Chapter 632: Escape

The timeline shows moving forward.
When Han Dong drove the Big G to the motel first.
Because of the ultimate demon-Myers, because of hangovers and the like, he stopped alone on the parking road, giving people a feeling of getting ready for work and leaving early ...
As a result, Han Dong also made an unusually bold move, approaching Myers, and asked Myers about the hotel's car problem through the relationship between Hunter and Prey.
Ask for the first time.
Myers reached for the motel.
However, when Han Dong carefully observed the specific directions, he found that Myers not only pointed at the hotel, but also pointed his fingers at Cass and the others standing in front of the hotel.
However, just by pointing at this ... Han Dong can't make any inferences, it is likely that it is just Myers's fingertips.
However, Han Dong's subsequent successful communication in demonic language obtained an extremely important clue.
Without the clues provided by Myers, Han Dong may be stuck in a motel for a long time, or even die directly here. The overall risk of the hotel is higher than before.
Negotiations through [Demonic Language].
With paper and pen ... Myers gave Han Dong an information through painting, and also verified that the direction just given was no coincidence.
On white paper.
With the simplest circles and lines, Myers first draws a villain, using evil spirit as the carrier, and letting a single demon reverberate in Han Dong's mind— [you].
That this villain is Han Dong.
Immediately afterwards, Myers drew all kinds of weird, grinning villains around the villains, and painted their bodies with black lines to represent evil.
Voiced in demonic language-[them].
The drawing of the pictures and the communication of the demon language were all carried out in a closet made by Huang Sha. No one knew what kind of communication Han Dong had with Myers.
The meaning that Myers wants to convey is simple: Except for Han Dong, all others are impersonal ... Han Dong's teammates are no longer their former teammates.
Of course, the bodyguard's statement also needs further verification.
After all, they followed Han Dong for hundreds of kilometers, and even weird several people existed. Such a dedicated security guard didn't even get a chance to ride a car.
For a black-hearted boss like Han Dong, Myers is likely to lie.
To verify this, Han Dong focused his attention on his teammates' behavior.
1. When the two teams met, Diana's contradiction completely disappeared.
2. As the captain Huo Ziping who can kill the clown in the table post, Huo Ziping will be delayed for a day, and his temperament and even the way of doing things will become impatient ... At least for the first time, Han Dong can clearly feel Huo Ziping is strong, decisive and calm.
Such impatience is not what Huo Ziping should have.
3. When Han Dong subsequently left the car hotel to observe the billboards and external conditions, Cass stood by the aisle all the way, his eyes never moved away from Han Dong for a moment.
Seems to say hello, but actually is monitoring Han Dong.
The above three points are relatively obvious problems, and there are many details in the eyes of Han Dong ... It is enough to prove that the information given by Myers is correct.
If he can get through this time, Han Dong will consider letting Miles run a few miles in the follow-up work.
Teammate questions are important, but not all ... Wanting to [break] requires other evidence clues, better inferences, and outside help.
Moreover, it is necessary to draw the attention of this mysterious resident to Han Dong.
The timeline returns to positive.
Han Dong directly killed and killed three 'false' teammates. Whether it was such an impulsive act or an angry expression, it seemed that Han Dong was very 'panic'.
After seeing that the body contained in the body bag was himself, the sense of fear was manifested by Han Dong's changes in his pupils, and his body even retreated.
Han Dong immediately pulled his leg out of the dissection room and ran towards the stairwell in the middle of the passage.
However, the end of the passage was found, that is, in the iron door window of the anatomical room where the female corpse was located. The female corpse was standing there with a smirk smile when her mouth opened.
A yellow sand spear formed in Han Dong's hands and threw it straight.
Hum ~~
When the spear touched the iron door of the dissection room, it seemed to hit a soft layer of water, ripples, and the yellow sand spear disintegrated by itself.
Immediately after, countless dead crows were released, and the ending was the same ... the female corpse could not be touched at all, and even the iron gate could not be broken.
Da Da Da ...
at this time.
There was a sound of footsteps from behind Han Dong, ‘his’ has crawled out of the body bag and is standing straight in the passage, ten meters away ...
The male corpse held a scalpel in his hand, and did not give Han Dong any response time, and immediately performed self-harm.
The scalpel ran across the wrist.
Correspondingly, Han Dong's wrist was also cut off ... G virus activation and desertification could not repair the injury.
I saw that the scalpel quickly walked through the body of the corpse and gave it back to Han Dong.
The student clothes worn by Han Dong, and even the outermost down jacket, were stained red with the leaching of blood ... This "damage transmission" is somewhat similar to the cursed doll commonly used in witchcraft.
Han Dong dragged his bruised body and went up to the motel area.
Ushering in Cass's 'care'.
"Nicholas, are you all right?"
Two strong arms hug Han Dong directly ... not an ordinary hug, but a squeeze hug that wants to strangle Han Dong.
"It's okay ..."
Han Dong responded lightly, using the tongue as a fulcrum, and using black sand to arm the tongue into a sharp weapon, cutting Kas' head directly.
Sandy body.
The head fell to the ground with a weird smile, and repeated the greeting of concern without hearing-are you all right? Need my help? Don't you care?
Han Dong looked ugly, and when he returned to the aisle of the motel, he killed Wu and Gongsun Hao two false teammates.
When the heads were separated, the same words were repeated in their mouths.
The worst case is.
Each guest room door of the motel has become the structure of a dissecting room with iron windows with partition windows, which can peek into the internal structure of the guest room ... It is no longer a one-bedroom, one-bathroom guest room, and it has become the same size Layout of the anatomy room.
The female corpse is sitting on the dissection table and beckoning to Han Dong.
"leave here……"
Han Dong didn't have much thought, he just crossed the aisle and wanted to leave the motel.
However ... As soon as he crossed, Han Dong's feet failed to step on the ground as seen.
Falling in shape is like falling into the abyss.
哐 Dang!
There was a sound of iron.
Han Dong suddenly landed on the dissection table, only the brain was sensitive, and the rest seemed to be dead, unable to move, unable to activate the virus, unable to cast ...
Teammates are here to discuss how to dissect.
Their heads have been re-stitched ~ ~ and even unremoved black threads remain around their necks.
The female corpse, who was supposed to lie on the dissection table, became the person in charge of the dissection room and personally dissected Han Dong.
Helplessness, fear, and despair are all manifested on Han Dong's face through changes in the eye pupils and tightness of facial muscles.
Just as the blade fell on the surface of the body like thin bones.
Han Dong, who was originally frightened, suddenly withdrew his exaggerated expression and replaced it with a "crazy laugh".
"Hahahaha ... haha!"
The crazy laughter reverberating in the dissection room turned several teammates into mud directly, and the entire dissection room was shaking slightly ...
Han Dong converged with a smile and whispered, "Hoo! It's exhausting me. Do you have to wait until I'm dying before you plan to do it yourself?
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