Chapter 1106: betray

Hundreds of light beams instantly shot out from the beam rifle in the hand of "Dark Night". Each beam continuously collided and changed direction in the air, and finally shot at the Anonymous at various strange angles, and with the help of the acceleration of gravity, their speed was increased. It's a bit fast again. If Chen Feng sees this scene, he will definitely follow the promise to teach him how to do it.
Although the giant sword in his hand has a slight advantage, it is always more difficult to ascend than descend. The Anonymous could not resist Sergey's full blow, and involuntarily began to land to the ground.
At this time, the promised attack came. He took into account that the "undead" driven by the Anonymous would lower its altitude, so all the attacks happened to attack on its landing path. If all were hit, the Anonymous would not die. Seriously injured.
After falling into the trap of being besieged by the two pilots, the Anonymous knew that he was going to face a tough battle, but he did not expect it to be so difficult. The promised attack with Sergey was all he wanted. Take your own life, if you are careless, you will lose all your life and stay here.
Thinking of this, the Anonymous was even more afraid to love war. The failure of the European Union was unavoidable. If the mecha troops of the Gusu Empire and the Ancient Godlan Republic were freed up to support this side, then he would not be able to escape.
The Anonymous shook off Sergey's hammer and guarded the huge sword in front of his chest. While forcibly resisting the promised beam, he once again controlled the "dead" to fly out of the battlefield, determined to get out of the battle.
The Anonymous was stunned to get rid of the entanglement between the two, and promised to have nothing to do with Sergey. The strength of the three is basically on the same level. There is not much difference between them. If one party wants to do something, as long as they are willing to pay a certain price, the other two have nothing to do. Law to stop.
Therefore, the Anonymous successfully escaped from the encirclement of Promise and Sergey, and broke free of the two killers specially set for him.
However, the Wumingshi’s move was not without a price. Forcibly throwing away the hammer, his great sword was subjected to more pressure. As a result, the blade collapsed. Think about it as a combination of eight swords. Weapon, any area on the giant sword is damaged, which means that all eight swords inside are damaged.
Not only that, the angle of the beams promised to shoot is extremely tricky. The Wumingshi was eager to get out and couldn't intercept them all. He was also hit by many beams on the fuselage. The weapons made of bright metal were quite powerful. The scar, if it weren't for the Wumingshi to use the huge sword to slap the subsequent flying beams, I am afraid that he will lose a lot of combat effectiveness after this round of blows.
After getting out, the Anonymous did not look back, and flew non-stop outside the Gusu Empire. At the same time, he contacted Yun Yang, who was commanding the battle of the Mecha Troops of the Creation Organization: "Let all the mechas retreat, don’t stay there anymore. Within the Gusu Empire! Execute immediately!"
"Yes! I'll do it!" Yun Yang felt bad after receiving the order from the Anonymous. He had never heard the leader's tone in such a panic. Could it be that the leader was defeated? Is this contacting yourself while running away?
Thinking of this, Yun Yang did not dare to neglect, and he quickly passed the order to make all the Genesis Organization mechas fighting the Ice City Mecha retreat immediately: "Everyone retreat! Don't fight each other anymore, leave the Gusu Empire immediately. Territory! All mechas are evacuated in an orderly manner according to the groups they came. Each group is under the command of its own captain. Don't hit too much and be overtaken by them!"

In terms of escape, Yun Yang’s experience played a huge role. Under his effective command, the Mecha Troops of the Creation Organization gave up the battle with the Ice City Mecha and quickly withdrew from the battlefield. This can be regarded as his in Chen Fengji. The harvest after several failures in human hands.
Under the leadership of Yunyang, the Mecha of the Creation Organization gave up the battle with the Ice City Mecha and quickly evacuated from the battlefield, leaving Tchaikonov and his men in a daze, not knowing what these enemies were doing, obviously You just took the initiative for a while, why did you retreat all at once? Moreover, they are scattered so that they don't know who to chase after.
After the Anonymous took the initiative to evacuate, Sergey drove the "Tyrannosaurus" non-stop to the main battlefield. The opportunity could not be missed. He wanted to help the Gusu Empire win the victory during the period of the Anonymous absence.
When Sergey rushed back, he happened to see the Mecha Troops of the Creation Organization retreating rapidly. Thinking of the actions of the Anonymous, he could basically understand why the Creation Organization would retreat. It turned out that the Anonymous had no idea of ​​a deadly battle. The previous appearance of a menacing attitude to help the European Union smash the ancient Soviet empire was all pretend, and when the situation was not good, he immediately abandoned allies and fled.
After understanding the reasons for the retreat of the Creation Organization, Sergei immediately reminded Tchaikonov who was still in a daze: "Don't worry about the mecha of the Creation Organization. Go and help the main battlefield to win as soon as possible. Break through their base camp!"
"Understood!" Tchaikonov came back to his senses and commanded the remaining Ice City mechas to march on the main battlefield. This mecha unit with powerful combat effectiveness was finally about to join the battle group.
The main battlefield is filled with artillery fire. The people of the ancient Soviet empire want to eliminate the invaders from their own territory, and the people of the European Union want to regain the disadvantages and leave alive. There are reasons for deadly fighting on both sides, and the attacks are all merciless. Swear to kill the opponent.
Originally, if the battle continued like this, neither side would have enough strength to defeat the other side, and the mecha wreckage would still be left back to the base, and continue to wait for the opportunity to launch the next battle.
However, the sudden withdrawal of the Anonymous from the Creation Organization directly plunged the European Union into a dire situation. After discovering that the Ice City Mecha appeared on the main battlefield, the European Union command quickly sent people to check the situation on the Creation Organization. And try to contact Anonymous for the first time, to find out what happened.
As a result, Wumingshi ignored his communication request, and the people who had been sent came back to report that all the people from the Creation Organization had disappeared. They did not know when they left the base quietly and disappeared.
"Damn! I was pitted!" The European Union command almost overturned the table in front of him. The Creation Organization actually abandoned them at the most critical moment. This is not to directly push them into the fire pit and bear the people from the ancient Soviet Empire and the ancient Shenlan Republic. All the firepower?
Judging by the number of mechas remaining in the European Union, it is enough for them to draw a tie with the opposing coalition on the main battlefield, and it is impossible to achieve a safe and orderly retreat.
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