Vol 10 Chapter 2060: defeated

Not just Tom Penny,
Even the queen on the side was not aware of this person's arrival.
In the event of a positive warning,
Tom Penny still has no intention of closing his hand, his finger has already landed on the trigger, and there are three conditions in front of him that are all in his favor.
1. Almost close shooting distance,
2. The other party took the initiative to insert his finger into the barrel,
3. Three special bullets have been loaded,
He has the confidence to kill or inflict heavy damage on the superior person in front of him.
Just as Tom was about to pull the trigger,
A bone-cold cold, as if there was an invisible face against his ear, whispered:
"Tom, stop... If you pull the trigger on this shot, our overall win rate will plummet. 』
The source of the sound is the queen on the side.
Due to the characteristics of the Queen's voice, it also has the effect of "freezing consciousness" without speaking directly to Tom's brain.
Calm down Tom, who is at the top... He is slowly digesting the fact that his younger brother was defeated and died. .
The picture froze like this,
About two minutes passed,
Tom decisively retracted the pistol to the inside of the trench coat and made a surrender gesture at the same time.
The anger overflowing on his face also completely dissipated, and it can even be said that his face changed instantly, revealing a kind smile,
"I'm so sorry.
Arthur is my dearest brother, watching him get killed, out of the hatred brought by the blood relationship, he just made a very irrational move and broke the rules of this game.
In the final analysis, Arthur's overall strength was weaker than the opponent's, resulting in his own death. "
Gray quickly patted his chest and made a frightening body movement.
"Hu~ really scared me to death... Fortunately you didn't shoot.
Just now, in order to be handsome, I chose to insert my finger into the barrel of the gun. But when I inserted it, I regretted it. Your musket seems to have the power to destroy consciousness.
It's scary. "
Saying that, Gray handed out a "Void Mark" sticker from the palm of his hand.
"It's good to be able to recognize your own mistakes,
However, since violations still have to be punished, stick this thing on your body. "
After confirming that this thing is some kind of mark,
Tom put the sticker on the back of his hand, and the imprint immediately penetrated under the skin.
in an instant,
A sense of peeping from the deep space of the universe swept through his body, making him quite uncomfortable.
Seeing this, Gray no longer embarrassed the other party, and said politely:
We take the [End Game] very seriously, and we take you as participants very seriously.
In terms of fairness, the perfect balance is made as much as possible, and there is no partiality... I believe you can see from the wars between these human cities that both sides are in a state of equal power.
So I hope you don't have any more illegal thoughts,
As long as you meet the rules, just play as much as you like.
You can also come to my country to play. I allow up to three [Kings] to come, and you are exactly three. "
Gray pointed to the shadow-covered moon while facing Tom and the Queen.
"Don't violate the rules again~ If you put a label again, you may be sent to the boss... That would be so boring.
That's it~
Welcome to [Sharnos] as a guest. "
After all,
Gray actually gently took the Queen's icy and jade-like arm and kissed it gently... A gray mark on the back of her hand could lead to the entrance of Charnos.
next second.
The gray fog dissipated, and the walker disappeared.
"This guy is not an ordinary strong... Even the letters between the black towers, few people can match this person."
Due to the skin-to-skin contact just now, the queen has a deeper understanding of gray, and also gives a very high evaluation.
Tom said coldly:
"Few people in the committee dare to block my gun with their fingers... Since the other party has sent an invitation, shall we go and play?"
At this time, Mr. Teacher's voice came from the moon:
"The game has just started and there is very little information on our side. I personally do not recommend going to such a large country to conflict with the superiors of the alien demons.
Also, I need to stay on this planet and do something else, so I won't follow. "
Although the teacher strongly objected,
But the Queen showed some interest:
"If you're interested, Tom, until the war between the three human cities ends here, let's go to the so-called [Sharnos] together and have a look...
You can also ask the president for his opinion. "
Tom Penny's expression returned to normal,
In fact, he just condensed his anger and hatred into his heart, without any reduction in essence,
Until the out-of-control person has enough information and priority in S-01,
He will surely imprint the mark of the Penney family on the individuals involved in this incident and kill them all.
A shot was fired,
Tom stepped on a high-speed moving bullet to the continental plate where Longcheng was located, ready to check the situation of the third child.
The Queen stayed where she was.
Although the adjutant she dispatched to invade the holy city has already been defeated and the tide is over... but her interest still remains here, and she doesn't care about the invasion situation between the other two cities.
At the same time, her icy voice also reached the moon.
"Mr. teacher, both my adjutant and Arthur have been defeated.
The human who beheaded Arthur is still advancing to the [upper rank]. What are you going to do with your avatar? 』
Mr. teacher responded calmly:
"Who knew that the indigenous people here were so capable? Even Arthur can be killed head-on, our luck is really bad.
What else can I do? There is only one way to surrender... I believe this group of humans will let me go,
Otherwise, I can only make the 70% of the humans who are currently taking over, plus the two wise leaders, all commit suicide. 』

【Holy Ring】
The game is over,
Mr. Teacher beat Newton, Mr. Black and White and the gold master to a crushing victory under the mental model of the "final exam".
According to the bet, the loser will have become his student.
"Oh! It's really interesting, this thing is actually your creation... and the level of creation has reached the category of pseudo-king, which seems to be closely related to your natural characteristics.
And you actually have a dual soul, a perfect hybrid of human and demon.
If you cultivate it well, both of you will have a high possibility of developing into my [avatar], even better than the previous incarnation in every aspect.
Hey~ It's a pity that Arthur and Camistin are too rubbish.
If I can win the battle, I will be able to take over the city smoothly~ I can only wait until the next time to see you again. "
Teacher Mr. spoke highly of the two wise men in front of him.
They also tried to find the information of [Han Dong] from their brains, but unfortunately only some early data were recorded, and it was impossible to confirm Han Dong's position in the final game.
"It seems that we can only follow the progress of the game and slowly search for that kid's position."
Mr. Teacher adjusted his tie and walked out of the meeting room gracefully.
Black and white and Newton turned into [students], UU reading www. uukanshu.com and the gold master creation also followed behind him, making a gesture of being ready to commit suicide at any time.
When stepping out of the steam column,
The top of the holy city is already surrounded by leaders who have reached the level of kings, headed by the head of the great demon.
It's just that Mr. teacher's eyes are not on them,
Instead, he glanced at Malone hanging in the sky, and the hellscape that shrouded the Holy City and surrounding areas.
The sense of oppression made him a little breathless.
Then he made a gesture of raising his hand and said with a smile:
"I surrender! I surrender!
Please don't do anything to me... I haven't killed anyone since the invasion.
Let's sit down and talk about indemnity clauses for the losers. "
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