no more thing about me here, leave, everyone. "Victor patted Tony on the shoulder, hoping he could calm down, don't feel so good about himself.
"Wait!" Widow Sister Green suddenly said, stopped Yan Mohong, "What are you going to do?"
"You and I have different goals, everyone is just the same way. You need to find the American team to save the magician universe; and I am looking for daughters. Since they are trapped in the future, then I naturally find an expert to solve this problem. "In the speech, a female bald head appeared in Victor's head.
Hmm ... Maybe her arrival has already alarmed her? After all, it is the guardian of this earth. Should n’t it be difficult to meet?
"Who are you looking for? Maybe our SHIELD can help?" Natasha (Black) suddenly inserted.
From the topics discussed by Victor, she felt the wind of pretending to be B. She only felt that this person's B style was too high, and she did not even dare to block it. High-risk individuals like this must be controlled and monitored by SHIELD. If you let it go, God knows how the situation in this world will deteriorate?
"S.H.I.E.L.D. does not have this ability. Does the black-brown egg think that if you know a surprised aunt, you can sit back and relax? Hmm ...?" 'In the hands of S.H.I.E.L.D., the black bald head is not useless!

If you want to connect the two small back to the current timeline, you must involve the power of time and space. If he has the ‘Cosmic Cube’ in his hand, it should be easier to break the shielding wall of the ‘quantum field’.
In addition, after realizing that the "Marvel Cinematic Universe" exists next to the "Magic Warrior Universe", Victor moved to collect infinite gems, especially the "Space Gems", which is most suitable for the deity ink, let him To please the chipmunk.
With the "space gem", Blanche will inevitably improve the efficiency of handling across the crystal wall, and the trans-crystal wall material smuggling business of the "Chiyan Demon Palace, Xiaodianyin Temple, the Ministry of the Environment, and the Radiation Legion" can continue to improve , This is a big benefit that can be seen.
A space gem, the deity has kneeled and licked his wife, and the avatars also enjoy the benefits of moving across the crystal wall. It is really a double benefit. So he will never miss the "Cosmic Cube"!

"Well, you leave a contact, useful place to get SHIELD, I will inform you. At this moment, as a wise elder, I want to give you some ginseng experience. Your world does not seem to have Found the existence of 'Steve Rogers'? Please help this lady Natasha to find Captain America Dolphin as soon as possible, he will be your hope to save the world and make a comeback. "
Although in the movie universe, "Iron Man" is the most important crime to determine the future of the universe, but this "universe" is interfered by the predictions next door. The US team has become the core of the universe? At least the current evidence shows that the US team is more important than the Iron Man.
After the communication device handed over from the widowed sister is stored in the storage space, the signal is shielded.
Victor took the ‘plastic dry daughter’ shot from the dead skinny face, left the Stark Building, and hurried to the location of the New York Temple according to the address searched by artificial intelligence.

In space, the satellites of Stark ’s building have been fully monitored, keeping a close eye on Victor ’s every move.
The black halogen egg far away on the air carrier was ugly, and it took less than half an hour to work. He had already won the ticket and felt that he had protected the entire earth. At this moment, he suddenly felt that the universe was about to collapse!
I didn't even complete the "American Team" and "Raytheon" on my side, only released a "Iron Man", your group of aliens jumped out and revealed that the magic is even more powerful than "Reunion 3" To change the plot, Nick is also in a panic at this time! This span is too large.
The stewed egg director rubbed the "Magic Conch" left by Captain Marvel, uh ... the magic call machine. I am so entangled in my heart, consider whether to call her back?
At the same time, they are also thinking about the "Avenger Plan". What kind of talents should be recruited to face the upcoming crisis?
He devoted his efforts to the "Avenger Project". When the aunt left the earth, he was still a great guy with thick curly hair. He even took the time to shoot a "Pulp Fiction" in Hollywood to cover up the identity of the agent; but he is now worried. Into a big light scoop, but only for the "Avenger" to dig into the "eagle eye, little widow" two warriors.
In addition, "Hulk" is just a spare tire, and "Iron Man" is the third member he is preparing to win. This lineup is difficult to save New York. How to save the universe?
"Reliable manpower is too few, I need to ask for help from the love" Cat God "."
After making up his mind, Nick arranged for his 9th-level agents to travel to New York to purchase the most precious cat food as quickly as possible. He was ready to sacrifice the great 'Bite Eater' personally, seeking the favor of the other party.

On the other side, on the top floor of the Stark Building, the Great Widow also expressed her plan: "First of all, whether you solve the crisis of your universe or save the universe I live in, you must find the" Captain America "."
"However, the captain is dead!" Tony shook his head, then looked at the little widow, and asked, "Does your SHIELD retain the biological information of the US team? Such as his blood or rice bugs? As long as he has his genes , We can clone a Steve out. "
The little widow stared at Tony with a perverted expression, and took a slight step back. I'm afraid Tony stole his 'biological information' and cloned a little widow to satisfy his xx's xx. After all, Tony is a famous playboy.
"No! Steve is not dead, he is still alive, but frozen in the Arctic! I have a coordinate here, which is his sleeping position in our world, you can try it. Even if it fails, he must be in the Arctic. Somewhere. "After a little recollection, the big widow easily found the location of the" Ability Earth Beauty Cold Storage "from the depths of memory.
Then she said: "Tony, your current strength is too weak, your steel armor technology is very backward, immature, and simply not qualified to talk about saving the universe. I have all the drawings you have on my earth from Mark1 to Mark99 , Let me help you become stronger! "
Although the monkey version of wisdom does not work from time to time, the widow's brain capacity is so large that she has no friends, and easily stores all the technical reserves of "Tony" before he betrayed the Women's Federation and turned into "Tie Ni Ni".
At that time, he and his widow sister were a "friend of life and death", so he entrusted all his technical heritage to "Monkey Edition of Wisdom", hoping that even if he died, a second Iron Man could stand up and complete it on his own. The great legacy of guarding the earth!
As for why is it not ‘I ’m dead, there are tens of millions of Iron Man stand up’? This has to mention the inferior roots of ‘non-communism’, the technological monopoly and the selfishness of human nature, and the dirty and sinful core of the ugly American imperialism ...
Hearing the widowed sister (green), Tony is not only unhappy, but has a sense of humiliation of being illiterated and despised, followed by the despair of being spoiled by 100 episodes.
Mark 1 to 99 should have been a process in which he racked his brain and overcome difficulties and obstacles along the way, full of a sense of struggle and enjoyment.
The result was so spoiled by the widowed sister, a grade of 9999, and instantly deleted the fun of nearly a hundred years in his life. It was the cruelest punishment, but he could not refuse.
"And you, you are too weak. I ..."
Da Wio looked at her allotrope in this universe and hesitated infrequently. Did she let her copy her experience and condense the 'Monkey Avenue'? Do not! She should have a better choice!
When Iron Man and others quickly moved, Victor also came all the way to the door of the ‘New York Temple’ at 177A Brick Street in Manhattan.
As the rare magic side of the movie universe, this building was cast the ‘Expel Muggle’ spell. For a long time, all kinds of passers-by would subconsciously ignore it when passing the New York Temple.
Even with the development of science and technology, some people use cameras, camcorders, or even satellites to take pictures of the New York Temple, but people who see it through photos and videos will still subconsciously forget it.
For example, Nick, who monitors Victor with the help of a
moment, when he came to the gate 177A, the halogen egg fell into a trance for no reason, as if there was no rest to sleep and sleep. Sorry what just happened?
As he continued to recall, the obsession to monitor the death of Victor was too strong, and he suddenly remembered his purpose, and then annoyed to be afraid of playing the desktop: "Damn, what the is going on? That guy What about others? "
The furious non-chiefs reprimanded their men, and the Aegis agents responsible for monitoring Victor fell into a similar trance. Fortunately, the Sky Mothership has a powerful ‘smart computer’ that breaks the ‘New York Temple’ ’s effective eye-blocking method for many years with a different human thinking circuit.
"No. 177A? What's going on, why is the record here so abnormal?"

When Nick was furious, Victor, who came to the door of the New York temple, was welcomed by a group of cloak melee magicians. Casillas, the great foodie who has not yet switched to Domma, led a group of young men with dark circles and sent an invitation to Victor: "The Supreme Master already knows your purpose, please follow me."
Victor nodded and had the illusion of going to the Samsung Michelin restaurant. This little brother of Casillas is very temperament. I do n’t know if I would like to switch to the ‘597 floor of the abyss’ and be a private chef for the great Chi Yan Lord?
How can I have a future with me like the garbage of Dommam? I can provide you with the freshest ingredients of the multi-universe hundreds of millions of races for you to show your cooking skills, not to spend a lifetime in the small Kama Taj.
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