Chapter 452: Crazy laugh

"Pay attention to their mouthparts, jagged limb structures, and body fluids ejected. They can spread the plague efficiently. Solve them while avoiding attacks.
I'll destroy the worm nest, you deal with these little things. "
Alas, the Priscilla Knight walked directly towards the worm nest deep in the lane.
The proliferative tissues and small larvae between the lanes of the puppets were immediately entangled with a dark curse when they approached the cursed knight.
At the same time, adult bloodworms were recalled from nearby insect nests, immediately showing their ferocity, and all struck.
"Mia, it's here for you! I'll leave."
"Know it……"
At a critical moment, Mia is still very reliable.
Han Dong gently waved his left hand, and a plume of yellow sand caught the fat bloodworm, and then turned to the roof.
Is not paddling.
Under Han Dong's observation, this mature bloodworm is not particularly difficult to solve, even less than the lowest order evils outside the city ... Mia can kill all of them, let alone one who is not bad. Elementary school sister.
The reason why Han Dong left is to carefully analyze and examine what the "red plague" is.
The bloodworm, which is completely bound by the yellow sand, is completely unable to move.
的 The sharp mouthpiece hidden under the smooth skin surface keeps expanding and contracting, and once it gets close to the living thing, it will quickly absorb the blood.
A metal-trimmed syringe appeared by Han Dong's palm.
The stinger's needle penetrated, and the huge worm body about half a meter immediately shrank.
This special syringe from Han Dong comes with an
effect, which can directly extract the best part.
The dried worm body only extracted less than 1ml of blood ... but it was enough for Han Dong to conduct research and analysis.
[Portable Prison-Biological Lab].
A milliliter of blood was filled into a test tube, and its properties were directly analyzed by a testing instrument.
When Han Dong returned to the laboratory with a drop of blood ... The clown's arm, bound to the detector, was struggling madly, cracking a large red mouth directly on the surface of the arm.
"What is this ?! Where did you get this [mad laughing blood]?"
"Huh? Crazy blood, what?"
Clown arm said that even Han Dong was curious.
The weird plague that broke out in the holy city, Joker Penny Wise gave a name that Han Dong had never heard of ...
对 "Yes! You heard the laughter, too, don't you? The" crazy laughter "mixed in this blood has the same origin as my crazy laughter ... can you taste the blood for me?"
He said, the clown could not help but spit out a long gray tongue.
Anyhow, Han Dong grabbed his tongue with one hand and dragged it outwards gently.
"Oh, what are you doing?"
"Don't think I don't know what you're thinking ... Tell me in detail what a" crazy laugh "is. If you perform well enough, it's not impossible to give you some of this blood. "
Han Dong, while talking, sends a test tube containing blood into the tester.
In the "Red Plague" data given by the Knights of the Knights, this ridiculous phenomenon is only attributed to a side effect caused by the infection that oppresses the hypothalamus.
However, from the perspective of the clown's arm, this strange smile seems to have a deep meaning.
"Crazy laugh ... is a branch line of [Crazy], my subject is [Citizen] of the crazy attribute.
所以 The reason why my body can be so powerful is because I keep laughing.
I fell into the abyss of madness, and then I was able to break free from the bounds of the inner world and escape along the sewer.
成分 The blood you bring contains this ingredient, but it is very thin ... Compared to my body, it is far worse.
I just want to taste the blood of the laughter of other life, nothing else. "
"Crazy branch? You mean, life with this kind of blood just needs to keep laughing and grow?"
"That's what it means. Hey! Nicholas, when will you get me some blood ... oh!"
The clown's arm was not finished, and Han Dong blocked his mouth with a bandage directly.
"Crazy laugh ... interesting information."
At this time, a test report was also generated.
[The blood of the lower order bug servant (from Scarlet Villa)]
Blood content: 0.03%
的 Pathogenicity rate to subject: 0% (cannot cause subject infection)
Introduction: This kind of insect servants born by ordinary human infections only contains extremely trace blood brewing ingredients in the body, which is extremely low in threat.
解析 Analysis of special nouns:
"Blood Brew" is a cursed blood (with mental pollution) produced by Scarlet Villa, which can directly affect any living creature.
Blood brewing will give individuals strong thirst for blood and laughter.
血液 Through blood transformation, individuals can obtain unimaginable regenerative, deformed and powerful power.
邪 The evilness formed by drinking blood brew is stronger than ordinary evilness, and it is easier to grow ... But in the end, it can only move towards the crazy abyss, and it is difficult to maintain the proper reason during the growth process.
"Blood Brew ... Crimson Villa?" The Faceless Man's Head knows a lot.
Also, this clown didn't deceive me, there really is a "laughing attribute" ... things have become interesting. "
Uh ...
Han Dong withdrew from prison.
The situation in the laneway has been dealt with.
The cursed horsewoman inserted her palm directly into the target's nest.
`` The Withering Curse ''
The tapeworm nest quickly withered and died.
In addition, all the surrounding swarms were also solved by Mia and the elementary school girl ... Of course, Mia solved it by herself.
The protective clothing worn by everyone is intact and there is no blood invasion.
"pretty good……"
The Priscilla Cavaliers were somewhat surprised by the performance of the trainee knights.
From her own point of view, she was absolutely unable to do such efficient investigation and killing of enemies as a student ~ ~ Moreover, this incident belongs to the knight class, and the pressure is completely different from ordinary incidents ... Students can handle it calmly.
at this time.
Han Dong, who stood on the roof, continued to give investigative information:
"At four o'clock, the second floor of the 98-meter bungalow ... at nine o'clock, in the sewer 189 meters ... and in the shop building at 319 meters at twelve o'clock."
Han Dong reported three worm nest locations in a row.
"How did you ...?" Priscilla looked surprised.
"Just relying on perceptual stuttering, naturally it is better than others."
Which is more powerful, the perceived knight known by Prisla may only achieve this level.
The situation is completely the same.
The knight is responsible for the treatment of the main body of the insect nest, and the three are responsible for removing the bloodworms ... All three insect nests are resolved within half an hour. Priscilla takes a concentrated blood crystal from the remains of the insect nest as a reward for the reward .
Han Dong frowned when everyone was ready to continue.
"At seven o'clock, there is something weird in the backyard area 300 meters away from us ..."
Https: //
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