Chapter 92:

Chun San glanced at his side. The two city guards pointed their guns at her. When they heard the sound of large-scale fire from outside the base, the two city guards' expressions changed a little. +++All Tanmei Novels:
"Failed." She said.
"Don't talk," a city guard shook his muzzle at her, "If Chief Liu confessed to you, you just do.
"There is nothing to do," Chun San hugged his arm and leaned back in the chair. "I told him at the beginning, don't try to use Lianchuan to touch the dewdrops."
"You talk too much nonsense." Another city guard said.
"Talk about what you are afraid of," said Long Biao who was in the corner.
Cheng Wei turned his head abruptly and stared at him.
"It's normal to be afraid," Long Biao said, "I am afraid of him too."
When Chengwei was about to turn his head, Long Biao added: "Fortunately, I chose to stand on his side. He is my teammate."
Then he laughed happily.
Chengwei's face turned pale, and he rushed in front of him a few steps, and smashed his face in his laughter.
"Trash," Long Biao said, "If I were you, I will let Chun San now and take her to find Lei Yu. At least I can change my way. Lei Yu's kind of affectionate person may give you something. benefit."
Chengwei stared at him.
The city guard beside Chun San called to him: "Don't listen to him, hyenas don't have the truth."
The door was suddenly kicked open, and Liu Dong rushed in, rushed directly to Chun San, and pulled her up from the chair.
"What are you doing!" Long Biao roared.
"What did you do?" Liu Dong pinched Chun San by the neck and hit her against the wall. "What did you do? What did you do to Lian Chuan?"
"It's all you asked for," Chun San was choked to speak, but his tone was calm, "Spiritual infusion, strong stimulation, activating dewdrops, receiving consciousness..."
"Then why did it fail!" Liu Dong roared out loud.
"I reminded you." Chun San said.
"What!" Liu Dong lost his calm and composure.
"Betelgeuse." Chunzo looked at him.
Liu Dong stared at her without speaking.
"How did Betelgeuse disappear, don't you remember it?" Chunzo said, "I reminded you that Lianchuan can swallow Betelgeuse, it is not impossible to swallow dewdrops."
"Ten minutes for you," Liu Dong said, "I want you to immediately cut off the connection between Lian Chuan and Luzhu."
"It's impossible." Chun San said.
"You can still live now," Liu Dong pointed at her, "It's just because I still need people who can contain Lianchuan and Ninggu. If you force me to have no way to go, then everyone will die together."
Liu Dong turned around and went out, and then his roar rang out: "Everyone must gather and prepare for battle."
Chunzo looked at the data coming back from the experimental cabin on the screen, everything was normal.
That is to say, Lian Chuan has been in contact with Dewdrop now, and has even allowed some of Dewdrop's consciousness to enter, but has swallowed all the intrusion and became himself.
The experiment cabin has been closed, and all the operations of the experiment cabin have been transferred to Chun San. The life or death of the technicians is unknown, and they cannot be contacted.
These are no longer the key points. What Chun San is anxious about is how Lian Chuan will wake up and get out of the cabin no matter where the experiment cabin is.
She tried several times to wake up Lian Chuan, but to no avail.
If Lianchuan has been devouring dewdrops, will he be injured or even...
This is a question she can't even think about now.
The door was pushed open again, and Chun San turned his head to see Xiao Lin with a gloomy expression.
"You go out." Xiao Lin looked at the two city guards.
"But... Chief Xiao, Chief Liu said that he must not leave." A city guard said.
"Just guard at the door," Xiao Lin said, "Is there any other place to go out here?"
"But..." Chengwei was still hesitating.
"Go out!" Xiao Lin said, "I don't have time! If you delay contact with the dewdrops, do you sacrifice to the heavens with the two of you! Watch at the door, and shoot if it's not me who goes out!"
The two city guards hesitated for a few seconds, then turned and walked out.
As Xiao Lin closed the door, Chun San heard a dull knock outside the door.
"If there is anything to do, hurry up," Xiao Lin walked to Long Biao and unlocked his body. "We only have three minutes to get out of here."
"Where to go?" Long Biao stood up.
Although he had immediately understood Xiao Lin's intentions, because of Xiao Lin's long-standing attitude towards the cleanup team, he was still very defensive, rushing to the front of Xiao Lin and blocking Chun San.
"Let you go!" Xiao Lin said in a low voice, "I have cleaned up the outside and prepared a car for you. You drive out, there are coordinates on the car."
"Why?" Long Biao pulled Chun San up, while continuing to block Chun San behind him.
"I don't want to be a sinner." Xiao Lin said.
"Chun San and Long Biao escape!" The men rushed from the back seat and clicked a few times on the surveillance screen in front of Liu Dong. The picture cut to a car driving fast to the back door of the base.
"This is Officer Xiao's car? Are you sure he is in the car?" Liu Dong's mouth twitched, "How could he take people out."
"He took a few of his people, and a small team guarding Chun San was killed. The car was determined to be driven by him. Only he can operate his car." The subordinates heard the voice on the intercom and told Liu Dong reported, "Is this... going to the back door? I can't get out there."
"Not to the back door," Liu Dong sneered. "Only I and him know that there is a gap in the east of the back door, which is the entrance and exit of ez transportation. He wants to take people out of there."
"Waiting for your order." the man said.
"Blow up." Liu Dong said.
"Chun San is still in the car." His men looked at him.
"We can't use it," Liu Dong said. "Naturally don't let Chen Fei use it."
When Xiao Lin's car was approaching the gap, it was hit by a few white lights, followed by a continuous explosion.
Liu Dong did not leave a trace of leeway, the purpose is to ensure that everyone in the car is killed.
Amidst the loud explosions and the dust splashing around in the dust, Long Biao was wearing Chengwei's uniform, driving Chengwei's car, and taking Chunzo who had also been put on Chengwei uniform, from Passed through the activated ez loading box and rushed out of the base. Long Biao knew that Xiao Lin had always looked down upon the cleanup team, nor did he look down on the dirty work done by the cleanup team, let alone those hyenas that would kill the cleanup team.
Unexpectedly, there would be such a day when Xiao Lin drove his car with two corpses and sent him and Chun San out of the base at the cost of being killed by Liu Dong.
"They started attacking," Chun San kept pressing on the controller he was holding. She and Long Biao had Liu Dong's unit's communicator on their bodies. One was left as a monitor, and the other she wanted to use as soon as possible. Contact Chen Fei and Lei Yu, "Pay attention to safety."
"Don't worry," Long Biao said, "My driving skills are the best in the cleanup team."
Chun San did not speak.
"All right, it doesn't count as Lianchuan," Long Biao said. "He is not the one who cleans up the team anyway, he is a supernumerary."
Chun San smiled and patted him with a hand on his shoulder.
"Clean-up team, Chen Fei, can you hear it? Here Chunsan, Long Biao and I are escaping from Liudong rebel base. Their ground troops have already set off from the base. Here Chunsan, the rebels have set off."
When Lei Yu heard the voice coming from the phone, he almost couldn't control his emotions, tears instantly blurred his vision.
He quickly took off his goggles and rubbed a hand on his eyes.
"Here Leiyu, received it," he said, "How is the situation in Lianchuan?"
"He was in the experimental cabin and had no chance to find the exact location," Chun San said, "but Liu Dong's plan to use Lianchuan to communicate with Luzhu failed."
"Understood," Lei Yu said, "You leave from the flank and take the eastern route. Long Biao knows the route. Don't stay in the main city and return to the Valley of Lost Way."
"We are going to District A," Chun San said, "There is a spare communication post over there, and the communication between Lost Way Valley and the main city must be restored."
"Be careful." Lei Yu didn't say much.
"Chun San," Chen Fei's voice sounded, "A team of city guards and travelers will meet you at the b2 gate of area a."
"Okay." Chun San replied.
As soon as the standby communication pile was set up, there was a loud noise in the direction of the dewdrop.
When Chun San turned around, he saw the white light rising up into the sky, and it fanned out from the periphery of the dewdrop.
"Liu Dong's ground troops." A traveler jumped onto the ruins next to him and looked over there. "Their attack has begun."
"Test!" Chun San picked up the intercom, "Lost Valley!"
"Lost Valley Shouxi." Shouxi's voice came from the phone, "Sister Chun San? You escaped?"
"Yes, communication is restored!" Chun San said.
"Boss!" Shouxi shouted immediately, "Boss, can you hear me! Jiuyi! Boss!"
"Nine Wings... entered the tunnel and destroyed Liu Dong's ambush," the leader's voice sounded, "I can't contact for the time being, what's the situation in Lost Way Valley?"
"Fortunately," Shouxi's voice brought a strong crying, "the puppet is stable, e can't speak, the traveler is cleaning the last scavenger, Ning Gu is not awake but safe."
Communication was temporarily silent, and the large-scale final battle in Area C had already begun.
The explosion sounded in my ears, and the lights of various weapons constantly flashing in the air, intertwined a huge net, which is like the background of a big drama, and the daylight sky above the main city is reflected. Color.
Chunsan was in a daze, thinking of the artificial rainbow that once appeared occasionally over the main city, like a starry sky, and was stopped because of "wasting resources".
Crying. Ning Gu could hear a lot of voices.
The sound of crying, the scream of despair.
As the silver light went, more and more voices poured into his ears, chaotic, noisy, desolate...
"Mom" a small voice rang in my ears.
Ning Gu turned his head and looked over. A small dewdrop was beside his face, and a child was running and crying in the black smoke in horror.
The cry made Ning Gu's heart suddenly twitched.
But then Lian Chuan's figure shook, and the little dewdrop was chopped in half and shattered into splashes of water.
"Fake," Lian Chuan looked back at him, "n's world is completely different from ours. This is their last resort to protect themselves." "Yeah." Ning Gu responded.
With more and more voices, little dewdrops rushed to Ning Gu's side.
He closed his eyes.
Lian Chuan jumped up, constantly breaking the small dewdrops that approached him.
There are also small dewdrops turning black.
He knew that Ning Gu would not hesitate. His success or failure determined whether he could keep the world he wanted to stay, the life and death of many people, and the life and death of the person he must win every gamble.
But with these real, tragic, and desperate sounds and images, Lian Chuan didn't want Ning Gu to see too much destruction caused by himself.
What these darkness can bring to a person, he knows better than anyone.
He hoped that Ning Gu would always be just a kind-hearted and naive traveler who sometimes didn't mind admitting it when he went out without his head.
The interlaced silver light beams have slowly filled the inside of the dewdrops, like an abstract painting. Numerous small transparent, black dewdrops are constantly floating and hitting in the space separated by the light beams, as if looking for the last way out. .
"It's now." Lian Chuan whispered in Ning Gu's ear.
The golden light glowing from Ning Gu's fingertips burst out instantly, like a rotating round knife, violently cutting out from the inside of the dewdrop.
"Leave the tunnel!" the head roared, "Everyone leave the tunnel!"
"Turn on the armor of the engineering vehicle!" Chen Fei's voice was already hoarse, "all the armor is turned on, look for cover!"
"Each team gives ground fire cover by area," Lei Yu commanded the cleanup team, "Be careful to keep your distance and don't approach the tunnel!"
E panted and climbed onto a piece of black iron, looking at the war-torn main city in the distance, a large number of black rings and bats have crossed the city boundary to reinforce.
"You can rest now," Fu Lu squatted at his feet, "They will definitely win. Lian Chuan and Ning Gu are in the dew and they will definitely be able to destroy it."
e did not speak, he could no longer make a sound.
The last bit of strength is only enough to make him stand here.
He thought he would die in the last battle with the main city, but he didn't expect that he would end up on the battlefield fighting side by side with the main city.
Fortunately, he has survived the period where he must grit his teeth.
You can rest.
He slowly raised his hand, and the dark light of his fingertips flashed.
The puppet legion turned around and started to rush towards the main city. The flashing black and silver light could not see the end, and it stretched towards the main city and towards the final battlefield.
There was a vibration from the ground.
"Li Xiang!" The head yelled into the phone, "Nine Wings! Come out! Have you come out yet! Talk back!"
With the shaking, the surrounding ground began to collapse continuously.
Liu Dong activated the barrel in the tunnel, and the explosion began.
The black iron ground that was constantly being blown up was flying up and down in the air.
"The main passage did not explode," Lei Yu said, "Li succeeded to them."
"Fun for me!" the captain roared.
"Push it up!" Chen Fei jumped into the engineering vehicle with a cannon barrel and set it on the skylight. "Push it all forward!"
Another explosion began.
The head sank suddenly.
It is impossible for Li Xiang and them to clear all the explosion points. If they cannot return to the ground before the second round of explosions are fully spread, then they may be buried in the tunnel.
"Li Xiang! Nine Wings!" The head of the group continued to roar while leading people to press forward.
"Dewdrop!" someone suddenly shouted.
When the head raised his head and looked at the dewdrop, he felt that there was no sound around him for a moment.
The inexplicable feelings, sounds, pictures, and even time seemed to disappear.
And it's all in sight.
He can see and hear.
A golden light suddenly lit up at the waist of Dewdrop.
Then as if being cut off by the waist, the golden light burst out of the dew drops, almost at the same time, covering the entire main city.
All things in front of me were all dyed golden at this moment.
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