Chapter 69: 69th

"It's flashing again. +++ Popular Danmei novel:" Lei Yu stood behind the black iron bunker and looked at the direction of the main city.
The brightness of daylight is not much different from the previous time, and the light thorn is still the main city building at such a distance.
However, the flashing after each interval of daylight has never been there. It is not an instant flash, and whether it has brought any changes to the main city is unknown.
"I confirmed the time," Chunsan stood beside him. "Basically, it must have started when I left the contact room."
"Apart from that sentence, have you heard anything else?" Lei Yu asked.
"No," Chunsan shook his head. "Even that sentence is very vague. Even if the contact system is damaged, the backup device can ensure that the communication with the administrator is absolutely smooth, so...I doubt..."
Lei Yu turned to look at her.
"It's just my speculation," Chun San frowned. "I suspect it was not a signal from the administrator, but something, consciousness, mental strength, intruded into the administrator, or just connected the administrator's channel. "
"It is possible to do this... Poet, Qi Hang, e," Lei Yu paused, "Chuan?"
"Even if the poet wakes up occasionally, he doesn't have such (strong qiang) ability," Chun San paused. "Chuan's words, it should not be, even if the signal is poor, I can hear his voice, and, If Chuan could do it, he would have done it long ago...he had countless opportunities."
Neither of them spoke again.
Countless opportunities refer to countless trainings, countless secret experiments, and every time Lianchuan will be inspired (strong qiang) due to extreme pain.
But no one has ever been able to communicate with the administrator.
"It's very regular," the old traveler who followed Ning Gu and Lianchuan said behind them. "Like some kind of signal, the traveler will use the whistle to convey information. The combination of length and length means different things."
The old man seemed to be very old and could not walk with his legs, but his spirit was very good. Although he didn't go to the parking spot with everyone, he didn't hide in the lost valley and sat at the station.
"It's really like some kind of password," Lei Yu said, "have any password been used in the main city?"
"I have used two sets, but the algorithms are different, not right," Chun San said. "There are no more records in the database for reference. If there is any, if you need to check, you can only go to the library’s classic library. ."
There are not too many paper books left by the last generation of the main city, which are piled up in the classics library for collection. The main city does not pay special attention to the information of the paper, but the scientific and technological information that can be put into use immediately.
"The classics library is under the city hall," Lei Yu said. "It's not easy to get in, especially now that all the defenses are concentrated there."
"Do you think this is some kind of reminder?" Chun San said, "or a warning?"
"I don't know. At this time, everything is possible," Lei Yu glanced away. "There are cracks on the other side of the parking place. If you go further, you will cut off the track, and there will be no ghost town. Unicom is possible."
"The situation in the ghost town..." Chunsan asked.
"There are bats entering the main city to spread the news. They communicate better with the travelers. After they come back, I will pass by," Lei Yu said. What, where should I go, what should I do next..."
"Huh." Chun San nodded.
"Is this a real brain?" Ning Gu asked softly in Lianchuan's ear, "Or is it a simulated image?"
"What we see should only be something in the consciousness space," Lian Chuan also whispered, "but the brain should have been seen by someone before, and it really exists, but I don't know who it is."
"Yes." said a mechanical male voice.
This is one of Little Green and Little Blue.
"Whose memory is this?" Ning Gu asked.
"Nine-winged," Lian Chuan finished looking at the three brains in front of him, "right?"
"Not sure," Xiao Hong said. "It's not just him who has seen his brain."
"Who else?" Lian Chuan asked.
"Every generation of the main city's enter." Xiaohong said.
"What is enter?" Ning Gu asked.
"You." Xiaohong answered.
"That's the savior," Ning Gu said.
Xiaohong didn't speak, and all three brains were silent. After a while, only one of Xiaolu and Xiaolan said: "No such word."
This answer surprised Ning Gu and was quite depressed.
"You don't have it if you say no, how old are you?" He raised his voice at once, with a discomfort in his tone.
Lian Chuan shook his hand for comfort, and reminded him to be restless: "Who else?"
"Ye Xi." Xiao Hong answered.
"Ye Xi is not an enter," Lian Chuan said, "right?"
"Yes." Xiaohong answered.
"Who is Ye Xi?" Lian Chuan immediately asked.
"It's everything." Xiaohong said.
This answer is the same as Ye Xi himself said.
There are two possibilities, Ye Xi is everything, or Ye Xi's level... Lian Chuan can't find a suitable description at all, so he can only use this word. If Ye Xi's level is above three administrators, he can let the management The staff made such an answer.
And each generation of "Ninggu" in the main city has seen these three brains...
According to this logic, Ning Gu is indeed the most special.
But Jiuyi and himself, obviously outside this rule, why can they be seen?
"Is Nine Wing a bug?" Lian Chuan asked, "Is he another bug that Ye Xi said?"
"Yes." One of Xiaolan and Xiaolu answered.
Lian Chuan felt that his mind was turning fast. He didn't know how long he could stay here, and he must quickly pick out the key questions.
"Why did enter meet you," he asked.
"Choose." Xiaohong said, "This is the only thing we can do for you."
"Choose destruction, or a dark world?" Ning Gu asked immediately.
"Yes." Xiaohong answered.
"The woman who talked to Jiuyi," Ning Gu looked at the three brains in front of her and didn't know which one was, "Is it you?"
"Yes," Xiao Hong said, "no."
"Speak human," Ning Gu said, "Don't follow me!"
"I used to be," Xiaohong said, "I don't exist anymore."
"That means you have a brain left now?" Ning Gu said.
"Not now." Xiaohong said.
"Ah--" Ning Gu shouted, "I think your brain is not as good as that of Jiuyi, and I can't understand it!"
"Choose." The mechanical male voice sounded.
"The scavenger starts the countdown," Xiaohong said, "choose."
"What to choose? How to choose?" Ning Gu asked.
The three brains did not answer his questions anymore, and hung in the darkness silently.
When Ning Gu was about to punch his head, he suddenly seemed to be illuminated by countless (strong qiang) lights and suddenly turned into a dazzling white (color).
Ning Gu and Lian Chuan grasped each other's hands subconsciously at the same time.
"Like me last time!" Ning Gu shouted.
But there is no sound.
(强qiang) How long did it take for the light to slowly dissipate, and even Chuan failed to calculate clearly, so the sudden light made his head hurt.
He could hardly even catch his breath when the long-lost pain struck.
If it wasn't for Ning Gu (Mo) to help him, he had already kneeled to the ground.
As the surrounding white light faded away, Lianchuan vaguely saw a black (colored) pillar in front of him, and he stretched out his hand to support it.
The touch in the palm is rough, but you can also feel that it is a fixed object and there is no danger of attack.
He propped up the pillar, lowering his head and slowly adjusting his breath.
The severe pain in the brain slowly disappeared with the white light.
He saw his feet clearly.
The ground is brown and black (color), not too flat, but very solid.
There is also a green (color) strip on the ground. According to the pitiful artificial plants and animals that he took him to see when he was a child, he saw these things as grass.
He slowly raised his eyes and looked forward, his eyes full of green (color).
They stood beside a large green grass, and his hand supported an irregular pillar. Looking up, it was also green (color).
It's a tree.
Lian Chuan stared at the shaking blade for a long time and couldn't recover.
"I've been here," Ning Gu whispered beside him, "Just in the Lost Valley, this is the world I have seen in Jiuyi's memory."
Lianchuan turned his head and saw Ning Gu standing beside him in a trance, with a flickering gold (color) spot on his face, and their hands were still tightly held together.
"But..." Ning Gu slowly turned his head to look around. "The little kid I saw is not here anymore. He is holding a yellow (colored) bubble."
"This is the destruction that the administrator has let us choose," Lianchuan squeezed his eyebrows. "Why is this destruction?"
"Did you just have a headache?" Ning Gu asked.
"Well," Lian Chuan responded, "It's all right now."
"What's that?" Ning Gu asked, "Is the water? Is it like the place where we jumped in, is there a lot of water?"
Lian Chuan looked down his line of sight, and a large gleaming water surface was on the green grass side.
"I want to check it out," Ning Gu said.
"Go." Lianchuan said.
Ning Gu lowered his head and carefully stepped on the green grass: "It's a little softer, much more comfortable than the ground in the ghost town and the main city."
"These green (colored) grasses are green grass." Lian Chuan said.
"Is it a plant?" Ning Gu asked.
"Yes." Lian Chuan answered.
"Is the plant alive, right?" Ning Gu squatted down and put a few hands on the grass. "It's alive, but harder than it looks. I thought it was as soft as the boss's hair."
"You (Mo) touched the boss's hair?" Lianchuan froze.
"Quietly (touching Mo)," Ning Gu raised an index finger, "Just (touching Mo), he almost hit me."
Lianchuan smiled and said nothing.
"Then we step on the grass, will they die?" Ning Gu asked.
"I don't know," Lian Chuan looked around. "There is a road over there, there is no grass."
"Go over there," Ning Gu said. "I don't know if these grasses are one life or one life..."
There is a small road that crosses the green grass and leads to the surface of the water. The small road is stony. They rarely see it, and it is paved one by one on the ground.
Walking down the path to the water, Ning Gu stared at the water for a long time.
Lian Chuan quickly swept around and found that there was no one in the field of vision. The blue (color) sky, like white mist, should be clouds, green (color) trees and grass, and a bunch of red (color) yellow (Color) Purple (color) flowers, and mountains in the distance, these things that he only vaguely knew, now clearly present in front of him.
A bright, full of (color) color world, the wind is very light, the air is warm.
"I want (to touch Mo) this water." Ning Gu said.
"Huh." Lian Chuan responded, Ning Gu was still very cautious, and told him specifically that he was afraid that something unexpected might happen.
Ning Gu squatted by the water, slowly reached into the water, and slowly pulled it out again, looking at the wet hand: "Cool."
"Don't lick." Lianchuan reminded.
Ning Gu turned his head and smiled: "How do you know I want to lick?"
"Looking at you is like licking," Lianchuan said.
Ning Gu smiled and put his hand into the water again, pulling it twice, the water surface was rippled by him, and the water splashed in a circle.
"This," Ning Gu stared at Ripple. "Is it like my ability?"
"Hmm." Lian Chuan squatted down beside him, and reached into the water and pulled a few times.
Ning Gu raised his hand.
But the light at the fingertips did not appear.
"It doesn't work," Ning Gu said.
"Well," Lian Chuan said, "I found out that there should be some special reasons, abilities and special constitutions have disappeared."
"You too?" Ning Gu asked.
Lianchuan nodded.
"Go look elsewhere," Ning Gu stood up. "There must be a reason for us to come here with our brains."
Lianchuan also stood up and walked back down the path with him.
"The female brain just said that the scavenger started the countdown," Ning Gu turned his head and looked at him. "Will we still be here, would the scavenger start over there?"
"It should not be." Lianchuan said, "There is no time, everything is in one thought."
"What do you mean?" Ning Gu asked.
"I think..." Lian Chuan thought for a while, "Ye Xi's (qiang) tone has never existed, everything does not exist, there is no present, no future, no time, no beginning, no end... We may really, Outside of time, we are here, perhaps not taking up time."
Ning Gu didn't speak, and then spoke after a while: "So don't we just not exist?"
"In the eyes of the third person, maybe," Lianchuan said, "but we know that we exist, what we have experienced, how we feel, right?"
"Well," Ning Gu looked away. "What's over there? Mountain?"
"Yes." Lian Chuan said.
"Uncle Mad said that the valley is a valley," Ning Gu said, "The place between the mountain and the valley is the valley. He said my name means a quiet valley. I haven't quite understood what it is like, if that The mountain is on the side, and the valley is a big place."
"Yeah." Lian Chuan said.
"How about Sichuan?" Ning Gu asked.
"Waterway." Lianchuan said, "Aunt Chun told me that she didn't particularly understand what it meant."
For the people in the main city, the name is just a mark. It is one of the signs that distinguishes it from other people in the system. Newly born population, sometimes the system will randomly assign a name. No one has ever thought about the meaning of the name.
It is not uncommon for travelers born in ghost towns like Ning Gu to have a similar name to the main city. Most of their names are related to things they can see around them, but they all have meaning...
After walking out of the grassland, the ground became flat black (color), Lianchuan (touched Mo) (touched Mo), and in the sunlight, the hand could feel the obvious temperature.
"What does that sign say? Where is it?" Ning Gu pointed to a street sign on the roadside.
This street sign is quite common in the main city, with a round sign on a pole.
"East Park Gate." Lian Chuan said.
"This is a park?" Ning Gu was surprised.
"Look what it means." Lianchuan glanced around again.
"How is that better than Lightthorn Park?" Ning Gu asked.
"In such a comparison..." Lian Chuan said, "Guangshou Park has nothing."
Ning Gu was silent for a while before asking: "This world is not in the lantern."
"Huh." Lian Chuan responded.
"Go to the east gate of the park," said Ning Gu. "There is no one here. Is there no one in this world?"
Not long after walking down the road, they saw several street signs, playgrounds, 5d cinemas, food courts...
"I haven't seen them all." Ning Gu said softly.
"Neither do I." Lianchuan said.
"This world is very interesting." Ning Gu said.
Lian Chuan did not speak. According to Ye Xi, everything does not exist. Does this world no longer exist?
At the end of the road they saw a gate in the middle of many trees.
It looks similar to the gate of Guangshang Park, except that the gate of Guangshang Park is metal, and this gate is made of stone.
Outside the door is a horizontal road, very wide, but equally silent, with no one and no means of transportation.
When Lianchuan and Ninggu walked towards the gate, a person turned in on the right side of the gate.
The two stopped at the same time.
"Welcome." The man stood in the middle of the gate, opened his arms, and said with a smile.
"This is..." Ning Gu looked at this face exactly like himself and was shocked in place.
"Ye Xi." Lian Chuan said.
"Welcome to my world." Ye Xi said.
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