Chapter 939: Miraculous

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This code contains the records of Michael's peachy incident... The code page that Cao Yan is watching contains a lot of records, one by one, that Michael is not an outsider, and the content is quite rich.
Michael is an old pervert and has the habit of recording such things, Cao Yan thought.
What shocked him was the way Michael used to record, not writing in words, but peeling off the memory picture in his consciousness, and bearing it with the book page of the code, like a magic image, sealed in the hidden page of the code Inside.
Therefore, the "diary" that Boss Cao saw at this time was dynamic and vivid.
The male protagonist is all Michael, and the female protagonist is varied, such as Takizawa, Ohashi, Hatano, these famous female (harmonious) excellent, but they can be played with different looks and styles. Boss Cao found a very familiar sense of sight, and the former computer hard disk was resurrected before his eyes.
"Michael is really a hard-working old stallion. From young to old, the hostess keeps updating."
Boss Cao was a little surprised.
He contacted Asazil in his consciousness and asked: "Old Sa, Michael, and Hera, the queen of the Light God system, have an affair. The Lord of Light has planted grass on his head, do you know?"
Azazel was obviously also shocked by the giant melon thrown by Cao Yan, and quickly replied: "How did you know this news, are you sure?"
"I'm not sure, but Michael is very sure about it. He separated the memory of the process and imprinted it on the hidden page of his code. I'm looking at it." Cao Yan said honestly.
"You wait, I'll come right away." Azazel responded in seconds.
"Don't you have something urgent to deal with?"
Cao Yan thought: Asazil turned out to be a melon-eating lover, and he hadn't seen it before.
"Compared with what you said, my urgent matter can be slowed down."
When Azazel stopped speaking, he hurried to the Sky City.
When Boss Cao was waiting for a good friend, he continued to watch the movie, and the more he watched, the more shocked he became. However, since I was little literate, I can only express my wonder by holding grass.
It didn't take long for Asazli and Cao Yan to be apart, and they were not far away, and they appeared in the study a quarter of an hour later.
Cao Yan just read the beginning of more than 900 G content.
After the two met, Asazil urged: "Well, let me see what you said."
"I have read the part that I told you just now, so follow my progress and watch it." Boss Cao said.
Assazli nodded slightly, and the two good friends acted in unison, sitting straight, and attentively began to read the'diary'.
Soon, Asazil's face was also full of shock, and he began to breathe fragrance, and the voice of ‘holding the grass’ sounded alternately.
Time passed, and when night fell, Asazli let out a long sigh: "I must go back, or I will delay business."
I couldn't help but sigh: "Michael's life is really a sinful life."
"The Precious God System is really messy." Cao Yan echoed.
Before leaving, Asazli asked, "Can you copy Michael's evidence for me?"
Cao Yan shook his head: "Piracy is strictly forbidden. I must maintain the authority of the original. Just look at it and copy it."
Assazli frowned in dissatisfaction, but he was anxious to leave and hurriedly said, "Then don't look down by yourself. I'll come over when I'm done."
Cao Yan still has this discipline: "Don't worry, you see Michael's progress towards middle age, I remember."
When Azazel was gone, Boss Cao continued to study the sins committed by Michael in his life.
As the night darkened, Cao Yan closed the Codex Xiaohuang (Harmony) book, got up and returned to the back house, and, like Michael, began to explore the depth of human nature.
The next day, early morning.
When Cao Yan came to the study, Secretary Dai and Tao Huaxing hurriedly walked in: "Boss, our spies at the church, the information sent overnight said that among the twelve lord idols standing in the church, the idol belonging to Michael suddenly collapsed and shattered. Does it mean that your action was successful and Michael is dead?"
"Yeah." Boss Cao nodded calmly.
He did not announce the news of the killing of Michael, including the attendants.
At this moment, Taohua and Dai Huanyu were confirmed, and their hearts were agitated.
The commander of the angel army, one of the twelve gods, the prominent Michael is really dead!
"Boss, do we want to spread the news."
Secretary Dai’s head turned quickly:
If we release the news of the boss’s attack on Michael, the forces or strong people that are hostile to the Light God will definitely come in contact with us. It’s very useful for our strength growth. benefit."
Boss Cao agreed with Secretary Dai's suggestion.
In general, the advantages of publishing outweigh the disadvantages.
Secretary Dai and Tao Hua went to make arrangements immediately.
Soon after the two secretaries left, Cao Yan suddenly received a spiritual message from Dandan in his consciousness.
Cao Yan opened the pet teacher's assistant and pushed out the scene of Dandan in the Era Temple.
The flow of time and space inside the temple is different from that of the outside world. Here in Cao Yan, Dan Dan has only a few months to enter the temple, but Dan Dan has actually spent several years in the temple.
When it first entered the temple, it was keen to fight and hunt with various creatures, and was frequently injured. Later, Dandan changed its routine.
It has built a coiled hole in the channel hub area of ​​a certain floor of the temple, with a cobweb of shadow properties, secretly lays countless hunting traps, and the net is waiting.
Cao Yan opened the pet teacher's assistant and saw a giant spider web hanging in the dark temple space.
And on that spider web, a new monster was captured, but it was a huge winged flying dragon covered in scales.
It struggled and snarled on the spider web, the terrifying sound waves tore the void, and spit out magma-like crimson flames.
It's a pity that there is no egg to use, it is still stuck to the cobweb.
As the egg grows, the web is constantly evolving in terms of toughness and fire resistance.
At this time, the screen pushed by the assistant's screen is farther away, and the spider web also reveals the whole picture.
More monsters stuck on the Internet appeared one after another. There were more than one dragon creatures, as well as the crystalline blue ice bird. Various powerful monsters were stuck on the Internet, making it a spectacle.
These monsters were bound by spider webs, tied with five flowers, and even their mouths were glued together, making no sound.
When the shadow properties of the spider webs were activated, they were also covered by shadows and disappeared from the void one by one.
The shadow cobweb is waiting for the next prey.
"Dandan, did you send the message here to show that you caught so many monsters?" Cao Yan teased.
Dandan hurriedly passed on another mental fluctuation, not admitting Cao Yan's guess.
It said that it was about to network and enter a period of silence.
Those creatures on the spider web will become food for its silent period, just like some creatures hoard a lot of food before hibernation.
"Are you going to build a network and proclaim yourself, swallow these powerful monsters, absorb their power and improve yourself?" Cao Yan said.
Dandan sent a positive response.
In the screen pushed by the pet master's assistant, a cave made of cobwebs soon appeared.
Outside the cave, the cobwebs are layered. And Dan Dan is in the deepest part of the cave, wrapping itself with a cobweb carrying dark attributes...
Deep in the eternal jungle, the sun is shining in the afternoon.
Void hyenas run vigilantly.
In the middle of the area surrounded by them, a golden brown short-haired, fat-bodied giant bear is walking leisurely in the jungle.
On the back of the bear, sitting boss Cao and Miss Wang who knocked melon seeds.
As the world tree continues to evolve, releasing a heavy elemental aura, the eternal jungle is also affected, and the element concentration continues to increase.
Cao Yan wanted to find out what happened, but Wang Li had been in the Sky City for a long time, and followed out to relax.
She was sitting on the wide back of Huan'er, surrounded by Boss Cao's growing belly, her eyes excited, while she was looking at the jungle scenery along the way while chatting with Cao Yan.
Around them, big cats, chubby dogs, and abalone all followed out to let out the wind.
The crowds of demons gather, the array is amazing, and the lineup is prominent.
In the sky, a golden light flickered and galloped, and suddenly it went thousands of miles away. It was a Tianma running happily.
In the middle of the air, there was also a spherical creature intertwined with dark purple and faint blue, with a strange and evil aura. It was an abalone.
At the end of the team, the big cat took a catwalk grievously.
The walking positions of the pets are sorted according to their strength, and the big cat can only follow the tail of the team, alongside the little fat dog.
From time to time, it glanced at the plump buttocks in front of it with white eyes.
The old tortoise was lying lazily on the head of the ring, with his belly facing up, basking in the sun with the sun falling between the trees.
"The elemental aura in the jungle has indeed changed..." Cao Yan wandered around his eyes and thought.
Through the ant colonies scattered throughout the jungle and the hyena’s feedback, Cao Yan was able to determine that the elemental auras throughout the eternal jungle had indeed grown.
The closer you are to the City of the Sky and the area near the World Tree, the more obvious this growth is.
Obviously, the elemental aura of the eternal jungle has increased, which is an additional phenomenon caused by the continuous evolution of the world tree of the sky city.
The world tree that Cao Yan obtained was only a dead branch at first, and it was only reborn after consuming points to cultivate, but it was unexpected that even the eternal jungle had changed under its subtle influence. , So amazing!
"Do all world trees have the attribute to increase the concentration of elements, or is it only our world tree that has such characteristics?" Cao Yan communicated with the fake system in his consciousness.
"All world trees can increase the concentration of elements to a certain extent, but the host strain is more special.
It is the mother of plants in the Green Jungle World, and it was conceived and born at the same time as the Green Jungle World. During the war between gods and demons, it was cut down and competed by the gods and was destroyed. "
The fake system says: "The scepter of the King of Light is condensed from the backbone of this world tree."
Cao Yan suddenly realized that this world tree was the father of all the plants in the Green Jungle World. No wonder its resuscitation and growth can bring about changes in the entire jungle. Whenever a word is inconsistent, it begins to revive this rotten street bridge.
The elemental aura of the eternal jungle has become increasingly heavier, which is beneficial.
The quality of the professionals in the Green Jungle World, Warcraft and all life will be improved accordingly, and it may even slowly return to the ancient times. People are born strong, gods and demons are everywhere, and they carry the grand occasion of mountains and seas.
Of course, it takes a long time to accumulate and settle.
However, for the moment, the concentration of elements in the jungle has increased, and the benefits have begun to appear.
Cao Yan entered the jungle and discovered several low-level monsters evolving.
The changes in the concentration of the elements have increased the evolution speed of these lives, and will have an auxiliary effect on their ultimate evolutionary height.
Time flies, Green Jungle World enters July, and it is the midsummer of another year.
With the passage of time, the news of Michael's death continued to ferment, spreading on many planes, and the consequences were gradually revealed.
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