Vol 2 Chapter 796: In front of us (end of this volume, rest for 1 day)

【Eternal Castle. Royal Palace District】
Han Dong only had the privilege to enter the area under the leadership of the Duchess.
Walking in the ornately decorated aisle, the forbidden troops patrolling here will bow their heads in front of the Duchess and call them by honorifics.
Each breath from the forbidden army made Han Dong feel chilling.
"Nicholas, do you know how the [Royal House] of the Holy City was formed?"
"Is the King of Italy Ross passed down through the" hereditary system "? "
"No ... more than two hundred years ago.
Vitorio Emmanuel II, the king of Idaros, died when the alien awakened. The exiles from all over Europe converged on the territory of Italian Los and drove the few horrors here to build the Holy City.
With the stability of the Holy City and the emergence of more and more destiny, the Holy City elected [Parliamentary monarchy], and several people who belonged to the high ranks of power, wisdom, and virtue served as the first generation of parliamentarians.
Under their supervision, establish a special royal system.
Different times have different meanings for the royal family.
Since is the symbol of the highest status, it must be the strongest in the space of destiny.
At that time, when no knight system had been formed, the highest goals of the destiny were to become members of the royal family by virtue of their own strength. "
"The head of Xia Ya means ... The royal family members are the early strong ones, produced through some kind of competitive selection?"
"Yes, not so much as" royal ".
You can understand it as "the first generation of knights", some of their seniors like to call the royal family-"Knight of the Zero".
The formation of the Thirteen Knights and the establishment of the detailed system were derived from the rules of the royal family.
Of course, evolve over time.
The center of gravity of the Holy City is gradually biased towards the [Thirteen Knights], and the royal family is slowly retreating behind the scenes. Some descendants of the royal knights will also be counted as members of the royal family and will receive certain preferential treatment in the Holy City.
The royal family is no longer directly recruited by the graduated knights, but directly secretly recruited in the thirteen knights. "
"No. 0 Knights ... So, these forbidden troops belong to the knights in the royal family.
Isn't the king the leader? "
"The king is not yet known to you at this level, let's go first ... I have something to ask you."
Accompanied Xia Ya push and pull.
Han Dong was dragged into a luxurious bedroom with a unique fragrance.
The smell of smell and the decoration style based on red are obviously the sleeping area of ​​the Duchess Xia in the royal area.
"My bed will lend you a rest ... but there is one more thing to talk to you before going to bed."
Hadn't waited for Han Dong to react, and was directly pushed down on the soft bed.
"... What's wrong with Head Xia?"
In such a weird atmosphere, Han Dong had a very bad hunch, afraid of continuing to go deeper, his protagonist halo will not be able to bear.
"I heard that the Parliament intends to recruit you.
However, since you participated in the expedition, even if you want to be an "intern member", you will have to wait until after the expedition ... Then when you join the council as a "returner of the expedition", you will also go a lot of gossip.
Before this, are you interested in considering joining the "royal family"?
As the Duchess, I happen to have an extra "cultivation space" in my name ... Moreover, the royal members directly recruited by me will directly receive the privilege of the count.
You will get more opportunities here. "
According to Han Dong's understanding, the royal family is more like an elite training camp.
"In other words, isn't Lucius's senior good?"
"Lucius, it's really good ... but he has other things to do in the Scarlet Knights. And you are more interesting by comparison, especially the [Holy Blood Event] that happened last night.
Will you come? "
"Head Xia Ya, I'm too busy in the Knights of Secret Words, but if I hang another royal name, [Freedom] is basically completely deprived.
As head Xia Ya knew, I was in private contact with many parties.
I also have many secrets and some necessary things that I need to personally handle and supervise ... Thanks to Head Xia for the kindness, but my energy is really insufficient.
Even on the side of the council, I will refuse as much as possible.
Compared to power, I yearn for freedom more, I hope that Head Xia Ya can understand. "
Han Dong refused at the same time.
Whiplash flashed by.
The familiar feeling of whipping spread all over the body, so Han Dong was rolling in bed.
It's just that during the rollover, Han Dong felt that a nourishing blood could spread in the body, allowing the wounds accumulated in the body to recover completely.
Next, you only need to take a good night's sleep to restore your best condition.
"Hmm ... take a rest, I will call you before the Expeditionary Force sets off."
Not waiting for Han Dong to thank, Xia Ya has already left.
Han Dong put his hands behind his head and stared at the ceiling. "The head of Xia Ya invited me to join the royal family. It is probably for some power struggle ... Hey, I don't even have time to do research. How can I have time to do politics.
Sleep, I hope Dr. Swelling has "packed" everything outside the city. "
Was when Han Dong slept in the duke's dormitory.
【Between the thrones】
The basic simplification of "Power Armor" has been completed.
In the next stage, all the special troops formed for the expedition are fully played.
1. Absolutely restrain the alien [battle nun],
2. Taken from the fallen knight in Tal Prison, made by the research of mechanical theology and the "resurrection potion" provided by Han Dong, it is made into [Rejuvenation of the Brain], a kind of mechanical knight that retains the knight's ability Zombie troops with information collectors installed in the body,
3. The speed is more than ten times that of the expeditionary army, used for reconnaissance and assault [Yongye group of wolves],
4. The enchanted division selected by the Knights of the Witch Lord and the Doom Knights, the [Magic Net Envoy] can create a magic net enchantment covering the expeditionary army at any time and in any scene.
5. The "Eye of Expedition" composed of the Crow Company under the plague knights, the non-light religion members under the popular knights, the United Writers Association and the Prophet Association, provides a large range of investigation capabilities and illusion defense for the large expedition.
6. There are also some special parts that are hidden between the legions because they are hidden or do not need to be separated from the legions.
From the back end of the eternal castle, a few dragons from the magic world are under the control of the imprisonment, UU reading www.uukanshu. com flew to a post around the square.
Part of the [Forbidden Dragon Rider] will cooperate with the air force in the expeditionary army to join the expedition.
The control of the dragons is not just about consuming fate points.
Similar to the head of Ma Long becoming the king, individuals must go to the fateful world where dragons exist, and conduct the extremely difficult "Dragon Knight Assessment".
Finally, the leader of the Great Demon gave a speech on "The Great Expedition", which involved the staged purpose that the Great Expedition needs to go through, the expected time plan, and the ultimate goal of the Great Expedition.
At the end of the passionate speech, the mood of the entire Cavaliers was also adjusted to the highest.
The dragons standing around the square raised their noble heads and gave a roaring roar.
At this time, the head of the big demon took another step forward.
The area behind the back suddenly grows to a "magic wing" of more than ten meters,
Stands at the forefront of the bird's eye view station,
Straighten your arms,
Directly point to the north, which is the destination of the final stage of the expedition-the lair of an old king:
[London City. Londinium]
A loud and excited voice came out of the mouth of the big demon,
Resounds [between the thrones],
Overwhelmed the combination of several dragons' roars,
Spread all over the holy city,
"In front of us, invincible!"
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