Vol 2 Chapter 797: Endless energy

Han Dong's sleep directly skipped the explanations about the various stages of the expedition and the appearance of special troops, and almost awake naturally after sleeping.
However, when Wong Dong woke up.
Standing beside the bed was not the head of Xia Ya, but an acquaintance wearing a white mask, Mr. Black and White-the state of the day.
This is the royal area, and Han Dong was sleeping in the bed of the Duchess Xia. The way Mr. Black and White entered was obviously abnormal.
I do n’t know why. I was stared at by Mr. Black and White. There was a sense of uncomfortable being caught in bed ...... After all, Han Dong stayed next to the head of Xia Ya the whole night last night. .
"Teacher ..."
"Xia Ya seems to have given you some opportunities and privileges. I came here this time but there are some things that must be clarified with you."
"Compared with other knights when you are outside the city, there are obvious differences in itself ... Your particularity may bring you convenience and may incur danger.
This requires you to adjust yourself outside the city. "
"The main thing I told you is that the Expedition is expected to take at least two years.
The gate of destiny exists in the ruins of the city during the expedition.
The expeditionary army will also use the rest time of the garrison to let some knights worth cultivating, or knights suffering from heavy pollution or serious injuries, enter.
You should be one of them.
There is a problem to be noted here. There is a difference between the gate in the ruins outside the city and the gate in the holy city. "
"Isn't the essence of the door the entrance that connects the space of destiny? Could it be said ... because of the strange monster?"
"Well, even this group of guys outside the city who think they are more advanced than humans are still very interested in [The Gate of Destiny]. You also know that the alien has been trying to enter the space of destiny.
It's just that the fate system is absolutely repulsive to non-human beings, and even through the highest-end disguise will be seen.
A few decades ago, the demon began to obtain "families" with human lineage by mixing with humans, sending them into it, trying to analyze the secret of the space of destiny, and gain internal power.
But when "family" travels in the space of destiny, there is a high probability that the memory will be erased and become residents in the space of destiny.
For so many years, the monsters are also thinking about ways to reach their destiny.
They began to amend [The Gate of Destiny] to interfere with the Gate of Destiny through a different space device that can be described as "large".
This is the information I got through astrology. I do n’t know how they did it and how much they can intervene.
In short, if the expeditionary army captured the ruins of the city occupied by the alien, and tried to enter the world of destiny through the door that has been transformed by the alien, it needs to be carefully considered. "
"Okay, thank you for reminding me."
Finally, Mr. Black and White in the white state turned into a photon and dissipated in the light.
"The teacher also has many secrets ... Let's go.
The transformed gate of fate? Look at that time. "
Han Dong secretly left the castle and returned to the square area, just arrived at the last item before departure-[Energy Drive]
The "Endless Energy", which was personally developed by the gold master, will start with the big troops.
This project can be said to be one of the keys to determine whether the expedition can proceed smoothly.
After all, the power armor that is worn on everyone, as well as the super-large "mobile sanctuary" and large steam wagons that carry cargo, need energy to drive them.
"Endless energy can be said to be the core of the expedition.
Aliens are not stupid. If the energy system is made too large, for example, dragging a nuclear power plant to a peer army ... Once a war breaks out, the aliens will inevitably lock in energy and destroy it through various means.
Therefore, in addition to being "endless", energy must also have the characteristics of "hidden" and "not easily destroyed".
How to achieve? Perhaps it is not a problem that can be solved by technology, it needs to borrow the power of fate. "
Just when Han Dong could not rely on existing knowledge to speculate the results.
The Steam Knights directly released the 'finished products'.
A burst of steam overflowed from the center of the square.
Slightly larger than normal people slowly rose up ... It is more like a person than a certain device.
"Golden Lord? Isn't that ... Is it a gold-like bionic person?"
"Endless energy" appears in the form of "lifting the sedan".
At the lower end of the metal sedan chair, four intelligent machines representing the highest technology of the Steam Knights are used as "cartenders".
These intelligent machines are all made of "dense copper".
Under the premise of maintaining 50% copper content, the fusion of special metals for huge points conversion.
This metal itself has certain ‘spirituality’, which can easily achieve intelligent transformation and slavery.
The double marks of the Steam Knights and the Mechanical Gods are printed on these intelligent machines at the same time.
They are also called "Alien Terminators".
Because of the extremely high cost, mass production is impossible, and there are fewer than ten inside the Steam Knights.
At present, the "Alien Terminator" is used to lift the sedan. Once any alien comes close to the endless energy during the march, it will be immediately annihilated by the smart metal.
The so-called "endless energy" will cross-legged on the metal sedan.
Is not so much energy, it is more like a "semi-living" machine built with the gold master as a prototype.
The perfect crafts made of golden fat and gears, copper tubes, plates and other metal devices, and then carefully polished by delicate handwork.
The big belly sac is designed as a large mouth structure. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com
In addition to the few leaders of the leader, even the elite knight is the first time to see the true face of "endless energy".
Some elite knights who know the gold master's ability can't help but sigh:
"Great handwriting! The gold master took the initiative to strip such a large amount of" gold fat "from his body.
So it turns out, is this "endless energy"? "
At this time, the sedan lifter took out a small box of gold and silver jewelry, which was thrown into the body of the gold master instrument by the large mouth on the bellyband.
Gold coins, precious stones, pearls are firstly ground into powder by metal ‘digestive organs’, and then perfectly absorbed by the fat layer ... Zizizi, a steam with golden light overflows through the mechanical gap.
A time.
[Between the Thrones] All knights feel that "Power Armor" has received energy supply.
Replenished all the energy consumed by the study.
Han Dong was not shocked by the design, but was frightened by the metamorphosis of the gold master.
"Wealth is energy? Is this the power of the gold master ... And, this is just a fat stand-in that is stripped from the gold master."
From power armor, to the mobile sanctuary that must be used during the expedition, to today's endless energy that can promote the entire expeditionary army ...
Had to admit that [Steam Knights] definitely contributed the most to this expedition.
:. :
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