Chapter 58:

It seems that when consciousness is dead, everything around becomes so slow and empty. (((Cartino Novel Network
Purple light circulates in the dark hole
inside, I sometimes see stalagmites hanging upside down like sharp swords, sometimes I see Li Zhuzhu with trembling arms and horrified eyes, and sometimes I see Li Zhuzhu walking with a rapier. Lin Zishu from here.
He was a gentleman with all his clothes ruined, and he was full of embarrassment.
I controlled my gaze and focused my gaze on Li Zhuzhu in my arms.
"Su Xiaoxin, don't close your eyes, don't sleep!" Li Zhuzhu hoarsely called my name, he struggled with all his strength, thumped on my face, crossed my face with his hoof, "awake Some! No sleep!"
Even at this critical moment of life and death, I still... made a sound of breath through my nose.
It's really funny, Li Zhaodi.
Look at you, now this scene can probably be written into the ten weird dark moments of your life.
Our story, if it were to end in this way, would really be a black humor full of rustic style.
But the current Li Yuzhun can't feel the black humor in my heart. His voice is hoarse and desperate: "Su Xiaoxin..."
Why should you be so scared? You are obviously Li Zhaotong who scorns the world and kneels for money.
Li Zhaodi approached me. Holding my last hope, I lifted my head slightly and touched his lips with my lips. I think, if I can make you change back, then change back, if I can't do it, then you...
"Let's run." I looked at Li Zhaodi, "Go..."
After I kissed him, he didn't change back. I don't know if I can't do it or it will take a night's time to break the curse. No matter what, he didn't change back.
Then go quickly, leave my doomed cold body and live.
"Go?" Lin Zishu sneered, "Don't worry, your corpses, I will let someone send them back to Li Yiyan."
The light from the tip of the sword flickered, and a panicked call suddenly came from the darkness: "Master! Master! The addicts are here!" Ji Jichan dragged her long tail and quickly crawled from the other end of the dark cave.
She glanced at me on the ground for a moment.
"I'm coming, what a panic, send four or five people to block, the others retreat."
"No..." Jijijiang came back to her senses when she heard Lin Zishu's voice, and continued to say in a panic, "There are five hundred people here!"
"Five hundred?" Lin Zishu's voice sank, "Where are so many people from the Association?"
"There are also members of the Zombie Association, the Werewolves Association, and the Mermaid Association...Master, now the people above have retreated across the board, ten or so dead, and countless brothers have been caught! Master, we can't stop it, let's get out Right!"
Zombies, werewolves, mermaids...
As I listened, the corners of my mouth curled up involuntarily.
You are not human, and you are not reliable at ordinary times, but when you should be reliable, it is really terrible.
Lin Zishu fell silent, but after this moment of silence, footsteps suddenly sounded in the cave, as if an army had entered.
"What to withdraw? You catch Laozi and women, and Laozi for your whole family!" Li accompanied the voice like a thunder, resounding through the darkness.
The light of various instruments illuminates the darkness, expels the darkness, and illuminates the cave like the day.
I saw a group of non-human beings walking from the other end of the cave with their magical instruments in my dazed vision. The dense crowds made people unable to count how many people there were. Li Pei accompanied her egg whip and stood in the crowd. Foremost.
Li Peipei seemed to see me and Li Zhuzhu on the ground. Her eyes widened, her face turned white, and then turned red, and a very dirty Chongqing scolding blurted out: "You mmp! People who dare to move me !"
She took the egg whip in her hand and waved it fiercely on the ground, and the whole person flew up in the air and went straight to Lin Zishu.
She threw out the whip, and Ji Jichan's tail lifted to block the egg whip, but Ji Jichan's tail was severely pulled out.
Ji Jijiang looked at Lin Zishu: "Master!"
Li Peipei had a pair of red eyes, frantically attacking Jijijiang, and wanted to capture Jijijiang as soon as possible to kill Lin Zishu, but she was on a par with Jijijiang.
Lin Zishu's gaze was calm, and the long sword in his hand was thrown at the companion of Li. When he was about to stab him, a hand suddenly stretched out from the side, and he lightly grasped Lin Zishu's magical weapon with a " " sound, extremely fast The magic weapon that was flying away at speed was forced to stop, sending out huge vibrations in the air.
Wei Wuchang looked at Lin Zishu coldly.
Then he turned his head and looked at me and Li Zhuzhu on the ground.
"Bullying women and the weak, the methods are really despicable."
Lin Zishu waved his hand, the magic weapon retreated suddenly, the sword pierced Wei Wuchang's palm, and returned to Lin Zishu's hand again.
Wei Wuchang glanced at his palm blankly. He didn't feel any pain, but watched his wound slowly heal.
"Oh, zombie king." Lin Zishu's long sword struck the ground, and a purple circle formed. "That's it for today, but I go back and tell Li Yiyan that I will wait for the battle with the World Federation of African Unions before this is the beginning. He If not, then kill him together."
At this time, Jijijiang jumped back suddenly, separated from Li accompanied, his figure flashed into Lin Zishu's circle like the wind.
The magic circle flashed, and the two figures suddenly disappeared in the hole.
Li accompanied the rest of his anger, and the whip pointed forward: "Chasing me! If you can't catch him, you will arrest all the people in their villa. Send me all squatting!"
The various magic circles in the cave gleamed, and after a while, all the Advocates who followed were chased out, and the dark cave was quiet again.
Pei Pei ran to my side. She moved manually, but she didn't dare to touch me: "Xiaoxin..." Li Pei Pei said, crying, "You, you are badly injured, are you going to die?" "
Li Zhuzhu weakly reprimanded her: "Shut up, where's the old witch... the calligraphy of the forest is injured. Let him treat it first, and then send it to the human hospital."
I was lying on the ground, looking at them feebly. I wanted to praise that being with me was so majestic and exploding just now, but I can't say anything now. Even the last consciousness is slowly disappearing.
"The old witch is here, he is catching people on it, I will go find him." The companion wiped a tear, "Old zombie, you are here to guard them, don't let them hurt anymore!" The companion shook off with a whip The circle left the cave.
Wei Wuchang sat quietly next to us. At this time, several cats yelled from the cave: "Master?"
The black dog ran from a distance, and walked gently to me and Li Zhuzhu. It glanced at me. Obviously he had no concern for me, but he did care about Li Zhuzhu surprisingly. His eyes were moist. I got up, "Master, you are so stunned... You don't want to be against me (why are you doing this, don't scare me)."
Li Zhuzhu was lying on the ground and had no strength to answer his words. So the black dog stretched out his tongue, licked Li Zhuzhu's nose gently, and helped him with the gentleness he could imagine as a cat.
But what I didn’t expect was...
Li Zhuzhu, who didn't change how I kissed, suddenly opened his eyes and made a few strange "cooing" sounds in his body, and then " ", white smoke was in Li Zhuzhu The body exploded, and the cave suddenly became as ethereal as a fairyland.
After the white smoke dissipated, Li Zhaoyi suddenly became completely red
fruitfully changed back.
It turns out that the black dog is Li Zhaodi’s true love. Or, it turns out that only the pet's love for the owner is the true love that the receiving terminal thinks.
Think about it, too, such loyalty, trust, pure and unique love, it has been difficult for human beings to do it...
My brain was thinking about these things endlessly without my own control, and my heavy eyelids could no longer be opened.
I closed my eyes, and my ears were still receiving information around me.
"Ah! Master! Master!" The black dog jumped up and down to call to Li Zhaodi.
Wei Wuchang silently took off his jacket: "Here, clothes."
And Li Zhaoyi didn’t make a sound. I only felt a cold fingertip, which swam from my cheek to my back, and touched the purple blade that penetrated my back. I didn’t feel any pain anymore, because of the whole body. My pain is numb.
Soon, the body's touch is gone. The voice in my ears was also slowly disappearing. Before everything fell into silence, what I heard was Li Zhitong's voice that suppressed fear: "Su Xiaoxin...Don't sleep."
Sorry, Li Zhaozhan, sometimes I am a human being so weak that I can't even control my body.
I was completely plunged into darkness.
As if I had closed my eyes and sank into the water, I was floating aimlessly, not knowing who I was or where I was going, everything that I cared about in the past is no longer important at this time, my life , All the things that I think are meaningful and valuable at this time also become meaningless and worthless.
Death may be like this, wiping out all the pride of being a human being.
There is a force that you can't resist, making you the same as the soil and water of this world, but it is nourishment for the next organism.
It's amazing, I don't have any fear, I feel that I just returned to the original place.
Everything can be so silent, I feel at ease.
"Su Xiaoxin..."
A voice suddenly broke into the darkness. He didn't say anything, but these three words, like symbols like a spell, smashed into my chest like a thunder, and gave me a powerful heart resuscitation.
After this call, I heard my heart beating in the darkness.
Slow and powerful.
He was stubborn and stubbornly refusing to give up. He continued to beat, squeezing the blood, gushing from my heart, blood flowing through the blood vessels, my lungs began to undulate, and every organ in my body was desperate , Working desperately.
It was still dark, but the darkness was not silent. I heard the heart beat, the blood shuttled, the muscles were contracting, and the bones and hair made a soft noise.
It was like a magnificent symphony playing in my body, and all of this, in the end, only turned into a slight tremor of my eyelashes, and my eyelids opened slowly.
The daylight poured into my eyes.
The magnificent symphony disappeared, and the darkness disappeared.
I opened my eyes again and saw the world.
It was a quiet ward after the curtains were opened. No one was there. I heard the machine ticking, representing the sound of my heart beating.
I think I walked once on the edge of death, and then came back lucky enough.
With a " Da", the door of the ward opened.
Li's voice was lower than usual: "I asked Xiaoxin's parents to go back and rest. They have been looking after them for so many days. I'm afraid they can't stand it physically. You too, in order to grab a forest book, how much I haven't slept, I don't want Xiaoxin to wake up and you fall again."
"I'm not a human being." It was Li Zhaodi's voice. His voice was still so calm, "Is it better today than yesterday?"
"I hope it's better than yesterday, the doctor said, as long as I wake up..." Li accompanied me to my bedside, suddenly met my eyes, and then suddenly reddened her eyes, "Ah! Xiaoxin!" I was about to rush towards me, but was suddenly grasped by a hand behind me.
Li Zhitong grabbed Li Peipei's arm and walked around behind Li Peipei. He put on his gold-rimmed glasses again, still looking cold and unhappy. But when he met my eyes, his eyes, which had always despised people, opened slightly, as if surprised, and moved by some emotion.
I wanted to say hello to them, but I opened my mouth and realized that I was now wearing a respirator.
I took two deep breaths before curling up the corners of my mouth and looking at them with a smile: "Good morning." Although the voice is as soft as a mosquito, I know that they can hear--
"I'm so glad to have another sunny day with you."
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