Chapter 178: Salute to the continuation of human civilization!

"Oh, my God, you finally sent us thoughts. The "Supreme" has been received and is preparing for hyperspace jump. Thank you for your warning." Soon, Yu sent a response from the other side.
"No, please wait. General Wang De has something very important to give you. You take it and leave the human continent. The farther you go, the better."
Yu hurriedly said, a cute little face is also full of excitement and excitement at this time, you must know that she is talking to a former member of the space fleet and a former hero!
And most importantly, what Wang De wants to give them can be said to be the last inheritance of their human continent.
All the crystallization of science and technology, all the knowledge and technology, basically all are on the side of a small spacecraft on Wang De's side.
At present, the human continent has become a "pet" kept in captivity by the gods, and at present, human technology has basically been locked, and as time goes on, the human continent is bound to be destroyed.
"What? General Wang De? He... is his old man okay?" At this time, the voice on the "Supreme" began to tremble.
"Yeah." Soon, Yu retelled the general situation here to the other side, and the other side's reaction was also very intense, especially after hearing the name Wang De.
You must know that Wang De was once in the space army, it can be said to be very famous, and there are many people who have been trained by his men.
The fleet of human survivors who have been wandering outside the universe for hundreds of years thought that Wang De had already died with the landing of the gods.
As a result, not only was Wang De not dead, but he also initiated this wave of resistance and gave them all the technological crystallization of human civilization.
Tinder plan!
The fleet they wandered outside was the last fire surviving mankind.
"'Supreme', please be patient and listen to me. After the wire report, the slave has already mastered your position and sent more than 5,000 warships to your side.
Including 200 Titan-class battleships, 2,000 constant star battleships, 1,000 star destroyers, and countless other types of ships. You will leave as soon as you get your things. Don't have the slightest nostalgia! "Yu also said anxiously at this time.
"Miss Yu, I think we have encountered the enemy's first wave of reconnaissance squads. There are 20 ships in total. The war has been unavoidable..." The communication was suddenly interrupted at this moment.
"Call the "Supreme", call the "Supreme", please respond! Please respond!" Yu shouted anxiously at this time, but there was no response from the other party.
There was dead silence in the control room.
Suddenly, there was a sound of opening the door of the control room. Someone was coming in!
Yu raised his gun and got ready, aiming at the door of the control room, with a small face tightly taut.
The headquarters of the general headquarters is deep underground, the headquarters of the old space army of the human continent.
After the engineers' busy schedule, the hydrogen bombs and antimatter bombs have all been installed. At this time, the old space army headquarters was almost densely packed with various lines, as well as hydrogen bombs and antimatter bombs.
Wang De installed thousands of anti-matter bombs and tens of thousands of hydrogen bombs in this place.
The hydrogen bomb can quickly penetrate the entire human continent's crust, and the huge thrust generated by the annihilation of the anti-matter bomb can directly push that small spacecraft into space.
After the small spaceship flies into space, the micro engine mounted on it can continuously adjust the flight attitude, and the only fuel on it can make the small spaceship make the final deceleration movement.
This is the last small spaceship left on the human continent.
In the battle two hundred years ago, mankind had almost exhausted everything, and basically all spacecraft that could adapt to space battles were all sent to space.
In the end, until the space fleet was completely destroyed, the pinnacle of the gods descended on the human continent, and since that time, mankind has never set foot on the universe again.
This small spacecraft was the test machine at the time, that is, the No. 0 machine, which was prepared to adapt to the mobile combat in the universe.
The research goal of this small spacecraft is also for a so-called "wolf pack" tactic.
So after the first generation aircraft was developed, it was kept in Xinggang. Later, Wang De spent a lot of manpower and material resources and placed it in an underground hangar of the Old Space Force Command.
I never thought that after two hundred years, this first-generation machine that was sealed would come in handy like this.
This is a spacecraft like a fighter jet, with solid armor and force field shields on it, and an excellent cooling system is installed to adapt to the damage caused by the high temperature.
The weapons and equipment above, including some avionics, even seats and lighting, were all removed.
The purpose is to reduce the weight, to be able to load more things from the hometown, and to pass this small spacecraft as a kind of fire.
At this time, the small spaceship was fixed upside down in a small cave. Under the cave, a huge tunnel with a depth of 10,000 kilometers has been dug.
At the end of the tunnel, hydrogen bombs and anti-matter bombs have been installed, which can blow up the crust in an instant, and the thrust generated by the anti-matter bombs above the old space army command pushes the spacecraft forward.
"General Wang, please get on the spacecraft and leave this place immediately. Now our ground troops have been wiped out. It will be a matter of time before they invade underground here." At this time, a soldier rushed in from the door hurriedly and said breathlessly. With.
It can be seen that he has experienced a thrilling war on the ground.

That's right, no matter how powerful a 10,000-strong unit is, it can't fight a few group armies, let alone trump cards.
Being able to take down the headquarters of the human federation empire and then take down Tacheng Star Harbor is already a very outstanding record, and it can be said that the elites are not exaggerated.
However, two fists are hard to beat four hands. There are some things that you should not be able to beat or not.
"No, now the spacecraft is fully loaded, and there is no way to fit anyone. Even the navigation is automatically computerized." Wang De shook his head and said.
"No, General, you can put these things down and let the general up." At this time, two more soldiers opened the door of the small spaceship and threw a few famous paintings, some of the most cutting-edge crafts, and cultural relics. Down.
"What are you doing, put it back now!" Wang De's face suddenly became ugly, and he immediately directed them to put everything away.
"Now they are fire, and I am just one of the people in the vast sea of ​​people. How can He De let fire make concessions for me."
"In our eyes, these things are nothing ordinary, but if they are placed on their side who has been wandering in the universe for more than two hundred years, these are hometowns and misses!"
"With them, the human spirit can continue."
"Human nature is a necessity for the development and prosperity of human civilization, and animality is a necessity for the survival of human civilization, so neither of us can give up." Wang De looked at them with a serious face and said.
"Okay." The soldiers also sighed and put all these things back intact.
"Activate the bomb, we have no time." Wang De looked at the time on the watch and the prompt message. It was a message from Yu half a minute ago. She said that she had contacted the "Supreme" and the other party would rush to it. Receive at the target location.
"General Wang, are you really not leaving? I think they need you." A soldier also looked at Wang De and said with some dismay.
At this time, if you put down some things in that small spacecraft, you can sit on one more person, but you can only sit on one person.
The people they were there, even the resistance army fighting on it, had already set aside their lives for their lofty ideals.
Whatever their own hope of survival, what selfish shit, everyone will be ignited with blood in their hearts in such a passionate struggle, like moths fighting a fire.
This emotion is enough to conceal all selfishness in my heart.
Therefore, they will not kill each other, nor will they kill their teammates in order to fight for the so-called hope of survival.
They have a tragic feeling that no one else can understand. They are willing to dedicate their lives for the ideals and goals in their hearts.
And no matter what, Wang De was more qualified to board the spaceship to escape.
After all, if there was no Wang De, there would not be today's resistance army, nor would there be the fire that continues today's human civilization.
Therefore, Wang De was more qualified to get on the spacecraft to escape than they were in reason. But it was obvious that Wang De didn't mean that.
"No, they can survive that kind of treacherous battle. I don't need this bad old man anymore. I have fought for the human federation empire all my life.
Now even if I die, I will die in this land that I love. "Wang De shook his head and interrupted the soldier.
"Don't but, give me the detonation procedure." Wang De said to the soldier.
The warrior handed something like a grip to Wang De. It was not so much a grip as it was a sword hilt.
There are five buttons on it. In order to prevent accidental touches, 4 of them must be pressed in a specific order. As long as one is pressed incorrectly, all buttons will bounce.
Only after pressing the four buttons can the big button at the top be pressed, and it must be smashed down with force.
Soon, Wang De completed all the detonation procedures and pressed the largest button heavily.
"Comrades, salute to the continuation of human civilization, the hope of mankind!"
One second before the bomb detonated Wang De's old figure straightened up and looked at the small spaceship.
Even though the years have left too many marks on his body, at this time, he is more like a warrior full of wolfishness.
Everyone put down what they were holding, and paid a solemn military salute to the small spaceship.
Their tasks and missions have been completed, and the new missions must be completed by the predecessors in the universe.
Just like a baton, as long as there are people who are desperate for the continuation of human civilization, then humanity will never perish.
Two seconds later.
The hot air wave reached the old space army headquarters, and the entire headquarters, together with everyone inside, was vaporized in an instant.
That small spaceship, like a cluster of flames in the darkness, ignited the darkness.
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