Chapter 537: Dead end

Although Han Dong did not quite understand the specific intention of the head of the Kurland.

But if you really want to name and surname yourself, Han Dong can only catch it.

"Say ... Is it related to the qualification of" night watchman "that I obtained in advance? I don't care so much ... the two underground students who have been cheated should soon notice that they should try to earn points as much as possible.

As long as you don't use the ability outside the city, it doesn't matter how much you do. "

Uh ...

time up.

He was detained in the arena for a long time, and appeared in different areas in the arena through the elevator.

The total number of cormorants reached more than 300.

Cooperating with the pseudo-perpetual night environment, the pollution was spread in the fighting arena in an instant.

The wonder demons are sober-minded, they know their current situation ... death is inevitable. But before they die, they want to kill as many graduates as they can.

"Revenge for the adult, find out the guy who revealed the adult's identity and stopped the 'great plan.'"

Twenty strangers had already colluded during their captivity.

They think that their destiny should never be like this ... Before the chairman of the association has been revealed, they can all disguise and hold certain positions in the holy city.

He should have followed the writer to occupy the holy city and received a direct gift from the king to bring himself to a higher level.

However, all this was ruined by the events of the Great Betrayal.

它们 Before they were caught, through their respective positions of power, the core figure that caused the betrayal incident, that is, [Valen Nicholas], is also very clear that the trainee knight will participate in the knight election this year.

Unfortunately, they were not directly executed, but joined the election as ‘test items’.

Naturally, this opportunity must be seized ... Killing Nicholas is their only goal.

Uh ...

Is mainly responsible for the Holy Knights.

At present, an aide is staring at the aliens scattered in different areas in the woods, and there is a tendency to move in a certain direction, and he quickly asks the head of Olivia.

神 "Priest, this group of aliens seems to want to do something together before death ... Do you need to impose some obstacles on the leader?"

Olivia erected her Bai Jingyu hand, signaled that she did not need it.

"The situation outside the city is random and the strange monster's thinking ability is not worse than us ... The new knight must understand and learn to deal with this emergency in advance.

Moreover, it is natural to have the ability to target ten strangers.

Don't undermine such 'randomness'.

If there is any special situation, I will deal with it. "

"it is good……"

团 The head of Olivia said this verbally, but she saw something in advance ... and, in fact, she knew very well who the ten strange demons were looking for.

If you are under siege by ten strange monsters, you should also use ‘special power’ to escape.

Uh ...

Because of the huge area of ​​the fighting arena, it is comparable to a small-scale forest.

In addition to the obstruction of lush vegetation, in the case of perception that he could not fully expand out, Han Dong temporarily did not know that ten newborn strangers were looking for him.

Currently, the monsters that are
in the current area are being quickly killed.

"After all, this is not a real out-of-town area, plus evil has been imprisoned for a long time ... the action seems a bit stiff, and obviously it has not been adapted."

I saw a shadow of a humanoid crow flying fast through the forest, quickly passing over the evil head.

There is no killing or casting process at all.

群 The group of evils immediately became sandy from the beginning and quickly turned into a pool of black sand ... even the surrounding vegetation was eroded by black sand.

画面 These pictures were naturally seen by the heads of the spectators.

"There is a fallen person in front of me ... a sad human who has been completely corrupted from the heart by a demon, his thinking has fallen, and there is no possibility of redemption."

Han Dong, holding the thought of liberation, flew forward towards the fallen.

Suddenly, a scythe shot and cut the head of the fallen.

At the same time, a black iron epee was run down, and the fallen man was completely run away ...

"I found it so soon. I also killed a lot of evils along the way. It is indeed the head of the Kuran group who sent me to target my underground students ..."

Han Dong deliberately accentuated ‘Head of Kuran’.

This made the faces of the two in front of each other not very good-looking. I didn't expect that the distance of dozens of meters from the tree branch, and the whispered conversation was still heard by Han Dong.

One of the underground students tried to explain, "We are just competing with you normally, and we want to try out what the elite students of Cavaliers College are.

My name is Berkeley Vaughn and this is my sister Peggy Vaughn.

Also asked Nicholas not to pass the information you heard ... "

Opened the hood.

Hidden under the cloak was a pair of siblings.

Their tattoos are on their faces, representing their status symbol as a 'trainee vigil'.

Both of them are black hair, and their sister has a pony tail, holding a flying sickle that is extremely difficult to control.

My elder brother seems to be not very strong, but he can wield a black iron epee weighing 100 kilograms.

On the basis of personal strength, they can only rank in the middle position among underground graduates.

独特 The unique and perfect combination won the appreciation of Chief Kuran.

他们 After they broke the seeds, they joined the regular training of the Black Rose Knights, and their combat skills were almost the same as the formal knights.

"Don't worry, I won't make a small report ... If you have to get involved with me, then come on.

Alas, let me remind you a little bit.

Since the two brothers and sisters are dependent on each other, it is not easy to follow this step, it is better not to follow me.

In case of death in the Cavaliers General Election, it is very difficult. "

This sentence is ambiguous.

Brother and sister 显然 apparently misunderstood, immediately showing shock and making a defensive gesture, "What do you mean?"

Just as Han Dong tried to explain.

Frown a frown.

What the crows scattered in this hunting area detected in advance.

Han Dong was helpless, "Although he has some psychological preparations, this group of guys may seek revenge on me ... I never thought I would come straight up.

He seems to have collected a lot of information about me before they were arrested. "

"What's found?" Brother Vaughn didn't feel anything.

"You have ten seconds left ~ ~ If you don't go any longer ..." Han Dong has begun to fully stimulate the G cells in the body, and barbs are slowly growing.

Brother and sister-in-law accepted the order from the head of the group, and to interfere with Han Dong throughout the process, naturally they would not leave.

"The smell of strange spirits ..." My sister Peggy first felt her way.

"It's okay ... just a newborn stranger, the two of us can still confront each other. You just need to pay attention to the problem of 'pollution'."

The next second, the younger sister looked pale and exclaimed, "Brother, right! There are ten in total ..."

Humming ...

I do n’t know how to form a thick and sticky dark space, which envelopes the area where Han Dong and Vaughn are located, and isolates it from the arena.

Noisy, noisy rain drops in the current area,

There are weird "fingers" creeping in and out of the grass,

Dark shadows struck.

A total of ten puppets showed indescribable faces, and strange monsters shaking horrible tentacles appeared at the same time and surrounded three people.

For a moment, the siblings burst into tears, and the corners of their eyes were covered with pollution.

Rely on the newly formed talent tree to resist such pollution.

A whole ten strange monsters, but this is a dead end that can not be encountered in the investigation outside the city ... A formal Cavaliers squad may be completely destroyed for this reason.
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