Chapter 417: Miss Sister's Strength

Recalling the first character that Han Dong came to kill in the "Mist" world, Ms. Carmody.
Its body can be assembled without restrictions, but it is difficult for ordinary people to deal with it, but ... in Han Dong ’s view, it is not particularly difficult to deal with.
Of course, Ms. Carmody is most likely just a low-end believer.
In addition, Han Dong heard a key word from Miss Nicole's mouth.
"Call [Void] ... instead of [Deep Ocean]?"
After a period of adaptation, Nicole didn't seem to stutter.
"The deep sea ... is only part of the void.
A lot of life has come to you ... this is because this group of unruly believers makes undirected summons around the world, and even tear open some doors that can lead to the depths of the void. "
"No wonder ... even the monsters in the fog will kill each other, they did not belong to the same category."
"Will you help me ..." Nicole asked softly.
Of course, Han Dong only agreed verbally.
The hidden event does not have to be completed. Besides, Han Dong itself does not particularly trust this young girl from the deep sea. Once it is not used well, something goes wrong in the middle.
Han Dong must weigh the pros and cons. The first thing to verify is whether this Miss Nicole has sufficient utilization value.
As for the verification method, Han Dong left the means in advance.
When the school bus reached the middle of the mountain road, it stopped slowly.
"Mr. Nicholas ... You can hear the sound of mountains and springs here, and the stream should be not far away. Should we choose some people to fetch water, or all of them?
"I'll go alone."
Han Dong had already discussed this with Nicole in advance, and Nicole seemed to be interested in the clear mountain spring.
Hold Nicole in case she doesn't follow the car honestly.
The touch when holding hands is very different from humans.
The surface of the skin is covered with a layer of viscous liquid with a very low viscosity, which brings a cold and creamy touch.
Han Dong carried a large two-gallon bucket on his back and quickly dived into the mist in the mountains.
As the two left.
A conservative woman who was very dissatisfied with the bad breath writer in the car whispered:
"Mr. David ... why don't we go straight? This way we can get rid of this horrible girl ... I always think Nicholas might be charmed by this girl.
Such a beautiful appearance is likely to be the reincarnation of the succubus. "
Bad breath is indeed a bad problem.
There are also many people who don't like Han Dong, but Han Dong's contribution cannot be ignored.
At this moment, the protagonist of Han Dong's loyal fans, the protagonist David immediately opposed.
"No ... there was something that happened in the supermarket that you didn't know. Without Mr. Nicholas, we would have been reduced to monster food.
This time I chose to explore the fog. Without Mr. Nicholas, we would have no choice but to die if we were in danger. "
The role of the protagonist halo is still great.
The woman said nothing more.
When Han Dong went to fetch water, everyone also rested in his seat to relax his tight nerves.
Who knows, it didn't take long to just close your eyes ... pop!
Something even slammed on the car window, scaring many people directly down the aisle.
When Han Dong glanced around and looked around the bus, nothing was found.
Immediately after, there was another heavy flapping sound from the adjacent car window ... this time, a white palm print was left on the window.
"The window will break in this way ... Open the door! Everyone stops their attention at the door, but they must not shoot! The gunshot will attract more monsters. We use cold weapons to solve it.
David focused, standing with the axe in the front door.
A young man who likes wild adventures on weekdays took out a homemade crossbow and aimed at the door.
Zi ~
The moment the front door opened, the monster seemed to find the opening.
Papapa ~~ Continuous palm prints spread towards the door immediately.
The hunch time is almost the same.
David cut it off with an axe!
The axe cut into the target smoothly, and a gray blood flowed from the wound.
A humanoid monster with a foggy body emerged.
The face was empty, smooth and like a poached egg, its eyes and various senses were hitting the palm of the hand ... by tapping the window to observe the inside.
David's axe just cuts the target's shoulders, not enough to kill the opponent.
Kakaka ~~
Ben's smooth monster head suddenly cracked a huge opening, enough to bite David's head in one bite.
crucial moment!
A metal crossbow shoots directly through the monster's head, killing in one hit!
"well done!!"
The frightened David stared at the monster's fallen body and immediately gave the young man a thumbs up.
Just when people in a car thought the danger was over ... Papapa ~ The sound of continuous glass tapping came again.
"close the door!!"
No longer a monster.
Seems to perceive the death of a companion, this monster that can hide by the fog immediately surrounded the school bus, the number reached ten or more.
Click ...
A car window has cracked.
Just when everyone was in panic ... the mutation happened.
In the fog, twenty pink octopus tentacles with suction cups were suddenly outstretched. UU reading book pinched the hidden monsters precisely ... Within five seconds, drag all the monsters to the fog. In.
Only a completely crowded car remains.
Han Dong's perspective.
In the fog twenty meters away from the school bus.
Han Dong originally led Nicole to the mountains to fetch water, and by the way let Nicole nourish his body.
The time just staggered. It seems that the monster hidden in the deep mountains just waited for Han Dong and Nicole to leave before they started to operate the vehicle.
I don't know, this group of monsters can't escape the little magic eyes that Han Dong has completely opened.
Just as Han Dong was about to rush back to support ... Ms. Nicole suddenly moved.
Raising her right arm gently, a small pink tentacle grew immediately in the palm position.
The seemingly weak octopus tentacles grew rapidly in a short period of time, and immediately turned into a fierce tentacle that swept the hidden monster around the bus.
Once touched by the suction cup.
The monster instantly lost its ability to move, was crushed and absorbed by the tentacles in a short time, and all of it was collected into Nicole's body.
This scene directly looks at Han Dong.
The verification of the strength originally scheduled for the water fetching period is no longer required.
The origin of this little girl in the deep sea may be even more terrifying than Han Dong expected.
"The" fog eye "comes from the life form of the gray circle. It is very weak ... the group acts exclusively to feed other weak lives. "
Nicole simply gave a monster message to Han Dong.
"I can clearly feel that the high-purity water resources are not far away ... I have to clean my body. I have been on the land for too long, and my body is contaminated with too many impurities.
For some reason, Han Dong feels that the next thing may go in a strange direction.
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