Vol 2 Chapter 798: Formation

The monsters occupying the world are not interested in gold and silver jewelry.
For more than two hundred years, survivors of the entire European continent, as well as parts of Asia and Africa, have gathered and lived in the Holy City.
This means that there are a lot of gold and silver mines outside the city.
The city ruins are bound to be able to find a lot of treasure.
In the early days of the expedition, only a few carriages of gold were needed to meet the energy supply of the entire expeditionary force.
So far.
The basic parade and various martial equipment tests have been completed.
The road leading to the northern gate has been expanded half a year ago, and the civilian area will be expanded to a width of one hundred meters by forced demolition and covered with red carpet with gold trim.
Only the brave and courageous expeditionary forces willing to give their lives to mankind are eligible to step on the red carpet and accept the blessings, cheers, respect and thanks from the people of the Holy City.
The carriage was taken to the gate of the city in advance.
The expeditionary officers and men who have been selected layer by layer will walk to the city gate in the simplest way of walking and bid farewell to the Holy City in this way ... Some people were completely lost in the night.
The total number of expeditions (including non-knights who provide technical support [Technology Shinsuke]): 3280
The initial marching formation adopts a relatively stable semi-circular formation that takes into account both offense and defense.
Humanoid unit array is as follows:
The first legion led by the death is the left wing of the expeditionary army, and it wraps the left half of the whole army in an "arc".
The second legion led by Malone as the right wing of the expeditionary force, ibid.
The fourth legion led by Xia Ya served as the rear wing of the expeditionary force, ensuring the safety of the rear of the army, while providing treatment and assistance in all aspects to the entire expeditionary force.
If the first and second legions were subjected to a strong and extensive attack, serious casualties occurred.
Fighting knights from the Fourth Army will step forward to fill the gap.
The third army led by Geralds, magicians and long-range attackers accounted for more than 90%, mainly filled in the formation, can provide powerful long-range fire support for the wings and rear wings.
In addition.
[Special Forces] interspersed in different areas of the legion, will freely change their positions according to the terrain and battle conditions.
Remarks: The air force, considering the dragons as a big card of the expeditionary force and core combat power, if they follow the expeditionary force by flight, it will cause the target to be too large and easy to expose.
Therefore, all members of the air force adopt a kind of [pet egg] purchased from the space of fate to contain and carry the air mount.
During the march, the air force will also follow the big force in a horse-drawn carriage.
As for the composition of the air force, except for a small part of the "Forbidden Dragon Rider", the air force is mainly dominated by the "Gryphon Cavalry" of the popular Knights and the "Black Hawk Wing" of the Bimont Knights.
of course.
There are also some knights who are capable of flying by themselves in large forces. If they encounter large-scale air combat, they will also fight together.
Mechanical unit:
[Mobile Sanctuary] controlled by the head of the Holy Knights, Olivia Christian, and controlled by the assistant of the mechanical robot (Cardinal level), floats behind the army and is adjacent to the Fourth Army .
At the same time, more than ten enchants will be guarded in the sanctuary to provide uninterrupted hidden enchantment.
of course.
This is not enough to ensure the safety of the mobile sanctuary.
After combining the opinions of the Great Demon Commander, the Steam Knights passed the approval of the Parliament, devoted half of the engineers of the Steam City, and cooperated with the materials and manpower provided by the Knights of Doom, it took several months to build a "five times" The fortress of the size of the sanctuary.
【Magic castle】
A military fortress with elaborately built "mobile construction technology", which is made of enchanted brass and demon crystal as the main materials, is located at the front of the army.
Because of the size of the fortress, the dazzling magic crystal and its front position, it can completely attract the attention of the strange demons.
The sanctuary hidden by the illusion behind is largely ignored.
Commander-Demon, his elite demon, and some secret forces are hidden in this fortress and follow the army.
Of course ... such a huge fortress almost accounted for 50% of the energy consumption during the march, and a large amount of treasures need to be invested in the golden master's belly to support this fortress.
Set up the castle, in addition to protecting the sanctuary, there is a more important purpose.
A hidden purpose that was hidden in the Great Expedition and was not explained to the outside world-[Occupation and Expansion].
If the expeditionary army captures the next important city ruins where the gate of fate exists, the Devil's Castle can be located in the very center of the city as the core building, and then supplemented by the sanctuary.
Use this to expand to the surroundings and build a 'mini holy city'.
1. The expeditionary army can stay and rest for a longer period of time in the miniature holy city to relieve the mental pressure accumulated during the night, and will also support some people to go to the space of fate during the garrison.
2. Use this to evaluate the possibility of "expanding territory".
In addition to the above [Magic Castle] and [Mobile Sanctuary], there is an important non-human unit that needs to be explained:
【Eye of Expedition】
This is both the name of a special unit and the name of a facility.
Special destiny spar collected through decades of mechanical gods, holy city prophets, writers, and members of the Wuguang religion-[eye crystal]
A semi-living sensory device.
The appearance is ‘the structure of the mechanical base plus a huge eye’.
The base is about two meters high, and the matt eyeball is about two and three meters in diameter.
In the legion, anyone who has bound to this eye can use this eye to perform ‘perception overlay’.
Also has the effects of "Breaking Illusion" and "Barrier-Free Communication".
Each wing of different legions is interspersed with perceptrons.
When the army enters the "land lease area", the communication of the clockwork device fails, and the message will be communicated through the various perceptors connected by the eyes.
Even if it is isolated by darkness, [Eye of Expedition] can also be used as a lighthouse to emit a dimensional beam to indicate the direction of the expeditionary army lost in the darkness.
In addition, there are some small and medium-sized ‘armory’, ‘warehouse’, and ‘treasury’ that all follow the legion.
Everything has gone through the holy city from bottom to top, hundreds and thousands of decisions ... All the factors existing in the expeditionary force are the results of the most optimized discussions.
Stepped out of the city gate.
The whole army boarded their vehicles and galloped through the Gain forest in the north.
Low-level evil and wild monsters that exist in the Gain forest, or avoid in advance, or be chopped into pieces by heavy iron hooves.
The humans who had been arbitrarily looted and captured by them had already become different.
【Great Expedition. The first stage】:
Headed to the northern border of Italy, about 600 kilometers away from the holy city of the original human city-Minano (), to capture.
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